The Dragon From Paris_A Sexy Dragon Romance

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The Dragon From Paris_A Sexy Dragon Romance Page 31

by JJ Jones

  “This is a very silly little shirt, don’t you think?”

  “I think it’s just fine,” she answered breathlessly, her inner thighs already getting wet with the anticipation of what was to come.

  “Well, I don’t.”

  All it took was one swift rip and the shirt lay in two halves on either side of her. He bent down towards her, his hands moving beneath her ribcage, pulling her up closer to him as his rough tongue found her aching nipples. This, oh god, yes, this was what she wanted, what she needed if she was going to stay sane. Her back arched, her nipples pushing deeper into his mouth, her hands moving slyly down his back.

  “I want to know what you want,” Chase growled into her ear, sending goose bumps all across her body. “Tell me what you want, Aubrey.”

  “You. I want you, now.”

  Her hand moved down to his throbbing member and helped to guide him inside of her, both of them moaning with the contact. Her arms flew up and over her head, grasping onto the headboard for support, and her legs moved up over his shoulders as one of Chase’s hands moved underneath her ass to pull her up higher while the other found the clit that was throbbing for him.

  The sudden explosion of feeling was beyond anything she had ever experienced before, the combination of his strong fingers moving in sure circles over her mound while his shaft moved inside her, deeper and deeper with each thrust. For the first time in months, her worries were gone.

  All she could think about was his strong body and the way it completely overtook her own. When he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them so that she was on top, it was such a fluid motion that it was like they were one body. And his eyes never left her face. It was like he wanted to see every bit of pleasure move across her face, like he wanted to experience his pleasure and her pleasure both.

  She put her hands on his strong chest, using it like an anchor to keep her from just flying away, and started to rock her hips. She rocked them slowly at first, in little circles that gradually got bigger and less controlled. When one of his hands moved to her belly while the other found her clit again, her head snapped back and her eyes closed in anticipation.

  She could feel her body rising now, almost like having an out of body experience. She would have liked to stay that way with him forever, locked in that embrace and moving ever closer to the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced, but she couldn’t hold off any longer.

  She could not hear, could not see. There was nothing for her but her body and the way it was singing now, her hips bucking entirely out of control. As if from some far off distance, she could hear Chase’s breathing begin to speed up, felt his movements inside of her grow more erratic and then felt him join her in her ecstasy.

  They rode it out together, both of them locked inside of their own pleasure until finally, little by little, they were left feeling both empty and one hundred percent fulfilled.

  She rolled off him, cozying up to his side as he pulled the blanket up over the both of them. She rested her head on top of that heart that felt so much like her own, shutting her eyes and welcoming the sleep that overtook her.

  Who knew what would happen to them tomorrow? They might make great discoveries or they might meet their demise. No matter which way the wind blew, that night, in that moment, she was content. That was what she went to bed thinking. That she was content, and that she might even be a little bit happy.

  “Chase! Aubrey! Come on down here, OK? I’ve got breakfast on the table. From the looks of it neither one of you has had a decent meal in too long. And I’ve got bacon. Can’t say no to that.”

  Aubrey smiled before she even got her eyes open.

  Mrs. Bends. She was a mother, all right, through and through. And bacon did sound pretty amazing. There was no way she could deny that. She stretched out languidly, amazed at how much better she felt after a good night’s sleep, and smiled again when she heard Chase’s still groggy voice beside her.

  “Hmm. You ready for this?

  “For what, sleepy? Bacon? Believe me, I’m always ready for bacon.”

  “That’s good to hear, but I was talking more about another dose of my mother. In case you didn’t notice, she can be pretty chipper in the mornings.”

  “I think it’s sweet! And hey, it could be worse, right? Now hand me my clothes. I’m pretty much starving.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Wouldn’t want that, that’s for sure.”

  The two of them slipped their clothes on in a comfortable silence she was surprised to have found with a man she had known for such a short amount of time. They kissed once more, long and slow, before leaving the little room that had become their haven.

  It was about halfway down the stairs that Aubrey began to feel it; the odd dizzy feeling that made her skin crawl. Something was not right here. Did Chase feel it too? Did he see the way that her face had drained of color? Did he feel her fear?

  “Come on you two, move it!” Chase’s mom shouted out once again. “Good news. Your father came home.”

  She heard him before she saw him round the corner of the hallway and into her direct line of sight. The Commander. It was the Commander. She opened her mouth to scream, to warn Chase, to do anything at all, but nothing came out because before she could even get her mouth all of the way open, she fell to the ground in a dead faint.

  “What are you doing, Dad? What is this?”

  “Unfortunate, son. That’s what it is. A very unfortunate series of events.”

  The Commander. The Commander of the institute she had been recruited into and then fled from. The Commander whose face appeared to her in her most unsettling dreams. How could this be possible? What was he doing here?

  She sat up, her head throbbing, and looked around herself frantically, trying to assess just how deep the level of danger they were in was. Chase saw that she was awake and was instantly by her side, his hand searching the knot that had quickly formed on the back of her head.

  “Jesus, Aubrey, you scared the shit out of me. Are you OK?”

  “No! He’s here, Chase. The Commander is here, in your home.”

  “Ah,” she heard him speak from the other side of the bedroom door, the room Chase must have dragged her back into once she fell out, “so she’s awake. Hello, Ms. Conner. I must say the last place I expected to see you was in my home.”

  In his home? But this was Chase’s home, or at least the home of his parents. The only way it could be the home of the Commander was unthinkable.


  “My father. That’s what Katie wanted me to learn for myself. My father is the Commander, Aubrey. He’s been behind this thing the whole time.”

  “That’s right,” his voice called sadly from the other side of the door, “I have. It was my idea, actually. It was my baby and I’ve nurtured it from the very start. Like a third child, I’ve watched it grow, watched it change into things I could never have imagined it becoming.”

  “And made it more important than your actual children in the process,” Chase shouted, his entire body rigid with rage.

  Where the hell was his mother? Was she in on it, too? She couldn’t imagine that. There was just no way, not the woman she had met last night, the woman who had been about to serve them breakfast.

  “Now that’s not fair, Chase. I could never have anticipated your getting yourself caught, never have anticipated that you would attempt an escape once you were captured. Both of those things were very unfortunate, I admit that freely.”

  “And Katie?”

  “Ah, Katie. Katie left on her own and try as I might, I haven’t been able to discover her whereabouts, no matter how hard I tried. That’s why I had to make the decision to leave her behind completely. It wasn’t an easy choice. None of it has been.”

  “But you’re one of us! How can you do this when you’re a shifter yourself?”

  “I’m not, actually. Not any more. That’s how this whole thing started. I was just so fucking tired of being something other than human. I’m sur
e you can understand that. So I started wondering what it would mean if being a shifter were something we could change? And I did change. Back into a man, a normal man just the way we’re all meant to be.

  “What we are, it isn’t natural. It isn’t normal. I feel certain that I could have made you see, given the appropriate conditioning. But now you’ve got Aubrey and everything is very different.”

  “So what do you plan to do with us?”

  But the only answer they got was a strangled cry followed by a heavy thump and the unlocking of a door from the outside. It was his mother. She stood there with tears streaming down her face, a bat in her trembling hands. She looked devastated and disgusted all at the same time. So she wasn’t involved. That much was clear, thank god. Chase still had one parent who wasn’t crazy.

  “Go,” she whispered hoarsely, “you have to go.”

  “I can’t, Mom. I can’t just leave you here with him. He’ll kill you!”

  “No, I don’t think he will. I don’t think he can, at this point. For the first time in our lives, I’m the stronger one between the two of us.”

  “But what will you do with him if we go?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s really up to him and whether or not he decides to undo this terrible thing he has done. But that will take time, time in which you won’t be safe. You have to go, to fly her out of here right this very moment.”

  Chase didn’t answer her. He didn't have to. The look that was exchanged between mother and son said everything there was that needed to be said. There was so much love there, enough love to last whatever length of time would separate the two of them.

  He hugged her quickly, pulling Aubrey into the embrace, and then took her by the hand, leading her past the body of his prone father and out into the yard. She knew what was coming now. He was going to shift into that magnificent dragon again and fly them off to some place safe. She had no idea where that place might be, but then again, she didn’t have to know. He was going to keep her safe. That was all she needed.

  * * *

  “Aubrey! Babe, come her a minute, will you?”

  Aubrey turned from tending her garden, taking a deep breath and revelling in the scent of fresh lavender and mint. She looked out over the grassy hills at the expansive, rugged land that stretched out before her for what felt like forever.

  After almost a year, it was still the most beautiful terrain she had ever seen or ever expected to see again. It was funny, her being this little Scotch Irish girl and winding up deep in the heart of Scotland. She had never even left the country before (despite having a passport on her at all times) but she couldn’t imagine leaving this land to return to the States.

  It had been the perfect place for them to flee to. Deep in the heart of Scotland, with family Chase hadn’t even known he had. They had been peaceful there. Peaceful and happy. They had formed a bond that was more than the blood bond that had saved her life.

  They had fallen in love and now there was a baby on the way, a baby they would name Edward in honor of the father who had gone so far astray. Even now she could feel him kicking inside of her belly. He was a strong baby, a baby who practically jumped for joy in the womb every time he heard his daddy’s voice.

  “Aubrey? You doing OK?”

  “Of course, just enjoying the view. We won’t have it for much longer now, will we?”

  “What makes you think that?”

  Aubrey gave Chase a knowing smile and he laughed in return. He should have known by this point how transparent he was to her and yet he was still surprised when she called his bluff that way. He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, so fully that she felt her head spin, before setting her back firmly on the ground and giving her one final little pat on the ass for good measure.

  “Mom says it’s coming to an end.”

  “Is she sure?”

  “She’s sure. She must have made quite an impression on Dad, that’s for sure. From the sounds of it, when she says jump, at this point, he says how high. Nobody in the Institute knows, of course. As far as any of them are concerned, their Commander just decided the project wasn’t worth the money it was hemorrhaging. She said the prisoners are going to be released in the next coming months, that they’ve all signed gag orders to keep dad’s dirty little secret.

  Before long it’ll be like nothing ever happened at all. On the surface, anyway.”

  “So do we go back?”

  “I don’t know, babe, what do you think?”

  Aubrey hesitated, feeling temporarily frozen. There were so many reasons for them to shun their country forever, to cling to this new life and never look back. It would be easier. She knew that. But it would also be empty. Their baby would come into the world with no family besides the two of them, no crazy grandmothers to spoil him, no family photo albums to flip through.

  And there was more than that. Even after all the awful things that had taken place, the things that had unravelled her beliefs and the things she held dear, her country mattered. She wanted to be part of what made it safe, just as she always had.

  Her eyes filled with tears when she realized it. She knew that Chase might not feel the same. But when she looked up at him, almost too afraid to do it, she saw that he was nodding at her and smiling. He understood. She should have known he would.

  “All right then. We’re going home, as soon as the baby comes and it’s safe.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, loving him more in that moment than she would have thought possible, “thank you so much.”

  “Shit,” he laughed, “I should be thanking you.”

  “How come?”

  “Because! If I told my mom that we weren’t coming back, I bet you a million dollars that she would fly all the way here just to kick my ass.”


  Thanks so much for reading all the way to the end, remember you can check out all my other releases on my Amazon author page here! :)

  JJ Jones x x


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