Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates Page 2

by Crystal Dawn


  Maddie smiled. I love you too much was a phrase they had used when comparing love. She could hear the voices in her head. I love you, I love you more, I love you too much. She’d had the best husband and the sweetest children on the face of the Earth until she only had her sweet babies to help her through the heartache of losing the love of her life. Thinking of him brought her equal amounts of pleasure and pain even after all these years.

  She’d never looked at another, never dated or encouraged any man once her husband had died. It wasn’t because she thought she deserved to be alone, oh no, not that. No one could compare, none of the males she’d met since could hold a candle to him. But now she found herself wondering about a man, a male not entirely human.

  Azrael, even his name hinted at heavenly delights if he convinced a female to give in. And how could he not? Temptation surrounded him luring in the unsuspecting. That wasn’t her, she was stronger than that. Why a male that looked like him and sounded like unrestrained sex would even flirt with her was unimaginable. It was okay that he’d turned her head making her think and even fantasize about things she no longer did. That was what people did, a fantasy was harmless after all. Right?

  Diniel was gorgeous too and while she had to admit he was, he didn’t inspire the fantasies that Azrael did. It was a good thing she would not have to work with Azrael in person. Especially as flirtatious as the male was.

  There was much to do and little time to do it. She went through page after page of online real estate listings going out several miles toward Branson. When she found one of note, she saved it to look at later. It was true she had a handful of rentals, but Diniel had taken the only one available leaving her with land and lots to work with. Nearby in Arkansas, it was easier to place trailers or other portable residences. In Missouri, especially around the lakes, getting approval for buildings was often much harder.

  It was easier for buildings already there and in need of work or places that were already trailer parks or hotels. Maddie knew it was bad, but she needed Ariel’s help to get any of this done. Beth might be able to expedite things, she wasn’t sure. If Vivian was already here, she’d leave her to it. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

  Sending Ariel an email, she just hoped for the best. If she got her permits, the rest would work itself out with time. Now she got ready for bed and prepared for the hot dreams that would make her heart race. She claimed not to be a cougar, but in her dreams she was exactly that and an extremely naughty one too. As she slipped into bed after she showered, she knew once she fell asleep her dreams would visit her. They would be hot and pursue a course of action she would never follow, never.

  Maddie felt liquid fire course through her veins just from looking at the male. This man turned her into a raging fire before they even touched. She knew he was that hot and that they would set her sheets blazing. She didn’t seem surprised to be at his house. Right now she sensed he was holding back. Maybe he had doubts?

  He pulled her into his embrace giving her a kiss that delighted her and he seemed to enjoy it as much since his hands moved over her. She started to protest the moves and opened her mouth. Now he accessed her mouth to seduce her completely. His tongue explored her mouth moving against her own tongue. He tasted like a forbidden treat. Tempting, but wise to avoid, but it was too late.

  Now he lifted her carrying her into his bedroom, sliding her down his body until she stood on the floor, and he began remove her clothing as he kissed her to distract her. Once she was bare, her breasts made a tempting distraction as he cupped one then lowered his mouth sucking it in until the nipple was pebbled and drove her crazy. The other breast needed the same attention so he gave it. Maddie’s soft whimpering sound seemed to make his cock even harder. She pressed forward needing more and he began to give her everything.

  Lifting her, he set her down on the bed as she was, naked and needy. That’s when he turned his attention back to her sex starved body. His hand moved sliding between her thighs and his mouth continued the work he’d began on her aching nipples. She squirmed and whimpered with desire. Maddie was going wild with need. He slid his mouth from her breasts to kiss her as his fingers pumped into her slick wet folds. Azrael moved directly on top of her as her arms slipped around his neck and her fingers grasped his hair.

  Wake up! A voice sounded in her head. This is a dream. Dear Lord, she so wanted it to be real but her eyes blinked as her head cleared. Her breathing was wild, but she struggled to calm it. Her heart pounded, but slowly eased. If this was a dream, what could the male do to her in person? When she saw him, it would embarrass her and possibly arouse her because she would remember this. That was already too late to worry about.

  Let the dream continue, the damage was done. She’d not had a good wet dream since she’d been a teenager. That was a sad thing to say, but in her marriage her husband had provided all she’d needed and after he was gone she’d been cold. Cold to men and cold to love. Only her children had mattered, that and her extended family.

  Now that she wanted to go back to sleep and dream, it eluded her. Wasn’t that the story of her life? Maddie finally managed to get back to sleep, but it wasn’t a solid restful sleep. Her eyes popped open minutes maybe an hour later. She was awake now, and she might as well get up.

  It was alright because it wasn’t like she didn’t have a full plate with things to do. Viv would be here in a few days and the help she needed would be available. Maddie could only hope this would help both of them.

  A few days passed and she managed to find some places for those of Azrael’s inner circle and get her construction project started. Hopefully her involvement in all this wasn’t a big mistake. Then again, she didn’t think Ariel would lead her astray. Everyone knew that young lady could see things. Things others couldn’t see. Maybe she’d seen something in her dreams?

  Maddie refused to worry about things she couldn’t change. Viv was due anytime and that was what she would focus on. She’s not seen Caro, her grandchild in ages. As if she’d summoned them just by thinking about them, there was a knock on the door. Could it be? There was only one way to know.

  She hurried to the door and she opened it. Viv and Caro jumped on her hugging the stuffing out of her. Maddie would admit she missed her daughter and granddaughter terribly. “Mom, I’m so glad to see you.” Viv burst into tears as Caro hung on so tight, Maddie had trouble breathing.

  “It’s alright, girls. I’ve got something in the kitchen for you. Come along.” Finally they let her go so she could draw in a deep breath and lead the way.

  “Thank God!” Viv exclaimed as she cut a piece of the Black Forest torte. It was the cake she’d fixed her daughter for her birthday most years. Viv’s favorite still judging from the look on her face.

  “Hey, cut me a piece too.” Caro demanded. Her granddaughter loved it too, but not as much as carrot cake which was much easier to make.

  Maddie uncovered the other cake. “Don’t you like this anymore?” She questioned.

  Caro shrieked. “My favorite. I love you Grams.”

  Maddie smiled as the cakes gave her family the feeling of being loved, which they were. “Now tell me everything you want me to know.” She demanded.

  “Aaron decided he preferred men. That wouldn’t bother me except he’s known since we met. He used me to appear respectable to his parents and the company they ran. There have been men in his life all along. Since day one, he’s had a lover on the side. The day his dad died, he left me. I was no longer needed. He did offer me a place in a ménage with some man I don’t know. I think he just wants a housekeeper. I filed the very next morning.”

  “Should we discuss this around Caro?” Maddie asked.

  “Why not? Aaron did. He laid it all out and invited his boyfriend over. Caro heard it all from him.” Viv admitted.

  “Dad’s a pig.” Caro offered. “Not because he’s gay either.”

  Wow. Just wow. Maddie hadn’t had a clue. Of course she’d not seen muc
h of Aaron because he always made himself scarce whenever she was around. Maybe he’d been afraid of having her size six boot inserted somewhere it would be hard to remove it? It could still happen if she ran into him again. She didn’t like the fact that he’d used her daughter so callously. He could have made a deal with a woman for a marriage of convenience rather than lie and pretend he cared.

  Caro’s dad was a pig. There was nothing to say about that. “We’ll get to work when you’re ready to start. Caro, will you work with your mom?”

  “That’s the plan Grams. We’ll get it going on.” Caro stated. She was such a positive person. A few more years, she’d be independent and making her own decisions.

  “Once you’re done with your snack, I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  “I think we can find our rooms, Mom. We’re here to work, not be pampered princesses.” Viv said. “Once we get settled in, you can show me the plans and the paperwork.”

  Maddie grinned. The girl was too much like her. “Fine. I can see you want to get right down to business. I’ll clean up while you settle in. Once I get that done, I’ll pull up the appropriate information.”

  “We’ll get to it right away.” Viv said and Maddie watched her and Caro head out of sight.

  Cleaning up didn’t take long so she fixed herself and Viv a cup of coffee. She took hers and sat down in front of her computer turning it on. In a minute or so the screen was up and she logged onto her email. Three hundred emails waited for her. Most would be spam and she got rid of those quickly. A few were questionable, she had to look at them to determine their validity.

  The others she worked through answering or accessing the information she was sent. Once that was done, she pulled up the information Viv wanted to see right away. It was such a relief to have her here to take over the project. There was no concern that the apartments would go unrented. If the leopards didn’t want them, more cats were on their way and they would be happy to have them.

  As soon as Viv was in control of the apartment project, Maddie would start on the old hotel she’d bought. Because her cousins had been first to grab hotels, hers was in the poorest shape. She’d also bought some old abandoned buildings that weren’t houses to renovate. There was hope she might get some of the other cats to work on a construction crew, leopards didn’t do manual labor except rarely.

  Housing was her main concern and it was the hardest thing to do with almost nothing currently available nearby. Ariel had not done her a favor, but whoever helped the last groups would have a harder time still.

  An email came in as she worked through the others. It was from Diniel who was basically her contact with the leopards right now. She clicked on it and read it with surprise.


  Have a family arriving any day needing place to live and jobs. The mother and daughter are in modeling and we will handle that. Father and two sons are laborers.


  She needed to answer him, but where would the family stay? The apartments weren’t done, nor was the hotel which had a house with it. It was only a two bedroom and in need of work.


  Housing is iffy , but jobs shouldn’t be a problem.


  Sent, thankfully. Not that it was helpful. That irritating male, Azrael, would have something to say no doubt.

  “Mom!” Viv called from outside. What now?

  Maddie made it outside to find Diniel there. “That was quick. I just answered your email.”

  “Yes, well I haven’t read it. I’m here because one of my best models and her family just arrived. I don’t really have room for them so I brought them here.”

  “What?” Maddie asked as she saw the group descend upon her.

  “Joan, this Maddie. You’ll be staying with her until she finds you an appropriate place. Maddie, Joan and her family. Her husband is Pierre, sons Jon and Damien, daughter Monique. I’ll leave you to get acquainted.” Diniel almost ran as he left while Maddie stared after him with her mouth open.

  “Joan, I have limited room so we’ll see what we can do. I’m sure we’ll figure something out in a day or two. Why don’t you come in and I’ll get you and your husband settled first?”

  “Thank you, Maddie. It’s been a long trip.” Joan said. She seemed nice as did the rest of her family. Diniel was going to have to learn a lesson and Maddie would make sure it was a hard one.

  “This room should work for you and your daughter can go on the other side of the bathroom the two rooms share. The boys, if they don’t mind, can go in the barn. It has its own bathroom, a kitchenette and a small living room. My kids used it as a clubhouse once upon a time. If they prefer the house, they’ll have to share a small room and use the guest bathroom down by the living room.”

  “Boys, what will it be?” Pierre asked.

  “Can we look at our choices first?” Jon asked. He seemed to be the more outgoing one.

  “Of course. This is the bedroom.” She opened the door to a small room with a bunkbed. ”Now, if you’ll follow me outside?” Both boys followed her. She took them to the barn. She’d cleaned the place up a week or so ago thinking she might have to board some of her construction workers.

  “We’ll take this.” Jon said and grinned from ear to ear.

  “I’ll leave you two to settle in. There is satellite out here for the TV and internet.” Maddie explained.

  She headed in where her life had just gotten even more complicated. Viv and Caro were already sitting in the kitchen waiting for her. “I guess you’ll need some help with supper?” Viv asked.

  Maddie laughed like a nut. “Here I thought things would calm down. Thanks for you two coming to help me since my guests just tripled.”

  “Ah, Mom. It will be okay. Caro can make a garden salad, I’ll fix a garlic bread and corn, while you make the spaghetti you had planned.” Viv suggested.

  “How did you know?” Maddie asked.

  “It’s still Caro’s favorite, but only when you make it. I knew you’d fix it for her. I’m sure you also have a dessert already made.” Viv admitted.

  When she was right, she was right. They had everything ready just in time for supper. The aroma of a perfect Italian meal had everyone coming to the dining room to see if there was enough for them.

  “Please, join us. There’s plenty for everyone.” Maddie invited. She didn’t have to ask twice. That was good because Maddie had always been a good hostess never believing in letting people in her house go hungry.

  “Thank you for having us. Everything smells great.” Pierre complimented.

  Bowls were passed around family style then set in the middle of the table in case anyone wanted seconds. Even though cats had big appetites, Maddie had plenty.

  Monique and Caro sat next to each other and seemed to keep up a conversation. They had to be close in age though they were worlds apart. Caro worked with her hands while Monique was a well-known model. Well enough even Maddie had seen her and Joan her mother in magazines. Both were beautiful, but Viv and Caro were lovely too.

  The boys ate quickly and she brought out dessert so they would get a piece before they rushed off. It was a sheet cake so there was enough of that too. An applesauce cake, one of her specialties that was quick and easy, was what she’d made. How lucky was that?

  Chapter 3


  Azrael was in a foul mood and he couldn’t really say why. The bright side was that his PA, Lucia, had finally realized she would never survive living with him. Without even trying, or even understanding why, he’d reduced her to tears twice. To make up for it, he’d brought in two temporary assistants. One for each time he’d upset her badly.

  He’d always known he’d need a strong female that could stand up to him. Lucia was too sweet and he suspected she needed a human. There would be plenty of unmated males where they were going, but were they human? Only a few.

  Maybe it was the move since they were packing and intended to end up on Maddie’s porch if necessary. Al
l his goods, except what he needed daily, would be going into storage. She’d found Joan’s family a place, even if it was on the lake. The boys and Pierre also had jobs in construction. So what if the jobs were for Maddie?

  That he would be arriving without a place to stay was unacceptable. Maybe if he arrived on her doorstep, Maddie would try harder to find him a place to live? He would also get to see the elusive Maddie in person. Diniel had said she was an attractive older female with silver hair. Silver hair ran in one of the older leopard families. Perhaps, but no, hers must just be a sign of age.

  Diniel had also told him of the way he’d dropped Joan’s family on her and she’d taken it submissively. That was a surprise. Maybe she’d had a rare day the first time they’d spoken. He’d definitely test her on that. Now he chuckled, maybe he would get the best of her. A knock sounded.

  “Come in.” It was Lucia peeking around the edge of the door.

  “May I come in?”

  “Do you have an update for me?”

  “I do.”

  He sighed in relief. Finally a sign that two extra assistants had helped. “Come in and share.”

  Lucia was nervous around him now. No surprise since he himself would admit he’d been a beast. This move was huge and she’d had no help to begin with. She’d not been smart enough to ask. Now she had two helpers and things were getting organize.

  “Tell me where things stand.” He demanded.

  “Everyone is well underway packing up their offices, those that are going with you now at any rate.” That was good since half were leaving with him. Maddie had found an office space in Blue Eye just off the beaten path and remodeled it quickly. It better look good since he’d paid enough for it. Oh not like up here in New York City, but a lot considering its location.

  “Your house is packed except for those items you need daily. Most employees have packed and a good portion of their stuff is already down south in storage. All clients have been advised of the move and that people will still be here for communications purposes if preferred. You appointments have been completed, switched, or set by video appointment after tomorrow.”


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