Box Set: The Divine Creek Ranch Collection, Volume 2 [Book 4 - Rosemary's Double Delight (MFM), Book 5 - Spurs and Heels (MF)] (Siren Publishing Romance Collection)

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Box Set: The Divine Creek Ranch Collection, Volume 2 [Book 4 - Rosemary's Double Delight (MFM), Book 5 - Spurs and Heels (MF)] (Siren Publishing Romance Collection) Page 15

by Heather Rainier

  Evan remembered what Grace had told him the first time he’d talked alone with her. Some women weren’t just good. They were damn good. Like Jack and the others, Wes and Evan had found a woman who was worthy of that title.

  Evan woke some time later to the sound of angry voices in the hallway. He held Rosemary to him as she startled awake, shushing and calming her. They listened to the voices out in the hallway, muted female voices and what he now recognized as Wes’s angry tone.

  The door never rattled or opened, and the voices subsided as the angry conversation was evidently taken downstairs. Evan was still groggy and thought for several moments about drifting back to sleep and letting Wes deal with whatever disturbance had occurred. But the more his mind focused, the more awake he became. Had somebody been outside the door when Wes arrived?

  “What do you suppose that was all about?” Rosemary asked in a sleepy, slurred voice. He glanced at the bedside clock and kissed her forehead.

  “You’ve only been asleep for half an hour, Rosemary. Why don’t you rest some more? I’ll go find out.” They both groaned when she shifted on him, and his softened cock slid from her warm, wet depths. This was not how he’d envisioned waking from their nap. She murmured something unintelligible as she curled up like a kitten on his pillow and fell back asleep.

  He rose from the bed and slipped into his clothing from earlier, put his shoes on, and then silently let himself out of the room after glancing back at her lush, sleeping form nestled in the bedclothes. He went downstairs quietly, following the sounds of an angry conversation in the front hall.

  The owner and manager of The Crystal Rose Bed and Breakfast, Bill Farmer, was standing at the front desk with a police officer, Wes, and, no big surprise there, the disapproving woman and her friend. The police officer was looking decidedly perturbed at the two women, who were both talking non-stop, pointing their fingers at him, at Wes, and at the ceiling. Finally, the police officer raised his hands and got them all to quiet down as Evan joined the group, which was being watched avidly by others in the living room and parlor of the bed and breakfast.

  “Mr. Farmer, is there perhaps a more private place to take this discussion?” the police officer asked discreetly.

  “Sure, follow me,” Mr. Farmer said as he indicated a back hallway that led to the kitchen. Clearing out the staff, they all stood around the center island while the police officer consulted his notepad and spoke succinctly into his radio before turning it down a little.

  “All right. You, sir. Tell me what you saw?” the police officer asked, indicating Wes. The officer turned intimidating eyes on the woman, who had opened her mouth. When she stilled and closed her mouth, he looked back to Wes.

  “I returned from the Convention Center fifteen minutes ago, made my way to the third floor where our suite is located, and found these women on their knees in front of my door, taking turns peeking in the keyhole,” Wes said angrily as Evan gritted his teeth in outrage beside him.

  The police officer rolled his eyes heavenward. “Ma’am, I’m afraid to ask, but why were you peeking in their keyhole?”

  “We—we heard noises from downstairs. They make a lot of noise, Officer. It’s shameful! Just shameful! These two men are sharing a woman here this weekend. They’re all in the same room! They keep us awake at night!”

  Mr. Farmer interjected, “Now, Mrs. Breck. You and I both know there is no way they could be disturbing you. You’re on the first floor at the opposite end of the house.”

  The woman puffed herself up self-righteously and said, “Nevertheless, we heard noises, and we went to investigate. What they do up there is immoral and also illegal. You should arrest these men, Officer! And that slut they parade around with.”

  Evan clenched his fists, tempted for the first time to use them to shut this bitch up.

  “Now wait a damned minute—” Wes began, outraged.

  “What noises did you hear?” the officer asked Mrs. Breck, holding his hand up for silence from everyone else.

  Mrs. Breck looked scandalized, so her friend blushingly provided the answer in a shocked stage whisper. “Sex noises, officer.”

  The innkeeper threw his hands up in the air. “Heaven forbid someone should be having sex under my roof,” Mr. Farmer muttered sarcastically. “Mrs. Breck, my brochure clearly states that visitors to our bed and breakfast can expect to enjoy a relaxing, romantic atmosphere. Romance generally leads to sex, for some people. They’re staying in the Bridal Suite, which is all by itself on the top floor. There is no way you could’ve heard sex noises, unless you were on the top floor.”

  The police officer turned to Evan. “Son, who might you be, and what is your business here?”

  Evan leaned a hip against the center island. “Evan Garner, sir. Until the moment I was awakened by a disturbance outside my bedroom door, I was asleep in the Bridal Suite.”

  “Oh! But you weren’t alone!” Mrs. Breck’s friend squawked accusingly.

  Evenly, he made his reply. “No, ma’am, I wasn’t. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  The officer consulted his notebook. “How long had you been in the room, and how long were you asleep?”

  “We returned to our room after lunch, around one thirty. We were only asleep for about half an hour, so we must’ve fallen asleep around three o’clock. We noticed these women downstairs in the lobby when we arrived, looking down their noses at us. We do not parade around, as they say. We were barely holding hands. Because of their unfriendly demeanors, we don’t spend any time in the lobby or common rooms, even though we have the right. We sat through our dinner last night while you bored holes with your eyes into Miss Piper the whole time.”

  Mrs. Breck demanded stridently, “Officer, I demand you arrest these two men! They’re both having sex with that decadent whore upstairs!” Her face flushed a brilliant crimson to accompany her melodramatic words.

  “And how do you know that, ma’am?” the police officer said, drilling her with his steely eyes.

  “I saw them! They both have sex with her!” Then she covered her mouth with her hand. In the heat of the moment, she’d given herself away. Her friend looked guilty as hell, too.

  Turning to Wes, the officer asked, “Mr. Garner, at what time did you discover these two peeking in your keyhole?”

  “Around three twenty. On their knees, both of them, at the door.”

  “I’ll be right back,” the police officer murmured as he left them in silence. While he was gone, Rosemary joined their tense little group in the kitchen. Wes and Evan took her aside and quietly explained to her what was happening.

  The police officer returned a minute later, his rain slicker dripping. He noted the presence of sleepy-eyed Rosemary with a nod, surmising who she was. “The drapes and blinds on the third floor are all closed. Looking at the house from the yard and from the sidewalk, even with the blinds, drapes, and curtains opened, nothing could be seen from ground level, and the trees are too thick around the house for any neighbors to see in the third-story windows. Mr. Farmer, has anyone else complained this weekend about noises coming from the third floor?”

  Mr. Farmer shook his head negatively. “None. Both of the two rooms directly below theirs are currently rented, and neither guest has voiced any objection at all.”

  The police officer turned back to Mrs. Breck and drilled her with an intense stare. “Exactly how would you know that this woman was having sex with both of these men, unless you had been at their keyhole more than once?”

  Mrs. Breck’s fleshy jowls wobbled and flapped uselessly as she repeatedly opened and closed her mouth. Finally, she slammed her lips closed. The police officer raised an eyebrow at her then turned to Wes and Evan and flashed a conciliatory smile at Rosemary. “Do you wish to press charges for voyeurism?”

  Mrs. Breck sputtered in outrage. “Officer, what you should be doing is arresting these three on charges of lewd conduct! It is illegal for them to be doing what they’re doing! This is outrageous! We calle
d you to deal with them!” she shouted, waving her bony finger at their little group.

  “Lady, in your day it may have been illegal, but times have changed and the law books along with them. I don’t care if they’ve got six people in that room, much less three. As long as they aren’t disturbing the peace and are confining their romance to the bedroom, I’m not going to interfere. You, however, are on thin ice. What you just confessed to doing is illegal and definitely disturbing the peace.”

  Mrs. Breck and her friend stood in stunned silence. Wes and Evan looked at Rosemary, who looked at Mr. Farmer. Common sense told Evan that poor Mr. Farmer would really love to avoid explaining to his other guests why two of his guests were being carted away in handcuffs. That sort of thing was not good for business. He probably liked the outstanding reviews he received online and wouldn’t want to see that image tarnished.

  Mr. Farmer smiled in relief, obviously catching the ball when Rosemary threw it into his court. Rosemary turned to the police officer and replied, “I don’t think any real damage was done, nothing that makes it worth the damage Mr. Farmer is risking by having two relatively normal-looking women carted away in a squad car. We have an important formal function to get ready for, and I don’t think it’s worth the headache to press charges, if they vacated the premises immediately. By the way, who contacted the police department?”

  The police officer made notes on his pad and jerked a thumb back at the two women. “They did. Over an hour ago. I’ve been busy with a car accident, or I’d have been here sooner. If they were up there and hearing sex noises, that means they were outside your door for over an hour, plus whatever time they were up there prior to today. Are you sure you don’t want to press charges? Mr. Farmer?”

  Rosemary snorted in derision as she looked both women over and finally said, “And they say we’re the perverts?”

  Mrs. Breck’s face turned a darker shade of magenta, and she looked about ready to blow a gasket.

  Mr. Farmer offered his solution. “Officer, if it’s all right, I plan to eject both these ladies within the next half hour. I hope that will be the extent of it. And Anastacia Breck and Marjorie Horton, just you wait until I call your husbands and tell them what you’ve been up to. You’ll never hear the end of this!” he added in outrage as he pointed to the hallway.

  Before they turned to go, Mrs. Breck couldn’t resist a parting shot. “Decadent whore. You’re up there fornicating with two men. You should be ashamed!”

  As Evan and Wes scowled at the woman, Rosemary smiled with saccharine sweetness and said, “Peeping Tom. You’re staying in a room with another woman in a romantic bed and breakfast. Does that mean you two are lesbians?” If they had been, Evan knew Rosemary wouldn’t have said a single word to either of them about it or singled them out in any way.

  The police officer held up a hand when Mrs. Breck would’ve responded and said, “Lady, you’d better cut your losses before I call a judge and ask if I can still bring you two in since I got a clear confession from you. We don’t take kindly to degenerates peeping into people’s private hotel rooms in a tourist town.” He turned to Wes, Evan, and Rosemary. “Sorry, folks, for all the inconvenience. I hope the rest of your stay in our city is much friendlier.” He put his plastic-covered cowboy hat back on his head and stuck his notepad back in his pocket.

  Mr. Farmer turned to them briefly, promising to make it up to them before escorting Mrs. Breck and Mrs. Horton to their rooms to collect their belongings and give them the boot. They returned to the third floor as the kitchen staff re-entered the kitchen and jumped into a flurry of activity.

  “I think I’m going to take a nice, long, hot bath,” Rosemary said quietly as she sifted through the contents of her suitcase, looking for fresh undergarments, then collected her robe.

  Evan and Wes followed her into the spacious bathroom, and Wes spoke up. “Baby, are you all right?”

  Rosemary chuckled a little as she shook her head. “I feel violated because they must’ve had their eyes to the keyhole more than once this weekend. At least it wasn’t a sex pervert peeping in on us, just two bitter, dried-up, self-righteous old hags who probably haven’t had sex since the seventies. Grace warned me about women like them. I’ve dealt with others in Divine who are every bit as bad. I feel tense right now, but a nice, hot bath should do the trick.”

  A knock sounded at the door, and Evan welcomed Mr. Farmer in from where he and his wife stood in embarrassment on the threshold. Mr. Farmer apologized to all three of them again and told them that the women were already gone.

  Mrs. Farmer explained that they’d been reluctant to update the old-fashioned doorknobs with brand-new ones, wanting to keep the look of their establishment authentic. After today’s incident, they had decided to contact a locksmith and update the doors to every guest room so this could never happen again. Before they departed, Mr. Farmer told them that a complimentary bottle of champagne would be waiting for them upon their return to their room that evening.

  Rosemary dimmed the lights and lit candles then soaked luxuriously in her fragrant bubbles. Evan and Wes joined her in the huge bath tub, with plenty of time on their hands and her in their arms. Rosemary told him and Wes that they truly did make her feel decadent, in the very best sense of the word.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dressed in a dark business suit, Evan waited with Wes in the hallway off of the bed-and-breakfast’s living room for Rosemary to come downstairs. She’d told them she wanted to surprise them, making an entrance on the stairs. From where he now stood, Evan could hear the faint clicking of her high heels on the second-story landing. Other guests sat in the parlor and living room, waiting until dinner was served and were all eyes as the men waited expectantly.

  The first thing he saw were her pretty, little, black peep-toed pumps and her slim ankles beneath the long hemline of her sexy, black evening gown. The gown flowed with her movements as she descended the stairs, the flowing drape in the front revealing a slit that reached above her knee. The gown draped attractively over her breasts and revealed just enough of her silky cleavage.

  Before leaving the room when she was about to dress, Wes had removed the rectangular velvet box from his luggage. He and Evan presented her with a string of pearls and pearl earrings. Evan had been afraid for a few minutes that she would cry because her voice had trembled as she thanked them and her eyes had been teary, but she’d told them she’d pull it together and be down in a few minutes.

  The choker fit her slim neck perfectly and looked gorgeous. The only other jewelry she wore was her gold engagement ring. She was so beautiful she made his heart pound with love. His greedy cock throbbed in echoing agreement.

  Evan heard a movement from the living room and looked over, realizing everyone in the place was watching her come down the stairs, some of them even coming to stand in the hallway. Evan watched Rosemary as she took the last few steps down, and she smiled and blushed when she met the other guests’ gazes. Several of them nodded at her and she smiled back, but Evan could see the hint of apprehension in her eyes. Would anybody else say rude things to her? If they didn’t want a broken jaw, they’d better keep their holier-than-thou thoughts to themselves.

  Neither Evan nor his brother had planned on having an audience for this moment as they helped her arrange her wrap on her shoulders, over the backless gown, but the onlookers seemed more curiously friendly than judgmental. Evan supposed many of them had to have heard at least part of the confrontation earlier and had possibly even heard the two women at their gossip that weekend in the common rooms.

  An elderly lady approached them and patted Rosemary’s arm and said, “Dear, you look just lovely. I hope you have a wonderful time tonight.” Then she and her husband led the others away as the dinner chime rang.

  Evan chuckled. “Saved by the bell.”

  Wes offered Rosemary his arm. “Ready to have a night on the town with your men, baby?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  * * * *

/>   After eating dinner at an exclusive restaurant on the Riverwalk, Wes, Rosemary, and Evan returned to the Convention Center where the after-hours mixer was being held. Wes pulled open one of the numerous glass doors to allow Rosemary to precede them into the building. The floor vibrated under Wes’s feet with a heavy bass beat.

  Rosemary turned to him with curiosity in her eyes. “This isn’t prom season, is it?”

  Wes raised an eyebrow at Evan. “I don’t think so. That’s usually in the spring, isn’t it? Where is that music coming from?” As they made their way across the massive foyer in the direction of the Home Builder’s Association mixer, Wes noticed the sound faded.

  Rosemary turned to them, laughing, her eyes dancing with merriment. “That music is coming from the Rose of Texas Convention. They must be having a dance. Oh, I bet they’re having a good time!”

  Wes smiled at her and said, “Well, if it’s boring at our mixer, we can always crash their dance, huh?”

  Rosemary nodded her head, looking all on board with that idea. “You wouldn’t have to twist my arm. I wonder if Max got Tessa to agree to go on that moonlight motorcycle ride with him.”

  They approached the entry doors to their meeting room and ushered her in. Most of the attendees were dressed up for the affair, drinks in hand, wandering around chatting with their fellow professionals. Another room had been opened up, adjacent to the exhibit area where many people still wandered and chatted, and a band was set up on a stage playing while a few couples danced.

  Evan and Wes escorted her to the bar and got drinks, and then they wandered around for a bit, introducing her to several of their acquaintances. She made small talk with everyone, not hanging back a bit, clearly in her element. No one seemed to bat an eyelash at her presence there with both Wes and Evan, even though they weren’t that careful about which of them put an arm around her waist or her shoulders, and it was the same for her. When Wes had asked her at supper about it, she told them she preferred to play it by ear. She’d told him that after the drama earlier in the day, anyone who objected could kiss her lily-white ass. Typical, sassy Rosemary. The feisty one’s reappearance had made Wes laugh out loud.


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