A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)

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A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) Page 11

by Charisee Irons

  Well, the time was almost here for me reveal myself to my queen. Before I left, I needed to make sure I had the diamond earrings and necklace that I bought for her. You know, they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Some would say I was buying her affection, but until I could get her to fall in love with me, there was no other way. There was a buzz at the intercom, letting me know Pedro was here.


  We arrived at the mansion, where Dawn was being held, and I could see her silhouette from the upstairs window. I couldn’t wait to see her in person. Sylvia was there to greet me at the door.

  “Good evening, Mr. Barnes, your guest looks exquisite in her baby blue Vera Wang gown.”

  “Sylvia, how is our houseguest doing?”

  “Well, the masseuse seems to put her in somewhat of a good mood. She was more relaxed when the hair stylist and makeup artist arrived.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, I know the makeup artist couldn’t have done too much because she was already gorgeous.”

  “At first, she was a little apprehensive and being stubborn, but after my little pep talk, she relaxed even more.”

  “Well, Sylvia, I thank you for all your hard work and your effort these last couple of weeks. I heard she could be a handful, but tonight all that ends.”

  “Well, Mr. Barnes, good luck,” she said, as she walked away.

  I went to observe the area where our romantic dinner would be served, and I couldn’t have been more pleased with my brother, and Sylvia, for bringing this room to life with the candles, the music, and the musicians who would be serenading us throughout the night. The food smelled delicious; I could tell my brother put his foot in it. I walked into the kitchen, where I found my brother putting the final touches to tonight’s meal.

  “Hey, bruh. How’s it coming along? You got it smelling good up in this piece. I really appreciate this. I knew I could count on you and Sylvia to come through for me.”

  “No need, man, you know I’m a hopeless romantic. Hopefully, Lil Momma appreciate all of the trouble you went through to have this wonderful evening for her.”

  “Yeah, well, we will soon find out.” I called out to Sylvia to bring our guest of honor downstairs while I lit the candles and Carlos place the appetizers on the dining room table. I could hear Dawn and Sylvia coming down the steps and approaching the dining room. I waited in the kitchen area before making my entrance.

  While Carlos was seating Dawn, I heard her ask, “Why is the table set for two? And what’s up with all these candles and this music?” That’s when I made my entrance. When Dawn looked up, she fainted. Carlos rushed to her side to make sure she was okay, while Sylvia poured her a glass of water. When she came to, I was standing closer to the table.

  “Dawn are you all right?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not all right. So, you’re the reason I’m here?” she asked. She just kept question after question coming. “When did you get out? Why did you have me kidnapped? What the hell were you thinking? You know my husband will find me, right?”

  “Well, to answer your questions, I’ve been out for almost a month, due to a technicality. I was thinking I needed to have the one who got away back where she belongs. See, I fantasized and dreamed about you. And fuck your husband.”

  “No, Carter, it’s fuck you. What kind of sick individual falls for an even-year old? You must have forgotten that you almost raped me. So, what did you think was going to happen when I saw you? Did you actually think I was going to fall for you?

  “I don’t need a reminder. I sat for fifteen years behind bars because your mom thought it was cool to set me up.”

  “You know, Carter, you’re sick to think you’re gonna be able to keep me here. I guess you didn’t get the memo that I’m good, and pregnant. What did you think you could do with me and my unborn child?” I told her to let me worry about that. She got up from the table and tried to charge at me. I blocked her right hand as she tried to slap me. I took her in my arms to restraint her. Even though she was fighting me, it sure felt good to hold her. She yelled, “Let me go, Carter! Just let me go, I promise to not bring charges against you, but my family is another story. I’m sure I could talk them out of any retaliating against you. Just please let me go!” she yelled. Sylvia came over towards Dawn and took her by the arms, leading her back upstairs. All I could hear her screaming. This night wasn’t going the way I planned it, and I felt defeated and left out without even talking to my brother.

  “Hey, bruh, what do you expect me to do with all this food?”

  “I don’t know, and I could care less!” I hollered, and disappeared out the front door. I didn’t even alert Pedro that I was ready to leave. I just got in the car and drove off.

  “Man, this is too much food to go to waste, and plus, I slaved over this stove half the day!” Carlos called down to the gatehouse and told the guys to come up to the main house. Hopefully, Carter would be oky. He knew that had to have been a blow to his ego. Hopefully, Sylvia could get Lil Momma to calm down.

  I would hate to give her a sedative, Carlos thought.

  Chapter 25


  I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately. I was hoping I wasn’t coming down with the flu. I had one more case to finish, so I hoped the meds would work. Right now, I was experiencing headaches, the sweats, and a sore throat. I made an appointment to get in to see the doctor. I wasn’t one to run to the doctors for every little ailment, though. I’d been feeling drained and tired as of lately, and it was hard for me get out of bed. My appointment was for 1pm, so I still had some time to rest. I called in and told Diane to cancel all of my appointments for the day, and I would call in later to let her know about the rest of the week. She had been over to the house, cooking and taking care of me. I appreciated her efforts in looking out for me, but she was becoming too clingy and kept asking questions about us moving in together. Maybe I was missing something, but I didn’t recall telling her we were a couple. Yeah, she came over from time to time and gave me some ass, and I mean that literally, and she knew how to give decent head. However, I hadn’t even been in the mood for her. Whatever was going on was making me weak.

  When I arrived at the doctor’s, I signed in and waited to be called to the back. I never liked waiting to be seen by anyone. I just wanted to get in and out. After making several trips up to the receptionist’s desk, it was explained to me that because I called in for a sick visit, I had to wait to be seen. After waiting close to an hour, I started to leave until I heard the nurse call my name.

  “Mr. Greyson, sorry for the long wait. Please follow me. I’m gonna need to weigh you, and take your temperature and your blood pressure.” As I got up on the scale, I started feeling weaker. I informed the nurse that I felt feverish and cold. She hurried up and got me into a room. Once she put me in a room, she wrote down my vitals. She began looking over my file and started asking me a series of questions. The one question that caught me off guard was if the Health Department had gotten in contact with me. She must have caught a glimpse of my face because I had no idea what she could have been talking about.

  “Umm, excuse me, but why would the Health Department need to contact me?”

  “Hold on, Mr. Greyson,” she said, “let me get the doctor in here,” and she walked out of the room. I was puzzled because I needed answers, and now. In walked this short bald-headed doctor, who introduced himself as Dr. Walker.

  “Mr. Greyson, let me apologize for the long wait. I understand you have some questions, and I will try to answer to the best of my ability. Now, do you happen to someone name Andre Williamson?”

  “Yes, I do. What is this all about Dr. Walker?”

  “Well, we’re gonna need to run some tests on you and take your blood.”

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” I demanded. I became irritated because I wasn’t getting any answers. Like what did my knowing Dre have to do with why the Health Department wanted to see me. Then it dawned on me. I stood
up off of the exam table, and my legs got wobbly.

  “Mr. Greyson, please calm down. Mr. Williamson was seen here over seven months ago in the ER department. At the time, it was bought up that he named you as a person he had come into recent contact with sexually. Now, because of the nature of his visit, we need to take some blood and test you for HIV.”

  “Hold the fuck up, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I don’t have no damn HIV!”

  “Well, that’s why we want to have some blood work done to verify just that. It will only take close to twenty minutes for the results to come. So, if you could please follow the nurse here to the lab, we can know exactly what the next steps are.” I felt a headache coming on because this punk ass knew for seven months that he had HIV, and he let me hit that ass raw, plus he wrapped his raggedy ass mouth around my manhood. I swear, I was ready to beat the brakes off of his ass. He better not have passed that shit on to me.

  “Mr. Greyson, please roll your sleeve up,” the nurse instructed. She took some alcohol pads and cleaned off the area where she was going to take some blood. When she was done, she placed a band-aid on the area. She directed me back to the room to wait for my results and to consult with the doctor. After sitting in the room, lost in my thoughts, the doctor walked in, and his whole demeanor was different from earlier.

  “Well, Mr. Greyson, I hate to inform you, but it seems you tested positive for HIV.” Before I knew it, I jumped off of the exam table, and with what little strength I had, I took my frustration out on the little table and the chair. The doctor got scared because thought he might have been my next target. He tried to calm me down, but I wasn’t hearing him. This punk ass fairy infected me with HIV, and he was destined to die once I got my hands on him. After having my temper tantrum, the doctor handed me a sheet of paper, so I could list all of the names and the addresses of the people I came come into recent contact with sexually. I couldn’t even fucking think straight, and I was on some whole other level. I had the “Fuck it” attitude. I took the paper and began writing down names, and the one name I hated listing was Cyn’s. After I listed everyone’s name, the doctor asked me what pharmacy I wanted to use, so he could send my prescriptions there. He prescribed some iron pills, stool softener, vitamin C, and other meds I would need to take for the HIV. As I sat there, I could feel my blood boiling; all I saw was red. I was ready to lay hands on somebody, mainly Dre. I called his phone while I sat, waiting for my results to come back and got no answer. My next stop was to show up at his house and his job.

  I would not rest until this motherfucker was dead.

  Chapter 26


  How could this bastard think kidnapping me would bring us together? I wasn’t sure what the hell he was smoking or drinking, but he needed to just say no. How could you develop feelings for an eleven-year old? At the time of the incident, he was nineteen years old and had already served time in prison, only to be released and go back in, but my mind and body were failing me because when his ass stepped in that dining room, my pussy got instantly wet. I couldn’t believe how good-looking he had gotten after all of these years. It seemed his look and swag had gotten better with time, but I knew that was just my hormones talking. After being so used to sexing Ant on a regular basis, my body just reacted. Oh lord, please forgive me, I felt as if I were cheating on Ant. Oh, what I would do to be wrapped in his arms right now.

  I turned on the news to see if they made anymore mention of me. As soon as I tuned in, there was story on Cyn’s Grand Opening. Tears just began to fall down my face because I was supposed to be there, supporting my best friend. I surely missed her, but as I continued to watch the news, there was no further mention of my disappearance. I started rubbing my stomach and talking to AJ because that was the only person I could turn to. I had to get my thoughts together because I had to figure out how to get the hell out of here. The only thing I came up with was to give into Carter. At least that gave me a better chance of escaping. I rang for Carlos, and it took him fifteen minutes to appear.

  “Carlos, can you do me a favor? You think you can get a message to Carter for me?” I asked.

  “What would you like for me to relay to him?”

  “Well, I know last night didn’t go the way he hoped it would, and I would like to apologize to him. So, could you see if he would come over, so we could talk?”

  “I can try, but his ego was truly bruised.”

  “Also, Carlos, could you fix a little spread for us?”

  “Well, Lil Momma, your wish is my command. Did you have something in mind?”

  “No, I’m sure you can throw something good together. I’m counting on you.”

  “All right, I will get right on that for you.”

  “Thank you, Carlos.” Now, I just had to think of a plan as to make Carter fall for me. Even though I didn’t think that would take much effort. First, I needed to start off with something sexy to wear, something that would catch his attention, and then next, I needed get him to trust me. At this point, I was willing to do whatever, but I didn’t want to draw any suspicion, either. I got up and walked over to the walk-in closet to try to find something that said, I’m-sorry-let’s-give-this-another-try. I hoped Ant would forgive me, but whatever happened, it was all for him.

  After taking a relaxing bath, I got dressed in this grey, short maxi dress. I put on a little eyeshadow and some lipgloss, making sure my lips were popping. I wore some grey flats, and the finishing touches were my earrings and a necklace. I must say, Carter really had good taste when he picked out my wardrobe. There was a soft knock at the door.

  “Come in,” I said. It was Sylvia coming to escort me downstairs. This was something I hated, being escorted around the house. I wasn’t permitted free range of the house. Certain areas of the mansion I had been in, but it felt as if there were always someone watching my every move. This would be a minor setback, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. First, I had to have Carter eating out of my hands. When I got to the dining area, it was set up very nicely. Nothing like last night, but it would do for what I was trying to put in motion. I sat in the living room, waiting for Carter’s arrival. I didn’t have to wait long because he appeared in the doorway of the living room in a pair of True Religion jeans and a beige and brown Polo shirt, with a fresh pair of Timbs. He looked good with the diamond earring in his left ear, the diamond-encrusted cross chain, and a Rolex watch.

  “So, Ms. Dawn, to what do I owe this honor? I was totally surprised when Carlos called me you requested for me to come over.”

  “Yes, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. I wasn’t too appreciative for what you had tried to do. So, tonight, I wanted to make it up to you, if you let me.”

  “Well, you did have a nigga feeling some kind of way, but I do accept your apology.” Carlos came in and announced that dinner was ready. I got up and followed Carlos and Carter into the dining room. Carter pulled out my chair for me, and we sat down to enjoy the scrumptious meal Carlos had prepared.

  Chapter 27


  Yes! Looks like your girl got the job. I was so ecstatic. I wanted to go out this evening and celebrate. I was to start my new position as an administrative assistant, which was just another name for Secretary in a few days. I was going to have to get used to getting up early in the morning, but it was a start to my new beginning. The salary wasn’t much, but I would have to make the best of it. I was trying to make a great impression for when I had to go before the judge to fight for custody of my daughters. I knew my mother would put up a fight because that was just her nature. She loved to be in control, and even though she bitched about how much time I didn’t spend with the girls, how much money I spent on them, or how much of a poor role model I was, she loved that I went to her and my father and asked them to care for the girls. It was time that I show her that I was ready to take my rightful place in my daughters’ lives. I had changed my diet, I wasn’t going out as much, and I had cut out some o
f my “extracurricular” activities, as I liked to call it. My last encounter with Kiki and Mike that night was two weeks ago. I couldn’t say that my body hadn’t been craving for some sexual attention, though. I couldn’t seem to shake the thought of Kiki touching, tasting, and feeling all over my body. I even got aroused just thinking about how sweet she tasted and smelled. I had the urge to go over to her place after she called and said she had to have me again. I fought the urge, and I was quite shocked that I didn’t give in. I had to think of my daughters now. My wants and my needs finally needed to take the back seat for now.

  I was sitting here, watching the news, and I saw Cyn’s face on the news. I turned up the volume on the television, and there was an interview of her Grand Opening. I couldn’t help but feel a little envious of her because she had finally made her dream of owning her own business come true. I could see that she was under a lot pressure because she wore it all over face. I could always tell when she felt stressed out because she got these little wrinkles across her forehead. I knew not having Dawn there was hard for her, too. Even I was worried about Dawn, despite the fact that she turned her back on me. I cared very much about her and her well-being. I could tell Anthony and her family were going through hell not knowing her whereabouts, but I prayed God bought her and her unborn child home safe and sound.


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