Twisted (Dark Book 1)

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Twisted (Dark Book 1) Page 2

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Arriving at the restaurant at precisely noon, I waited for Jeremy. He was always late.

  At 12:15, as I was sipping my one and only glass of scotch before 5 pm, he came racing in the door. His hair was styled in an attempt to cover his ever expanding bald spot.

  “You’re late.” I said, eying him. As usual, he looked frantic and disheveled, but there was something different about him.

  “I’m sorry, Ash. Dad wanted me to look at something before I left. Have you ordered yet?” Jeremy removed his suit jacket.

  “Not yet. The crab and lobster roll is fabulous here.”

  Jeremy motioned to the waiter.

  “Can you take my jacket please? Hang it up and take care not to wrinkle it.” The waiter rolled his eyes, but took Jeremy’s jacket. I could guarantee he’d likely toss it onto the floor of the coat room.

  After we ordered, I tapped my fingers on the table as Jeremy made casual conversation.

  Finally, after our drinks had arrived, I decided to get down to business.

  “Jeremy, why exactly are we here? You didn’t call me down here in the middle of a work day just for a casual lunch. Let’s cut the crap.”

  Tossing his napkin down, he refused to meet my eyes. He looked all around the restaurant before leaning toward me.

  “Okay, Ash, you’re right. I did ask you here for more than just a casual lunch. I needed someone to talk to. I’m in serious trouble.” Jeremy looked at me anxiously.

  Studying him closely, I finished my scotch. I had no idea how he could be in trouble.

  “What’s going on, Jeremy?”

  He placed his tightened fist over his mouth.

  “It’s Terri. She had a child.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him. Terri was his old girlfriend. They had broken up several years ago.

  “So? What does that have to do with you?”

  “Everything, Ash. She contacted me a few weeks ago. She’s suing me for back child support.”

  “How can she do that? How does she know it’s yours?” I twisted the cloth napkin in my lap. Leave it to Jeremy to get wrapped up in something like this.

  He shrugged.

  “Yes, it’s mine. She called me last week asking if I would take a paternity test. At first, I said no. She’s been gone for four years and I know she slept with other guys while we were together.”

  I nodded remembering their turbulent relationship well.

  “So what made you change your mind?”

  Jeremy pulled his phone out of his pocket. He flipped it to a picture of an adorable child. The little boy had a mop of dark hair and the same dark brown eyes as Jeremy.

  “This. She sent it to me. He looks just like me, Ash.”

  I sighed handing the phone back to him.

  “There’s no denying that one.”

  “So, I decided to get the paternity test. It came back with a ninety nine percent chance the boy is mine.”

  Signaling the waiter for another drink, I continued to listen to his tale of woe.

  “So, why is she suing for child support? Didn’t you offer to help take care of the child--”

  “—Colton. His name is Colton.”

  “So take care of Colton.” I sipped my drink. It was getting later in the afternoon and I had an important meeting with S & G.

  Jeremy tossed his napkin onto the table.

  “You don’t get it, Ash. I want to take care of my son, but I can’t let Allison know about him or Terri.”

  Oh God, not again. Jeremy was infamous for getting himself involved in long, drawn out dramatic relationships. Allison was his latest girlfriend.

  “That’s right. You’re with Allison now. How long has it been?” Since Jeremy and I no longer worked together, I’d fallen out of touch with his turbulent world.

  “It’s been nine months, Ash. Nine months. And we’re engaged. I can’t tell her about Terri though, can I?”

  Rubbing my forehead with my palms, I groaned.

  “Look, Jeremy, I assume that for whatever reason Allison loves you. God knows why..”

  “Thanks, Ash.”

  “Anyway, if she loves you, she’ll understand. I know that Terri was an unfaithful bitch, but it’s not about Terri, it’s about Colton, your son.”

  Jeremy nodded.

  “Have you even met Colton?” I asked.

  “Yes, and he’s the sweetest, smartest little boy I’ve ever met,” Jeremy said, a huge grin spreading across his face.

  “Then you owe it to him to be involved in his life and not just financially. Be there for him in any way you can.”

  “But what about Allison?”

  I looked at my phone. Damn, I was going to be late.

  “Look, Jeremy, I know we haven’t always gotten along, but you have to do the right thing here. You and I both know you can afford whatever payments that Terri is requesting. So that’s not an issue. The real issue is being involved in your son’s life. Even if he doesn’t want you there, you need to be there on the sidelines cheering him on in whatever he’s doing. One day Colton will thank you for it. Although, being that it’s you--”

  “—thanks, Ash. I get it.” Jeremy waved his hand at me.

  “Go home and talk to Allison. She’ll likely be upset that you have a child you didn’t tell her about, but if she loves you she’ll accept it. Talk to Terri and work out a way to see your son.”

  “But what if it’s too late, Ash? What if he doesn’t want me as his dad?”

  I pulled a wad of bills out of my wallet and tossed them down on the table.

  “It’s never too late, Jeremy.” I pulled my suit jacket on as Jeremy sat staring at me.

  “Ash, before you go—“

  “—yes, Jeremy?” I tapped my foot impatiently.

  “Thanks. I know we’ve had a tenuous relationship at best, but believe it or not, you were the only person I wanted to share this with.” Jeremy stood up extending his hand.

  I took his hand shaking it firmly.

  “No problem, Jeremy. It was good seeing you. I hope business is doing well.”

  He nodded.

  “It’s doing better than I expected. Dad still wishes you were there though.”

  I shook my head as I waited for Jeremy to pull on his coat.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  Jeremy laughed.

  “Yes, Ash, he does. I know I could never do what you did for him.”

  I sighed watching Jeremy’s eyes flinch with pain.

  “Jeremy, your dad is proud of you. The only reason he wanted me there is because I’m not impulsive. I don’t make major decisions based on a feeling like you do. I’m patient and weigh all the pros and cons. That’s all he’s ever wanted you to do. Be patient. Don’t be led by your feelings. Do that and watch what he does.” I slapped him on the shoulder.

  “You’re right, Ash.” He nodded.

  “Look, Jeremy, I’m late for a very important meeting. Let me know how it goes.”

  “Ash, there’s something different about you. How’s Amber?”

  “She’s good as always.”

  “You know what, Ash? You need to go get laid. You look tense.”

  Shocked at his odd assertion that I looked tense, I merely nodded.

  He smiled back as we walked out to the street.

  “Don’t be a stranger, Blackthorne.”

  “I couldn’t be as strange as you even if I tried, Goldstein,” I laughed as I opened my car door.

  Looking back at him briefly, I noticed a different look in Jeremy’s eyes. He looked wiser, more mature. As I drove away, I thought about what I’d said. Before this latest break up with Veronica, I would’ve never advised Jeremy like that. I would’ve just told him to pay Terri what he owed her and not bothered sticking around to be a father to his son.

  I was softening inside.

  That was the last thing I wanted. I thought that Veronica’s revelation had made my heart even icier, but quite the opposite had happened. Opening myself up to her had made me fe
el more.

  And was that a good thing?



  People always wanted to know what it was like to work for Ashton Blackthorne. Usually, I gave an enigmatic smile and a wink. Working for Ash wasn’t something I could merely sum up in a few words.

  After I graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in Finance, I moved to New York, where I’d always dreamed I’d live. I immediately received a very lucrative job offer from Pierson and Brown, a financial firm. I was ecstatic.

  Before I’d met Ash, I’d heard about him. He was the talk of the town amongst the investment banking world. Women swooned in the ladies’ room at the mention of his name. Men would curse him behind his back, but admire him for his business acumen. The stories about Ash intrigued me. As time went on, I began to hear rumors of the biggest and baddest shark in Manhattan. Ladies said he was smooth, devastatingly handsome, and oh so bad.

  The first time I ever heard his name I went weak in the knees. Just his name alone evoked a passionate emotional response inside me. I knew he was someone special.

  I was so curious to meet him in person. When I noticed he had an opening for an assistant even though I was overqualified for the position, I applied immediately.

  Smiling, I remembered the first time I’d met Ash. The way his eyes widened in appreciation when I sashayed through his door made me tingle all over. He told me later he almost didn’t hire me because I was too qualified for the position and because he thought I was too fucking sexy.

  Working for Ash had been a dream come true for me not only because he was so sexy, but because of the opportunities it afforded me. My official title was Executive Assistant, but Ash let me work far above that. I assisted him on many important financial deals and I got to see the world. Ash’s business associate had a private jet and we often took it for business meetings to locations around the world.

  When Ash and I first began working together, it was evident to both of us that there was a strong physical attraction between us. We both made a pact that in order to keep our professional relationship intact we would refrain from getting too personal with each other.

  For the first few years that seemed to work, I would hide my attraction to Ash behind witty one liners. ‘I’m not amazing, I’m Amber’ was a popular answer I would give to people when I couldn’t find the reason as to why I was so attuned to Ash.

  But as the years progressed, I found it harder and harder to deny my attraction to him. We had gotten to know each other well and the more I got to know him the more I wanted him.

  Watching him date other women had been difficult, but right after I started working for Ash I found myself falling deeply in love with another man.

  Fall 2011

  It was 2011 and some of my friends were throwing a huge party at a local pub when the one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen walked in. I had just started working for Ash and all I could think of was him lately. But this guy…he was something else. All the women sat back breathless with anticipation as he sauntered into the bar. He carried himself with such incredible swagger. His dark brown hair fell over his forehead. Beneath his tight black t-shirt, his muscles rippled. His shoulders were deliciously broad. His right bicep had black barbed wire tattooed around it. His handsome face sported several days’ worth of stubble. His jeans were tight showcasing his tight, firm ass. My friend, Cara, stuck her chest out as far as she could and batted her eyes at him in a pathetic attempt to catch his attention.

  But he passed her by. He passed them all right by.

  Until he came to me.

  Unlike the others, I wasn’t outwardly swooning. I kept my cool as I always did and continued to sip my drink.

  I felt his presence next to me causing me to tremble with excitement.

  “Hi, beautiful. What brings you here tonight?”

  I rolled my eyes. The same tired line had been used on me several times already this evening.

  “A friend’s party.” I turned to look at him. His penetrating gaze shook me to the core. Beads of perspiration began to break out all over my body.

  “So, what are you drinking?” He gestured to my half full glass.

  I shrugged.

  “Nothing very good. I’m really more in the mood for a--”

  “—Macallan? My favorite too.” He nodded with a smile.

  How’d he know that? I shivered with pleasure. His intense gaze made my pussy clench. Just looking at him made me ache with desire.

  His eyes scanned my figure. His gaze lingered on my breasts, but that was no surprise as they constantly drew attention from men usually the wrong kind.

  “I’m Ayden Donovan. What’s your name?”

  I smiled slowly running the tips of my fingers over my collarbone.


  “Amber, that’s a beautiful name.” He smiled, exuding more charm than I’d previously suspected he had. The bar was growing louder and louder. A group of frat brothers had just arrived bringing along an entire cheerleading squad along with them. Accompanied with the pulsating music, the noise had become deafening.

  “Let’s get out of here, Amber.” He extended his hand to me. I looked at him carefully as I wasn’t prone to leaving bars with strangers.

  “A little forward, don’t you think?” I yelled at him so that he could hear me.

  He nodded.

  “Yes, it is, but it’s awfully loud in here. I’d like to get to know you better. I wasn’t asking you to my place. There’s a quiet little coffee shop nearby.”

  The crowd was becoming even more unruly and loud. The men that were here were all far too young for my taste.

  “It’s a bit too rowdy in here for me too. Let’s go.” I grabbed my purse off the bar and followed him through the crowded bar to the exit.

  Walking together down the street, I felt strangely at ease with him. I found that to be quite odd as we’d just met and it usually took me a bit to open up with strangers.

  The nearly deserted coffee shop was as quiet as he’d promised. Sliding into a booth, I gave the menu a quick glance.

  “Don’t bother with the menu, Amber. The only good thing here is the coffee.” He laughed taking the menu from my hands. His laugh was almost musical. His smile was perfect. His lips full and sensuous. I could imagine them traveling my body, my back arched as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

  “What? Oh, that’s fine. I’ll just have coffee then.”

  He grinned again making me feel weak all over. His hands brushed mine. They were soft, but strong. His fingers long and tapering. Envisioning them rubbing my throbbing pussy, I began to feel hot.

  “Are you okay, Amber? I just asked you how you take your coffee.” He nodded up at the waitress dressed in a blue uniform standing next to our table.

  “Black. I take it black.” I smiled nervously trying to still my aching pussy.

  “Like your men? I hope not.” He laughed looking up at the waitress who smirked.

  I shook my head.

  “No, I prefer black only for coffee.” I began to giggle uncontrollably. The waitress rolled her eyes and walked off to the kitchen. Ayden sat with his chin propped up his eyes following my every move.

  “So, why is that so funny? I mean, I know I’m quite the comedian…”

  I waved my hand at him trying to control myself.

  “It’s just that my boss, he says the exact same thing. The two of you are so much alike. I just can’t believe it. I guess it just struck me as funny.” I blotted my eyes with the napkin.

  He nodded still gazing at me with a dreamy look in his eyes.

  “Really? What’s his name? Perhaps I know him.”

  “You probably do if you do anything financial in this city. His name is Ashton Blackthorne.”

  His eyes narrowed for a moment and I thought I caught a flash of anger before he smiled again.

  “Ashton Blackthorne? Sounds familiar, but I don’t work in the financial industry.”

  I smooth
ed my long blonde hair back from my face.

  “So, what do you do? I don’t think you told me.”

  Ayden leaned back placing his hands on the table.

  “I’m in real estate right now.”

  The waitress came back and sat down our two cups of coffee.

  “What exactly does that entail? Do you sell property?” I sipped my coffee.

  Ayden busied himself opening packets of sugar and dumping them into his coffee.

  “Sometimes. I handle mostly huge real estate acquisitions.”

  “What company are you with? I’m sure I’ve heard of them.” I continued sipping my coffee. I noticed the red lipstick ring on the cup and wiped it off with my napkin.

  He waved his hand.

  “It’s just a start up. My father was big in the real estate market at one time.”

  I nodded.

  “So, what happened to your father? Are you two in business together?”

  Again, Ayden’s eyes flashed with anger. The beautiful hazel shade seemed to turn black. But in an instant, it was gone. I wondered if I was imagining things.

  “No, we’re not. We’re estranged at the moment.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Ayden.”

  Shaking his head, he took a long sip of his coffee.

  “It’s fine. I intend to repair our relationship as soon as possible.”

  I nodded feeling a great deal of sympathy for him. Ash had experienced a lot of heartache with his father too, so I’d been on the receiving end of hearing about it.

  “That’s good to hear. So, Ayden, what brought you to that bar over there? It’s somewhat of a younger crowd.”

  His eyes widened in mock surprise.

  “Are you implying I’m old? That I should hang out in places like this?” He gestured to the empty restaurant.

  Laughing, I waved my hand.

  “No, absolutely not. This place is pretty dead. I was just saying that as that bar is mostly for college kids. I was only there for a friend’s birthday party.”


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