Suvi's Revenge: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 3

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Suvi's Revenge: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 3 Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  Smoothing the fabric into place, she contemplated her hair. Finally, she settled on pulling her hair into a high ponytail. She lined her brown eyes in coal and added shimmery eyeshadow. A quick application of lip gloss and she was donning her shoes. She stood up and crossed to her full-length mirror and admired her image.

  She turned her ankle, glancing at her mate mark. The crescent moon tipped in blood had been burning since they’d had sex and that pain had only worsened, but, the shoes made the brand look incredible, she surmised. She didn’t understand why people would complain about wearing heels. For her, they were the most natural thing in the world. She took one last look in the mirror and realized she was missing something. The final touch to any outfit was always the earrings. She put on her favorite large silver hoop earrings and headed out the door.

  The noise from the party increased as she descended the stairs. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. This was the first party she’d attend with her mate. She was no longer a single witch, ready to prowl the night. A smile spread across her face as she thought about how she was so much better…she was mated.

  She stopped at the back door and glanced around, grateful that her sisters had added the finishing touches. Isis had dragged her away before she’d cast the lights, but they had done it for her. Multi-colored orbs floated amongst the balloons giving the area its illumination. It was too much color in her opinion and she muttered a spell to switch all the lights to clear. She observed her work and nodded. Much better, now only the balloons provided the color.

  She strode out and her eyes immediately sought out Caine. She was glad to see the Dark Warriors in attendance as she noticed Santiago and Orlando by the food table talking to a couple of Valkyries. They were brave males. Valkyries were lethal assassins. Gerrick was scowling at the pair a few feet away, obviously not happy to be there. He wasn’t one to wear a smile on his face, but he wasn’t typically pissed off and she wondered what was going on with him. Jace and Cailyn were tossing a ball to Donovan who was in the water and Zander and Elsie were nearby watching the interaction. Unless she was mistaken, those were looks of yearning in Elsie’s eyes. Suvi smiled at the thought of babies taking over Zeum.

  She quickly scanned through dozens of other people and found Caine standing next to Nate, deep in conversation. She noticed that Caine had changed into black dress pants and a green silk button down that matched his eyes perfectly. His lean muscled body and the way his head swiveled to follow her movements caught her breath and once again reminded her of a black panther. His glowing gaze held an intensity that spoke of his predatory nature. She shuddered as she recalled the feel of his fangs sinking into her breast. Her nipples hardened at the thought and she flushed with arousal. A magnetic pull had her sauntering in his direction. There were no words spoken between them but she knew what he wanted. She wanted it too, right now, if she had her way.

  “I haven’t gotten used to the way your eyes glow when you are turned on. Dragons’ eyes have a flame that burns in the center. Does this only happen with your mate or does it happen with any female?” Nate asked, breaking the moment.

  “With anyone,” Suvi responded, irritated at the interruption.

  “Thank the Gods. I was worried for a minute. This female named Paula had glowing eyes the entire time she was talking to me and she is annoying as shit. All I could think was if your Goddess thought to make her my mate, I was slitting my throat. No way in hell was I going to spend five minutes with her, much less eternity.”

  “How the hell did Plain Paula get in? I specifically left her off the invite. I swear one day I’m going to turn her into a toad,” Suvi vowed, trying to think of a way to get rid of the bothersome female before she started running of the guests.

  Caine picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles, laughter dancing in his eyes. “My ferocious little mate. Forget about her, let’s dance. It was good to talk to you, Nate. Someday, I will take you up on your offer and visit Khoth to see your purple moon.”

  “Oooo, your realm has a purple moon? I wonder if that would impact our powers differently,” Suvi postulated, excited by the prospect of visiting other realms and experimenting.

  “You can talk moons and magic later, love. Right now you’re all mine,” Caine said, grabbing her hand, dragging her to the make-shift dance floor.

  “Moons and magic, I like the sound of that. That could be the theme of our mating ceremony.” Her wheels started spinning with all kinds of thoughts for the ceremony. First on her list was finding the perfect pair of shoes.

  Caine pulled her close and began a slow dance despite the upbeat tempo of the music currently playing. “Speaking of our mating, I think we should do it on the full moon in a few days, rather than wait.”

  “That anxious to be mated to me?” she husked into his ear.

  “You have no idea how anxious I am to be mated to you,” he murmured, grabbing her ass and tugging her closer so she felt the hard line of his erection.

  “Mmmm, I think I have some kind of idea. And, I really want this pain in my brand to end. It grates on my nerves, always keeping me on edge.” She didn’t mention the unsettling feeling she had in her gut that the rug was going to be pulled out from under them. Cele was out there and more pissed than ever. Suvi had no doubt that the High Priestess was going to retaliate in a big way.

  “It’s not the brand that is keeping you on edge. The unresolved threat is what’s eating at you. At least we have each other now and nothing can keep us apart,” Caine promised. She gazed into his green eyes and felt some of her worry seep away. He was right. They were stronger together which was why Cele had tried so hard to get rid of Caine before they could be joined.

  Donovan’s scream cut off that line of thought and had her turning around to see what was going on. Black smoke filled the air on the other side of the pool where Donovan was splashing and playing. She glanced to her sisters and saw Isis running to get her son. Suvi was in motion at the same time Pema was. Suvi searched the black smoke, expecting to see Cele, but didn’t immediately see anyone. She remained on guard given that the smoke appeared the same as they’d encountered the night they had saved Donovan from Cele’s grasp.

  Malicious intent radiated from the smoke like a plague, seeking to infect anything it contacted. Caine latched onto her left hand at the same time she took Pema’s. They halted at the side of the pool just as the smoke cleared, revealing a stunning female sorceress with dark brown hair. She recognized the mocha skin and eerie black eyes.

  “Angelica,” Jace hissed from close behind her. Hatred and contempt poured off the sorcerer in waves. Suvi and her sisters had helped Jace discover a spell that Angelica had cast on him during a time when the female had held him prisoner. This female had done unspeakable things to Jace, and in Suvi’s opinion, was just as evil as Cele.

  Isis reached back and touched Pema’s arm, joining the three of them together, preparing to defend an attack, if necessary. Suvi glanced down and saw that Donovan was almost to the edge of the pool and still vulnerable.

  “What do you want?” Zander demanded from a few feet away. Suvi glanced around and noted that most of their guests had retreated to the other side of the property. The sprites were flying frantically around the top of the barrier Suvi had cast earlier. They zoomed around the balloons in their agitation, causing several to pop.

  Angelica waltzed to the food table and picked up a truffle, popping it into her mouth. “I only want what is mine. Jace and the Mystik Grimoire. Relinquish them to me and I will leave peacefully.”

  “Over my dead body!” Jace yelled while shoving his mate behind him, shielding her with his body. “I’m not yours, Angelica. I never was and I never will be,” Jace spat.

  “As for the Grimoire,” Zander interrupted, “you will never lay one hand on the tome. It would never allow it.” Suvi had heard rumors about the magical book and its ability to appear and disappear. It contained prophecies, ancient spells, and knowledge about how to access any realm, whic
h was no doubt why the female wanted to get her hands on it.

  A dark light began to glow between Angelica’s fingertips, alerting Suvi that she was about to attack. She squeezed Pema’s hand. “Let’s do a protection spell,” she whispered.

  Angelica’s head swiveled in their direction as if she heard the soft-spoken words. Without hesitation Suvi and her sisters chanted, “cosaint.”

  Angelica’s rebuff was instantaneous. Black light left her hands and hit their barrier, sending sparks shooting into the air. Several balloons popped as the magic hit them while some of Angelica’s spell seeped around the barrier before they had cast it. A couple of the band members cried out and collapsed against the floor. Zander and his Dark Warriors rushed to form a wall of muscle between the loose magic and the rest of their guests.

  Suvi was about to rush to their side when Jace and Gerrick simultaneously called their staffs to them, dissipating the spell before anyone else fell to it. Feeling triumphant, Suvi turned back to smirk at the sorceress when her face fell. Angelica was laughing loudly as if she had been thwarted. Suvi glanced at her sisters silently asking if they understood. They both shook their heads in confusion.

  Angelica’s hand went behind her and then flung forward. Suvi’s beloved lounge chairs went airborne. She had spent hours picking them out and they were about to be destroyed. She ducked as one went sailing over their heads and smashed against the wall of their house. Ronan roared and snatched one out of the air and tossed it aside, salvaging it. Zander was by his side in seconds as well as his Dark Warriors.

  Isis crouched and pulled Donovan out of the water while the Vampire King and others kept them safe. “Run to Fen’s hideaway,” Isis instructed the little boy. Fen was at his side in seconds and Suvi saw the tale-tell signs of sprite magic surrounding her nephew. Confident that he would be safe, Suvi and her sister turned back to the battle at hand. Most of their guests were crouching and hiding anywhere they could while some of the braver ones fought back.

  Isis screamed obscenities at the sorceress and picked up a tiki torch, throwing it at Angelica. She batted the torch aside and crouched low, muttering something in a language Suvi didn’t recognize and spoke directly to Jace. “Jace, love, come with me. We belong together.” Suvi could feel the power of the compulsion in the words and worried Jace would succumb.

  Suvi chanced a glance at Jace. It was obvious the healer was affected, but he didn’t give in. Angelica was furious and flinging every object within reach at them. Most ended up in their pool while others found their mark. It was chaotic as their guests dodged objects and tried to protect themselves.

  The sprites joined the fight as well. Sprites were tiny creatures, but some of the most magical Fae in existence and fiercely loyal. Suvi saw Fen rush in, glowing bright red with her anger and clutching a tiny acorn in her hand. She tossed the acorn with greater force than Suvi had expected. A smile broke over Suvi’s face as she watched the acorn hit its target and explode across the side of Angelica’s face, leaving a bleeding divot in its wake. Dozens of sprites began hurtling tiny balls of fire at the sorceress, making her scream in frustration.

  “This isn’t over, Jace. I will have you,” Angelica promised before disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

  Cheers erupted from the crowd and a winded voice next to her had Suvi both cringing and smiling at the same time. “Wow! That was a killer workout. There’s no telling how many calories I just burned dodging chairs. I’m going to have to add that to my work-out regimen,” Plain Paula huffed.

  “You do that Paula. I have a dance to finish,” Suvi said, walking away.

  “That female really is annoying,” Caine observed from next to her.

  “Yes she is.” Suvi grabbed Caine’s hand and walked over to her sisters.

  “Check on the band and get them playing again, Suvi. Isis and I will get to work putting the furniture back in place,” Pema instructed. “We aren’t going to let her ruin our night.”

  As she glanced around, she could tell that no one was seriously injured and she was relieved. Hell no, they weren’t going to let that evil bitch ruin their night. “Let’s get this party started,” Suvi called out to the guests, taking Caine and planting a kiss on his lips as the band started playing.


  “I suppose you guys aren’t hanging around to help clean this mess up?” Pema asked Zander facetiously.

  The Vampire King chuckled and slapped Pema on the shoulder. “No’ on your life, lass, but feel free to put Nate to work. He needs to do something other than harass females. We need to talk aboot Angelica’s appearance and I want Jace and Gerrick to cast the new layers of protection around your property that we have around Zeum.”

  “Yeah, there’s a lot I could say about that female, but let’s start with the obvious,” Isis snarled. “Why in the hell did she barge into our party and how did she access the same dark magic Cele has? Sorcery and witchcraft are vastly different and don’t tap into the same power source.”

  Caine understood little about witches and sorcerers, but he did know that witches used the power of the four elements while sorcerers shaped and wielded the magic of the earth. The way Suvi had explained it seemed like a matter of semantics to him, but then he was a vampire. One thing that was undeniable was that when he came into contact with the magic, he could feel the difference. When Jace and Gerrick had cast their spells during the party there was a dense, heavy atmosphere surrounding them whereas Suvi and her sisters’ was lighter. It was as different as a light drizzle compared to a heavy rainfall.

  “She barged into the party because she is a delusional nut-job,” Jace answered, picking up empty cups and setting them on a table. “I felt the same power with Cele that night in the basement when we rescued Donovan.”

  “I doona think it is too much of a stretch to say that the archdemon, Kadir, gave them the power. I detected a scent that I have only smelled when I’ve been in his or other lesser demons’ presence,” Zander added.

  “The real question is what goal the two females have in common,” Suvi pointed out. “Angelica seems to have her sights fixed on Jace where Cele is focused on us, so what’s the connection? You know her best, Jace. What do you think?” Caine watched Suvi wince and turn pale as if she regretted her words the moment they left her lips.

  “Thankfully, I haven’t seen or heard from her for six hundred years. The only thing she has ever wanted was more power and she felt the way to get that was through me and the Mystik Grimoire.”

  “Och, that’s it, that’s the connection. Kadir must be promising to give them more power,” Zander interjected. “He is a sneaky mother-fucker playing on realm weaknesses. I’m no’ worried aboot Angelica getting the Grimoire, the tome willna allow that. We need to find oot where these two females are and end them before they can do anymore damage. We need to expand patrols and pull double shifts to include daylight hours since the females are no’ confined to the night. I willna allow my realm members and warriors to be targeted again.”

  “We can check with Trixie and ask if Cele has visited her shop recently. Cele wants to bring her daughter back and even if that’s not possible, witches need supplies to perform their magic. She can’t go back to her home or the academy, so she will need to get the items somewhere else,” Pema added.

  “What do we do if we encounter them? Both females are unstable and difficult to contain,” Caine observed, hating the idea of his mate placing herself in a perilous situation.

  “Yeah, you could say that. Angelica clearly lives in a delusional world and Cele is dangerous and very powerful,” Isis said. “The three of us battled Cele and barely managed to hold her back. I don’t know about Angelica’s power, but I think it’s safe to say if you find them, you shouldn’t approach them without the three of us present. Our best bet of being able to beat either one of them is if Suvi completes her mating on the full moon in a couple of days.” Caine had no doubt that Isis was right. He’d had a nagging suspicion that mating S
uvi needed to happen soon and the episode tonight only confirmed it.

  Still, Caine had to bite back his protective instincts that wanted to take Suvi away to a remote island where no one would ever find them and live happily ever after with no interference. But, she wasn’t one to be shielded behind steel doors. She was a powerful witch who was destined to take over ruling the witches.

  “Sounds like we have a mating to plan,” Suvi said, nudging his side and bringing him out of his thoughts. He looked down at her and smiled broadly. Hell yeah, a mating ceremony sounded perfect. In the midst of all the craziness he had found himself embroiled in, why not add a little more chaos to the pot? Especially when it involved him and the hottest witch he’d ever laid eyes on. He was one lucky male.


  Caine pulled his mate’s sport car into his driveway, glad to be home. It had only been three days since Sally was murdered and yet it seemed like an eternity had passed. He shouldn’t be surprised. After all, he faced and overcame a death sentence, found his Fated Mate, survived an attack from an evil sorceress, and so much more. The harrowed murder investigation, birthday party, and daytime outings (when he had never before gone out during the day) were all just icing on the cake. On the brink of becoming overwhelmed again, Suvi’s soul caressed him from the inside. It set his fangs on edge with arousal and calmed him at the same time. And damn, if that didn’t make his mate mark burn like the fires of hell.

  He looked over at the female who had become his universe and was captured by her enticing, brown eyes. His gaze traveled over her face and down to the pulse in her neck. His hunger spiked as he saw the blood rushing in her veins. Her panting breaths made her chest heave up and down, drawing his attention. He licked his lips and imagined feasting on her luscious breasts. His eyes traveled to her long legs. She crossed them and he had to agree, the right shoes made all the difference when he saw his mate mark on her ankle. Her impossibly high-heels showcased his mark even more, leaving no doubt that she belonged to him. His entire body throbbed with need as every part of her inflamed him.


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