Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VI: Taking the Show on the Road

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VI: Taking the Show on the Road Page 8

by Stuart Grosse

  Sub-Class Benefits


  +20% with Social Skills

  +20% Charm Resistance

  +20 HP per Level


  New Spells added!

  Level 20: Shield of Charisma – Add CHA to Defense when wearing Light armor or No armor.

  Level 40: Binding Words – Charm Spells cost 50% less, last twice as long.

  Profession Benefits

  Slave Trainer

  Gain skills, proficiencies, recipes.

  +10% to Training

  +15% to Whips

  Level 10: Obedience Training – Slaves under your command are more obedient, and better at following orders. Slaves are +5% to actions while following orders.

  Level 20: Slaver’s Mark – Slaves branded with your mark sell for 10% more.

  Level 30: Breaker – Attempts to break a troublesome slave’s resistance +10%.

  Level 40: Tracer – Concentration allows one to know direction and distance to any slave branded with your Mark, so long as they are on the same plane.

  Level 50: Skill Trainer – Able to teach any skill he knows to slaves under his command.


  Able Learner

  Silver-Tongued Devil

  Artisan Soul


  Strength Focus

  Dexterity Focus

  Constitution Focus

  Intelligence Focus

  Wisdom Focus

  Charisma Focus

  Luck Focus

  Soulforged Weapon (x2)

  Feudal Lord


  Blessed Lover

  Infernal Charisma



  Midnight – Hellsteed Mare

  Kylana – Hellion Female


  Della Smith – High Human Female

  Severa Rex – Shadeling (Human) Female

  Kiyabu Yukiko – Ninetails (Kitsune) Female

  Athtar Keystina – Elf Male

  Nithroel Crana – Dark Scion (Half-Celestial Elf) Female

  Vashti Erxidor – Drow Female

  Enania Xyrzumin – Drow Female

  Ratha Yelris – Drow Female

  Jastra Qijeon – Drow Female

  Ayla Inasys – Drow Female

  Arnarra Enfiel – Drow Female

  Ahrendue Urineiros – Drow Female

  Arlyana Dorrieth – Drow Female

  Iefyr Gilcene – Drow Female

  Nimronyn Oriwenys – Drow Female

  Glarald Phimys – Drow Male

  Ninleyn Zumfiel – Drow Male

  Riniya Xilwenys – Drow Female

  Thaola Daera – Drow Female

  Allisa Omahorn – Drow Female

  Sharia Fenhana – Drow Female

  Jastra Sylrya – Drow Female

  Hamalitia Dacan – Drow Female

  Lierin Wranfiel – Drow Female

  Alays Elkaalyn – Drow Female

  Zalerria Glynnan – Drow Female

  Ysmyldria Bidi – Drow Female

  Lyeecia Umeberos – Drow Female

  Joseph Parker – Human Male

  Godwin Janner – Human Male

  Ivette Cheddar – Human Female

  Emmit Clarke – Human Male

  Eta Landrie – Human Female

  Fogneck Oakfury – Dwarf Male

  Gisaena Flaskview – Dwarf Female

  Zephara Void – Corrupted Human Female

  Black Eyed Shyrl – High Elf Female


  Shagar Bloodthistle – Orc Female

  Iqnora the Red – High Elf Female

  When we had all rested, we made our way back out through the dungeon, and I found the ghost dwarves standing side by side in the entrance hall, looking stunned. Folgrun laughed, and said, “Told ye they’d do it!”

  The Warden just grunted, but said, “And the sinners who went before you?”

  I shrugged, and said, “Off to wherever a dwarf cast out from Moradin’s gaze goes when they die without atoning for their deeds. Though the curse was Moradin’s punishment for their sins, the one they betrayed wished for her own vengeance, and tasked us with hunting them down to make sure they did not get the chance to regain Moradin’s favor.”

  Folgrun simply nodded. “And let that be a lesson to ye, boy. You’ve got a nice selection of ladies around you, but don’t be thinking those collars will save you if you do them wrong. Women are scarier than dragons!”

  I laughed, and nodded wholeheartedly to the forgemaster, which got a smack to the back of my head from Della, who said, “This one likes to make pretty words with lady dragons, too. I don’t know what he’d get up to if he didn’t have us to keep him in line.” This got a general round of laughter from everyone.

  After a bit more small talk, the dwarves had one of the skeletons give us a letter, which we could take to the Smith’s Guild in Thol Darum for an introduction to the Hammerhold Clan. We thanked them, and then watched as they (and the remaining skeletons) disappeared, going on to their well-deserved rest.

  Once we rejoined Kylana by the wagon (and saw several craters where apparently very heavy objects had fallen on hapless undead), I turned to everyone, and said, “Well, now our business is completed here. The Blight should go away over time, so let us be off. Blacklake awaits, and beyond that, the lands of the Orcs and other such races. Gadriel, now that we have dealt with the undead, I would have you go to my lands in the Wyrmwood, and help by being the primary Healer for the castle and village there. We won’t grow stronger if we rely on your presence all the time, and we definitely need to gain in strength.” Gadriel looked like she had mixed emotions about this, but nodded, and passed through the portal to Lithaes.

  With that settled, everyone mounted up, and we set off for Blacklake. With the slavers gone, and most of the undead confined to what would be a steadily shrinking patch of Blight, the rest of the trip was fairly mundane. A few monsters, but nothing near our level. Oh, I had some fun with Kylana to make up for her having to miss the dungeon, and we all pretended we didn’t notice Hrozne and Kamla slipping off behind the wagon for some ‘fun’. Those two were cute, holding out as long as they did together. But watching me and the harem all the time would wear on anyone’s control.

  The city of Blacklake was one of the more prosperous in the kingdom, thanks to the trade between Ograin and the Horde Tribeslands. The troubles in Duskhaven meant that there had been fewer people coming down the highway from the capitol until recently, but enough trade still passed through to the rest of Ograin (and to the Wyrmwood beyond) that Blacklake didn’t suffer too badly.

  At any rate, our first stop was the local chapter of the Slaver’s Guild, so I could turn in the quest we’d gotten to deal with the rogue fools. They were a little upset that I kept all the captured slaves for my own use, but nothing in the quest talked about turning the stock over to the guild or setting them free. I got paid 200 GP for the quest, and received a notification.

  Profession Quest Available

  Conditions met for Profession upgrade quest:

  Own over 40 slaves

  Have slaves from at least 4 races

  Reputation with Slaver’s Guild at least Respected

  Upgrade from ‘Slave Trainer’ to ‘Slave Master’ available.

  Accept quest? Yes / No

  Naturally, I selected Yes.

  New Quest Added!

  To Become a Master

  There is a difference between a simple owner or trainer of slaves, and a true Master. Those who do not know this difference think mere ownership is all that matters. A true Master knows that he must care for his slaves, for healthy, happy slaves are productive slaves, less prone to ‘accidents’ or ‘misunderstanding’ orders at inconvenient times. Whether they are a general laborer, a combat slave, or a harem girl, all slaves have needs and desires. Prove that you have the necessary talents to be a Master instead of a mere Trainer.



  Satisfy the secret desire of Jastra Sylrya, your stewardess.


  Compel Jastra Sylrya to tell you her desires.


  Slave Master profession upgrade.

  Increased Reputation with Slaver’s Guild.


  Reduced Reputation with Slaver’s Guild

  Hoh. That was interesting. I would have to go and see about the drowess’s needs when I returned to Lithaes. Fortunately, I had some time to figure out how I would get her secrets from her without compulsion.

  Luna Quinn

  High Human Female

  Level 80 Spymaster (Rogue) / Slave Trader (Merchant)

  Titles: Deceptive, Silver Tongued, Chainmaker, Desired

  I was about to leave the Slaver’s Guild when the local guild leader stopped me. It was rare to see a female slaver, especially one as a leader of the local guild, but Mistress Luna, as she was called, was apparently a canny businesswoman, among other things.

  “Ah, good, I was hoping to catch you before you left, Sir Darkmore. Would you be interested in a bit of a proposition? Certain types of slaves come along so rarely, or are so highly prized that keeping up with demand can be troublesome, as I’m sure you can imagine. So, we keep a certain amount of stock back for the purpose of breeding. Much less trouble to simply breed certain types than going into, shall we say, very hostile territory. News of your *ahem* exploits have spread and I was wondering if you might help us out a bit.”

  I chuckled, and said, “Well, let us say that you’ve got my attention now. What would you ask of me?”

  “Well, as you may know, there is a rather large market for pureblood Incubi and Succubi, given their… talents. Unfortunately, these purebloods only come about in a union with a succubus or incubus and another of their kind, or with a demon. Demon summoning is understandably frowned upon in the kingdom, and having the holy orders become too interested with the workings of the Guild is not something we wish for.”

  “So, since an incubus just happened to come through town, you’d like me to breed a couple of your girls, to start raising the next generation?”

  “Exactly! Obviously, there is compensation, beyond the act itself. The Guild sets aside a small stipend for such ‘services’ when they are rendered. We have five pure succubi in stock, and would be willing to pay you fifty gold per ‘service’.”

  “Well, how can I say no to that? One change, though. You keep the money, and give me an hour of your time when I’m done ‘servicing’ your stock. What do you say?”

  “Ha! Oh, you are just as cocky as all your kind. But it has been a while since I got a good incubus in the sack. They tend to get gobbled up quickly when they come across the block, mostly lonely housewives and widows, and they don’t typically want to share. Fine, come seek me in my office when you’re done.”

  Chapter 71 – Wild Oats

  Visiting the ‘breeding stock’ was as simple as heading into a back room, where the staff provided a private room with a simple, but comfortable bed, and some basic refreshments. Before heading back, I gave the girls some money so they could replenish our supplies, and enjoy themselves for a bit. I told them I’d meet them at the local Adventurer’s Guild office, so we could pick up more quests before heading into the Tribeslands. They seemed to find the fact that someone wanted to use me as a stud horse amusing, and went off in good humor.

  The five succubi who were brought into the room were in less good humor. Seems that the offered ‘compensation’ for breeding them only applied to incubi or guild members. However, there were plenty of rich merchants who would pay to sample the goods, as it were. So they were less than pleased to see me, but since they’d been ordered to obey my commands, they stripped so I could enjoy the view. I did enjoy seeing their expressions when I stripped as well. One of them actually whimpered.

  I was going to enjoy this.

  Two hours later, thanks to using my magic on myself, the last of the women was laying back on the bed as I got dressed, my seed leaking from between her legs. Just to make sure, I had used Fruitful Passion on each of them. The other women were mostly recovered, but had been ordered to remain here until they were collected, so I ordered them to clean themselves up and to help the fifth one, and left to find the guild master.

  As expected, I found her in her office, in the main part of the guild building. She was currently in battle with the bane of all leaders since the dawn of time, paperwork. Well, there wasn’t as much paperwork in a medieval magical society like this, but you still had income, expenses, budgets, and the need to keep all of them in line with one another, so that created a bunch of work. And while the Blacklake branch wasn’t small, it wasn’t big enough to warrant having a dedicated accountant to manage the books.

  It soon became easy to see why she was so quick to agree to my ‘alternative compensation’. She was stressed from the whole guild leader thing. Normally, there were multiple small problems that she could have shuffled off to Duskhaven. But first with the chaos in the capitol, and then the Slavers’ Guild there getting thrown into disarray by the death of the Guild Master and his family, she couldn’t rely on the capitol to settle things. It was part of the reason why the rogue slavers along the road hadn’t been handled before I came through.

  Looking up at me, she smiled. “Well, only two hours? I hope the girls didn’t tire you out too much.”

  “Oh, I’m quite all right. And you’ll be happy to know that the blessings of Sharess are upon them.”

  Luna blinked at that, and laughed. “Of course, the incubus is a follower of Sharess. You probably used that spell her followers have, right? The one that ensures pregnancy?” I nodded. “On all five?” I nodded again. “Well, that’s the best news I’ve had in a while. Now, I suppose you’re looking for your ‘compensation’, right?”

  I grinned, and said, “Oh, indeed. But I thought I would go one better, and show you something those ladies didn’t get to see. It would be an experience you haven’t had before, I’m sure.”

  “Oh, still cocky, are we? You do realize that a lot of slaves come through here, and I get my pick before sending them on, yes?”

  “Perhaps we can make a wager, then?”

  Her face lit up at the prospect of a wager. “Well, what is it, then?”

  “The bet is that I can give you an experience you’ve never had before, something that will leave you slack-jawed and with your eyes rolling up in your head long before I’m through. If I succeed in that, I win. If that doesn’t happen, then you win. Either way, you win.”

  “Hah! The best kind of wager. All right then, what are the terms?”

  “Why don’t you tell me what you’re wanting, and I’ll match it with something of similar value that I’d like?”

  Luna chuckled, and said, “We’re both slavers, yes? Why not put a slave or two on the line?”

  I laughed, and then nodded. “I will wager a pair of drow captured from the caverns beneath the Wyrmwood, then. A male and a female, so you can increase their stock yourself, if you wish. What do you have that would match that?”

  “Ooh, Drow aren’t that common around here. Well, you’re in charge of a settlement in the Wyrmwood, right? Then why don’t I wager a Dwarven blacksmith and a Gnome artificer? That would be quite a boon for your town, yes?”

  “Hmm. A couple crafters, especially for the day to day work the village needs, would certainly be useful. I agree to this wager.” I leaned forward, and said, “So, how shall we do this? Would you like me to warm you up first? Or perhaps I should rip your clothes off and ravish you?”

  Luna licked her lips, and said, “As much as I would love a good ravishing, I’ll be needing to actually wear clothes the rest of the day.”

  “Then you’d best get those clothes off so I can win our wager.”

  Luna simply smiled, and then began to tease me as she stripped off her clothes. She wasn’t a supermodel or anything, but
she was still fit, and had a ‘girl next door’ look to her. Probably served her well as a Spymaster. At any rate, while she wasn’t as gorgeous as some of my girls, there was nothing to complain about with what I was seeing.

  Finally, when she was done with her strip tease, she stood, with her back to her desk, leaning backwards to give me an excellent view of her body, and said, “Well, aren’t you going to ravish me? Might want to take those clothes off first.”

  I smiled, and said, “Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary. Magic is a wonderful thing, you know.” And with that, I changed. Skin became scales, as I grew into my ‘drake’ form, looking every bit a miniature abyssal dragon, with black scales, sharp claws, and pointed teeth. I was also a solid ten feet tall, meaning I had to hunch slightly in the suddenly confined space. My ‘friend’ had also changed proportionally to my newfound size.

  Luna looked up at me, slackjawed, and then started to stutter. “W-wait a minute now. Maybe we can go with slow and tender instead? I don’t think I’m in the mood for a ravish-aaagh!” She stopped talking as I picked her up in my clawed hands, easily lifting her, before slamming her down upon my cock, which had emerged from beneath my scales, quite hard and ready to go to work.


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