Suvi's Revenge: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 3

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Suvi's Revenge: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 3 Page 2

by Brenda Trim

  Pema extended her hand. “Yes, we are. I’m Pema and these are my sisters, Isis and Suvi,” she pointed to them in turn. “How can we help you?” Suvi noticed how Ronan had abandoned hanging shelves and come to stand directly behind Pema.

  “I’m not sure where to begin and I don’t even know if you can help me.” He seemed nervous and out of sorts and Suvi felt compelled to promise him she’d move heaven and earth to help him. “I’m Caine DuBray. Jace and Zander thought maybe you three could help me with a situation that I have suddenly found myself in. It’s a nightmare, really.” He paused and placed his hands in his pockets. She saw the muscles flex in his neck from clenching his jaw tightly.

  Suvi was inexplicably drawn to him and overcome with a fierce need to erase the shadows. She wanted to draw him into her arms and hold him tightly. She knew what would put a smile on his face and she was all too happy to volunteer. Not that she was being entirely selfless given that she was pretty sure it would put a smile on hers, too.

  She placed her hand on his forearm, unsure when her feet had carried her to his side. The feel of the soft fabric under her palm disappeared when another electrical charge lit her up. His eyes widened and he stared at her, clearly feeling the same thing. She found her voice after several silent seconds. “We will help you. I promise. We haven’t been dubbed the prophesized triplets for nothing.”

  “Hold up, Suvi. Let’s hear what he needs help with before you go promising the moon,” Isis chided. Suvi quickly rounded on her sister, glaring daggers. Isis had her happy-ever-after and Suvi just wanted a few minutes with this magnificent male so her sister needed to back the hell off.

  “Isis,” Suvi growled.

  “No, Suvi,” Isis countered and the lights in the store flickered from the increase of emotion she was absorbing. Suvi didn’t care right then if Isis’ anger caused an earthquake and swallowed their store. Suvi was startled when she felt warm hands on her shoulders and turned her head, falling into his deep, green orbs once again.

  “Please, your sister is right. You need to hear what I ask and consider it carefully before you decide. I have been framed for a crime and face death.” Suvi listened raptly as he retold the situation he awoke to earlier that evening. In her soul, she knew that this vampire was innocent just as surely as she knew she and her sisters could do something about it. The fact that Zander had sent him to them reinforced her belief. She rubbed at her chest when an unfamiliar twisting took her breath.

  She grabbed her sisters’ hands. “I know we have Cele to deal with, but we are the only ones who can do this. We can’t let him die,” she implored.

  “This will be dangerous,” Ronan rumbled.

  Suvi whirled around, anger blazing through her. “Of course it will be dangerous, you oaf, but if it were Pema you would do whatever it took. Just because he isn’t in your little circle of friends, doesn’t mean he isn’t worth the risk.” She was shaking with fierce emotion, and at that moment, knew she’d do this, with or without her sisters, although it would be much easier with them.

  Two things happened simultaneously. Caine grabbed onto her shoulders and Pema jumped in before the situation deteriorated more. “Suvi. Of course we will do what we can. However, our priority must be on dealing with the threat Cele presents to us if we happen to find her.”

  “He only has seventy-two hours,” Suvi all but wailed.

  Caine stepped into her and cupped her cheek, awe written all over his face. “Suvi, stop and think about this. Your sister is right. You can’t allow a threat against you to go unanswered.”

  She was once again caught in his thrall. She wished she understood why he held such power over her. It wasn’t like she was unfamiliar with good-looking males. “Why would that be more important than saving your life?”

  The smile Caine gave her held the world and she wanted to live in it.


  Caine could not believe his luck. The worst day of his life just turned into the absolute best day of his life. And, the reality was that it may actually be one of his last. If it was, at least he had one of the hottest females he’d ever seen in his corner. The infamous Rowan triplets had brought him back to their house and if he wasn’t misreading Suvi’s body language, she wanted him. He wasn’t going to say no to the sexy witch. He may only have three days to live and he planned on grabbing life by the balls.

  He glanced around the backyard, impressed that the three sisters had done so well for themselves at such a young age. Supernaturals didn’t mature out of their stripling years and into adulthood until they turned twenty-five and the triplets were only twenty-seven. They were impressive, indeed.

  He squinted at the tiny lights that seemed to be floating around the shrubbery. Fireflies immediately came to mind, but they weren’t indigenous to Seattle. Upon closer inspection, he realized they were bigger than a firefly, as well. He noticed that there were flowers all around their property despite it being a chilly, fall night. Typically, by that time of the year, the flowers were done blooming and the leaves had turned colors.

  One of the lights zoomed past his face and he instinctively swatted at it. Dodging his hand, the object moved closer to him and buzzing sounded in his ear. He turned his head to see what it was and focused on a tiny, winged female hovering in front of him.

  It was then that he realized that the lights were Fae creatures called sprites. Sprites were Unseelie and some of the most delicate, yet powerful, beings in the Fae realm. To earn their allegiance was difficult, even for the Unseelie King. He understood the flowers when he saw the tiny faerie. They likely tended the witches’ gardens and ensured there were flowers year round. He smiled and lifted a finger and the smallest hand he’d ever seen closed around the end of it.

  “Hi there. You’re beautiful,” he told the little being with her long, blonde hair and big, green eyes. She wore a layered dress made of iridescent fabric that was a shade darker than her wings. Her bare feet hung in the air and he had the urge to tickle them. She smiled at his compliment, then quickly turned and flew away.

  He laughed and glanced around, watching the show. The sprites were dancing and playing with one another before the magical backdrop of Lake Washington. The lush greenery that surrounded the large pool made more sense to him now. He wondered how Suvi and her sisters had earned the loyalty of so many sprites. It told him much about their character.

  He took off his jacket and tossed it over one of the chairs and considered how lucky he was to have their help. His tie followed suit as he thought of the hot, little witch. He could tell that Suvi was a bundle of fun. In her impossibly high heels and her sensual beauty, she exuded sex appeal. He imagined males everywhere threw themselves at her and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he was willing to join their ranks.

  The way her eyes had glowed with heated passion while she pleaded his case warmed his aching heart. And when his eyes had been drawn to her legs in her short skirt, he almost lost it. Those shoes of hers only accentuated her calf muscles, making his mouth water. She moved with an innate grace that exceeded what was common for supernaturals.

  Speak of the siren. He focused on her silhouette as she sauntered out the back door. His cock went hard at the sight of her long, creamy legs and soft, flat abdomen, and full breasts bouncing as she walked. She wore another pair of high heels and a skimpy, neon-orange bikini. Her silky, black hair flowed loose and long down her back and he wanted to grab a fist of it. His vision became tinged with green, telling him they were glowing with his arousal and her brown eyes glowed brightly, mirroring his reaction. He silently thanked the Goddess for creating such a sexy creature.

  He took a deep breath and caught tendrils of her succulent melon scent that was teasing his nostrils. The scent reminded him of summertime and sunshine. The association was odd for a vampire, given that they couldn’t be out in the sun or they would burn to death, but in his mind this was what summertime should smell like.

  “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” she
murmured. The musical lilt to her voice soothed his soul. He could listen to her talk all day.

  He swallowed down his desire to jump on her and fuck her into oblivion. It was imperative that he maintain his control. This may be the last female he was ever with and he wanted to savor her as much as possible. “It was worth the wait.”

  She smiled and it took his breath away. “I thought we could take a swim and unwind. You know, get to know each other. I know we are on borrowed time and need to get to work, but, well honestly, I want to lose myself in your arms and am afraid that if we don’t do something about it, I won’t be able to concentrate enough to focus on saving you.” She smiled again, meeting his gaze and staring deeply into his eyes. The look went straight to his cock and it jerked in response.

  He was shocked by her forward nature, but thrilled to hear it. “Then I won’t point out that I have no swim trunks with me.”

  Her laughter was infectious and he was soon joining her. Somehow, her amusement made his dire situation all but disappear. “I only wore the suit for propriety’s sake. I normally swim nude. That’s why we have so much foliage around the pool.” She slipped her feet out of her shoes and glided down the steps into the shallow end of the pool. He was shocked to hear that her sisters didn’t mind her flaunting her body around their mates. If she were his, he wouldn’t allow another male to see one inch of her luscious body.

  He quickly removed his shoes and socks then his shirt and pants. He paused at his briefs, knowing if he went to her naked, he’d be on her in a heartbeat. “I’ll keep these on for now. Slow things down.” He did nothing to hide the fact that his erection rose above the waistband of his briefs. Truth was, there was no hiding when one was as large as he was.

  She lifted her hand and he saw a glint of silver. A ring with a black stone sat on her forefinger. “Bhric,” she called and black smoke rose from the ring, encircling above their heads, and turned into a black bat. An actual bat, with wings and everything. “Go feed, sweetie. I’ll be busy for a while.” Caine recalled stories that had circulated about Bhric, one of the Vampire Princes, being a lover to one of the witch sisters. It was obvious that Suvi was the sister in question. How was he going to compete with that? The other male was a formidable warrior, Caine was a businessman. Not to mention that Bhric was known for his sexual prowess.

  “Have you changed your mind?” Suvi asked, tilting her head at him. Seeing the desire in her eyes quickly suffocated his insecurities.

  “No, love.” He dove into the pool and swam up behind her. He surfaced and pulled her into his arms. She twisted around and looked up at him expectantly.

  He tangled one hand in her hair at the nape of her neck while the other wrapped around her waist. He growled low and tugged her flush against him. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. Electricity exploded from every point their skin met. Her lips were soft and inviting and she immediately took charge. She ran her tongue across his lower lip, taking advantage and slipping her tongue into his mouth when his lips parted.

  The taste of her exploded across his taste buds and had him wanting to taste every inch of her. His hands roved over her back and followed the indentations at the base of her back then both hands grabbed onto her ass and lifted her against him. He took his time exploring every inch of her mouth while grinding his stiff shaft against her slick core, their clothing adding friction.

  “Don’t tease me, vampire. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a witch and could light you on fire.”

  “I plan on taking my time tasting every inch of your body.” He held her and walked to the side of the pool. Taking her mouth once more, he reached back and undid her bikini top. She let if fall and float away in the pool. He stood back and gazed at perfection. The beads of water glistened on the rosy tips of her globes. “Goddess, you are beautiful.” He grabbed her breasts in both hands and palmed their heavy weight. He dipped his head and licked a bead of water and bit her straining nipple while he squeezed and teased the other. She cried out and arched into him, pushing her flesh further into his hand. She was so damn hot. Zander wasn’t going to have to put him to death, he was going to be incinerated right there in the pool.

  She clawed at his back then pushed down his briefs, grabbing at his cock. No, he couldn’t allow her to touch him or his beast would be unleashed.


  Suvi couldn’t believe the feel of Caine feasting on her body. She felt a connection with him and it strengthened with each passing moment, adding to the eroticism. As he sucked one nipple into his mouth, sparks of need rippled through her moist feminine flesh. He sank his fangs into the soft tissue of her breast and fed while his hands pulled the ties on her bottoms. The fabric floated away from her and his fingers found her aching core. Her thoughts scattered as he continued to feed and his thick digits slid through her slit and found her throbbing bundles of nerves. She detonated when his finger trailed down, sliding in and out of her pussy.

  This was exactly why she preferred vampire lovers. Their bite was orgasmic, but Caine’s had her seeing stars. It had never been like this before and she was fiercely glad that she had insisted on bringing him back to their house to discuss their investigation.

  “That was just the beginning. Your body knows who its master is,” he whispered as he licked the twin pinpricks closed. Yes, her body knew who its new master was, but she wasn’t about to let him know that.

  “You wish,” she croaked as he licked a path down her quivering stomach. His hands reached up to tease her sensitive breasts, and that quick, her need was back with an urgency that was pressing at her. He chuckled as he lifted her easily out of the water and set her on the side of the pool.

  His fingers brushed through the black tangle of curls as he continued to kiss her. He had her panting by the time he parted her feminine folds and lowered his head, flicking his tongue from her core to her clit. She felt a flood of cream leave her body with that one touch. “That means nothing,” she murmured. He chuckled knowingly against her flesh as he continued his explorations.

  He lifted his head and she was caught in the glowing green eyes that echoed her arousal. “See, love, your body knows I am its master and responds sweetly.” Keeping his eyes on her, he placed the tip of his rough tongue at her core and inserted it into her. The sensation was devastating. He tongue-fucked her slowly, building her need. She writhed against him, trying to gain more friction where she needed it most. He gripped her hips and held her still, refusing her what she sought.

  She saw the wicked glint in his eyes as he drew the tight bundle against the heat of his tongue. He sucked hard and released her hips to insert one of his fingers into her pussy. It wasn’t enough, she needed more. The sharp sting at her clit had her holding her breath, hoping he would bite her there. No one had ever done that to her, yet she had yearned to experience it. When his fangs pierced her aroused flesh, she detonated as her thighs gripped his face. Her orgasm came so hard and so fast she wasn’t prepared. She was helpless but to writhe in bliss. She swore she left her body.

  He must’ve sensed her body become a boneless mass because his hands caught her and kept her from collapsing, bringing her back down into his arms. As she was lowered back into the heated pool, she wrapped her legs around his waist and felt the hard shaft pressing against her stomach.

  She lifted her leg and used her feet to push his briefs off his hips. Strangely enough, she knew this dance with this male. It felt as if they had been doing this forever. It was essential and his body responded just as hers had, with eager enthusiasm. They were both breathless and sweating, their hearts racing, needing more. The way he held himself in check, ramped their arousal even higher.

  He brought his lips back to hers and ravaged her mouth. She tasted herself on his lips. Skin on skin, they pressed tightly together, never wanting to separate. She wriggled her body and sighed as his cock slid through her slick channel, rubbing every ultra-sensitive inch. “You are mine, Suvi. I face death and cannot promise you a life togeth
er, but I will not let you go until the day I die.” She had no idea where his declaration was coming from and all thought left her mind when he tilted his hips back and the mushroomed head was poised at her entrance. He wrapped his hand around her throat possessively, making her a cauldron of liquid fire.

  “You will not die, Caine. We will find out who did this,” she promised and cried out as he thrust his thick, long shaft into her body in one smooth stroke. He stretched and filled her completely. The feeling of being pushed beyond capacity was a sweet torture. She clung to him, digging her nails into his back as she did.

  He pulled back and began to thrust in and out of her slowly while the water added to their overheated skin. His face was beautiful etched with his pleasure. He increased his tempo, each stroke hitting her deeper, harder, fanning the flames of her desire even higher. His name was a ragged plea on her lips, for what, she didn’t know.

  “I know, love. I know,” he whispered and reached between their bodies to pinch her bundle of nerves and she exploded around his cock. She felt like she was floating in the stars and heard him call out her name as he joined her. Sudden, blinding pain had her gasping for a different reason. She scrambled to get away from him, but she couldn’t move. She barely registered his identical shout of pain.

  She met his confused gaze as his release continued, pouring his hot seed into her womb. And then, she understood what was happening. “Oh, Goddess. It can’t be,” she whispered. “I’m yours? Your Fated Mate?”

  “Yes, love. I had thought this the worst day of my life, but I would go through a million days like this to find you,” he professed.

  “And, I won’t stop until I have saved you. We will have forever, Caine,” she vowed, wanting to believe it. She rocked her hips, squeezing his shaft with her inner muscles. His cock jerked, kicking off another set of orgasms for them both.


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