Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 15

by Simone Leigh

  …. probably not…. more than one way to skin a cat though….

  From behind me comes James’ voice. “Raise your knees, Charlotte.”

  He’s settling between her legs, and as he presses his mouth to her sex, the vibration of her muscles, her thighs and her pelvis trembles up through me. She lies, quivering and twitching and whimpering under me, her body jerking as I take a nipple into my mouth, nibbling gently, teething at her and loving the way she shivers under me as I bite on the pebbled nub.

  Her breathing is breaking up, as she first pants, then gasps. Whatever James is doing behind me, her hips are juddering and quaking as she rides to wave to climax.

  She’s on the brink….

  …. let’s send you over the edge….

  I pinch hard at her nipples, rolling and squeezing with a finger and thumb on each. She jerks and bucks and behind me, James grunts….

  And she falls over the precipice….

  Twisting and writhing, but caged under me, she’s going nowhere. Looking back, James is gripping her tightly at the thighs. She’s all out of control, bucking and jerking, and I drop my weight down onto her, pinning her further. Pressed against her torso, her belly muscles pulse against mine. Her head is straining back and the noises she’s making are amazing….

  …. she looks fantastic….

  And she rides her orgasm….

  …. and rides it….

  …. until….

  “Stop. Stop. For God’s sake stop.” she yells. “I can’t take any more.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “That seemed to be a good one.”

  She nods, still breathing heavily under me as she descends from the clouds. She looks spaced out, slightly euphoric.

  James stands, looking smug.

  Now, where were we….?

  “Come on. Let’s finish that massage you were having.”

  She stares up at me, silent as I resume my work on her body.

  “I’ll go run the water,” says James. “I think a soak in the hot tub might be a good idea, yes?”

  “Sounds good to me,” I say.

  James throws on a robe and strides out, leaving me alone with Charlotte.

  A chance to talk with her….

  I work way up the length of her body. For the most part, she’s fine. I think she’s mainly just enjoying the very personal attention that a full massage entails. Seated beside her now on the bed, I take my measure of her through my hands….

  Clavicle… shoulders….

  Will she talk, if I try…?

  Let her defences down a little…?

  “Charlotte, I know you’re making a lot of money out of this. James told me how much he paid for you….” Her eyes meet mine, a touch of wariness returning. I take a deep breath. “I can see why he feels entitled to ask whatever he wants of you….”

  Her face is serious. “Yes, he is entitled, and I'll do my best to deliver; to do what I agreed to.”

  She doesn’t have to know I’ve seen the contract….

  “What exactly have you agreed to?”

  She looks away. “I agreed to anything asked of me that didn’t result in my permanent injury, for the period of one week.”

  “Anything? Really anything?”

  She nods, still not looking me in the face.

  “And you're okay with that?”

  “Yes. I went into this with my eyes open. And…. it's the honourable thing to do.”


  “That's…. an old-fashioned way of putting it.”

  She looks at me askance, her expression…. what? I’m not sure….

  “You think it's not right?” she says.

  No, you’re no Sub….

  “I think it's absolutely right. It just wasn’t what I expected to hear you say. But Charlotte, do you realise how dangerous that it could have been for you? ‘Anything’ is a helluva remit in the hands of the unscrupulous. You’re very lucky that it was James who won the bidding for you.”

  She nods again, still silent.

  “Did James tell you about some of the other men who were bidding? He knew some of them and he wasn’t going to let them near you. One of them is a brothel keeper down by the docks. James deliberately outbid him to keep him away from you. Did you know that?”

  Now she looks up at me, eyes wide. “No.” she whispers.


  Perhaps I shouldn’t have said anything….

  “Well, if he hasn’t told you himself, perhaps I shouldn’t have. I’m only here because he invited me…. but, Charlotte….” I take her face, cupping it in my hands, “Please tell me that after this week, you won’t do anything like this again….”

  Her eyes are glossy. “I only wanted to go to college. I didn’t know how else I could raise the money.”

  “I understand that. But you have the money now. Please tell me you won’t do this again. I….”

  I can’t bear to think about it….

  “…. I don’t like the idea of you putting yourself in danger this way.”

  She shakes her head. “I won’t” she whispers.

  “And if you’re looking for…. adventure…. a girl like you is going to have no problem getting a boyfriend, or even several boyfriends….”

  …or come back to us….

  …. come back to me….


  And another night passes.

  We share the bed, the three of us.

  Alternately, she lies in my arms, James ‘spooned’ to the back of her. Then she turns in her sleep, and he pulls in close, holding her tightly.

  Does she get much sleep? I’ve no idea. At the least, she must be very warm between the two of us.

  Tomorrow is our last day….

  We spend the day in the apartment, simply ordering in food and wine, and anything else we need.

  She watches old movies with me, lying in my arms on the couch, watching the antics of Marilyn Munroe, Fred Astaire and Vivien Leigh; sighing as Scarlett is swept into the arms of Rhett Butler

  James sits with us, not watching the flick, apparently reading but actually watching her all the while over the top of his book.

  …. Does he realise he’s doing it….?

  She wanders through to the kitchen for a lemonade, returning with a bottle and three glasses. James’ eyes follow her across the apartment until, as she’s putting down the tray, she realises that he is waiting for her attention.

  She watches James watching her, clearly trying to divine what it is he wants….

  She hesitates, then, slipping her robe from her shoulders, she drops, naked, to her knees before him. The movement is smooth and graceful and beautiful. Blushing, she kneels beside his outstretched legs, her head bowed.


  He’s fully dressed, but his head tilts and he almost smiles before sitting up to wrap his arms around her, reeling her in at the waist, and kissing her hard, forcefully. Then, standing, he lifts her bodily, walking her backward to press her against the wall, pinning her wrists over her head. As he does so, her eyes widen….

  …. Oh, but she loves that….

  He kisses her again, his mouth wide over hers. It's deeply sexual and utterly sensual, but there’s more than that….

  You've got it bad too.…

  Of a sudden he seems to remember himself, and pulls out of the kiss, stands away from her. Taking her by the shoulders, he turns her around, offering her to me.

  How can I say no? Standing, I walk across, stroke her cheek, comb my fingers through her hair.

  She’s looking up at me with those great green eyes, then, bowing her head, she falls once more to her knees, this time for me.

  Oh, Babe……

  Bending down, I take her under the arms and pull her upright. “You don’t have to kneel for me, Charlotte, but would you like to come into the bedroom?” Turning to the bedroom door, I wiggle my fingers at her in invitation. “It’s an invitation,” I say, “not an order.”

  She smiles
, her face lighting up….

  Oh, Jeez….

  …. and my cock sits up and begs….

  In the bedroom, she lies back, looking relaxed, knees slightly akimbo and watching me all the while as I undress.

  I want to lose myself in you….

  I resist my own arousal. I could simply straddle her face and shoot between those smiling lips right now, but I don’t want to. Kneeling between her legs, I stoop to kiss her sweet pussy and her clit, then slide up her body to kiss her breasts and then her mouth.

  I want to pleasure you….

  ….. I want to watch you smile and sigh and Come under me….

  My shaft, trembling hard, pressed against her entrance, I ease inside her….



  I follow them through to the bedroom, wanting to watch them together, to enjoy the show…

  …. to distract myself from what just happened….

  …. taken aback by my own reaction….

  When she dropped to her knees for me, it felt like real Submission, not simple obedience….

  …. Don’t fall for her, Man….

  …. Soon she’ll be gone….

  The two are on the bed together, enjoying each other; at least Michael is enjoying her, and she looks to be relishing every moment as he softly fucks her.

  But then I watch more closely. My cock’s twitching as I watch them, but I gradually realise that….

  You’re not just fucking her, are you….?

  He’s working for her, not himself….

  Revolving his hips, arching under and up, he thrusts, aiming at her g-spot with his cock….

  …Now that's not easy....

  …. and with each stroke, she moans and shudders….

  Michael withdraws, lies alongside her, an arm across her chest, one hand in a breast thumbing a nipple to hardness. As it puckers, he takes it in his mouth, but his expression is not what I’m accustomed to seeing. It’s easy to see when he‘s feeling horny, which in my experience of him is most of the time; but right now….

  …. he looks entranced.

  Women throw themselves at you, My Friend, and yet you fall for this one….

  How many women have I seen you with…?

  …. I’ve no idea. I lost count long ago….

  She's semi-facing him, doing all that he wants and enjoying herself, smiling brightly, but I see the difference. She is still being obedient to her contract….

  …. but you are making love to her….

  She’ll be gone soon. We have only one more day with her.

  …. And then what?

  What are the chances that we will ever see her again?

  What the Hell do I do about this?

  I didn’t think it was possible to break your heart….

  …. or mine?

  …. but perhaps it’s coming….

  Oh, Jade-Eyes….

  …. I want to have you. I want to share you. I want to spill in your mouth while you're being fucked at the other end. But I want your soul too.

  Can I have both?

  Can I have you at all?

  Tomorrow is our last day….



  With slow, measured strokes I stretch her inside with my cock, kissing her within….

  …. Tomorrow is our last day….

  It's a depressing thought and for a moment, I think I'm going to lose my erection. Then she moans under me as I roll a nipple between thumb and forefinger, suck on the other.

  Come for me, Babe….

  I move to mouth at the vee of her thighs. Her brilliant red curls are warm and damp, fragrant with her arousal and I drop to taste her sex, lapping at her, willing her orgasm.

  I aaahhh… warm breath over her and a shudder runs through her. She's such a joy to touch, so responsive….

  She’s close, trembling on the edge of climax, her pussy all but vibrating against my mouth.

  I suckle at her bud, small and hot and stiff between my lips. The tip of her clit is too sensitive and there is a tug at her hips as she tries to escape the overload, so I work the delicate area at the root of her clit, massaging it with my tongue tip, feeling her spasm and quiver as I hit her sweet spot and drink her spilling juices.

  And as I love her with my tongue, she whimpers her way into a beautiful shuddering orgasm. Clutching at the back of my head, fingers of both her hands biting into my scalp, she arches and strains, her hips rising under me….

  And now James is here. As her climax wanes, I roll to one side, breaking free of her gripping fingers. James takes her at the wrists….



  My fingers encircling her wrists, I pin her hands to the pillow over her head, holding her down. I’m learning that she loves that.

  And so do I….

  It's not about virginity. It's about connection…

  …. I've paid for you, but I haven't felt like this since.…

  …. Since when? I can't remember.

  …. When did a woman last touch me? Inside?

  And still, I can't remember. It must have been when I was with Marlene.

  …. I married her. I must have loved her at some point….

  …. but it’s so long ago….

  Then she moves under me, whimpering and straining against my grip on her, and my cock stiffens again. Her eyes flutter open for a moment, green and feral, meeting with mine, before closing tight once more. Surging into her, wallowing in the sounds she makes, the sheer vibrancy of her….

  You make me feel young again….

  …. tomorrow is our last day….

  Make the most of this....

  I fuck her hard, wringing moans from her with every thrust and enjoying the feel of stretching her open with every stroke.

  I wish I was better at the whole empathy thing….

  …. but that’s Michael’s forte….

  And trying to fight off the fear of an end to all things, I Make Love to my Jade-Eyed Beauty.

  The Story Continues In


  ‘Mastering the Virgin’

  Part Four


  Author: Simone Leigh



  Later, we lie together, the three of us, sated and relaxed; still naked from our love-making, but our sexuality now burning down to low embers in the shimmering candlelight and thousand reflections of James’ mirrored room.

  He having shared her with me, after almost a week of astounding sex, I lie beside this lovely creature, her warm breast to my face, my lips warming a nipple. James is all but draped across her, his head resting close by her face as he strokes her stomach and the other breast.

  Does he know he’s doing that?

  It just doesn’t seem like him.…

  “So, Charlotte,” he says, “it is our final day together tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Master. Our final day.”

  “I hope you have enjoyed our time together? No regrets?”

  She smiles, “No, Master. It’s been wonderful. You…. and Michael… have opened my eyes; changed my view of the world.”

  She sounds sincere and I laugh quietly as I kiss her breast, feeling warm inside.

  James smiles. “I can imagine. To have been through your miserable non-marriage…. I know it wasn’t your fault, but there must surely have been times when you questioned yourself?”

  She heaves a sigh, falls silent for a few seconds, then, “Yes, that’s true. There were times when I wondered if it was me. Was I so unattractive that my own husband wouldn’t…. or couldn’t…?”

  She can’t really believe that….?

  …. Surely there’s got to be something else…?

  …. But she has her right to anonymity…. I can’t ask….

  James seems equally startled by her comment. “No! Not true, Charlotte. Unattractive? You are beautiful. Truly beautiful. Do you seriously think I would have paid what I did if you w
eren’t? Girls in sore need of money are not that hard to find you know.”

  Ain’t that the truth….

  And I mumble an agreement through my mouthful of nipple.

  She sits upright, cross-legged on the bed, robbing me of my ‘snack’.

  “I suppose so, Master, but nonetheless, I mean every word I say. I’ve actually had a wonderful week and I do want to say thank you; to both of you….”

  …. Oh, Babe….

  I sit up next to her, hugging my knees. James blinks, swallowing hard. For the briefest of moments, he looks away, then exchanges a glance with me before turning back to her, his lips curving.

  …. I’ve never seen you smile like that before either….

  “…. My name’s not really Charlotte, you know.”

  …. is she going to tell us….?

  “Of course, I know,” he says.

  “I don’t mind telling you now, who I am. I know you’re a good man….”

  Her glance strays between us….

  “…. good men. I can trust you both. It’s….”

  James presses a finger to her lips.

  …. Fuck!

  “It doesn’t matter,” he says. “You’ll always be Charlotte to me. And, I think I can speak for Michael that he feels the same…”

  What do I say?

  …. There’s nothing I can say….

  I lean in to kiss her, meaning at first for it to be simply that, a kiss, but then….

  …. I want you….

  …. my hand curved into her hair, I pull her close, feeling her breath hitch as she responds to me….

  …. and I think you want me…. for this at least….

  Cupping a breast, I pull her back down to lie beside me, glancing over her shoulder to James.

  He nods acknowledgement, but soft-eyed, says, “I think I’ll sit this one out for now, but I will enjoy watching you two.”

  He fills his wine glass, then rolls back to lie to the other side of Charlotte, caressing the line of her waist to hip, but it’s a casual movement, with no real intent to it.

  Rouse for me….

  I pinch at her nipple. We have already seen that she responds to some pain, and although I don’t share James’ taste for delivering it, I want her response. I want…


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