Legend of the Lost

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Legend of the Lost Page 17

by Dicksion, William Wayne

  Alex’s heart sank. What should he do? He came to save Cindy, but he had promised himself that it had to be her decision. He loved her so much and wanted her so badly that he didn’t trust his actions. He wanted to kill the man who had his hand on her bottom, but Cindy didn’t seem to mind—the man was only getting what he had paid for. What the hell, it’s obvious that she’s been doing this for some time, and doing it once more won’t make any difference.

  * * *

  Exasperated, Alex left the Bamboo Curtain without finishing his drink and started walking down Bourbon Street. Even though Elsa had told him that he was as good as most, he felt so damned inadequate. It didn’t matter where he walked; he couldn’t erase the thought of Cindy having sex with the man she walked up the stairs with. Moreover, he couldn’t help wondering if she were enjoying it. He didn’t know if he should hope that she was, to make it easier for her, or hope that she wasn’t, to make it easier for him.

  Soulful music coming from other nightspots along Bourbon Street filled the warm night air. Whores dressed in scanty clothes clustered around, trying to sell their charms; pimps lurked in the darkness. A fancy buggy pulled by a team of Arabian horses stopped by a gaudy dive, and a tall, well-dressed black man came out and opened the door of the carriage. A veiled white woman took the black man’s hand and pulled him into the carriage. That’s probably the wife of one of the men who bid for Cindy, Alex thought. Elsa was right; women do have needs, and they know how to fill them.

  The Civil War was over, but this was still the Deep South— that white woman was risking her reputation and that black man was risking his life. Alex had left his gun in his room, but he carried a knife. New Orleans was a dangerous place, and he was going to do everything he could to get Cindy away from it. He swallowed his pride and walked back to the Bamboo Curtain hoping to talk to her. He got back just in time to see Cindy walking up the stairs with another man caressing her bottom. Feeling sick, Alex sat at a table and ordered a drink. He would drink it this time. Cindy would soon finish doing what she had been paid to do, and he was determined to be the highest bidder next time.

  Elsa was right again. Women had no limit to how many men they could sleep with. Alex had to decide if he wanted to be one of those men, but he would have to be careful not to jeopardize Cindy.

  A raven-haired beauty came and sat at his table, then placed her hand on his leg. “Would you like some company?” she asked. She looked Creole. She had large, soulful eyes and a body to stir the cravings of any man with blood in his veins. She knew exactly what to do with her hand and gave him a tight squeeze and said, “Come with me, I’ll take care of you.”

  “I haven’t had a woman for a long time, and you can see how badly I need one, but I have another matter to attend to. I’ll pay you handsomely for information. Name your price.”

  “For a fifty-dollar gold piece,” the whore replied, “you can have an hour of my time, either here or in my bed. It’s your choice.”

  “The bed sounds wonderful, but I’ve got to wait for the blond singer to finish with her customer. I have important business to discuss with her. Will you tell me about her? What’s her name? You charge fifty dollars for one hour—how much does she charge, and how many men does she sleep with in one night?”

  The sultry beauty shook her head. “We don’t divulge that kind of information about another whore. Sorry.”

  Alex placed ten fifty-dollar gold pieces on the table and said, “Would this change your mind?”

  The raven-haired beauty took the coins, slipped them in a hidden pocket in her bosom, and replied, “She goes by the name Rena Wright. Four and sometimes six times a night, she goes to bed with the highest bidder. Men pay hundreds of dollars for a few minutes with her. of course, Rena doesn’t get that money—the house keeps it, with the promise that they’ll give her part of it after she earns enough to pay off what her pimp charged for her. They’ll never give Rena the money because they know that if she ever gets enough, she’ll leave, and the house will lose their most valuable asset. The house provides Rena with a place to sleep and food to eat. They buy her beautiful dresses to make her look good so they can auction her for a high price.” The whore unbuttoned Alex’s pants and gave him a big smile before continuing.

  “Rena came here with a quadroon named Raphael Rojas. He was her pimp until he sold her to the owner of this place. To get Berk to release her, Rena will have to pay Berk what he paid Rojas, but he’ll never release her,” the whore said, shaking her head, “not as long as she’s making him money.”

  “What happened to Rojas?” Alex asked as he buttoned his pants.

  “A plantation owner’s wife keeps him stashed away in a fancy room somewhere. They say she keeps him busy. Rena had a lot of money when she and her pimp first came to New Orleans, but Rojas got his hands on it and forced Rena to sleep with men to make more. Rena objected, so Rojas beat her up, sold her to the owner of this place, and left her stranded.”

  The whore’s eyes searched Alex’s face remembering something. “Rena told one of the girls that she was expecting someone to come for her. Are you that someone?” her glance went to the stairway. “Here she comes now. She finished that one fast. She’s good, you know—her customers never complain.”

  “Will she sing before the owner auctions her off again?”

  “No, it’s too late for that. Berk will just put her on the block again and sell her for all he can get.”

  Alex jumped to his feet and rushed to Cindy. She recognized him right away, but pretended not to. Several men gathered to compete in the bidding. They all knew that Cindy had already been with six men, and the bidding was low. Alex bought her for five hundred dollars, and Cindy led him up the stairs. When they shut the door, she gave him a tearful hug.

  “Oh, Alex, I knew you’d come. I’m a prisoner here. My life is a nightmare. Please take me home. I want to see Mother and Father, and I want to see Thunder Canyon again, but most of all I want to feel your arms around me. I’m sorry I hurt you. Can you forgive me?” She looked at Alex and sobbed.

  “Cindy, I’m so glad I found you. Your mother and father love you and asked me to bring you home. Will you come home with me? A riverboat leaves the dock for Independence, Kansas, in one hour. Grab whatever personal things you want, and let’s get out of here. You can buy everything you need on the riverboat.”

  “Alex, I can’t leave. Berk will have you killed if you try to take me to that riverboat. He has men watching me day and night.”

  “How many men are watching you?”

  “Look out that window, and you’ll see two men in the shadows across the street. If I try to leave, they’ll call more men, and they don’t play games. They’ll kill you and lock me up in this room.”

  “Can we call the police?”

  “Berk pays the police to do what he tells them. he makes more money by selling me to the highest bidders in one night than he has to pay the police to do his bidding for a whole year. The police sell their services to all the top crime bosses in New Orleans. That’s how this place works.” Cindy shook her head. “We can’t expect the police to help us.”

  “Does Berk control the pimps on the street?”

  “No, the pimps hate Berk because he steals their girls.”

  “What will happen if I walk down the stairs alone?”

  “Nothing will happen. They’ll be expecting you to leave after you’ve had your pleasure with me. After I finish with you, my work is done for tonight. They’ll make sure I’m not with you when you leave, that’s all.”

  “I left my gun in my room. I’ll go back to the hotel, change into my buckskins, and get my gun. Then I’ll pay the pimps to help us get to the riverboat. Be ready, and when I wave to you, come quickly,” Alex said as he caressed her face. “The dock is only one block away. I don’t want to kill anybody, but Berk needs killing, and I won’t hesitate to do it if he tries to take you prisoner again.”

  “I’ll be ready, Alex, but please be careful.”
br />   “I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  * * *

  Alex walked to the first pimp he saw and said, “I’ll pay you a thousand dollars in gold if you’ll help me get a girl out of Berk’s place and onto the riverboat. Can you do that?”

  “Let’s see the money.”

  “Here’s five hundred now. You’ll get the rest when the girl and I are safely on the riverboat. I’ve got to change clothes and get my gun from the hotel, but I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll get some men to help me while you’re gone. The boys will be glad to steal a girl from Berk. He’s sure stole enough girls from us. Don’t forget that other five hundred, and you’d better be prepared to use that gun. Berk’s men will kill you if they see you taking one of his girls.”

  It didn’t take long for Alex to come back. The pimp had seven other pimps to help him. Alex gave each of them two golden eagles.

  “Let’s go get that girl,” the lead pimp said. When Alex stepped inside the Bamboo Curtain, Cindy was waiting at the top of the stairs. he waved to her, and she bounded down the stairs past the guards and was out the door before they knew what was happening.

  “Stop her!” Berk yelled when he saw Cindy leaving.

  Alex put a bullet through Berk’s private parts. Berk screamed and grabbed his groin.

  “It’ll be a while before you use that on another girl,” Alex said.

  One of the guards started through the door after them, and Alex put a bullet through his shoulder. That stopped the guards long enough for Alex and Cindy to run to the dock. At the gangway to the boat, Alex handed the lead pimp the five hundred he had promised.

  “We’ll take it from here,” the pimp said with an impish grin. When Alex stepped aboard to join Cindy, the rope handlers untied the boat, pushed it from the dock, and they were on their way.

  * * *

  The riverboat was surprisingly spacious; it had large, comfortable staterooms and a wide deck. Alex got the best room for Cindy and the one next to it for himself.

  “The first thing I’m going to do,” Cindy said, “is take a bath and wash the Bamboo Curtain off of me for good.”

  “I want a bath, too,” Alex responded. “I’ll meet you in the dining room in thirty minutes.”

  “Make it forty-five. I want to buy a new dress.”

  When Cindy arrived at the table, she was smiling and her eyes had their usual radiant glow. No one would ever have guessed that she had been with six different men in the last ten hours and had just been freed from months of sexual slavery. Alex was again remembering what Elsa had told him about how having men was healthy for women. Elsa had also said if a woman has lots of men, it makes her want more.

  They began their meal with a bottle of wine, followed by a crisp salad, and then veal chops and hot biscuits. For dessert, they had pecan pie. They ate with gusto, happy to be with each other.

  They took a stroll on the deck, admiring the view of the coastline and the peaceful waters. They frequently looked at each other and hugged, so happy that they had survived the ordeal of escaping from Berk and the life Cindy was living.

  Alex told Cindy that her mother and father were living together in the big house on the hill. Cindy was surprised that Marian was no longer sleeping with Frank, but she was pleased that her father had forgiven her.

  Cindy cried when Alex told her that Eva had replaced Marian in Frank’s bed. “Your father must be devastated. He truly loves Eva. Is he still living in the house on Thunder Creek?”

  “Father is dead,” Alex said flatly. “Someone shot him in the back while he was riding home. He and mother had moved to the Bar H. I can imagine how he must have felt knowing that the woman he loved was in bed with another man. Because of his Concern for Eva, he probably wasn’t as careful as he should have been, and his killer took advantage of that.”

  “Oh, Alex, I’m so sorry. Do you know who shot him?”

  “I don’t know who fired the shot, but I know what kind of gun he used. I’ll find him one day and settle the score.”

  “You think Frank killed him, don’t you?”

  “Frank had the most to gain. He already had Mother, and it could be that he thought that with Father out of the way, Mother would own the Bar H, and as her husband, he would own that, also. he doesn’t know that Father left the ranch to me.”

  “Are you sure he doesn’t know? If he does, he’ll kill you, too. Alex, I’m so sorry. Every woman you’ve ever known has let you down. Can you ever love a woman again?”

  “I still love Mother, and I still love you. It’s not a question of can I love a woman, it’s can I trust a woman. I know now that I failed you and made you vulnerable to the first man who gave you what you were needing. I thought I was doing the right thing. I did what Mother told me I should do. I know she lied, but I don’t know why.”

  “My mother told me the same thing, and then I found her in bed with Frank. She never knew that I saw them, but I watched her cling to Frank. Something about the way Frank moved stirred my desire for a man. When Raphe showed an interest in me, I couldn’t resist the temptation. I tried to give myself to you, but you turned me down. I’m sorry, Alex.”

  Cindy looked tenderly into Alex’s eyes. “Alex, I’ve got to admit I enjoyed Raphe. I liked what he did for me. After having him again, I understood why Mother was clinging to Frank with a kind of desperation. She had probably never known a man other than my father, and Frank excited her. I hated her when I saw her accepting Frank, but after I felt the pleasure Raphe gave me, I no longer judged her.

  “Alex, I know that my telling you this hurts, but it’s the only way we can ever have a relationship. You already mistrust women, and if I lie to you, it will only add to your mistrust. Whores have sex with a lot of men, and most men are only so-so. Some are better, and a few are really great. The best ones are the ones women talk about.”

  Cindy looked closely at Alex to see how he was handling what she was telling him. She could see pain in his eyes, but he was listening, so she continued.

  “A woman is aroused by a man wanting her, and the more he wants her, the more it arouses her. Most women fantasize when they are with men. There’s no harm in that.” Cindy was quiet and again searched Alex’s eyes. “I can tell that you want me tonight, so why did you get two staterooms? I also know that you’ve been hurt, and you need time to adjust to the pain, but the longer you wait, the more pain you’ll endure, and the more difficult it will be to get past the pain. So why don’t you sleep with me and let nature take its course?”

  “You’ve already had six men tonight—I thought you’d want to sleep!”

  “Alex! I’ve dreamed of you ever since I had my first period. Don’t you remember? I don’t have to ‘get ready;’ I’m always ready, and we’ll both sleep better if we sleep together.” Cindy paused for a moment. “Will it help you to know that I need you tonight?”

  “Then don’t blame me if you don’t get any sleep.” he grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

  * * *

  It was a night long overdue, and one they would both remember for the rest of their lives. For the first time, Cindy felt truly loved by the man making love to her. The next morning she felt wonderful and gazed lovingly at the handsome man lying beside her. She aroused Alex again just to feel him hold her. She didn’t want to get up, but Alex was hungry and ready for breakfast.

  The boat ride was like a honeymoon; they were sorry when the docks in Independence, Kansas, came into view.

  * * *

  On the train ride to Timberland, Alex explained to Cindy that he had opened a large account at the bank in her name. He told her about the valise of gold coins her father had given him to give to her; she could deposit them in the bank whenever she had the time. he gave her a book of checks and explained how to use them. he didn’t tell her that it would require his signature to draw out more than a few thousand dollars at any one time.

  * * *

  Marl had been watching every train arrive
for the last two weeks, and he saw them get off. He greeted Cindy tearfully while Alex went to get a buggy. Marl asked her if she was well, and Cindy nodded and hugged him.

  “I’m glad to be home, Father, and I hope I didn’t cause you and Mother too much worry. I’ll tell you all about my adventure when we get home.”

  Then they all went directly to the house on the hill. Marian saw them coming and ran to Cindy. Marl turned to Alex and thanked him profusely.

  “You’ve proven yourself worthy of your father,” Marl said as he walked to the door with one arm around Alex’s shoulder and the other arm carrying Cindy’s bag. “Vard would be proud of you.”

  Marian and Cindy walked together into the house.

  “Well, you have a lot of catching up to do, and I’ve got to check on Midnight,” Alex said. “I’ll see you later, Cindy; I’m glad you’re home again.”

  Marl walked Alex to the door, shook his hand vigorously, and said in a low voice, “You can tell me the details later, and I’m sure there are lots of details.”


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