Blind Date with the Spare Heir

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Blind Date with the Spare Heir Page 11

by Yahrah St. John

  After kicking off her heels, Elyse started stripping one article of clothing at a time until there was a trail of clothing from her front door to her master bedroom. She was ready for a hot shower.

  But the chime of her doorbell startled her. She glanced down at her watch. It was nearly 10:00 p.m. and she certainly wasn’t expecting anyone, not on a work night. Swiftly, she grabbed a silk Kimono and wrapped it around her as she headed for the door. Glancing through the peephole, she was shocked to see Julian.

  “Elyse, are you in there? Are you okay? I’ve been worried sick all day when I couldn’t reach you,” Julian said from the other side.

  How did he know? Were they really that entwined after their week together? Elyse knew the answer.


  She unlatched the door and swung it open.

  “Thank God, you’re okay,” Julian said.

  “Of course, I am,” Elyse replied. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I called and I text and you didn’t answer and I just thought something bad happened to you.”

  I fell in love with the enemy, she thought, but instead she said, “I’m fine. Do you want to come in?”

  He nodded, but didn’t move farther than the entrance.

  “So, what do you want Julian?” Her voice was barely more than a hoarse whisper.

  “Can you forgive me?” Julian asked. “I know I wasn’t forthright before, but I promise you I will get you a meeting with the Jacksons.”

  Elyse glanced up at him and heart sped up at his proximity. “What do you think?”

  Before she could say another word, Julian had her in his arms and was slamming the door shut behind him with his foot. What followed was wild and passionate in a way she’d never envisaged.

  Julian’s mouth crashed down on hers, parting her lips on impact. His tongue delved deep, tangling with her own. A tide of electrifying hunger rushed through Elyse and she didn’t make a sound. All she felt was the softness of her couch against her back because her eyes were on Julian as he furiously rid himself of his clothes before joining her on the sofa.

  When Julian loosened the knot on her kimono, he growled at finding her naked underneath, and lowered his mouth to the straining points of her dark brown nipples. He lingered there, toying with them until they both became stiff peaks. Elyse’s heart hammered in her chest, but she didn’t let him have all the fun. She was impossibly greedy for him and was surprised because it had only been a little more than twenty-four hours since they’d been together.

  She ran her fingertips over his erect shaft and registered the shudder that crossed his distinctive features when she did so. Up and down her hands and fingers went, reveling in the sensation of his velvet-steel hardness. She continued the rhythm until Julian pushed away from her, but only for a moment. He returned to the sofa with protection in hand and rolled it on. Then he slid over her, eased into her, and Elyse looked up into his taut face to see his dark eyes alight with hunger.

  “More,” she urged, and Julian gave it to her, slamming into her body. She raked her nails against his smooth back, but right when she was about to soar, he flipped her onto her knees and drove inside her from behind again and again.

  Elyse was lost. All she could do was feel. And when Julian slipped his fingers between her legs and stroked her, she shattered and fell apart. Julian was as frantic for her as she’d been him for him, and soon he was groaning his release and collapsing onto her.

  In the aftermath, when he dispensed with the protection and they lay snuggled on the couch, Julian apologized. “I’m sorry for attacking you as soon as I walked in the door.”

  Elyse grinned, but when she glanced up at him, his gaze was intent. “It’s okay.” She brushed her hand against his cheek. “I wanted you just as desperately.”

  “You did?” Julian asked. “But today...”

  She placed a finger over his lips. “Today, I had a tough day at work with an especially hellish client and then, when I went to visit my father, I found him drunk. I stayed, sobered him up, fixed him a meal and put him to bed. I’m sorry for ignoring you.”

  Julian smiled ruefully. “I just thought...”

  “Julian...” She looked into his light brown eyes and saw doubt lurking in those depths, and that surprised her. He was usually more confident and self-assured. “Our week together meant everything to me, surely you must know that?”

  “Yeah, well. We’re back to reality and what happens in Saint Lucia, stays in Saint Lucia.”

  “Not for me. I guess we never really spoke about what happens next, but I’d like to see you again,” Elyse said. “Actually, I’d like to be the only woman you’re seeing and vice versa. And, I certainly want to be the only woman you’re sleeping with.”

  Her request had nothing to do with revenge and everything to do with Julian and what had transpired on that island. Everything had changed and her revenge plan wasn’t so black-and-white. Elyse had no idea how she was going to navigate the murky waters, only that she had to try. She’d even put off Pierre today when he’d inquired about the job offer from Julian. She’d indicated she was a front-runner, but a decision hadn’t been made yet. It left her with some time and space to explore this newfound relationship. But how did Julian feel about being with one woman? He was a serial dater with a long list of women. Was he ready to commit?



  Usually the word sent Julian scurrying in the other direction, but hearing Elyse say she only wanted to spend time with him was music to his ears. Yes, it was scary because his relationships in the past were more transactional. But making love with Elyse was different. He was totally tuned to her in ways he’d never been with other women.

  When he’d been back at his condo, he’d literally ached for her. Elyse was the most sexually compatible lover he’d ever had. So much so, he found himself in his car driving over to her apartment when he’d sworn earlier that he was writing her off for ignoring him, which in hindsight was completely selfish. Of course, she had a life and responsibilities that came before him. He couldn’t expect her to drop everything.

  He’d just been so worried when he couldn’t reach her, thinking she’d been in an accident. After everything they’d shared in Saint Lucia, he’d come to care for her.


  He glanced down to see Elyse gazing up at him expectantly and he realized he’d never answered her. “I don’t want anyone else, either, Elyse. I want to be with you exclusively.”

  A smiled beamed across Elyse’s beautiful face and it warmed his heart. He tipped her chin and looked into her mascara-framed eyes and kissed her. Her arms slipped around him once again, her lithe body melting against him, and Julian knew he wasn’t going home tonight.

  * * *

  “So, are you finally going to tell me what happened between you and the infamous Julian Lockett,” Andrea asked Elyse when they met up for breakfast the next morning at a local diner.

  “Yes, I’m going to tell you everything,” Elyse stated, taking a sip of her coffee. She was going to need plenty of caffeine because she’d gotten very little sleep after spending much of the night making love to Julian.

  “Well? I’m waiting,” Andrea said, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Julian took me by private jet to Saint Lucia.”

  “By jet? Oh my lord!” Andrea’s hand flew to her mouth. “How exciting.”

  “Spending time with Julian was amazing. He was really adventurous. We chartered yachts, danced in the streets with the locals and had candlelit dinners and treetop spa treatments.”

  “And the sex? Rumor has it he’s a stallion in the bedroom.”

  Elyse chuckled. “I’m not one to kiss and tell, but suffice it to say, his reputation is well deserved.”

  Andrea blushed beet red. “I knew all it would take is the right man to get your engines revving.�

  “Honestly, I’d started believing what men said. That I was an ice queen when it came to the bedroom.”

  “Does this mean you and Julian are an item?”

  “If you mean, have we’ve agreed to be exclusive, then the answer is a resounding yes!”

  “I’m so excited for you, Elyse. I mean Julian Lockett, of all people. Who would have thought he was tamable? So what’s next?”

  “I’m meeting his family later this week at the Atlanta Cougars’ afternoon game and then having dinner at his parents’ place afterward.” It was unlikely she’d be recognized because she’d been a gangly preteen with acne, braces and long dark hair back when Josiah knew her. Her complexion had since cleared, she had straight teeth and her hair was in a pixie cut.

  “Sounds serious.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” And she was. It was an opportunity to meet Josiah Lockett in person and to see if he truly was the Goliath her father made him out to be. If so, she knew it wouldn’t be an easy slingshot. Josiah was well loved and respected in the town, but if she could tarnish his image and find proof of wrongdoing if not by him than a member of his family or team, she could have the ammunition she needed to move forward. Elyse wasn’t sure what would happen to her and Julian afterward, and that was the scariest thought of all. She and Julian were in a good place even after the job debacle with Curtis. She’d placed herself in his path to get vengeance, yet all Elyse really wanted was to revel in being Julian’s woman. But if she continued down this road, any chance they had would be over. What choice did she have? Getting what was due her family might help her father to finally heal, but she was in a no-win situation. If she helped Frank, would she lose Julian, the man she’d fallen for?

  * * *

  The next day, Julian found himself waiting for Elyse outside her office building. After he and Elyse had spent much of the previous night in each other’s arms, visions of her had dominated his daydreams and they hadn’t all been sexual. Some had been of Elyse. Carefree as they’d lain on the yacht deck catching some rays, or of the joy on her face as they’d danced in the streets with the Saint Lucians, or the open smile that spread across her features every time he walked into the room.

  And so, he’d called her to see if she’d be interested in dinner when she got off work and she’d said yes. He wanted to appear casual as he stood leaning against his Bugatti in dark trousers and blue button-down. He’d nixed his blazer and tie, throwing them into the back seat.

  She emerged in slacks and a silk blouse. It took every ounce of Julian’s self-control not to scoop her up in front of the evening work crowd and take her somewhere private so he could relieve the constant day-long craving he had for her.

  “Julian, it’s so good to see you.” She stood on tippy toes and brushed her lips across his.

  “You, too.”

  “So what did you have in mind for dinner?” Elyse asked. “Because I’m not dressed for much.” She glanced down at her attire.

  “It’s Taco Tuesday. I thought we might go to my favorite taqueria.”

  “All right.” She grinned. “I’m in.”

  Julian helped her into the passenger seat before walking around and revving up the engine. “How was your day?” he inquired.

  “Not bad,” Elyse said. “None of my clients shot themselves in the foot by doing something stupid, so I would consider it a good day.” She glanced across at him. “And you?”

  “A couple of consultations with the players. A rehabilitation session with one of the running backs. All in all, a pretty easy day,” Julian replied. “I’m actually considering volunteering some of my time at a local hospital.”

  “Even with football season in full swing?”

  “If the head team doctor, Dr. Walters, can have his own practice, I see no reason why I can’t make time to give back to the community.”

  “I, for one, think it’s a great idea.”

  “You do? You seemed doubtful at first.”

  “I assumed your family wouldn’t be happy about you spreading yourself thin and would want you to devote all your time to the team.”

  “I’m sure my father thinks that way, but my mom would be on board, considering the hospital I want to volunteer with is in a neighborhood with poor healthcare coverage.”

  “You shouldn’t let anything deter you.”

  Julian smiled. “I won’t.”

  He pulled into the taqueria and there was already a line outside, but there were a couple of available picnic tables. “Grab one for us,” Julian said, “and I’ll get the tacos.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Anything particular you like?”

  “Surprise me.”

  Julian ended up ordering an assortment of tacos from tempura fish to brisket to carnitas, along with two ice-cold beers. They were all topped with the taqueria’s famous garlic sauce, lettuce, tomato and feta.

  “This looks delicious,” Elyse said when he set the tray down in front of her on the picnic table. She reached across to grab a beer, plucked the cap off with ease and took a generous swallow.

  Julian laughed as she placed it on the table and dug into the box for one of the tacos. He liked that he could be himself, which was sometimes hard to do, even around people he’d known for years.

  “Ohmigod!” she moaned. “This is so delicious.” He watched as she licked her lips when some of the garlic sauce dribbled down her chin. He leaned across the table, used his thumb to catch the rest and then sucked it into his mouth.

  Her eyes grew large at the blatant sexual move, but she didn’t say anything. Instead she continued eating her taco and he joined her in the culinary delight. They finished eating in silence, taking swigs of beer every now and then between bites. He was comfortable with the quiet; it wasn’t awkward like silences with some women.

  When they were done, Elyse wiped her mouth with a napkin. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I only had a salad for lunch.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed the tacos.” Julian removed the trays. When he returned, he nodded in the direction of the road. “Did you save room for dessert?”


  He moved aside. There was a smile in her eyes when she saw the ice-cream truck.

  “How about it?” He offered her his hand and she rose and grasped it. The electric spark between them was just as powerful as it had been in Saint Lucia. Perhaps more because now they knew each other in and out of bed.

  Though after they’d finished their ice cream cones—butter pecan for him and mint chocolate chip for Elyse—that’s exactly where they ended up: back in bed.

  Julian knew he’d never experienced anything like what he had with Elyse before and it both thrilled and scared the hell out of him. Yet he couldn’t, wouldn’t, stop seeing her. He had no choice but to introduce her to the family because Elyse wasn’t going anywhere. She was a part of his life. At least for now.

  * * *

  “Curtis! How are you feeling?” Julian asked the Cougars wide receiver when he stopped into the physical therapy room on Sunday afternoon to check on the team’s new recruit.

  “I’m doing good, Doc,” Curtis stepped away from the trainer helping him with stretches and gave Julian a fist bump.

  “That’s good. You know we told your father you were going to be in good hands with the Lockett family. We have to keep our word.”

  “Aw, Doc, I know you guys look after me. My dad be trippin’. It’s always been just me and him since my mom left us, so he’s just overprotective.”

  “As he should be,” Julian said. “Hey listen, I have an idea I wanted to run past you.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that, Doc?”

  “I heard you might be in the market soon for a publicist and I know a fantastic candidate. Her name’s Elyse Harper. She’s done some great work for Porscha C

  Curtis grinned. “I love her music. And I’m in need of a good publicist. Can you send me her info and I’ll let my dad have a look?”


  “Great, I’ll talk at ya later.” Curtis walked back to the trainer and continued his routine before the game.

  Julian checked in on several other team members who were on the injured list, talking over the treatments Dr. Walters had prescribed. After ensuring everything was going according to plan, Julian was just leaving the locker room when he ran into Roman.

  “Hey, bro. What are you doing down here?” Julian asked. “I’d assumed you and Shantel would be up in the skybox with the big dogs.”

  “I may be General Manager, but at the end of the day, I’m still a fan and like to hang out with the players.”

  “I hear you,” Julian said. “I was about to head up myself. I sent Elyse a ticket and she’s meeting me.” He glanced down at his watch. “Actually, she should be here any minute. If you’ll excuse me?”

  “Sure thing. I can’t wait to meet the woman who’s got you sprung, bro.”

  “Whatever.” Julian rolled his eyes and headed down the corridor to the private entrance for VIP ticket holders and their guests. He found Elyse standing in the lobby, waiting for him.

  His heart kicked over in his chest and Julian knew Roman could be right. Elyse may just have stolen his heart.

  * * *

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  Elyse only had a moment to study Julian in his faded designer jeans and crisp white shirt. She strove to catch her breath before he swept her off her feet and into his arms.

  “Put me down,” she giggled. And he did, but only after he gave her a searing kiss that left her a little dizzy. Once Elyse’s feet were firmly on the ground, Julian led her along the hall, pointing out the locker rooms and the physical therapy and recovery areas, weight rooms and cheerleader workout area.


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