The Perfect Comeback

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The Perfect Comeback Page 16

by Kacey Shea

  “It isn’t complicated with you.” The words leave her lips a murmur. They’re laced with so much naked honesty I wonder if she realizes she even said them.

  It’s all I can do to not wrap my hands around her waist and tug her close. All of the push and pull today, the witty banter, the closeness, the building chemistry between us is about to explode. The desire I feel for her is more than a quick lay or one-night stand. With Mia I already want more than my four dates—three after this one officially ends.

  She leans a little closer, her eyes hooded with what I imagine is longing, but she still won’t meet my gaze. Her tongue darts out to lick along her lower lip and only a weaker man would cave and give in, take what her body language is implying. But I won’t.

  “Training Tuesday?” The words come out huskier than I intend. Her eyes flutter closed and it’s only then I realize my hand has found its way to her hip. Resting above the waistband of her jeans and against the soft flesh there, my thumb draws circles on her skin. Skin I dream of tracing with my lips and gripping so tightly my fingers leave prints.

  “Hmm?” she says and leans into me, her gaze now at my chest and the white shirt that peeks from beneath my jacket.

  “You still want to meet for training on Tuesday?” This time I’ve got my voice back, and my body under control. I drop my hand from her hip.

  She blinks and takes a step back. “Yeah, Tuesday.”

  “’Night, Mia.”

  She opens her mouth to respond, her brows now knit and eyes cast down. I can’t read her expression and I wish I knew her well enough to understand its meaning. “Good night.” Her words leave in a rush and she turns, walking inside the elevator the moment it opens.

  I hope I made the right move in not kissing her. I can’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed. I only know I didn’t want a repeat of Thursday’s rejection. That, and even though this is all a bet, I’ve never really dated. Not in the traditional sense, and I want to get it right. I’m attracted to Mia, have been since that morning at Zig’s, but after today my feelings have evolved. I don’t simply like Mia, I’m falling for her. I can only hope she feels the same, and I don’t scare her away. Pulling my bike away from the curb and riding back to my apartment, I run through the possibilities for next week’s date. One of them is tracing those luscious lips with mine. Damn, I’m almost giddy with the prospect. I don’t even care that I’ve got another week like the last one to get through. It’ll all be worth it in the end.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “He didn’t try to kiss you?” Rae gasps.

  “He didn’t try to kiss me!” I repeat for the second time. Last Pitch is busier than usual tonight and I have to shout out the words. I’m not angry about it. More or less, I was relieved. On the bike ride back to my apartment the sex machine was doing its job of turning me on, and yet in my mind I was reciting all the ways to turn Matt down without hurting his feelings. All because I had a wonderful time.

  “And we’re certain he’s not gay?” Jared interjects, but when Rae and I glare his way he continues, “What? I’m only asking a question.”

  “No. He’s most certainly attracted to me in the physical sense. I felt the evidence of his generous manhood.”

  “Wait! When did you touch his cock? How did I miss this?” Rae leans forward on the table, her eyes wide and waiting. She was in New York for work so I didn’t get a chance to fill her in.

  “I didn’t touch it. I felt it.” Jared cuts me off with a wave of his hand.

  “They practically humped during one of their after-hours one-on-one training seshes. He asked if he could kiss her, and you know how that goes.” He rolls his eyes.

  Rae meets my stare with deep concern. “Her kissing is more intimate than sex thing. Yes, I remember. She made us watch the YouTube clip.”

  “It makes perfect sense.” Now I throw my hands up because it’s frustrating that neither of them agrees with me on this.

  “It was satire, Kitten.” Jared pats my shoulder but I shake him off.

  “So, you asked him not to kiss you . . . and now he won’t kiss you. He seems pretty legit to me.” Rae shrugs and finishes off her pint of lager.

  “But that’s not normal, right?” I’m genuinely puzzled by Matt’s behavior. He always seems to have one up on me, and I hate that.

  “Define normal. Jared over here likes it in the ass. I sleep with my cat.”

  I take a sip from my glass. “Yeah, at least your cat sleeps with you.”

  “How is Mr. Mick Grimes these days? Still shitting in the closet?” Rae leans forward with genuine interest.

  “Only when I have a bad day. Last week he almost brushed my leg on the way to eat his food. I’m sure it was accidental, but I’ll count it.” I shrug and lift my glass.

  Rae clinks hers against mine in a cheers. “Good for Mick.”

  “Ladies, enough about the pussy, let’s get down to brass tacks. Mia, are you going to follow through on the bet with Muscle Man?”

  I don’t like that Jared’s insinuating I’d quit so easily so I narrow my gaze at him. “His name’s Matt.”

  His smug smile widens and he leans back in his chair with raised brows. “Ohhhh . . . Well, that answers that.”

  I shake my head, now even more irritated. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you’ve never been bothered by my nicknames before. But Matt, he gets special treatment so he must be . . . special.”

  “Like he rode the short bus? I don’t understand.” Rae, with her blissful innocence, chimes in.

  “No.” I speak before Jared can continue with any more of this hearsay. “Your brother is trying to imply there’s more to Matt’s and my relationship than training, a business arrangement, and a simple bet.”

  “Isn’t there, though?” His smile is wide.

  “There’s not.”

  “But you will be going out with him again?” God, he’s mean when he smiles like that.

  “Sunday. Because if there’s one thing I am not, it’s a quitter.” I won’t admit aloud how much I’m looking forward to the next date, or what a fantastic time I had at the last one.

  “So, you’re only dating him because of the bet?” Jared says but before I can even open my mouth he continues, “I retract my statement, your honor. No further questions.”

  “You two are weird.” Rae says and then catches the attention of our waiter. “Check, please?”

  “Okay, enough of your love life,” Jared says.

  “It’s not lo—”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Jared interrupts. “It’s still eating up your attention but I have a real problem here. I need you to slap some sense into me.”

  “I’m ready.” Rae brings her hand back and eyes the side of Jared’s face with a devious grin.

  “Sorry, sis. You’re family. I need an outsider’s opinion.”

  Outside, huh. I narrow my glare. “I’m not sure if it offends me that you think of me that way. Wait. Nope. Yeah, it totally does.”

  “Mia, focus!” Jared leans across the table and shakes my shoulders. “The lawyer asked me to be his boyfriend.”

  “I thought he was a paralegal.” Rae taps her chin.

  “Paralegal. Lawyer. Semantics.” Jared waves a hand between us.

  I shake my head. “No, I’m pretty sure there’s more. Like maybe a law degree. A lot more schooling.”

  Rae holds up a finger. “And student loans. Don’t forget that.”

  “Ladies!” Jared throws his hands in the air.

  “Sorry. Obviously, you must let him go,” I say because in all the years we’ve been friends Jared’s never had a steady boyfriend. It’s not how he’s built. Besides, his wandering eyes don’t relate well with commitment and exclusivity.

  Rae studies her brother, her eyes almost sad, and that’s when I catch Jared’s deep exhale.

  “Wait. What’s going on here?” It takes me a moment and then it hits me. “You don’t want to move on.”
r />   “I don’t!” He throws up his hands, a deep frown etched in his brow. “What’s wrong with me? Does this mean he’s the one or am I having an early mid-life crisis? Is this how other people feel? Is this how it starts and before you know it I’m living in the ’burbs raising our adoptive child while Logan takes the train into the city to fight crime?”

  “Just to be clear . . . you know paralegals don’t fight crime, right? The law office above us specializes in family law.”

  “Mia! You’re missing the point!”

  “Jared. It’s me. I suck at relationships and feelings. I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” Really, he must have about a dozen other friends better suited to offer relationship advice.

  “That’s why I’m asking you and not Rae. She says follow my heart. But since you don’t have one of those I thought you could give me perspective.”

  Our waiter interrupts the bizarre conversation. “Sorry. No rush. I’ll take care of this whenever you’re ready.” He’s a gorgeous young thing. Blue eyes and blond hair, and he makes a point of meeting Jared’s eyes when he slides over the check.

  Jared opens the bill and after studying the amount he throws up his hands. “See! This right here! The universe is plotting against me!”

  Rae leans over and whispers in my ear, “He’s losing his shit. Help, please.”

  “What’s the trouble? They charge us full price for appetizers again?” I draw the paper printout from his hand. There’s nothing off about the amounts, but that’s when I notice the handwriting at the bottom. It’s the name and number of our server along with a very explicit request.

  “I hope that note’s for you because I’m not into ass play.” I slide it back to Jared. Only instead of laughter he looks as if he’s about to have a panic attack. “Jared?”

  “I don’t understand,” he mutters and shakes his head.

  “I think it’s pretty clear. Good thing you prefer bottom,” I say, expecting him to snap out of whatever this is, make an inappropriate joke, and chill the hell out.

  Instead, he slams his head on the top of the table. Total drama queen. At least he’s still acting like himself.

  I widen my eyes at Rae because I’m still confused at the meltdown. Jared finds a new guy multiple times a month and every single time he falls hard and fast, envisioning their future together. That lasts until a shiny new guy comes around and we begin the cycle over again.

  Jared pulls himself up off the table. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but . . . I have no desire to ditch my crime fighting man for the pretty baby blues. This must be it. The sign I was looking for. I’m finally ready. I’m ready for a real boyfriend. I’m going to tell him yes.”

  “Thank God!” Rae rolls her eyes and grabs the check to drop down her cash.

  I’m not sure it’ll last, but Jared seems relieved by his declaration. Plus, he’s passing on a random hookup with a really attractive twenty-two-year-old. If that doesn’t say commitment, I don’t know what does.

  “I’m happy for you.” I smile and pat his shoulder. He takes the opportunity to hop off his chair and wrap me in a crushing hug from behind.

  “Thanks, Kitten. I want you to meet him. Oh! Maybe we can double date! Or triple! Rae, we’ll find you someone.”

  “I’m good, thanks.” She shakes her head and I do the same, untangling myself from his grasp.

  “I’m good, too. No double dates for me. Remember, I’m not into Matt. He’s just a bet.”

  Jared seems disappointed in more than my answer but lets it go without saying anything. We pay the tab, head out of Last Pitch, and say good-byes before parting ways to catch our respective bus rides home. I wonder if Jared’s really that into his law guy, or if that was some ploy to get me to admit something more for Matt. Stupid attempt if it was. Matt’s just a guy I’m dating. Sure, there’s a lot more to him than I imagined and yesterday was so much fun I forgot it was all pretend. Matt’s as competitive as me, which helps me understand why he’d put that much effort into our date together. I won’t fool myself into believing it was something other than that. Feelings won’t come into play. Not for me and not for him. Three more to come. Easy as pie.

  This week goes by almost as quickly as last and when I show up for my training sessions with Matt there’s nothing weird at all between us. It’s just as it was before and that’s good. I keep my back off the mats and he doesn’t ask to kiss me. I don’t even fear that he will. It’s all professional. As it should be.

  I don’t feel one twinge of regret either. Nope. I don’t have the emotional capacity for a romantic relationship with Matt Haywood, or anyone else for that matter. That he respects my terms of the bet doesn’t make him any more attractive than he already is. It’s not his fault he has a good sense of humor and an incredible work ethic that yields a body fit for all things physical. Or that his beard is perfect; just long enough to frame his lips that are always smiling but not too long that food and crap get stuck in the whiskers. Okay, he’s growing on me, but that doesn’t change the fact we would never work. It only furthers my resolve that I don’t want to change this good thing we have going.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’ve always been a hard worker. It comes with the territory. You can’t be a successful fighter without putting in effort. But this pace I’m keeping between the gym and two other jobs is running me ragged. It’s not only the physical exertion, it’s mental as well. There’s only so many nights I can run off of less than five hours of sleep before it gets to me. The week passes at a manic pace and by Saturday morning I’m just thankful I survived. I’d like to sneak a nap between teaching classes and heading to Zig’s, but there’s a stack of mail in my office and overdue bills that need to be paid.

  My brother shows for my second class of the morning, and he’s always a sight for sore eyes. I don’t think it will matter how old we are. He always brings this positive energy to my day, no matter what kind I’ve had. It’s because he believes in me, one hundred percent, and still looks up to me with an awe only little brothers seem to have. It’s also fun to share my passion with him. He might not be a natural fighter, but he enjoys the training part of it. Or at least the physique that comes from hard work in the gym, and it’s nice to have something in common for once besides our DNA.

  “Good work today, Danny,” I say to him after class.

  “Thanks, man. I’m getting better at my right hook, huh?”

  He’s not, but I can tell he’s trying. “You’ve almost got it, and your push kicks look great.”

  “This class is the real deal. I keep trying to tell my colleagues at the office they need to come down and try it. They’re all too scared to suck.” He pours some liquid from his water bottle over his head and wipes it away with a towel.

  “You know that doesn’t matter. I let you join!” I tease with a laugh.

  His smile is wide when he agrees. “That’s what I always say!”

  “Everything going good this week? I didn’t see you at class as much.”

  “Yeah, just quarterlies due for some clients. Long days at the office. I’ll be back to my regular schedule in a few weeks.”

  “Good. I miss your face around here, ugly as it is.”

  He shakes his head. “Not as ugly as yours. Hey, that reminds me. Nikki wants to have you over.”

  “Oh, sure.” Right. I promised to get together with them soon. I don’t have a second of free time, but my brother is important. I’ll make it work. “Let me know when and I guess just shoot me the address.”

  My brother glances at the floor and a sheepish smile sneaks onto his face. “It’s . . . ah . . . You already know it.” He chuckles before meeting my confused stare.

  “I’ve never been to your girlfriend’s house, Danny.” I’d sure as shit remember something like that.

  “Actually, you have.” His smile grows as though he has one up on me. “Because I asked her to move in with me.”

  My eyes widen with shock. Tha
t’s a huge step. “Wow! Congrats. That’s great news.” I give him a hug.

  He steps back, his smile full of joy. “I think so, too. We wanted to have a few people over to celebrate, just our closest friends, and I want you to be there.”

  “Sure. When you thinking? I’ll make sure I get off work.”

  “Actually, I know it’s late notice, but tomorrow. Cocktails and appetizers at five. Dinner at six. Oh, and don’t be late. Nikki likes things to run on schedule.”

  It’s really difficult to not give in to an eye roll. I’m perfectly aware Nikki prefers everything to run on her terms. “I’ll be there on time.” Shit. Tomorrow I have plans with Mia. She’ll probably love me having to reschedule, but I don’t want to. It’s been the one thing keeping me moving forward this week. Spending more time with her is like a dangling carrot in this rat race of a life.

  “Good.” Danny beams and slaps my shoulder.

  Sure, good. Even though this gathering at his place sounds more like torture. I have a feeling Nikki and her pretentious friends will overthrow any fun my brother’s friends try to instill. A stroke of brilliance hits me, and although I don’t want to waste one of my dates on this, I don’t want to go it alone even more. “Hey, would it be okay if I brought someone?”

  “Like a date?” My brother’s eyebrows shoot up with his question.

  “No, my bike.” A chuckle escapes my lips. “Yeah, a date. There’s someone I’ve been seeing recently.” I stretch the truth a little.

  “I didn’t think you did that.” My brother genuinely appears surprised.


  “Yeah. Actually, Nikki had me wondering if maybe you were gay. Wait, are you? We’re both totally cool with that.”

  “How nice of her.” I roll my eyes because this woman is a piece of work. But my brother loves her. I just keep telling myself that. My answer to his ill-advised assumption is full of annoyance. “And for the record, no, I’m straight.”


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