Collision Control

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Collision Control Page 19

by C. A. Szarek

  Jared sighed. There was no need to push him, but he couldn’t help the sentence that fell out of his mouth. “You’re not over it. And you are not the choices you’ve made.”

  “Just drop it,” Joe growled.

  He tilted his head against the living room wall. “Okay. Okay. Do me a favor?” Jared asked.


  “When you wanna talk, gimme a call. No judgment. You’re my brother, and I love ya.”

  Silence greeted his ears for the third time, but when he met Joe’s eyes again, his brother’s lips were curved up.

  “I’m so damn sorry about your friends, Joe.”

  The smile fell off, but he nodded. “Carter killed them. That little fucker.”

  “Yeah, that’s what the FBI thinks, too. I need to convince Carrigan he killed Murray, too.”

  Joe sighed, and helplessness darted across his face.

  “We’ll get him, big brother. I promise.”

  “Now I hope he bleeds to death.”

  Jared hadn’t told him all the details to the case, but he had told Joe about the car with Bennett’s blood in it.

  “Hey, if Rick and Mack are dead, where’s Rowdy?” Joe asked.

  “Eric Vargas?”

  His brother nodded.

  “Haven’t found him. We don’t know if he’s dead, or took off—with or without Bennett. Are you sure no one was with him at the trailer?”

  Joe nodded. “I’m sure. Even outside, it was just Carter. God. Bran.” His brother’s Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed and he closed his eyes.

  “I’m sorry for the reminders of that night.”

  “I loved her,” his brother blurted. He grabbed the cross around his neck with white knuckles.

  Ah, she gave it to him. Joe didn’t have to say it.

  Jared snapped his mouth shut. It was the first time Joe had spoken of the dead girl since the night he’d mentioned the TV show she’d liked to watch. “I knew ya’ll were together.”

  His brother shook his head. “We weren’t.” Undisguised pain made Joe’s dark eyes shiny. “I fucked that up, too.”

  So Brandelyn Willis is the ‘her’ from earlier.

  When Joe launched into the story of his heartache, Jared listened.

  Unlike childhood trauma, his brother seemed to need to talk about the woman he loved. But with every sentence, the more fragile his tough older brother became. The more Joe started to fall apart.

  “You have a woman,” Joe croaked. He gripped Jared’s forearm tight, his eyes imploring.

  “Yeah. She’s great. Her name’s Melody. Mel.” He felt himself smiling.

  “Don’t fuck it up, J-man. Hold onto her.”


  He needed to see her.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Her eyes were frantic when she whipped the door open, and she clutched the short robe to her neck when a gust of wind blew by.

  Jared shivered, but it had little to do with the weather. He clenched his jaw to keep emotion at bay.

  “Jared. What—?”

  He wanted to push her back into her small house and grab her up. Take her mouth, then take her, but he dug for manners. “Can I come in?”

  She backed up, nodding. “Jared, what’s wrong?”

  He couldn’t answer. Just kicked the door shut and walked toward her in the living room.

  Mel’s robe stopped mid-thigh. He tried not to stare, or imagine what she was wearing beneath it. He knew from their phone sex sessions it wasn’t much.

  Jared needed to hold her. Kiss her. Remind himself she was real. She was in his life.

  Seeing Joe so broken over everything—childhood trauma that should never have happened. His friends being murdered. Losing the woman he loved.

  It was affecting Jared’s ability to deal with what was being thrown at him.

  But nothing had rocked him to his core more than his brother’s imploring dark eyes and urging to hold Mel to him. To not lose her.

  Joe had given him his blessing to go to Mel.

  As a matter of fact, he’d told Jared he needed some alone time after all the revelations.

  With his frantic urge to get to Mel, Jared hadn’t even made sure Joe was really okay.

  Yeah, he’s not. He’s not gonna be okay for a long time.

  His brother had practically pushed him out the door, and Jared had run down the street to get his truck from the park.

  He couldn’t seem to make his mind or his words work. Jared grabbed her wrist and drew her into his arms. He needed her against his chest. Needed to feel her body, her warmth.

  She didn’t fight him. Mel’s arms shot around his middle and he pulled her closer.

  He closed his eyes and rested his cheek against the top of her head.

  “You’re so cold.”

  Yeah, he’d accidently left his leather jacket at the safe house. But he couldn’t tell her that. “I’m good. Now that I have you in my arms, I’m good.” His words were thick, broken.

  One lamp lit the room. The place was charming, homey. Totally Mel. Simple décor. Comfortable-looking overstuffed couch, loveseat and recliner, both dark blue. Nice sized TV. The room was set up for conversation, the small fireplace it’s focus, and not her entertainment center.

  Worry creased her brow when she lifted her head and met his eyes. “What’s wrong, Jared? I’ve never seen you like this. You’re shaking.”

  “I just—”

  “Did something happen tonight? After we talked?”

  He couldn’t talk to her about his case. His brother. “Work,” he croaked.

  Understanding softened her features and she squeezed her arms around him. “Okay. You can’t tell me. It’s okay. I get it.”

  “I broke the rules,” Jared whispered, shattering the silence that had descended.

  “What? Like the law?”

  “Me and you. You wanted slow. I showed up here, I’m sorry, baby.”

  Mel offered a soft smile. “It’s okay.”

  “I just…needed you.”

  “I’m glad you came. I’m glad you’re all right.” She rested her hand against his cheek. Her thumb moved back and forth against his stubble, and the light caress shot a tremor down his spine.

  Jared groaned, turning his face to press a kiss into her palm. “I need you,” he repeated.

  Her crystal blue eyes widened, but she met his lips when he dipped his head down to take her mouth. When she wrapped her arms around his neck, Jared deepened their kiss. He was already hard, his zipper biting into his cock.

  Mel moaned and his balls tingled.

  “I want you,” he said into the kiss.

  She shivered, breaking the seal of their mouths. Stared up at him.

  “I’m sorry,” Jared croaked. “Damn, I’m pushing you.” He released her with one last caress to her flushed cheek. “I promised you slow, so, I’ll just go. God, I’m sorry.”

  Mel lowered her lashes. “Jared.” She reached for his hand, and he let her take it, entwine their fingers. “I don’t want you to go. I want to be with you.”

  He froze. His mouth was dry and a shiver racked his frame.

  She tugged on his hand when he failed to speak.

  “Baby—” Words dissolved when she finally met his gaze again.

  “I’m ready. I don’t want to wait. Phone sex isn’t cutting it.” A smile played at her lips.

  Jared smirked.

  Mel came back to him, standing tiptoed to press her mouth to his.

  He moaned and plastered her to his chest, kissing her until neither of them could breathe.

  They stumbled to her bedroom, neither able to stop their lip-lock for longer than two seconds.

  Discarding clothing was a blur, and Jared panted her name when she was naked in his arms. They stood next to her bed. Her curves hit him in all the right places. Her full breasts flat against his pecs, her pelvis flush to his. His cock was pleasantly trapped against her warm flesh. It pounded, demanding Jared push her back on
to the bed and get inside her.

  He met her lips when she tilted her face up with another invitation, and he melded their tongues, tasting her while she plundered his mouth.

  Jared broke the kiss only because he needed to breathe. Mel’s hands were all over his back and ass, and his blood was already boiling. “Baby, let me look at you.”

  Mel’s cheeks went crimson. She shook her head, snuggling even closer.

  He chuckled, but she whimpered, and it wasn’t in pleasure.

  Jared lowered himself onto the edge of her bed and looked up at her, but she wouldn’t meet his gaze. Her face was turned to one side, her eyes squeezed shut.

  His stomach flipped and he grabbed her hands. Tugged when she still made no move to look at him.

  “Mel, what’s wrong?”

  She muttered something that sounded like “No alcohol” under her breath.


  Mel swung her head toward him. She opened her eyes but cast her gaze upward. Her teeth were biting into her plump, kiss-swollen bottom lip.

  Jared tried to pull her down to him, but she straightened her back. Wouldn’t come to him. “Mel.”

  When those pale blue eyes finally met his, they were shiny with tears.

  His heart stuttered.


  “What, baby?” Jared whispered. She was upset about something, and not knowing was about to kill him. His gut tightened.

  Mel looked at his naked body and she shuddered, shoulders shaking. But she didn’t look away from him—thank God.

  “Talk to me, Mel. Please.”

  “You…” She pulled one of her hands free and motioned to his body then her own. “Me…fat.” The last word was so low he almost missed it.

  Alarm rolled over Jared.

  She thought she was fat?


  Hell. No.

  His woman was not about to feel that way about herself.

  “Melody Renee Nash.”

  Her eyes snapped to his face when he said her full name.

  “Damn good thing I’m not into spanking.”

  Mel startled, as if that was the last thing she thought he’d say.

  Jared plastered kisses all over her knuckles, until she offered a small smile. “Look at me.”

  It took a moment to get her to meet his gaze again.

  “I need you to look right here”—he gestured to his eyes—“when I say this. Because I mean every word.” He paused to make sure she wouldn’t look away. “You. Are. Gorgeous. With or without clothes on. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Definitely the best one I’ve ever been with.”

  Mel scoffed. Rolled her eyes.

  Jared squeezed her hands. “So, you don’t believe me. Looks like I have to show you.”

  She yelped when he yanked her forward. Mel scrambled for a grab on his shoulders so she wouldn’t fall into him, but Jared wouldn’t have given a damn if she had. He would have caught her.

  He dragged his fingers down her shoulders, across her collarbone, and cupped her perfect breasts. Jared teased her nipples with his thumbs until hard peaks pushed back. He groaned, because he wanted to taste her, but he needed to make her understand first. “This part right here is fantastic.” He pressed a kiss in the valley between her breasts.

  “Then this here, I can’t get enough of.” He laid a row of kisses down her belly until she squirmed. “Then there’s here.” Jared lightly gripped her waist, kissing his way across from one hipbone to the other.

  Jared caressed her thighs, whispering praises between wet kisses.

  Mel wiggled but didn’t pull away from him.


  He cupped her ass, turning her to the side to kiss one cheek then the other. “Here, too, I love. Flawless.”

  Mel’s legs wobbled, but Jared held her up. Turned her to face him again.

  A deep blush lit her cheeks. Made her look innocent.


  He flashed her a smile. “But here’s the sweet part.” Jared pressed his lips into her lower belly, right above her sex.

  She moaned his name.

  “I love the way your skin tastes. I love making you whimper and moan. I love making you scream. I love everything about your body, Melody Nash.”

  Mel wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him in answer and pushing Jared down onto the bed.

  He chuckled against her mouth and pulled her on top of him. “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.”

  She smiled. Finally showing him the expression he craved.

  Jared rolled them over, rising above her. “Don’t stop smiling, baby. Just one more thing about you I adore.”

  Her eyes went misty again but he made her moan when he slipped his hand between their bodies and stroked her already slick folds.

  “No crying, unless you’re screaming my name when you come.”

  Mel swallowed and he kissed her throat.

  Jared teased her swollen clit and had to bite back a groan. She was so wet, so ready for him.

  He’d missed this, missed her.

  Their night together had been too long ago.

  Phone sex definitely doesn’t cut it.

  Her intimate skin was silky under his moving fingertips. She writhed against him, her thigh grinding into his cock, but the friction wasn’t enough. More torture than pleasure.

  “I need you, Mel. I need inside you.”

  She moaned in response. Her eyes were closed, her head back on her pillow. The thick waves of her light brown hair were spread out, covering the floral printed case. Pale cheeks flushed pink, she panted under him.

  It made Jared crave more.

  He found her mouth again, pressing her down into the bed. Mel was right with him, kissing him back hard. Their tongues dueled and danced.

  Jared rocked against her, finding a rhythm. She moved with him, under him, mimicking the sex act, but all it did was make him burn even more.

  When he couldn’t take being separated from her one second longer, he guided his cock to her center, thrusting forward to fill her with one long stroke.

  Mel gasped and gripped his biceps with both hands.

  He stilled. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head and lifted her hips, rubbing her pelvis into his. He fell even deeper into her and Jared moaned.

  “God, you feel good. Tight. Hot.”


  She felt too-good as her sex hugged his dick. He thrust forward gently then froze. Intense pleasure rolled over him, shooting a tremor down his spine. His balls shook.

  He felt Mel completely.

  “Shit,” Jared groaned. “No condom. Wait, baby.” He started to ease back, pull out of her.

  Mel’s legs shot around his waist, stopping him. “I’m on birth control. It’s okay.” Their gazes collided.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I…I…want to be with you like this.”

  Jared’s heart skipped.

  She trusts me.

  Words tumbled out of his mouth. “I usually don’t…I always use one…I…”

  “I know. It’s okay. I promise. I want you like this. Nothing between us, Jared.”

  His name on her lips made him even hotter, if it was possible.

  They stared at each other in silence, their bodies connected. Mel reached for him, settling her hand at the back of his neck.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered. “Be with me.” She lunged upward.

  Jared’s spine tingled. He needed to move. Now. “Oh, God.” His exclamation was lost against her lips as their mouths fused.

  He propelled forward over and over, driving into her as deeply as he could go, but it wasn’t like the frantic movements of the first time they’d been together.

  They stared at each other between kisses.

  Meaning was in those heavy-lidded blue eyes as she gazed up at him.

  His heart kicked into overdrive and it wasn’t because of his pistoning hips. When Mel pressed her lips to his and he tasted her
again, feelings slammed into Jared. His body flushed, despite the sweat covering his back and shoulders.

  He wanted her, burned for her, even when in the midst of having her.

  Touches, kisses, looks they exchanged.

  Not enough.

  It’d never be enough.

  Emotions rolled over him.

  I love her.

  After a few dates and a two super-hot phone sex sessions?


  This wasn’t just lust.

  He loved her. Completely.

  Maybe there’d never been a choice. It’d started that first night at McAuley’s.

  “Mel…” His whisper was sucked into her mouth when she kissed him again. It rocked him as much as his cock moving in and out of her.

  She arched into his chest, her breasts going flat as her body stiffened in his arms. Mel panted beneath him and called his name as her sex clenched his, her muscles contracting and releasing in waves.

  Pleasure made his head spin and his spine tighten. Jared threw his head back as his cock spasmed and kicked inside her, shooting his release deep. Orgasm stole coherent thought.

  Mel nestled her body closer, her arms and legs wrapped around him. Finally her shoulders relaxed into the bed and he collapsed with her, their bodies still joined.

  She kissed him, and it melted into something deep and languorous, their tongues dancing in time with the lazy caresses Mel was spreading over his shoulders and back.

  “Stay with me.” She pushed the words into his lips and Jared shivered.

  “You couldn’t make me leave. Even at gunpoint.”

  Mel smiled up at him and his heart fluttered.

  Damn, he wanted to tell her he loved her.

  Jared couldn’t say the words.

  I love you would sure as hell blow the slow rule out of the water.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mel sighed and burrowed deeper into the warmth of her bed. She wasn’t overheated—which was odd.

  She drifted in and out of sleep, having very vivid dreams of big, hot hands touching her all over.

  Okay, overheated maybe. But for good reason.

  What a nice dream.

  A toilet flushing had her shooting up in bed. Like an alarm clock.

  She blinked and tensed.


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