Claiming Excalibur

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Claiming Excalibur Page 4

by LH Nicole

  Aliana smiled as she saw realization enter Galahad’s expression. His eyes drifted to pictures of Aliana with her friends and another with Aliana hugged between her parents.

  “I know they weren’t your real parents,” he said, taking a seat next to her on the bed. “But you have their smile and kind eyes.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, turning into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

  “I see why you liked it here so much.”

  Not wanting to deal with any more memories, Aliana changed the subject. “Did you pick a room?”

  Galahad nodded. “I believe I am below you.”

  Aliana smiled. It was fitting he took that room—there was a secret staircase that ran from her room to his and down to her papa’s home office on the first floor.

  “Why the smile?” he asked.

  “There’s something very special about that room.”

  “Oh?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Yep.” She leaned back on the bed, pulling Galahad with her, their legs still dangling off the edge.

  Turning onto his side, Galahad propped his head on his bent arm and stared down at her. “Are you going to tell me why that room is special?”

  “Maybe,” she teased, looking up at his handsome face. His eyes were a stunning blue that she often got lost in. A piece of his wavy brown hair fell over one eye, and the band around her heart tightened.

  Before Galahad’s confession of love several days ago, Aliana would never have had the courage to reach up and brush the stray hair away from his face, but since admitting her own love for him, so many things had changed. The sizzling sparks that they felt whenever they touched each other’s skin had grown stronger and brighter.

  “You know I’ll find out eventually,” he warned, resting his free hand on her stomach just inches below her chest, his fingers tracing small patterns that sent warm butterflies frolicking in her insides.

  “I might tell you later…if you’re good.”

  A devilish smile formed on his lips. “I can make you talk,” he whispered, lowering his face close to hers. Aliana’s eyes widened, guessing what his next move would be.

  Before she could flee, his fingers started tickling her side. He had discovered her ticklish spot weeks ago, and since then Galahad had taken great pleasure in torturing her with it. Aliana shrieked in laughter and pushed herself further back on the bed, trying to escape, but Galahad followed her. One of his legs tangled with hers, his body rising over hers as he caged her with one arm next to her head, the other still mercilessly tickling her.

  “Galahad!” she gasped between breathless giggles.

  “Are you going to tell me?” he asked, delight in his eyes, his cheeks flushed with laughter.

  “I give!” she finally cried, her sides aching from laughing too hard.

  He wound his fingers with hers and pinned her hand next to her head. The cool silver of his knight’s cuff contrasted with the sparks that flew between them as he settled himself on top of her. Breathless with delicious tension, Aliana laid her free hand over his wildly beating heart. It was intoxicating to know she had the power to do that to him.

  His face was so close to hers, she couldn’t help sneaking a peek at his mouth, hoping he was going to kiss her. Her knight in shining armor didn’t disappoint.

  He moved in closer, his lips gentle and unhurried as he kissed her once, then twice, and again. Wanting to deepen the kiss, Aliana boldly slid her free hand up his chest, over his shoulder, and into the thickness of his hair at the nape of his neck.

  She pulled him closer and sighed onto his mouth as the kiss became deeper and more passionate. His tongue danced with hers, his teeth scraping at her lips. He kissed her like they were the only two people in the world and nothing else existed.

  His passion consumed her. This kiss was different than the others they had shared. It was wilder, more possessive as the sparks of their bond speared through her.

  Eventually, he released her lips and they both tried to catch their breath.

  “Now you have to tell me the secret,” he said.

  “What?” Aliana asked, confused. Her spark-fried brain didn’t want to work.

  Galahad laughed. He kissed her again, reigniting their sparks. This time Aliana moaned as his tongue tangled with hers.

  “Ah…sorry to interrupt.”

  Jerking away from Galahad in surprise, Aliana glanced toward the door to see Lacy and Dawn with Dagg perched on her shoulder. All three of them grinned like fools with Aliana’s suitcase at their feet.

  Trying not to laugh, Lacy said, “Wade brought this up for you and said to tell you everyone is waiting on us downstairs.”

  Nodding, Galahad slid off the bed, pulling Aliana to her feet with him.

  “We’re right behind you.” He kept her hand in his as they followed Dawn and Lacy, who kept giggling and glancing back as they walked down the stairs.

  “You still owe me that secret,” Galahad whispered against her ear.

  Aliana couldn’t help the big smile that came to her lips. She knew exactly how she’d tell him about the secret stairs…or rather, show him.

  Down in the large living room, the others were spread out on the brown wraparound couch and pearl-colored armchairs and love seat. The house was decorated with a “modern Southern charm” as her mom had always called the contemporary furniture blended with the traditional Southern design of the house.

  “Now that we’re all here,” Merlin said as Aliana sat on the love seat with Dawn, and Galahad lowered to sit on the floor at her feet with his back resting against her legs, “we should try to get some training in today before the jet lag catches up with us. And I want to add another layer of protection to the one that’s already in place around the estate.”

  “Are you sure your adoptive parents didn’t have magic, Aliana?” Lancelot asked from his spot on the couch between Merlin and Leo.

  Aliana gulped; that was a question that had been lurking in her mind since she’d returned from Avalon.

  “We’d have known if they did, Lancelot,” Lacy said, rolling her eyes. Lancelot’s arrogant and judgmental attitude frustrated her as much as it frustrated Aliana.

  “Whoever this potential ally is could give us the extra power we need to face Mordrid again,” Merlin said, rubbing his fingers over his chin.

  “And that witch, Morgana!” Dawn added, her face fierce. “She tried to kill Lacy and Aliana.”

  Merlin’s eyes darkened to a grayish blue, his jaw going tense as it usually did whenever anyone mentioned Morgana. “Yes, she will also be dealt with, but to do any of this successfully, we need to continue honing our fighting skills as well as Aliana’s magic. We’ll need to do more magical combat training.”

  Aliana nodded nervously. They had only had two other magical combat lessons just before Morgana had attacked her twelve days ago. Twelve days? It felt like a lifetime since that first encounter with Morgana at the garden labyrinth. Of all the different types of training she’d done, lessons with Merlin were the hardest. He didn’t hold anything back, ever. After both magical combat lessons with him, Aliana had walked away with a dozen new bruises and aching muscles.

  “And of course Lacy and I will be joining you all,” Dawn said, way too excited in Aliana’s opinion.

  Arthur stood. “We would never deny you the right to join us for training.” He leveled a heavy look at Lacy and Dawn. “But I want you both to understand that neither of you are ever to join us in battle. Aliana is right that you need to know how to protect yourselves from Mordrid and Morgana, but in a fight, the two of you would be a distraction that could get one of us killed.” Arthur was kind but firm with his command, using the kingly tone that made everyone want to obey him.

  Lacy leaned against Percy, and though Dawn’s lips pinched tight, she nodded in agreement. But Aliana knew that just because her friends agreed now, it didn’t mean they wouldn’t do differently when they got dumped into the thic
k of it. She just prayed they’d use common sense and do everything they could to keep themselves safe. She couldn’t survive losing anyone else she cared for.

  Everyone went back to their rooms to change into workout clothes. Aliana pulled on a pair of cropped yoga pants, a sports bra, and a pink tank top. Dawn and Lacy exited their room seconds after she did with Dawn in a KEEP CALM AND KICK HIS BUTT T-shirt.

  “Do you ever tire of wearing those, D?” Aliana asked, smiling.

  “Never,” Dawn vowed. The brunette grabbed Lacy and Aliana’s arms. “Real quick, how does this magic training work?”

  Lacy answered first. “Lia and Merlin usually go off with Arthur or Galahad, and he teaches her how to use her magic in a fight. The others just spend the time trying to beat the pride out of each other.” The blonde rolled her eyes.

  Dawn grinned and shrugged. “They’re boys and former warriors. Did you expect them to act like civilized people?”

  The three best friends broke down in laughter.


  I know better than anyone else here what Morgana is capable of, but I can’t figure out what her next move will be. Even after she betrayed us in Camelot, I could still predict her moves, but after London, I can see that she’s changed in ways I don’t understand. I hate admitting it, but Aliana was right to bring her friends into all of this. There’s a magical aura around the three girls. It could be Aliana’s magic reaching out to protect her friends, but I don’t think so.

  I need to figure this out; it may be useful in our quest.


  ALIANA JOINED MERLIN AND ARTHUR at the side of the yard while Lacy and Dawn made their way to the others. She hid her big smile as Dawn got the full effect of all the guys in fighting mode. Some were already shirtless with weapons strapped to their sides. Heck, it still made Aliana breathless, especially when her eyes wandered to Galahad or Arthur. It really shouldn’t be possible for all of them to look so damn good.

  Facing Merlin, Aliana was grateful they’d be fighting hand to hand. She still hadn’t figured out how to use her magic and a weapon at the same time. Merlin barely waited for her to get into a fighting stance before he fired off an orange burst of magic.

  Son of a monkey! she thought, dodging to the side and calling a barrier shield to her arm. The faint pink of her magic gave the nearly invisible shield a strange glow. Charging her, Merlin fired a bolt. The force of it pushed hard against her shield, but she deflected it with a grunt. She threw her own pink burst at the Druid. He easily knocked it away and kicked his leg at her. Aliana stepped back, lifting her shield arm to block the punch that followed. Quicker than she could counter, Merlin kicked his foot out again, sweeping Aliana’s feet from beneath her. She hit the ground hard, her tailbone and shoulders aching.

  Her fingers dug into the earth as she opened her magical pathways and connected with the earth’s magic. It took less than a second for it to jump at her command. Rolling to the side, she dodged another blast of magic and sprang up, planting her feet firmly, her fists on guard as she concentrated the earth magic in her clenched hand.

  Merlin advanced, throwing a punch infused with electric orange magic. Aliana caught the blow with her shield, absorbing the magic and adding it to her own. She opened her fist and let her magic fly from her palm, hitting him in the chin and knocking him back.

  “Well done,” Arthur said from where he’d been watching them. He was there to help her work on form and technique while Merlin focused on magic. Aliana smiled.

  Shaking off his surprise, Merlin came at her again, this time kicking and punching in a dangerous combination. Aliana barely managed to block him. His magic amplified his speed and strength, causing his blows to hit harder. Her muscles strained to keep up her defenses, and sweat rolled down her body. With a grunt, Merlin called down a bolt of lightning.

  “Yikes!” Aliana launched into a quick back flip, getting out of the lightning’s path. Merlin was on her again, his face calm with grim determination. She twisted to avoid his left fist but dropped her guard arm, giving Merlin his opening. Following his punch with a kick, Merlin’s leg connected hard with Aliana’s side, knocking her to her knees. She coughed, trying to breathe through the throbbing pain at her ribs. She could already feel a new bruise forming.

  “Son of a biscuit!” she muttered.

  Merlin backed off, and Arthur stepped to her side to help her to her feet. “You forgot to keep your guard up.” Arthur stepped into the position she had just been in. “Merlin,” he said, indicating for the Druid to attack him.

  The wizard came at him, but Arthur kept his arm up, blocking the Druid’s leg and turning his hand quickly to grab it. He simultaneously stepped forward and followed up with a jab to the throat, stopping his hand just before it connected.

  “You try it,” Arthur said, taking Merlin’s place in front of her. Aliana practiced the move a few times before Merlin stepped back in.

  “This time I want you to use more of your magic when you attack. You have connected with the elements; use them.” His eyes hardened. “Use them all.”

  Aliana knew he was hinting at her destructive connection to the fire element. She felt more sweat roll down her face as her hands got clammy. She couldn’t do that, and he darn well knew it!

  She glanced quickly at Galahad, who watched her over Lacy’s head. Her blond friend mimicked a stance Percy was showing her. Aliana swallowed the lump that tried to gag her and turned her eyes back to Merlin.

  The Druid frowned. “Focus on your opponent,” he growled, getting into a fighting stance. His hands opened, calling twin balls of golden light.

  Aliana connected with the elements that happily lent their power to her. She attacked first this time, throwing a charged pink energy ball at his head and following up with a palm strike and side kick. He blocked her attacks and fired back, calling forth strong gusts of wind and sending them from every direction with a force that made it hard for her to breathe. Releasing the earth magic, she quickly grabbed hold of the air magic swirling around her and turned it against Merlin. She blasted him with it, then dropped down and swung her leg to kick his feet out from under him, just like he’d done to her earlier.

  Arthur laughed as Merlin pushed himself back to his feet, grunting and trying to hide a wince. There was a flash of frustration on his usually calm face as he attacked her again. Arthur called out advice to her as she continued to fight. Aliana and Merlin both used their magic to push themselves faster and harder. Aliana scored another hit to Merlin’s jaw just as he connected with her other side. They both jumped back. Merlin rubbed his jaw with a half-amused smile as she hugged her side, trying to ignore the pain and catch her next breath. Something moved to her left, and she glanced over to see Galahad holding Lacy, positioning her upper body in a fighting stance against Percy. Unexpected jealousy bubbled in her chest.

  “Aliana,” she heard Dagg growl from his spot next to Arthur. Snapping her attention to Merlin, she bent her body back and barely avoided the roundhouse kick he leveled at her head.

  “Pay attention to your opponent, and nothing else!” Merlin commanded, his voice harsh as Aliana pulled herself up. She just had time to summon her barrier shield before Merlin’s next attack hit her with a force that jarred her arm. She deflected the shot rather than absorbing it because she could already feel the unpleasant stretch inside her chest that warned of too much magic inside her.

  Angry at herself for being distracted by unfounded jealousy, Aliana dropped to her knee, ducking another kick and orange blast. She punched power into the earth, willing it to shoot out of the ground in the form of climbing vines and tree roots. Pink-tinted vines sprang up, wrapping themselves around Merlin’s fist and legs, yanking him off his feet.

  “Clever move, Aliana!” Arthur praised, but she didn’t take her eyes off Merlin.

  Heat rushed past her. Her eyes widened in fright as orange fire spiraled down the vines, incinerating them as Merlin got back to his feet and came at her with renewed forc
e. Taking advantage of her temporary shock, Merlin hit her with a blast of orange magic that knocked her off her feet.

  She saw Galahad rushing toward her, but Arthur stopped him. “She needs to do this herself.” He nodded to her encouragingly.

  Forget the pain; forget the panic! I can do this. Aliana pushed her weight onto her arms and flipped to her feet, recalling her shield.

  Merlin came at her quickly, his expression determined and fierce. Aliana blocked his jolting strike, but dread filled her when he fell back, taking up another defensive position. Orange fire ignited in his balled fists, surrounding them in blazing, deadly firepower. Merlin had decided to play dirty.

  Feeling the blood drain from her face, Aliana dodged and flipped out of reach of his blows. She was terrified of being touched by the magical fire that surrounded his hands like gloves. The confidence she’d managed to build quickly vanished.

  “Fight back, Aliana!” Arthur and Dagg ordered.

  Sucking in a breath, she grabbed at the air magic and used it to throw Merlin back several feet. The fire flickered out for a moment. With a loud crack that Aliana felt throughout her body, Merlin destroyed the magic she’d used to push him and threw one of the fire gloves right at her.

  Adding the gusting wind magic to her shield, she deflected the fire, but the hot magic had singed her arm, and Aliana lost the fight with her fear, losing all control of her magic. The wild wind fed the fire as it blazed brighter and stronger, circling her like a whip and raging like a forest fire as it took to the earth and surrounded her before she could blink.

  To her utter horror, the fire raged higher. Her entire body shook with sheer terror. She fought for breath. One of the flames licked close to her, and she felt a slow heat ignite inside her. Suddenly, she was back on that dock watching an exploding ship. The fire fought to claim her as she was pelted with wood and metal shrapnel.


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