A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)

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A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) Page 7

by Charisee Irons

  I couldn’t believe the phone call I just gotten from Cyn. She called me, all hysterical and crying. Marcy crossed the line; she knew our cardinal rule was not to date one another’s men—whether they were ex-boyfriends or just somebody we screwed once. They were off limits no matter what. We always knew that she was with sleeping around with other people’s men, but Eric? That shit was foul. was on my way to Cyn’s now because I knew her temper. She was about to fuck Marcy up. I hoped that I reached Cyn before she attempted to leave the house. I told her I was on my way, but I wasn’t even sure if she heard me. She lived about twenty-five miles from my house, and I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over. At first, I didn’t see Cyn’s car, and I prayed it was in the garage. After parking, I rang the bell and knocked on the door at the same time. I stood there, praying hard that Cyn hadn’t left because she had no chill button. Marcy wasn’t a match for her, either. Cyn was meek and mild on the outside, but once she was rubbed the wrong way, it was hard to bring her in. I witnessed her whip a many asses and I was right there with her, kicking ass and taking names. She finally came to the door with her kick-ass clothes on. I tried calming her down, but that wasn’t working. I just couldn’t wrap my brain around Marcy being that deceitful.

  “Dawn, I’m not trying to hear what you’re saying. Both Eric and Marcy got it coming!” she told me straight up. I wasn’t in a position to hold her back, so I just rode with her.

  The ride over to Marcy’s was very quiet. I could see the steam coming from Cyn’s head. She looked as though she were about to blow a damn gasket. When we got to Marcy’s, it was as if Cyn went from zero to one-hundred in two seconds. She was banging on the door, screaming for Marcy to open the door. Neighbors started coming outside their homes, looking to see what all of the commotion was. Marcy finally came to the door, and Cyn was on her ass. She barely opened the damn door before Cyn started in on her. It didn’t even look like Marcy was putting up a fight, either. It was as if she were admitting her guilt without even saying one single word. On my way over, I texted Ant and told him what was going down, and I asked him to meet me at Marcy’s house. He must have called Jonathan for reinforcement because he, too, was hopping out of his car. It took both of them to get Cyn off of Marcy. When I looked at Marcy, she was curled up in a fetal position and she was crying. She was a bloody mess, and I just knew she had a couple of broken bones. Her eyes were damn near shut, and her nose and lip were both bloody. I tried to help her up, but she just whispered that she was fine.

  Someone must have called the police and an ambulance because I could hear faint sirens. Jonathan pushed Cyn into the car and took off. I just waited there with Marcy until the ambulance arrived. I asked Marcy if she wanted me to contact her parents, but she just shook her head no. I felt sorry for her with the way Cyn whooped her ass, but she asked for it. All of those times Cyn looked out for her, especially in school, and this what she did? There were girls who wanted to beat Marcy’s ass, from the time she arrived until we graduated from high school. Let’s just say, Cyn and I were her knights-in-shining armour. I had love for Marcy, but she was dead wrong for what she did. I knew once Cyn got a hold of Eric, it was going to be a lot of slow singing, flower bringing, and furniture moving in the city of Wilmington. After the police and ambulance arrived, me and Anthony left. I climbed in Cyn’s car and took off. I wasn’t sticking around to answer any questions.

  When I arrived at Cyn’s, she was walking back and forth, just talking and mumbling to herself. We just sat there, listening to her vent and blow off steam. She had the pictures all strewn on the floor in the dining room, and I could see exactly why she snapped. There was a letter attached that said that Eric and Marcy had been creeping since last year. The other guy in the picture I knew as a customer of mine. He always used my catering company for his events. The pictures showed them in some very compromising positions. Reality must have started kicking in because Cyn broke down and started crying. She just kept saying, “This motherfucker is gay! He was fucking me without protection!” And from the pictures, Eric looked like he was enjoying himself. I didn’t want to believe it, but pictures don’t lie. I just walked over to console my friend the best I knew how. It wasn’t easy seeing her this way. How do you console your best friend, who just found out that the guy she was in a relationship with for years was not only fucking her best friend, but a dude, too?

  Chapter 15


  I woke up in the hospital to see my mother sitting vigil over me while I slept. When I tried to cough, I must have startled my mother because she jumped up. She was so happy to see me awake.

  “You been out of it for a couple of days. You were heavily sedated because you had several cracked and bruised ribs,” she told me when I asked what happened. While my mom was fussing over me, the nurse came in.

  “Ms. Crawford, what a pleasant surprise to have you back with us. You gave your mom here a real scare. I’m going to check your vitals and the doctor has been informed. He should be in to see you shortly.” After checking my vitals, she asked if there was anything she could get me.

  “Am I able to eat? Because I feel famished,” I asked. Once the doctor examined me, she would have a lunch tray sent around for me she informed me. When she was done, I knew my mother would start her twenty-one questions.

  “So, baby how are you feeling?”

  “I feel a little sore.”

  “Well, do you know what happened? The police were here but said they would come back to get your statement.” I tried to play it off because I didn’t feel like talking about what happened. I knew it was coming, but I wasn’t sure how Cyn found out about Eric and I. I know what I did was wrong, though. For a month, I hid from the thoughts of how many people I had hurt with my actions. So, to say that I didn’t have that ass kicking coming is an understatement.

  “Mom, could we talk about this later? How are my babies doing?”

  “They’re doing fine, you know, they wanted to come see you. I told them once you were doing better maybe they could visit. I tried calling Cyn and Dawn to let them know what happened to you. Dawn came up once, but she hasn’t been back. Cyn hasn’t returned my calls. Did something happen between you two?”

  “Mom, just let it go already!” Thank God for the knock at the door. In walked the doctor, who I recognized from the club. His name was Dr. Michael Turner. We both looked at one another, but made no attempts to let on that we knew each other. After completing his examination, he said that I had made some progress and could be discharged tomorrow. I sat there, thinking of my last encounter with Mike. It looked as if he had the same thoughts. He stated that he would return before he ended his rounds for the night. After my lunch tray arrived, I picked over the sandwich. I realized I wasn’t that hungry and dozed off.

  When I woke up, there were two officers walking into the room. Officer Washington and Officer Lawerence. They attempted to question me about my attack, but of course, I claimed I had no clue who my attacker was.

  “There was no real description from the witness, except it was a lady in a dark blue Armada truck,” Officer Lawerence said. My mom looked perplexed because she knew that was Cyn’s truck. I tried to hurry the officers along by faking a headache and just asking if they could leave a card, so I could contact them later. It wasn’t even thirty seconds after they left, and my mom started in again with the questions.

  “Marcy, is there something you’re hiding? Because I could have swore Cyn owned a dark blue Armada.” I began to get frustrated with her because she just couldn’t leave well enough alone.

  “Just leave it alone, mom!” I yelled. My mom looked as if she wanted to slap the shit out of me.

  “Marcy Renee Crawford, if you ever raise your damn voice at me again, I will slap the taste out of your mouth. Now, you will answer my questions, or I will go straight to Cynthia.”

  “Mom, could you please let me handle this?”

  “Listen, Marcy, you and Cynthia have been friends for over
fifteen years now, something must be wrong for her to attack you like she did. She could have killed you. What could have possessed her to come at you like that?”

  “Mom, I promise we will talk about this, just give me some time.”

  Boy, was I happy my mother left. She kept trying to press the issue, and I totally ignored her. Some of what she said, though, was true, but I wanted to handle things my own way. As I was lying there, watching the news, Dr. Good-Looking stuck his head in the door.

  “Is the coast clear?” he asked, as I nodded my head yes because I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was acting. “Just wanted to check on my favorite patient before I left.” I couldn’t help but blush.

  “I’m sure you say that to all of the young ladies.”

  “No, just this particular one with the tasty pussy,” he stated, winking his eyes. “Sorry if that sounded inappropriate, but I’m not telling no lies.” I started laughing. He stayed for another thirty minutes, so we could talk, and I promised to hit him and Kiki up once I felt up to it. He kissed me on the back of the hand and left. I noticed that it was getting late, and I was anxious and couldn’t wait to be home in my own bed.

  Chapter 16


  It had been almost two weeks since I showed up at Marcy’s house and whooped her ass. I had yet to catch Eric’s fairy ass. I left plenty of messages, and I even rode past his house with no luck. The bastard was ignoring me. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that he was fucking men and letting them suck on his dick. I got sick just thinking about it. No wonder he stopped wanting to be with me. I was just starting to wrap my head around the fact that he was bi-sexual and that he was fucking my ex-best friend behind my back. When the incident occurred, Ms. Bertha called me to let me know that Marcy had been attacked. I was the least interested in answering her call, since I was the one who attacked that ass. She better be happy she was still alive, but if I saw her again, she might catch another ass whooping.

  For the first couple of days, I was in shock because I could think back to the days when she was getting caught up with fucking with other girls’ boyfriends, and I was right there with her, fighting them off. Either I was fighting for her, or with her and Dawn to keep the chicks off of her back. Even after high school, her trifling ass stayed in some shit and we were right there with her. Dawn went to the hospital to see her ass, but I knew Dawn felt as if she were caught in the middle. Like I told her, there were no hard feelings between us.

  “I just wanted to make sure she was all right,” she told me. “Ms. Bertha was a total wreck because she couldn’t believe someone had attacked her and left her for dead.” I didn’t feel any kind of way because she got what she deserved. I couldn’t believe this bitch was sleeping with Eric for a year behind my back and still smiling all up in my face. That was what I called a conniving, sneaky ass, back-stabbing bitch, but karma’s a bitch, too. It might not occur today or tomorrow, but it was coming for her.

  There was a knock at the door. Damn, I couldn’t believe how time had gotten away from me that fast. I knew it was Jonathan coming to pick me up for our date. I answered the door and apologized for not being ready. He had been very understanding through this whole ordeal and stood by my side.

  “It’s okay, babe, I’m a little early, so you still have time to get your gorgeous ass dressed. Unless you wanna serve me my dessert now?” he suggested. I couldn’t help but take notice of the bulge that was developing in his pants. I walked over towards him and ran my fingers along his crouch.

  “Woman, don’t start what you can’t finish!”

  “Who said I couldn’t finish it?” I asked, turning around and sashaying my ass up the steps with him in tow like a lost puppy with his tongue out. We headed straight for the bathroom, so we could take a shower. I turned on the water while Jonathan tore away at both of our clothes. He began grinding on my ass while placing soft kisses along my neck and collarbone. I started oohing and aahing as I felt a tingling sensation between my legs. My body was on fire, and he was the only one that could put it out. Once we were in the shower, he pinned me up against wall. He started feasting on my kitty, making her purr. I whispered, “Get your dessert, baby.” He was lapping up my juices that were flowing out me. I tried to wiggle out his arms because it felt so damn good. I felt as if I were floating on air. I knew I was ready to feel him inside of my walls. “Put it in, please just put in!” I yelled. He didn’t have any problems granting my wish. He picked me up in his arms and carried me into the bedroom, soaking wet. He laid me on the bed as he pushed his way into my honey pot. I was rubbing and scratching at his back as he laid the pipe on me. I started having multiple orgasms as he delivered the best sex I ever had. With every stroke gave me, I could feel him touching my g-spot. I gushed all over his dick.

  “Get on all fours, and stick that juicy ass out for me,” he instructed. “I wanna get up in that pussy real good,” he said, smacking my ass.” That smack alone drove me over the edge. He was punishing my ass for making him wait for this pussy. He began grunting and moaning, which meant he was close to exploding. I slowed it down, and I turned around and placed him in my mouth. I licked and sucked on it just enough to make sure he could last longer. I laid back on the pillow as he started power-driving my ass into the bed. We were both moaning and crying out in unison. I started squeezing my muscles around his dick, trying to milk him for everything he had. We reached our climax at the same time. When we finished, we both were spent. I tried to stand, but I had spaghetti legs. After resting for a little bit, we made it back to the shower, so we could ready for our date. Luckily, his cousin was the owner of the Rib Shack, so he was able to call ahead and extend our arrival time. My ass was so tired and worn out that I was ready to jump in the bed right then and there.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, our table was ready with a bottle of wine already placed at the table. The hostess didn’t bother giving us menus because Jonathan had already order our food. We were served baby back ribs, corn on the cob, potato salad, greens, yams, and mac and cheese. I was sure to have the itis after all of this good food and the great sex. The chef also happened to be Jonathan’s cousin, Mark. He came out to make sure we enjoyed our food and to chat with us. I complimented him on preparing such a delicious meal.

  “Will y’all be having any dessert?” he asked.

  “We already did,” Jonathan answered, with this silly ass grin on his face.” They both started laughing, and I felt my cheeks turn hot from blushing.

  We sat, talking and drinking almost until the restaurant closed. If I didn’t know any better, Jonathan was trying to get me turnt up, so he could have his way with me again. We finally made it to the house, and I was so exhausted and buzzed, all I wanted was my bed. By the time we made it upstairs, neither one of us was in a sexual mood. We both curled up in the bed and we were soon knocked out.


  I rose to my alarm going off; I had to meet up with Ms. Julia this morning. She was meeting me at the building to add the finishing touches to my office. Lord knows, I was ready to call her to postpone the appointment. I looked over at Jonathan, who was sleeping so peaceful. I tried getting out the bed without waking him; it was bad enough that one of us had to get up. As I got out of the bed, I slipped on my robe, heading towards the bathroom to get my day started. While brushing my teeth, I could see that it was time to get my hair done. I made a mental note to call Jasmin at House of Hair Lounge for an appointment. I knew it was at the last minute, but I needed a new hairstyle. It was time to rock the natural look. No more weaves or caps because my hair needed to breathe. When I got back in the room, Jonathan was sitting up in the bed with this sinister look on his face, as if he were up to something.

  “Good morning, beautiful. You sure are up pretty early, I had some plans for us. When I rolled over, I noticed you were gone, and now here you stand, all washed and dressed. I guess that puts a pause to my plans, not unless we can get a quickie?” Now he was hitting me with the
sad-puppy-dog eyes.

  “I’m sorry, babe, I have to meet Ms. Julia at the office this morning. Plus, you know how our quickies turn out, but I can make it up to you later on. How about we order out and have movie night?” He walked over and smacked me on the ass.

  “That sounds like a plan.” He wrapped his strong arms around me, and that’s when it hit me. I wanted this kind of strength and love in my life forever. I wasn’t sure if mentioning anything would push him away. I wanted to make sure that he felt the same way I did. We started dating almost six months ago. So, I decided to wait a little longer to make sure all was right between us. He placed a kiss on my forehead as we stared into each other’s eyes. I knew I needed to break free from his embrace, or there would be trouble. I didn’t want Ms. Julia putting an APB out on me. My phone rang, speaking of the devil. It was Ms. Julia calling to say she was on her way.

  “I will see her there. Do you want something from Dunkin Donuts?” I asked. She wanted an iced coffee and two glazed donuts. Luckily, I didn’t live too far, so the extra stop was no problem. I gave Jonathan a soft peck on the lips and walked out of the door, grabbing my purse and my keys.

  I made the stop at Dunkin Donuts and got our food. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed Ms. Julia was parking her car, too. I really felt blessed because she was a godsend. She helped to make my vision for my office become a reality. Plus, she had taken on the role of becoming the office manager. Besides decorating, she conducted interviews for the receptionist position and for other two realtor positions available. She made it her business to handle finding someone suitable for the company. I walked into her office as she was getting the materials together to drape the waiting area.

  I just sat there, looking off into space.

  “Cynthia, how’s it going sweetheart?”

  “I’m doing fine, why do you ask?”


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