Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 21

by Simone Leigh

  The wine is not chilled, but against her heated flesh, it probably feels very cold indeed. She howls and struggles, but of course, is going no-where. I can take my time enjoying her. Dipping my head, I tongue lightly at her clit, which tastes smoky-salty-sweet.

  “That gives a new meaning to coq-au-vin,” comments Michael.

  “The coq part will be delivered in due course….”

  And I fasten my mouth over her sex, tonguing her out and licking up the mix of wine and juices that coats her skin while she sings and yammers her ecstatic protest.

  Her clit is hard and erect; hardly surprising really, and I take a few moments to continue the winding circles that Michael started, this time using my tongue, all the time enjoying her….

  … her what….?

  …. caterwauling is not too strong a word….

  …. Hope these walls are soundproof….

  Her tension continues to rise, but I don’t want her to come yet. I back off, let her calm down a little, allow her arousal to recede a trifle….

  …. This is too much fun to cut short….

  “Charlotte….” Her great green eyes lock with mine…. “What do you think I have in my pocket?”

  Panting, she shakes her head slowly. “I’ll show you, shall I….”

  Deliberately lingering, I extract the egg I have ready and waiting…. “Michael, if you would….” He holds up a small set of controls, wagging his hand at her. “Michael will be controlling the vibrator, Charlotte, not me. He can decide how much power you would like or…. benefit…. from….”

  Michael stabs at the controls and the egg purrs into life…. “Low power….” he comments, jabbing at the buttons…. “Or high….” as the egg thrums and buzzes to a much higher setting.

  “I’ll just pop this in here, shall I.” As I press the vibe against her entrance, she yells. Michael drops the power back down and I glide it inside her. Again, her head presses back against the pillows, mouth open wide, but she seems to have lost the power of speech and only whimpers quietly.

  Experimentally, I press my palm flat against her belly muscles, feeling the vibration running through her, and her whimpering turns once more into a wail.

  “Very good, Charlotte,” I say. “We can move along again now.” For a moment her eyes blink open at me before she surrenders and simply collapses back.

  Michael stands, looking down at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling, the vibe controls still in his hand. And we both take a moment to admire our handiwork.

  Charlotte’s position is awkward, deliberately so of course, but she looks fantastic. Hands bound, arms tensioned over her head, ankles cuffed and stretched wide above her. Her skin gleaming and flushed, her cunt and clit are presented, open and glistening, blooming and swollen, her tight ass ready and waiting; of course, her glorious hair splashed around her in a chaos of red, off-setting her wild emerald eyes….

  ….and the whole of her quivering, strained and trembling.

  Michael raises brows at me in question. I shake my head. “In a minute,” I say quietly. I didn’t mean her to hear, but she catches my words, her eyes snapping to me.

  I forestall her by dropping open-mouthed over her sex, licking her from cunt to clit, swiping through her slick, winey-tasting folds with my tongue, tugging at her with my teeth. And as she cries out, I hear the buzz of the vibe increasing as Michael ups the power again.

  Her orgasm is coming. I can feel it in her. Keeping my mouth planted on her, I snap my fingers at Michael and he presses a small finger vibe into my hands, already switched on. It hums merrily as I swipe it through her pussy lips to lube it up, then press it home into her ass….

  My lips around her pussy, her succulent flesh simmers in my mouth, the circle of muscle trying to grip as I swipe through with my tongue. She’s not exactly screaming. The noise she makes is a long drawn-out continuous howl. My palms resting against her thighs I wait for the moment of tension, for when she freezes as orgasm is imminent….

  And as the moment comes, as she stills, poised, I withdraw, and the buzz of the two vibes ceases as Michael taps them off.

  Abruptly, the strain in her muscles vanishes as she collapses back against her restraints….

  She sucks in a long hiss.” Oh…. God…. Master…. Please….”

  “In a while, Charlotte. In a while…. I’m enjoying my wine.” And I trickle a little more over her vulva, then dip to lick it away again. And as she convulses, wrists and ankles jerking taut, the humming from inside her starts again, vibrating pleasantly against my lips as I mouth my way through her folds, enjoying the vintage.

  My palms still against her thighs, I gauge her again, take the measure of her reaction. Her climax is trying to bubble up again….

  …. Should I let her come yet…?

  “Michael,” I say, disengaging for a moment, “what do you think? Do we let her come yet?”

  “I don’t think so,” he says. “I’d rather like to cream over her face and tits when that happens. What about you?”

  “Me? I want my cock in her pussy.”

  “And leave the vibe in the back?”

  “Oh, I think so, yes. I’ll leave you in charge of that while I’m busy here. I’m going to enjoy this.”

  I kiss her bud and she trembles under me then, standing, I undress, her eyes following me all the while. And as I do so, Michael plays with her. His fingers on the vibe control all the while, he alternately winds up the power on one or other of the vibes, then winds it down, then up again, then off entirely. And with every change, she shudders and mewls.

  Naked, my cock at full mast, I kneel on the bed to look down on her, then hook the egg out of her pussy with a couple of fingers, feeling her clench around me as I do so. Threading my fingers through her hair, I stoop to kiss her on the lips, then supporting myself above her on my arms, slowly push my cock inside.

  I pause….

  …. I’m on a hair-trigger already, and I chew on my bottom lip to hang on….

  …. then, as I plumb her, begin to move once more, Michael turns up the vibe in her ass to full power.

  She shrieks and her cunt pulses around me….

  Oh, fuck!

  …. and, out of control, my climax takes me. Spurting into her, my cock full length into her throbbing pussy, I realise that she is also in climax. Juddering and grunting, I spill into hot vibrating flesh while my Jade screams under me.

  My climax fading, I’d like to collapse on top of her, nuzzle in close and hold her, but the vibe still echoes through us….

  “For fuck’s sake, Michael, turn the damn thing off….”

  He chuckles, but the power falls away and both Charlotte and I relax.

  As I lift myself away, she’s grinning up at me, her eyes brilliant with laughter. “Hoist on your own petard, Master?”

  “Be careful, Madam. The position you’re in, you could be hoisted yourself, and….” casting my eyes upwards to the roof beams, “…. I mean that literally.”

  I reclaim my wine, surrendering my giggling prize to Michael.

  He stops the giggling quickly enough, plunging in, thrusting hard a few times, making her yell again, before dropping to a slower tempo. Then sighing, he shudders and goes still.

  After a minute, he bends to kiss her, then reaches to the side to release her from the cuffs and ropes. I free her wrists and ankles at the other side and stiffly, she drops her limbs to lie quiescent on the bed….

  …. She’s struggling at the hips….

  “Charlotte, have we hurt you?”

  “No, Master. It was great.” she grins. “Thank you.”



  Later, when she has drifted into sleep again, “How does she know?” I ask.

  Brow furrowing, “Sorry? Know what?” asks James.

  “What it is that you want? Her kneeling for you like that…. You didn’t tell her to do it.”

  James looks down, apparently finding something of interest in his fingernails.r />

  …. By something sexual…?

  …. James???

  “That first day,” he begins, “I’d just bought her. They gave her to me naked, on a leash….”

  …. Sheesh…!

  “…. I was thinking about what you’d said to me, about abuse, and I took her to an ante-room, to talk with her. But I’d paid a lot of money, and I still wanted what I’d paid for…. I had her kneel for me there, told her that I had a fantasy of a beautiful young girl kneeling at my feet….”

  I collapse into laughter….

  He blushes crimson.

  I’ve never seen that before….

  “Alright, alright. I know it sounds like Princess Leia, Jabba the Hutt fantasy, but anyway, that’s when I told her….”

  “…. and evidently, she’s not forgotten it.…” I chortle. Then I sober up, thinking about what he just said. “They gave her to you naked? She was naked for the auction? When they were bidding for her?”

  “Not at first. When it started, she was fully dressed in normal street clothes, but half-way through the bidding, the auctioneer asked her if she was willing to undress to get her price up. She did it, but it…. wasn’t pleasant for her….”


  Early the following morning, we drive her to the rail station.

  James kisses her in avuncular fashion, on the forehead and cheek “See you in a few weeks.” he says. “I’ll look forward to it.”

  “Me too, Master.” she smiles, then turns to me.

  Oh, Babe, I’ll miss you….

  I can’t bring myself to do what James did. I hold her tight and close, kissing her on the lips….

  …. Don’t say it….

  I release her, forcing a smile onto my face. “See you soon, Charlotte.”

  …. Don’t say it….

  I try to force myself away from her, but find myself once more with my arms around her. I whisper close to her face. “Come back soon, Charlotte.”

  “I will. I will,” she says.

  I can’t let her go. I hold on, but sense a restlessness in her. Finally, I give in. “I love you, Charlotte.”

  She is silent, still….

  …. I shouldn’t have said it…

  I’m still holding her, but she pulls away from me, her smile brittle.

  “Bye, Guys.” she says, hesitates, then,” See you in a few weeks.” She waves, turns and walks into the station.

  I stare at the ground.

  James couldn’t have heard me, but he knows what I just said. His voice level, he says, “You really think that was a good idea?”

  I shake my head, still looking at the ground. “No. I shouldn’t have done it.”

  He rests a hand on my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get a drink.”

  The Story Continues In


  Also by Simone Leigh

  (Updated 10th December 2017)

  Bought by the Billionaire

  Book 1 - The Master’s Maid (Free Download)

  Book 2 - The Master's Contract (Free Download)

  Book 3 - The Master's Courtesan

  Book 4 - The Master's Desires

  Book 5 - The Master's Fantasies

  Book 6 - The Master's Obsession

  Book 7 - The Master's Sin

  Book 8 – The Master’s Heart

  Book 9 – The Master’s Rage

  Book 10 – The Master’s Revenge

  Book 11 - The Master’s Wife

  Book 12 – The Master’s Wife’s Birthday

  Bought by the Billionaire Box Set

  Bought by the Billionaire. Box Set One. Books 1-6 (Free Download)

  Bought by the Billionaire Box Set Two. Books 7-10

  Buying the Virgin

  Book 1 - The Virgin - Auctioned (Free Download)

  Book 2 - The Virgin - Sold

  Book 3 - The Virgin - No More

  Book 4 - The Virgin - Unleashed

  Book 5 - The Virgin – Fulfilled

  Book 6 - The Virgin’s Holiday

  Book 7 – The Virgin’s Christmas (Free Download)

  Book 8 - The Virgin’s Valentines

  Book 9 - The Virgin’s Master

  Book 10 - The Virgin’s Lover

  Book 11 – The Virgin’s Fantasies

  Book 12 – The Virgin’s Choices

  Book 13 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part One (Free Download)

  Book 14 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Two

  Book 15 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Three

  Book 16 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Four

  Book 17 – The Virgin and The Masters – Part One (Free Download)

  Book 18 – The Virgin and the Masters – Part Two

  Book 19 – The Virgin and the Masters – Part Three

  Book 20 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Four

  Book 21 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Five

  Book 22 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Six

  Book 23 – The Virgin’s Wedding

  Book 24 – The Virgin’s Real Christmas

  Buying the Virgin – Box Sets

  Buying the Virgin - Box Set One - Books 1-5 (Free Download)

  Buying the Virgin - Box Set Two – Books 6-12

  Buying the Virgin – Box Set Three – Books 13-16

  Buying the Virgin – Box Set Four – Books 17 - 22

  Kirstie’s Tale

  A Dream of White Horses (Free Download)

  An Illusion of Happiness

  The Gathering of Storm Clouds

  A Conspiracy of Ravens

  Kirstie’s Tale Box Set – Books 1 - 4

  Mastering the Virgin

  Part 1 – Friends

  Part 2 – Partners

  Part 3 – Allies

  Part 4 – Comrades

  Part 5 – Rivals

  Part 6 – Lovers

  Part 7 – Masters (Coming Soon)

  Mastering the Virgin – Box Set One (Books 1 -4)

  Submissive to Her Master

  Book 1 - Enslaved

  Book 2 – Enthralled

  Book 3 - Entranced

  Book 4 – Enticed

  Submissive to Her Master Box Set Books 1-4

  Call of the Wild

  Book 1 – Freedom

  Book 2 – Thralldom

  Book 3 - Retribution

  Book 4 – Revelation

  Book 5 – Redemption

  Call of the Wild Box Set Books 1-5

  Tales of Blood and Darkness

  Red as Blood

  White as Bone

  Single Shot Espresso

  Love by the Waters (Free Download) (Sign Up to Our Newsletter for Access)


  Hearts of Fire. Poems of Love, Romance and Erotica

  Duo – Two Short Stories

  Free Resource

  ‘Buying the Virgin’

  Timeline Infographic

  ‘Buying the Virgin’ started out as a bit of fun erotica. My original intention was to write a series of five short stories that would give readers a 30 minute ‘helping’ of erotica over a cup of coffee.

  But the story has grown in the telling. With four Box Sets out with more to come, side stories, extra characters and…. well…. Spoilers…. Lol!

  So far, the tale is up to around 300,000 words and is still growing.

  So, for those of you who would like to check in what order to read the books, I have an infographic for you. I update it regularly, and at some point, when I get my ‘tech-head’ screwed on, I’ll produce an improved version with the book links built in.

  Hope it helps ??

  Free Download

  ‘Red as Blood’

  Book One of ‘Tales of Blood and Darkness.’

  Little Red Riding Hood?

  Belle is eighteen and should be a woman. Terrified that she may be barren and have no future, she confides in her Grandmother.

  But as the moon waxes full, she learns that her family has a secret....

/>   Darkly erotic re-telling of an old fairy tale.

  Want to Read Where It All Started?

  Free Download

  “Buying the Virgin. Box Set One”

  She Auctioned Herself and Her Virginity

  The penniless Charlotte dreams of a bright future, but she has nothing to sell but herself and her virginity. She chooses to auction both to the highest bidder.

  What will happen when her owner takes her away?

  Who is Richard Haswell?

  Free Download

  “Bought by the Billionaire. Box Set One”

  Elizabeth is a student working in a dead-end hotel job to makes ends meet, but dreaming of a better life. When she foolishly decides to shower in the penthouse bathroom of one of the hotel guests, it has consequences she did not expect.

  The Master Series is a tale of Cinderella Erotic Romance, a Billionaire, Alpha Male Master, a submissive woman, BDSM and bondage.

  Free Download


  Book One of ‘Submissive to Her Master.’

  Dying of Boredom?

  What has She to Live for?

  Martha is jaded with life to the point of suicide. About to end it all, she encounters a stranger who takes her on a wild ride of passion, convincing her that she has something to live for.

  ‘Submissive to Her Master’ is a story of Master and Slave, BDSM erotica.

  Free Download


  Book One of ‘Call of the Wild.’

  A Perfect Life?

  Anna is a writer, making her living on the move and living her life as free as a bird.

  She seems to have complete freedom and a perfect life. But is everything as it appears?


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