Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  He didn’t need a bunch of females in his life. Taking a deep breath, he was ready to get started on the move. Tomorrow he’d be working from home getting other things done along with his usual work. The move was on them and it needed to be dealt with now.

  Chapter 4

  Working Hard

  Maddie woke around six as she did every morning and had for nearly seventy years. She was a hard worker, always had been. Most of those raised around here anywhere near her age were. It was the only way to survive at that time. Families pulled together and did whatever was needed. She knew she was a throwback to a time past. Her children and most of her grandchildren had been raised with those same principles and had done well with them.

  Many of the people she met these days thought her old fashioned but she didn’t care. She knew how to get things done and that was why people like Ariel turned to her. Right now she was keeping a clipboard of her major tasks for the leopards. It was minus the apartment house that she’d turned over to Viv and the small house for Lucia she’d turned over to Caro.

  She was handling Azrael’s house personally. It hadn’t been nearly large enough but there was a barn near the house and huge shed that had been used as a garage and work shop. The barn was a barn no more. Not only was it a separate residence for employees or guests, but it had turned out perfect. If he didn’t care for it, he just needed to look at it as a temporary residence since he intended to build a home on his leap lands as soon as he could.

  The shed had been reworked into a garage on one side that would hold two cars and a place to store things or use as a workshop when needed. It had been set up like a garage too and if preferred, could be used as a garage holding two more vehicles. There was a smaller storage shed used to hold gardening implements and a riding lawn mower. All that, even the landscaping, was complete.

  It was only the last building that was still being worked on. That had been an exceptionally large farm house with several additions over time. This had required more work than most because the additions weren’t added on in the best way. The way it was done allowed leakage and other problems. She had the exterior complete, Ariel had a few extra guys help with that and a roofer had done the roof making it one complete roof instead of one that looked like a quilt.

  A crew from Springfield had come in and done the windows and doors. They looked marvelous. The upstairs was done, it had two bedrooms and a bath. It only covered the original house. Those additions had cause the house to sprawl over a large area. That the house was nearly done, thrilled her. Once it was complete, they would only have the relationship of landlord and tenant with Lucia being the one that she would deal with.

  Azrael was a burr under her saddle. He’d even had the nerve to try to get Ariel to give him someone else to help with the move. There were only a handful of people that could help him at all and most would just help themselves. She was old enough to lack ambition but still have a myriad of resources.

  It would feel good to be free of that jackass. Not that he wasn’t hot as hell. But at her age other things were more important. She admired a kind and hardworking man. Of course she’d heard no one was a harder worker than Azrael. It was his personality that sucked. Maybe not the best word to use, she picked it up from her grandchildren.

  She was cooking in the kitchen when the phone rang. Lately it was never good. “Maddie?”

  “Yes, is this Lucia?”

  “It is, I’m sorry to be calling you when I know you’re busy.”

  “I’m sure it’s important. You sound worried.” She observed.

  “Azrael is on his way. He’s nearly a week early.”

  “Why would that crazy cat do that?”

  “I think he wants to throw you off. You’re too calm and he can’t stand it.” Lucia admitted.

  “Well I don’t know where he plans to stay.”

  “He said he’d stay with you.”

  Maddie giggled. “That won’t happen. Two of the bedrooms at his soon to be home are done and the bathroom they share.”

  “What about his employees?”

  “Oh, their house has been done over a week. Abby’s been staying there and she loves it. She’s sure her mama will love it too. Staying in a separate house will give them more privacy.”

  “You’re a miracle worker.” Lucia praised.

  “I try. You just relax and keep enjoying yourself. I heard your place was done. Caro had a lot to say about it. I believe she’ll want one of her own soon.”

  Lucia burst into a description of everything they’d done and how it looked. Since the phone was on speaker, she continued to cook. When Lucia took a break to breathe she broke in. “Come to supper if you can.”

  “Goddess I love your cooking. Your desserts are to die for. Caro and I will be there in a half an hour.” Lucia must have hung up.

  Maddie had learned to cook starting when she was a young child. They’d helped in the garden and learned to can most of the stuff that grew there as well as meats. She’d learned to wash the salad items and make a tossed salad next. As the oldest, fixing cereal, sandwiches, and other simple foods for the other kids when Mama was busy, had fallen to her.

  By the time she was a teenager, she could cook with the best of them. She’d even taught cooking classes at the school years ago. Finishing with her meal preparations, everything was either done or cooking when there was a knock on the door. Why would the girls knock? That made no sense.

  She hurried to the door to open it and her breath was sucked right out of her. Azrael stood there looking as sucker punched as she felt. “Maddie?” His voice came out like a sexy whisper. “May I come in?”

  Stepping aside without even thinking, she felt weak in the knees. Had she met this man thirty years ago she would have given a relationship a shot. Now it was simply too late. “Have a seat. As you can see I’m fixing supper.”

  “I hope that’s an invitation? Something smells delicious.” He praised.

  The door flew open as Lucia and Caro came running in and slowed as they saw him. Caro looked at him curiously while Lucia looked on with caution. “Azrael is staying for supper.” She announced. Caro’s mouth dropped open and Lucia looked flustered. “Why don’t you girls set the table?” Both girls hurried to the dining room relieved to escape for now.

  Azrael chuckled. “Someone was thrown off their game and it wasn’t you.”

  “Perhaps they’re surprised to see you nearly a week early?” She murmured.

  “I told you that my schedule was fluid and I might be late or early. My appointments were cancelled because some of those people moved sooner than expected. Lucia for one. I heard she’s already in her house. Where is Abby?”

  “You’ll be thrilled to know that the housing for her and the others in your employee wing is done. She’s already approved it. The place is next door to your house.”

  “Have you taken care of everyone’s needs but mine?” His voice was a seductive whisper.

  “I thought their needs were part of yours?”

  “A small part, my house is everything.”

  “Well supper is finished. We’ll discuss your housing afterwards.” She knew she looked calm and cool. Unfortunately she didn’t feel it. Azrael in person was enough to throw anyone off.

  The girls had the table set and helped her bring the food to the table. Lucia had fit in like an extra granddaughter. Azrael was the one that stood out like a sore toe. His face was flushed a bit so maybe he was aware of it. They passed the food around each taking what they wanted. There was plenty even for shifters.

  She liked having enough leftovers to use for breakfast or lunch. That might not be the case now but she didn’t mind. Ariel called her a nurturer which was a new word to describe an old way of life. Her view was she was motherly. Cooking and cleaning was what she did best and when there was time left over she did the kind of business Ariel had asked her to.

  They ate without speaking and everyone ate with good appetite. She got up and fetched dessert
, cinnamon rolls that she rarely made so when Caro saw them she squealed. “Did you make extra for breakfast, Gram?”

  “There’ll be a few. Don’t get greedy.” She liked to tease her grandkids. Caro blushed, she was such a pretty girl.

  Everyone got greedy though and wiped out the plate of cinnamon rolls. Good thing she’d thought ahead and saved some for breakfast. It was in her nature to plan everything out and be prepared for anything just like the Boy Scouts. Her son had been a Boy Scout, an Eagle Scout specifically. She thought a lot of the organization and the way they prepared young boys to become good men.

  “That was an amazing meal and those cinnamon rolls were the best I’ve ever had.” Azrael admitted.

  “Thank you. We’ll leave the girls to clean up and you can follow me out to your house to get your first look.”

  “Shouldn’t I settle in here first? I need a place to stay that’s prepared.”

  “No, we’ll look at your house first. You’ve had plenty to say about it. Let’s get things settled.”

  “Alright. Let’s go now.” He said as if he was deciding things not her.

  She led the way out of the house with him on her heels. As she got in her truck, he prepared to join her. “No, you take your car.” She started the engine and put in in gear. That locked the doors. While he looked irritated, he went to his own car and got in.

  Heading out slowly to give him the chance to catch up, she sped up and they made it there quickly. Pulling up to his house, she’d admit it impressed the hell out of her. Getting out, she had the keys in hand as she waited for him.

  “This looks done.” He commented.

  “The outside was completed first because those guys were available.”

  She unlocked the side door and entered the laundry room. It led directly into the kitchen. The room was a gourmet’s dream and almost done. Maybe tomorrow if all went well. He looked around then walked into the dining room. It was done and Abby had even had the furniture delivered and set in place.

  Now he moved into the living room which was done except for half the floor. It might be a day or two before it was ready for furniture. The master bedroom and bath were also close as was the main bathroom on the bottom floor. She led him upstairs where everything was completed.

  “These rooms will be fine for you to stay. Bedroom and bath, and you can eat at the other house behind you.”

  “Seems you have everything planned out.” Azrael observed.

  “The top floor was finished first. That way things wouldn’t be tracked downstairs. I’ve made an extra effort to get things done ahead of schedule and it’s paid off. I thought you’d be pleased.”

  “Oh, I am.” He said with a gold glint in his eyes. His cat was making his presence known.

  “I’m glad. I’ll just go so you can settle in.”

  He stepped in front of her. “Trying to escape quickly?”

  “Why would I have to escape?”

  “I believe I make you nervous.”

  “I have no need to be nervous. Are you sure it’s not the other way around?” She asked.

  Azrael took a step back in shock. “Me? I’m never nervous.”

  “You look a little uncertain to me.”

  “You’re right in part. I’ve never met a woman like you before. I’m not sure what to make of you. More information is what I need.” He said as he moved closer.

  She could scent him, not that she had the super scenting power of a supernatural. Her abilities were just the best a human might have. His woodsy, but also musky smell drew her in. It made her freeze as he wrapped her in his arms and his mouth dropped to hers. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced as he’d basically eaten her up one nibble at a time.

  Her mouth opened in shock and his tongue speared inside. He played with her tongue until she sparred back. What the hell was he doing? The second he pulled his tongue back and released her, she stepped away.

  “I hope you got all the information you needed because that won’t happen again.” She insisted.

  Poor Azrael looked shocked. He probably wasn’t used to women saying things like that. His eyes blinked in disbelief. Moving to Missouri might teach the man or male as his kind said, a thing or two.

  “Now that you’ve seen your place, I’m leaving.” She turned and got the hell out of the house getting in her truck and leaving before he had a chance to ask for anything else. Never ever would she admit it to him but that kiss had been something else.

  Getting as far away as quickly as possible was all that was on her mind at the moment. Not that she thought Azrael would chase her down, but she hadn’t expected that kiss either. He wasn’t the type to chase a woman or force himself on one. The male hadn’t held her tightly, she could have gotten away had she not been frozen to the spot.

  Glad her house was now in sight, she pulled up and turned off the truck. Sitting for just a moment, she let her breathing calm and her heart stop racing before she entered. The girls had finished cleaning up and were watching TV and talking in the living room.

  Instead of bothering them, she headed up to her room getting ready for bed. She liked to read, especially Ariel’s and Roc’s books but she also had them on audio. Catty Diva was a new science fiction author she was also reading, but she didn’t have any audio books yet. Putting one of Ariel’s on, she got out her crocheting and began work on an afghan as she listened to Ariel’s latest vampire tale.

  Roc didn’t put the books out as quickly as she did before she’d mated Simon. All caught up in her books, she might begin to listen to them twice if there were no more of Ariel’s to listen to. Since she rarely watched TV, she could go through the books quickly. Even though she often read them first, the narrators they each had were amazing with voices.

  She was making her afghan purple with a red design in the middle. Her fingers had a bit of arthritis, but they were still nimble. The work progressed well and she lamented that few of the younger folk bothered with these kinds of hobbies. Caro did a bit of weaving, but she didn’t put much effort on it or spend a lot of time doing it. Head bands were her main item. She did make her a flower pot holder once, but she’d said it was too much effort to do again.

  It hung in her eight by ten greenhouse holding a pot Sarah Anne, another granddaughter, had made for her in high school pottery class. The plant inside was a lily her granddaughter Lily had grown for her one Christmas. That grandchild in particular liked gardening and helped her in her greenhouse whenever she visited.

  Turning off the book, she yawned and thought about how tired she was. She would just turn in early and get up early. Her encounter with Azrael had thrown her for a loop and she wasn’t too proud to admit it, to herself anyway.

  Settling in for the night, she eventually fell asleep with wild dreams making her roll restlessly about. When she woke, she was wrapped in her sheets and her blankets lay on the floor. Her arms squeezed one of her pillows hard. It was the predawn hour with everything quiet and she would get started on her hard day’s work. At least most of her work with Azrael was accomplished.

  Once dressed, she hurried downstairs to start her coffee. It was a habit she’d had since she was a kid. Her mother had let her drink on the days she hadn’t gone to school. They’d sat at the table working with whatever needed done, usually vegetables or mending clothes, and they’d drank coffee and talked about all manner of things.

  Now she rarely had anyone to talk to, but she drank her coffee as she worked keeping the books or prepared food for cooking. With Viv, Caro, and assorted guests around, she realized how lonely she’d been for years. Azrael had also shown her how much she missed having someone to touch. Not that she wanted him, oh no. There wasn’t any man she knew that she would be tempted to get involved with. Really!

  The coffee had woke her up so now she was getting to work cooking. First she would get a Mexican casserole started in the oven for lunch then breakfast could be started. Supper would be a couple baked hens with sides she would fix later.
Since Viv and Caro arrived she’d cooked three meals most days just like when her kids were young and at home.

  In some ways she missed those days but in others she was glad they were grown. Life was like that, a mix of satisfaction for the things done right and regrets for the things you missed. It was nearly dawn and Viv made her way down the stairs.

  “Good morning, Mom. How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I’d like to come by the apartment project to see how things are going. We’re about to have more people dumped on us.”

  “They could have planned this move better. The first two groups did. Even the third group wasn’t this bad.”

  “You think this is bad?” She asked with a snort. “Wait until the last three groups hit. They’ll be living under the bridges in boxes.”

  Viv giggled. “It won’t be that bad if you build those other three buildings. The plans you have for it are nice. They’ll have a playground and a picnic area. Some of the others are working on things for the future too. They might have to stretch out a bit farther north or south. Those people will manage, just as these have.”

  “Get a cup of coffee and sit down. Foods done and I’ll plate it up. You’re working too hard and if it gets too much you take a day off.”

  “My whole crew is working seven days a week and if I take off, they’ll do it too. I can handle it. We’ll have the first building done in ten days or so. That’s when we’ll take two days off before starting the next building. That will give them time to spend their bonus.”

  “You’re doing it right. Rewarding hard work is the way to do it.”

  “I just wish they all worked equally hard. With a shortage of workers, I’ve had to keep a couple I normally wouldn’t.”

  “I’m not sure I would do that. They cause trouble with time. Other workers resent them.”

  Caro made her way into the kitchen and talk turned to other things. “Lucia is all moved in and wants to find a part time job in the evenings. I wasn’t sure what to tell her.”


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