Zed Days [Book 2]

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Zed Days [Book 2] Page 21

by Nick Harland

  Chapter Twenty Four – Score Cards

  There were several nice vehicles but we didn’t want to take extra’s back so we cut fuel lines and filled the empty aqua-rolls with fuel. We drove back around to the other side of the park and there was a small area with wooden camping pods before the vans. There must have been a party and Eve had to thin them out before we could handle them. There wasn’t much space to run the Zeds over in the pod area and we all wanted a little less stress than usual after how our visit had begun. There were several small to medium cars in the area and I had an idea.

  I said, ‘This hand to hand fighting isn’t ideal and I have a brilliant idea. Fifth rule of Zomboid survival is, always use any resources you can in an area you might never come back to. I say we have a game of grown up dodgems.’

  ‘I’m sure we can find the keys to these cars on this lot so let’s take one car each and clear the rest of the park out using them. The Zeds are mainly in the awnings and although they don’t come out unless we approach on foot, as they know they can’t get us in the cars, there is no reason we can’t take the cars to them. Those awnings are just poles covered with material with a few flimsy tables and chairs inside and I bet even a small car could plough through one, or least into one and then reverse out. I’m pretty sure it’d be fun and there’s lots of space around and between the vans. With all of us in cars, if anyone gets bogged down or has a Zed at the window, another one of us can run it down. Even if we hit each other a bit, as log it’s not fast, it doesn’t matter.’

  I could see a few smiles and Eve said, ‘You could have thought of that sooner, fun and Zombie killing, brilliant. Let’s search these bodies and the deal is you have to drive the car you first find the keys to, no matter what it is.’

  I was slow to react, only Bill was slower and that was because he was injured. Everyone went for the men as there was one old Land Rover and one Subaru Forester. Other than that there was a Panda, a Mini, a Fiesta, a Golf and a C3. I really wasn’t that bothered as under the circumstances they all looked fun. As it turned out Esme ended up with the Subaru and Izzy with the Land Rover. I ended up with the Fiesta, Bill with the C3, Ben with the Golf and Eve was most upset to have the Panda until she found out it was four-wheel drive. Then she was smug.

  It took a while to get the cars going and some of the brakes were still partially bound on but after some tinkering an revving of engines everyone got going. The next hour or so was good family fun. Esme definitely had the best car and was the first to plough through an occupied awning. They were set on gravel with what counts for carpet in the camping world, so there was plenty of traction. Everyone got a turn and although there were a few stray Zeds that escaped the initial attacks, and a few that worked out that staying in their awning wasn’t actually safe, they were easy to clean up.

  There were a couple of smashed windscreens and I got bogged down on some wet grass, but Eve was more than happy to ram me from behind and get me going again. Even after all the Zed’s were dead we gave ourselves a few minutes of pure fun skidding around the place and doing donuts on the grass. My car was the first to die, from Eve’s hit I’m sure, so I joined Esme. Bill miscalculated a skid and hit a tree finishing his off. When things naturally ground to a halt we met in the middle of the area we were in.

  Ben said, ‘How you guys manage to think of having fun in the middle of an apocalypse is beyond me, and here I was thinking it was just the sex that was keeping you sane.’

  Esme blushed and Eve replied, ‘Lots of sex definitely helps but fun’s important to, also fun sex now I think about it.’ Esme’s cheeks bloomed further.

  I said, ‘So, back to business, but we have a little leisure activity planned as well. We need to load up the rest of the water, batteries, and gas, and we’ll all be sweaty by then. We should find three vans with big bathrooms and full aqua-rolls and all have hot showers before we leave. We should also eat anything we can from those vans and have a quick look for clothes, especially Eve. Then we need to get back for Gary.’

  Izzy clutched Ben’s hand and smiled, they were obviously happy with the idea. She said, ‘I’m sorry I’m so useless with the lifting. I’ll find the three vans and look for clothes and food while you guys load up.’

  She was about to walk off when Esme grabbed her and said seriously, ‘No, you have to be smarter than that or you’ll be dead soon. We haven’t been inside some of the vans and you have to remember the Zeds love ambushes. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t one or two inside a van who witnessed the carnage and decided to stay put. They aren’t animals, Andrea isn’t an animal, she’s a smart woman whose been taken over. You go with Brad and he can use his gun if he needs to. Check the windows first as it’s hard to hide in a van and don’t make any assumptions, got it?’

  Izzy dropped her head and Ben hugged her. I said, ‘Esme’s right, you can’t relax out here. We had fun but we were relatively safe inside the cars. If you drop your guard and don’t assume there is a Zed hiding in every corner you’re dead.’ I grabbed her hand a pulled her away from Ben. ‘Now let’s go find decent showers for everyone.’

  It was late afternoon by the time we were all ready to shower and head home. We had found two Zeds hiding in vans and the others found a couple too, but we were ready for them. Let me state for the record there is no such thing as a decent shower in a van but we made it work. It was almost impossible to fit two people in the actual shower cubicle but soaping up and trying was fun. We had a big bathroom area, for a van at least, and the shower was hot, so with the three of us and the steam it was still nice and hot in the bathroom. Slipping around with two beautiful soaped up women is awesome. Izzy and I made sure none of the vans we found were in sight of each other. Eve was out of the shower but still as lathered up as I could make her when she ran out and said, ‘Wait here.’

  She was back a moment later and said, ‘Make sure you’re all soapy, bring the shampoo, and come outside, it’s still lovely and sunny.’

  Eve had moved the van’s mattress outside and had taken the sheet off, it had a plastic protector on. She fell onto her hands and knees wiggling her lovely round bum at me and said, ‘I bet you can’t hold on.’

  Esme squirted her with more shampoo before I could get there and took great pleasure in rubbing it all over her as I was trying to gain purchase around her waist. Then she squirted herself and made a show of massaging her breasts before leaning over Eve, rubbing herself all over her and playing with her breasts. Getting hold of Eve was tricky and everything about slipping around with two soaped up women on a plastic sheet was fucking great, apart from the actual fucking part. Eve was right, I couldn’t actually keep hold of her and although it was always great, it wasn’t something I planned to do again in a hurry, at least not without lots of towels handy to wipe off with when you needed them.

  As we were getting dressed, Eve in some clothes we found, Esme looked at me and gently stroking me over my tight boxers said, ‘You’ve had quite the time of it recently but I’m not sure you’ve challenged yourself very much. I think if we add up our happy endings I might be falling behind a little, from both of you.’

  Eve was about to speak but Esme put her finger over her lips, ‘Ah ah ah, don’t speak. I’m in charge until I feel my score card is well and truly full. Tonight you’ll be doing everything I tell you, to the letter, and I expect you to do your best. I expect to have a very, very, happy night. While you’re being the best that you can be, and remember I know how good that is so you can’t cheat, happy boy here will be watching. He won’t be joining in willy-nilly, or at all unless I need a little extra care here and there, and he certainly won’t be touching anything, including himself, unless he’s asked to. No matter what happens, there will be no happy endings for anyone but me tonight, are we very clear?’

  Eve’s eyes sparkled in a way they hadn’t in weeks and it was the sexiest thing to see, it sent shivers down my spine. She was practically drooling at the prospect of what Esme had described and said in he
r sexiest voice, ‘Yes mistress.’

  Esme looked at me meaningfully and I was about to adjust myself and mirror Eve’s reply when she slapped my arm really hard making it sting. I yelped and looked back at her and although there was no smile on her face he eye’s smiled for her, ‘Perhaps I wasn’t clear when I said I’m in charge and no touching yourself until my score card is full. Is my score card full?’

  I looked at her and tried not to smile, ‘No Mistress, sorry mistress.’

  Stroking my quickly reddening arm gently she said, ‘That’s a good boy, lets avoid any further ugliness shall we. Now get dressed, we have work to do.’

  The others were waiting for us when we got back to the truck and before Eve could speak Esme said, ‘Well there were three of us to one shower.’

  Rounding up the chickens was much harder than we thought it would be, even though they’d been clipped so they couldn’t fly. Eventually we managed it and found a couple of cages we could transport them in. We had five in total, with one rooster. I dreamed of eggs on toast with a milky cup of tea for breakfast. Have I mentioned I really missed milk?

  Esme didn’t hesitate telling Bill to go in the truck with Ben and Izzy saying, ‘I hope you don’t mind but I need to talk to these two a bit and I don’t think you’d want to hear.’

  Bill looked a little confused but was happy to oblige. As we stepped towards Mary Esme said, ‘Brad, you’re driving, you need to start using that shoulder anyway. Eve, you’re in the back with me.’

  The drive back was Zed free but certainly not event free. Esme began by saying, ‘Happy boy there needs to learn some control so Eve my pretty little darling, make sure he stays hard will you. Nothing too nice, just enough to make him hard, then you can come back to me. I want him suffering all day and all night and probably all the next day. If he’s good, then he’ll get some release, if he’s not it will carry on until he’s good.’

  Eve replied, ‘Yes mistress’, then she reached between the seats and made sure I was hard, which wasn’t necessary with all the thoughts going through my head.

  Eve returned to the back seats and said, ‘He’s suffering mistress. Now, what can I do for you?’

  I moved my head so I could see with the rear view mirror and Esme caught me, ‘You can adjust it to see better, I want you to. I hope it will mean Eve doesn’t have to leave me so often to keep you suffering. Make sure you don’t so much as adjust yourself though. If you’re really in a spot tell me and I’ll consider letting Eve make you less uncomfortable.’

  Keeping the car on the road and weaving between stopped cars was difficult when there was so much to see in the back. Esme told Eve to take her bra off and change into a t-shirt from the clothes in the back that was patently too small for her. It squished her tits flat, didn’t fully cover them, and I could see every contour of her hard nipples. Then Esme took her top and bra off and knelt up on her feet facing Eve, ‘Keep it smooth and steady please driver.’

  Eve did what she was told and licked and sucked both Esme’s nipples while she grabbed her hair, moving her from side to side or pushing her harder against her when she was particularly enjoying it. She made Eve touch her while was doing it and she began to moan as a result. Without looking at me she said, ‘I trust the show is keeping you hard driver?’

  I replied, ‘Yes mistress.’

  ‘Show me, I don’t want to disturb Eve when she’s doing such a good job.’

  I went around a corner then fumbled until I was able to get my jeans undone and my boxers down enough to reveal myself. I saw Esme craning her head to see and moved in the seat to let her. She smiled, ‘That will do, but let’s keep it free so I can see it if I want to, there’s a good boy.’

  Then Esme got Eve to straddle her and spent a few minutes with her breasts, but I couldn’t see what was happening. I don’t know if it was better or worse not being able to see. Finally Esme laid down on the back seat and said, ‘You’ve been very good my darling, keep your top pulled up so Brad can see you and let’s finish me off shall we. We’re not too far from home but you’ve done very well so far so I’m confident you can manage it before we get back.’

  She managed in time, and in time for us to air out the car with the windows down and get dressed again. While Eve was searching for her bra Esme said, ‘I don’t think you need it darling. Your tits are so perfect and they’re all mine. I want everyone to see how perfect they are so they’re jealous of me, just your jacket on please but don’t do the zip up. We’ll return to normal characters when we’re out of the car but be ready for instructions and remember who’s in charge, ok?’

  We said in unison, ‘Yes mistress.’

  Chapter Twenty Five – So Far, So Not a Zombie

  We got back and I had to compose myself before I could think of anything other than Esme. It looked like Eve was struggling to do the same. We went straight to find Gary who was in the communal area while one of Jim’s work parties unloaded our haul. Gary stood up when he saw us, put his hand over his forehead and smiled, ‘No temp yet. It’s a double edged sword of course because it means Andrea is next. I’ve spoken to a few of the others who’ve seen people turn after bites and they all say that although it can take up to two to three days, the temperature usually starts within a few hours. It looks like I’m going to survive the injection. So what’s next?’

  I observed the exchange and the others in the room while it was going on and there were definitely some suspicious looks towards Eve. Her jacket fitted ok but she was still in the t-shirt and without a bra on she was quite obvious. They must have known she’d had to change because of getting dirty or gooey or something, and must have assumed her Bra was dirty too, but there were looks none the less. I enjoyed them. Esme wasn’t the only one who could enjoy other peoples’ jealousy.

  Eve hesitated and her eye’s flicked to Esme, then she said, ‘Right, that’s good news. Esme, if we took a blood sample would you be able to recognise the antibodies? I mean, we assume they would be the same as the one’s Don’s carrying, so before we go ahead with the bite it might be useful to see.’

  Esme smiled and I could see the edge to it, ‘Yes you’re probably right, but Don had antibodies to the original bacteria not the mutated saliva ones. It’s a bit of a leap to say they are similar enough that the antibodies would look the same, but there’s certainly no harm in trying. It’ll take a while and we’ll need to run a special program to find them the but the scope is set up for it so we should be able to manage. Bring me some blood would you.’

  Eve got a drop of blood from Gary and put it on a slide, then she got some more blood from Don. She handed Don’s blood to Esme who put it in the microscope. I stood the other side of her leaning over so I could see the screen. Esme whispered, ‘I don’t believe you’re suffering are you. Esme my beautiful baby, do what you can but don’t get caught. There will be a penalty if you get caught.’

  Eve whispered, ‘Yes mistress’, and it was sexy as hell. Eve put her hand on top of the monitor and leant forwards so she was close enough to Esme that it would be difficult for anyone to see her. Then she pulled the top of her t-shirt down so I could see the full beauty of her cleavage and used her hand to wiggle her breasts from side to side. The t-shirt had already started to stretch.

  The view was mesmerising and it was all it took under the circumstances. I said, ‘I’m suffering mistress.’

  Esme said, ‘I’m sure you are but I’d like it from an independent source. Be an angel Eve dear and make sure.’

  Eve let her top go and her nipples had gone ever so slightly hard. She covered herself with her arm and brought her jacket around her and walked around Esme to stand beside me. There was no hiding our behaviour was odd, but in the context of what people thought of us already I had no idea how much it registered. Eve reached to touch me and whispered, ‘Definitely suffering mistress.’

  It took a while to examine both the samples but eventually Esme said, ‘We have a winner, Gary seems to have antibodies.’

  We all turned around to look at Gary who punched the air, though without any enthusiasm, and said equally unenthusiastically, ‘Woo hoo, yay for me.’

  Getting Andrea to bite Gary wasn’t hard under the pretence we wanted more samples, but making sure she didn’t remove a chunk of him was tricky. He allowed his forearm to come in range of her snapping and the moment she bit down Esme punched her square in the nose saying, ‘Sorry’, as she did. It worked and she left a perfect set of jagged teeth marks around Gary’s arm but didn’t remove any flesh. There was plenty of blood and saliva.

  When we extricated ourselves from the cage the Zed came to the mesh and said, ‘You will die now, you will turn and kill others.’

  It was Gary who answered her, ‘Brad’s right, you are a dumbass. Notice how we didn’t get a sample. I was dying anyway, advanced cancer. We have a vaccination that should stop bites turning anyone ever again. We needed you to bite me so we could test it. I know Andrea is in there and although I never had the pleasure, I’ve been told all about her. Let her tell you. We have an inoculation made from Brads blood, or rather from you. Brad has your alien cells in him, the ones that first covered the earth. By diluting his blood to contain just a few alien cells, because they’re basically weak and a flood is needed to take over a body, the person fights and kills them. Then they have the cells necessary to fight and kill more, including the ones in saliva, like I’m going to do with the ones you just gave me. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, and I’ll still be smart and pretty, not an ugly dumbass.’


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