Kept by the Highlander

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Kept by the Highlander Page 4

by Joanna Davis

She blinked back tears.

  "Look at me Highness."

  Malcolm gripped her chin. She gasped at the intimate contact. No one had ever touched her thus. He tilted her head back so she was staring into his somber green eyes.

  "You must do as I say without question. Our lives depend on it. Agreed?"

  She nodded and turned to help Aluda.

  "Bring clothes for us both- and jewels!"

  She glanced at Malcolm.

  "I will not leave her behind. Oh my god- the children!"

  "They will be fine Highness. They are far from the fighting, I promise."

  Malcolm was peering out the high window in the other room.

  "They won't be killing children."

  "How do you know?"

  He turned to her with a wide grin.

  "Because. They are here for me."


  Malcolm pulled the two women toward the heavy wooden door to the Princess's chambers. It was quiet outside. Her guards must have scattered.

  "Listen to me- both of you. You must stop addressing Kalila as Highness or Princess. Her status puts her at risk. If they believe you are both slaves they will not balk at my taking you with us when we escape. Do you understand?"

  Aluda and the Princess glanced at each other.

  "Me? A slave?"

  He nodded. She said nothing but Aluda nodded. It would have to do.

  Malcolm pushed open the door. Ghali stood outside, alone. He had his sword in both hands and was braced for a fight. "Ghali. We must get the Princess out of the castle."


  "I need the keys."

  The guard nodded and handed them over. Malcolm's first act was to remove the damnable collar from his throat. The Princess was startled as he slipped it around hers instead and locked it into place.

  Her enormous eyes blinked up at him in surprise. He grinned.

  "On last thing. Just in case."

  "Just in case what?"

  "We don't make it out of here alive."

  He leaned down and took her outraged lips before she could begin to protest. He felt them part in surprise and took full advantage, plundering her sweetness with his tongue. One arm yanked her body against his as he slanted his lips over hers again and again. Finally he tore his lips away, startled by the ferocity of the kiss.

  "Blessed Saints…"

  She looked utterly wanton in that moment. Her hair down, tumbling loose over her shoulders. Her eyes were hooded. Her lips looked as if she'd been kissed thoroughly, which she had.

  Not thoroughly enough though.

  He grinned. He'd be doing that again, and soon.

  "Come. We will go toward the front gate and surrender. Lead the way Ghali."


  Kalila's mind was reeling as Malcolm guided her and Aluda through the castle. Her father was gone. That thought was at the forefront of her mind. But the kiss was there as well.

  He had kissed her. He had taken her in his arms and held her without any of the deference she was used to. No one had ever been so familiar with her person, let alone a man. Stranger still, is how much she had liked it. Her lips still tingled. She could feel the spots where his hands had touched her as if he was still there, all warm and male against her flesh.

  They turned the corner and froze. Up ahead they could see men fighting. Without a word Ghali sprung into action, his sword raised high. Malcolm cursed and pushed the women against the wall.

  "Damn. Those are my grandfather's men. Tell him to stop!"

  "Ghali, no! They will not harm us!"

  But it was too late. Ghali had disappeared into the melee. Their shouting had served another purpose. It caused a fair haired knight to turn toward them and come running, sword drawn.

  "Gavin! It's me!"

  Malcolm stepped in front of the Princess and Aluda. The man running toward them stopped and then broke into a huge grin.

  "I've found him! You, cousin, are a difficult man to find!"

  Malcolm reached out and clasped his English cousin's shoulder in greeting.

  "I owe you many thanks Gavin."

  "Come, let us go. The place is already set to burn."

  A gasp behind him reminded him of his purpose. To protect and keep the proud young beauty behind him.

  "I am bringing these women with me."

  "Really cousin, so greedy. Must you bring two?"

  Gavin's eyes widened appreciatively as Malcolm pulled the women into the light.

  "But they are beauties. Who are they?"

  "This is Aluda. She was a royal handmaiden. She helped us to escape. And this is Lila. She was in training as a pleasure slave. I mean to keep her for myself."

  "God's breath man! Only you would come out of this war smelling like roses! Pleasure slave- are there any more around here?"

  He shook his head, unable to hide his smirk at the look on Princess Kalila's face. She was beyond outraged. She was livid. But not for the reason he supposed.

  "Mal-colm- please- they must not set fire to the Palace. The children are still inside!"

  He cursed and strode forward, speaking forcefully.

  "Gavin- tell them to hold the torches. There are many innocent people here, including the Princess who saved my life."

  "Princess eh?"

  Malcolm nodded.

  "And a small orphanage."

  Gavin stroked his chin for a moment, then nodded. He dashed ahead to the window and called down to forgo the fire.

  The Princess slumped against the wall in relief. Malcolm caught her before she hit the ground. Aluda helped him secure their satchels and followed them out into the night.


  Kalila woke to see the worried face of her dear Aluda leaning over her. The girl was pressing cool clothes against her brow.

  "She is awake! How do you feel?"

  "I am fine- why are you hovering over me like a mother hen?"

  She leaned up onto her elbows and moaned, falling back against the pillows.

  "The earth is spinning."

  "No your high- Lila. We are on a ship! We have just left the port behind. You fainted- we were so worried!"



  She turned her head slightly, seeing Malcolm leaning against the foot of the bed. He looked different somehow. He'd changed into leather hose and a bright blue jerkin. He looked uncommonly handsome. But that was not it, not entirely.

  He looked… complacent. And satisfied. As if he'd won a great prize.

  She struggled to sit up, brushing away Aluda's helping hand.

  "Where are we going Mal-colm?"

  He grinned at her.


  She inhaled sharply.

  "I cannot just abandon my people."

  "You can and you will. Remember, you are a slave now. You must learn to adopt a subservient manner."

  She gasped.

  "Surely you are not serious!"

  He crossed his arms over his chest.

  "I am. It is for your own good."

  She watched as a slow sensuous smile crept over his face.

  "And mine of course."

  Kalila glanced at Aluda but the girl had turned away, wringing out the washcloth over a basin. The ship twisted sharply to the side, making Kalila sway on the bed.

  Aluda brought her the washcloth and she pressed it to her temples.

  "That will be all Aluda. Thank you."

  Aluda bowed and backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. The Scotsman followed, locking it securely at the top and the bottom. She narrowed her eyes and started to stand.

  "Did I say you could get out of the bed?"

  She gasped and stood straight and proud.

  "You must be making jokes if you believe that I will stay in here alone with you."

  He smiled at her as he came closer.

  "Ah, but you must. You are my pleasure slave, remember? Of course you must stay here with me. How else am I to bed you?"

  "To what?"r />
  She stormed past him and reached for the door. But he was much faster. Before she knew it Kalila was pressed against the wall, his huge frame looming over her.

  "Have you forgotten so quickly that I saved your life?"

  "No- but-"

  He reached out and pushed a strand of hair away from her throat, leaning down to kiss her there. "But what?"

  "You should not- oh!"

  "I should not what?"

  She was breathing heavily as he kissed her neck repeatedly, working his way to her ear, then her cheek. Her eyes fluttered shut as he brushed his thumb over her lips.

  "Should… not…"


  He grinned down at the confused beauty in his arms. If he hadn't known her sharp wit, he would think her addlebrained. It was good to know he had not lost his touch with the fairer sex. He smoothed his hands down over her arms soothingly. Then he let them slip behind her, drawing her closer.

  "I should not kiss you?"

  She nodded dazedly, staring up at him. The proud Princess looked so lost for a moment, almost like a child. But she was not a child. She was a warm and willing woman in his arms. He groaned and lowered his head to hers, kissing her with all the pent up passion he'd been accumulating these long weeks in her presence.

  She gasped against his mouth, unknowingly making it easier for him to kiss her as deeply as he wanted. Once her lips had parted, there was no stopping him from exploring her thoroughly. He pulled her tightly against him, moaning as her breasts pushed proudly against his chest. His hands reached for her hips, massaging them, pulling her against his hardness. She gasped as his hands slid to her bottom, squeezing the delightfully rounded globes.

  And then she was pushing against him, making soft little mewling sounds of protest.

  "Stop, I beg you-"

  He lifted his head, staring down at her in a daze. He'd never experienced an explosion of lust like that. Nothing even near to it. Malcolm's lust blinded him for a moment to the distress in the Princess's eyes.

  She was frightened of him.

  He realized she was trembling in his arms. He cursed. She was probably in shock. The girl had lost her home and her father in one night, and he'd just scared her on top of it. But he had to set a precedent for the future going forward. She was his. It would be easier for both of them if she knew it now.

  Kalila was breathing in small gasps, her wide amethyst eyes watching him distrustfully. He moved his hands up and down her back, calming her gently. But he didn't release her. Or let her push away from his embrace or the evidence of his desire.

  "Hush, it's alright. I'm not going to ravish you."

  He grinned down at her.

  "Not tonight at least."

  She gasped at his audacity, her eyes blazing in her pique. Two bright spots of pink stained her cheeks. Sweet Jesu, she was lovely.

  "You go too far Scotsman!"

  He made a taking sound as he stroked her velvety cheek.

  "I do not go nearly far enough. But you should rest Lila. It is nearing dawn already. Come."

  He took her hand and pulled her toward the bed. Then he lifted her into his arms and placed her in the center. He pulled off his shoes and climbed in beside her, eliciting another annoyed huff from his recalcitrant Princess. She scooted away from him, stealing the blankets in the process.

  He smiled at the sight of her in his bed, a deep contentment filling him all the way to his bones. Then he reached for her and dragged her back toward him. He debated briefly about taking both of their clothes off so they could be more comfortable but realized it would be far too much temptation for him. Holding her would have to be enough.

  Kalila lay stiffly in his arms at first. He contented himself with stroking her skin where it was exposed on her arms and collarbone. He tangled his legs with hers, sliding his thigh between hers. She gasped and tried to twist away but he held her firmly. She would get used to his touch, enough that he could show her all the wonders of making love. And then she would begin to crave it.

  He would make sure of it.

  It was time to pay her back for all the taunting she had done when he was her slave.

  Now the tables were turned, and he would be the one taunting her.

  Desire was a two way street after all.


  The next few days fell into a pattern for Kalila.

  She would wake up, remember what had happened to her father, and weep copiously. Then Aluda would tend to her and they would emerge from the chamber to walk on the deck. She took her meals with him.

  At his insistence.

  Malcolm. The Scotsman. Grandson of a Duke and Heir to a Highland Clan. Highborn as she, and twice as arrogant.

  Her slave had become her captor.

  Worse yet, her tormentor.

  He was determined to bend her to his will. To her dismay, it was working. She was loosing strength to fight him every time he touched her, caressed her. He hadn't tried to do anything more than stroke and kiss her but he never stopped. It was relentless, the strange and overly familiar way he handled her. She'd felt his arousal pressed against her several times a day and knew there was more to mating than what he was showing her.

  She had to admit, she was curious.

  More than curious. She was becoming increasingly frustrated.

  She was staring out at the water. It still held a deep fascination for her. After all, she'd only seen it from a distance in the past. Now it was close enough to touch. The undulating waves were soothing her wearied mind.

  A hand caressed the skin below her collar. She stiffened, but did not turn. She did not need to. She knew it was him.

  "Come little one."

  She gritted her teeth and followed him to their cabin. No, it was his cabin. Everything she'd had was lost, save for a handful of jewels. And her pride. She must maintain that if nothing else.

  Kalila stood in the center of the room and waited to see what torment he had in store for her today. She did not have to wait long. Malcolm stood in front of her, brushing her hair gently back from her face.

  He was holding a bottle of her favorite perfumed oil. Aluna must have packed it.

  "What is this Mal-colm?"

  "I want you to disrobe and lie on the bed. I will massage you."

  She swallowed nervously.

  "Don't worry. I won't force my attentions on you. I just see no reason to stop this particular part of your routine. You knew I was watching that day didn't you?"

  She shook her head wildly.

  "Please do not do this Mal-colm."

  "Ah, you should call me Master. Don't you remember my little Lila? I remember it well. I wanted to touch you so badly that day. You once held the power over me, now I hold it over you,"

  Her breathing was already ragged as she stared at the floor. This was his revenge for the little game she'd played with him at the Palace. She had known he was watching. But this was different. This time he would be touching.

  "Now Lila."

  He crossed the room to the table and chairs and sat, an expectant look on his face.

  She cursed and he chuckled. She lifted her chin defiantly but did as he said, her fingers going to the laces on her shoulders and sides. She loosened them quickly, stealing a glance at Malcolm. He looked almost bored. She turned away and shrugged out of her dress.

  "The rest."

  She glared at him over her shoulder and shimmied out of her thin silk underthings. Then she crawled onto the bed.

  "Wait. Turn for me. Let me look at you."

  Kalila froze.

  "Please do not shame me this way."

  He was on his feet and across the room in an instant. He turned her to face him and lifted her chin. His gaze was full of wonder, not contempt as she had feared.

  "There is no shame in such beauty little one."


  Malcolm stared down at the lush beauty trembling before him. He was swiftly coming to the realization that he had made a gross m
iscalculation in his strength of willpower. He'd promised himself he would not force her to his bed, rather he would ease her into it.

  He respected the Princess in many ways, but he would not let that interfere with his all consuming desire for her. She desired him as well he knew. And now she was his responsibility, his to protect and care for. There was only one possible outcome: she would be his in every way. But it was important that she ask for him to take her finally. It would assuage the tiny niggling sliver of guilt that was was hovering in the back of his mind.

  He might drive himself mad in the meantime.

  "Get on the bed."

  Malcolm's hands itched to touch her as he watched her scramble onto the bed. She pulled the blanket up, frantically trying to cover herself. He smiled at her and slowly but irrevocably pulled the blanket away.

  "Lay on your stomach."

  She had her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her body coiled into a protective ball. He could still see her nudity though. He smiled in amusement, knowing she could not see it.

  "Do as I say Lila or you will not enjoy the consequences."

  She blinked at him dolefully and slowly unfolded her legs and arms, sliding to her stomach.

  He reached out and trailed a finger over her perfect back. He'd wanted to touch her for so long, and now he could do it at will. Malcolm suppressed a moan as he lay his palm flat on her lower back. She was trembling. Dammit, he wanted her aroused, not afraid.

  "I'm not going to hurt you Lila. All you have to do is lay there and behave."

  A shudder ran through her naked flesh as he shifted himself, easing onto the bed to straddle her. He poured some oil onto his hands and rubbed them briskly together, warming them. The scent was pure Kalila, warm and sensual and exotic. He breathed deeply and started to work his hands into her flesh.

  First he ran his hands over her back and sides in large circles. He could not resist lingering over the sides of her glorious breasts, concealed from his gaze. He spent a long time caressing the supple skin of her back and arms before he slid his body down to her ankles.


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