Love Can Kill You Baby

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Love Can Kill You Baby Page 3

by Gabor Kiraly

  They started at Tim Horton's and turned right on Bowes street, then to left very shortly. Joe was driving slowly, so he can show things and say a couple of words about them.

  "Here, look around you, is the "south end" of town. The main feature as you can see in the other end of the parking lot is our Walmart. Not a good-looking building, then again you won't find too much of those in Canada? and this is our Home Depot, a building centre with tools and stuff. Now, we are going back to Bowes street. In several short years, this town changed a lot. Still not much interesting to see, but this is our town; we must be happy whatever we got with. On your right, not too long ago, a mini putty, oh you don't know what putty is, well a mini golf course fought to survival, and lost. On the top of that hill is our new hospital, modern, small and has good doctors. At the foot of the hill, that's a funeral home, visible to most of the patients and doctors of the hospital, a reminder as to what happens next??"

  "By the way, the funeral home functioned as a grocery store in its previous "life". From here on really not much to see for a while, then will come the building where I live. ?Wait for it?, this one!"

  "What does it say on the side? Bucharest?" asked Kat. "Why?"

  "No dear! It says Beaucrest!"

  "OK, OK, just asking?"

  "Here we are going to cross the Seguin river on the "downtown" bridge, if you look to your left you see the trestle bridge, built I believe more than a century ago. Now, this building here is not the heart of the town, but sure, that the town's-hart is beating for this spot: the Liquor Store! So, we turned right and at the end of this street, on the left you're going to see the house where your father got? I mean where he lived. If you would like to drop in to say hi, I wouldn't mind waiting a little."

  "No! No, thanks Joe, not just yet. I'm not ready to see, or meet them. I would like to see Alexa, but that can wait. No, thanks! Just keep driving please" she said nervously.

  "I sense something here what I'm not sure I like. But I won't ask, I'm sure you will tell me in due time"

  "Thanks, and yes I will. Can we go to your place now, I could use a good coffee, and we can go on with the case I would like you to work on."

  "Finally, you said it" thought Joe. For some time he was sure what was going on. "Just wait Gabor, I will get you for it!"

  He wasn't actually angry or mad at Gabor, or at his faith for bringing this case to him, but this was the very first case when he will be watched, judged, there will be disappointments, expectations, and a good chance that he will fail. Any case he worked before, he picked them for his own entertainment, there was no deadline, or expectations of quick delivery of the results. He knew this time will come; he just tried to push that day further into the future. "Well, what will be, will be! I couldn't say "no" to this girl anyway" thought Joe, but only said this:

  "Yes dear, a coffee sounds very good now"

  Chapter 10.

  "Now! Where were we?" asked Joe, when they finally made it to his home.

  Katlin complimented the stylish home, and she was happy to see that Joe was a reading enthusiast, just like her. Books all over, small artworks, and instead of a central hanging strong light, Joe had small local lamps around the apartment. She even thought that the silly model making was cute. Joe said that it helps him learn to concentrate. They were sitting at his worktable, and Joe had a small booklet in front of him in case he wanted to mark something of Katlin's story down.

  "I believe I was telling you about how frustrated I was, and decided that I will do something with my father's case, to help it along."

  "Ah, yes. Please carry on. What was in your mind? How did you think you can help solving the case?"

  "To be honest, I never thought that I could solve the case. No. I was planning to make some big noise, like calling newspapers and TV stations, forcing the police to re-open the case. In the worst-case scenario, I thought I would try to find a retired police officer, and pay him to work with me on the case. I didn't know what, but I wanted to do something." She sighed.

  "Actually I never thought of a private investigator, for I have never bumped into one in real life, they somehow in my mind, belonged to books and movies? However, I got lucky and uncle G mentioned that I should meet you. You are a P.I. right?"

  "Hm? Yes and no?"

  "Aha! I'm listening!"

  "Look! I do have a licence from the government that allows me to conduct investigations, although I don't have a business licence which would allow me to officially practice the trade? But yes, I am a private eye."

  "Oh, boy! What am I going to do then, if you can't help?"

  "Whoa! Don't get upset right away, I didn't say that I can't help. Here is what we are going to do: tomorrow is Sunday, we can't really do anything, but Monday morning I will visit the By-law Office, and ask for a business licence. Hm? OK?"

  "Seems OK, but how long it will take to get a licence? And what a hell is the bylaw office? Never heard of them?"

  "It will take about 5 minutes; I only have to show that I am licensed by the government. And pay maybe 25 bucks. Your other question is harder to answer, about the by-law people. Basically they do what no one else would. Warn you if your neighbor reports that you are too loud, or your dog barks, they put the ticket to pay on your car if you park where you not supposed to, and they issue business licenses. Anyway, I will get the licence in five minutes since there is no good reason not to. And Monday I will start working!"

  "Sounds good to me, "said Katlin smiling again, "with one exception! I will work with you! Because I have the right to not only so do, since I am the one paying for it, but because it is about my father, and I would like to know every details, right away. There!"

  "Very well," said Joe" and I have conditions! First, when I believe it is too dangerous, with any reason, you stay back, and let me do the job, and second, we will talk about the pay if and when I solve the case."

  "Fair enough" agreed Katlin "so, what's next?"

  "Hm?Let me see?It is around three PM? Yes? Hm?OK! Here: Either we're done for today, you go home and we meet Monday morning, or we can go for a nice daytrip, and you got a chance to see some of our beautiful country. Either version is fine with me ?"

  "Is it now?? I see what's going on here," said with a smile" Big Bad Joe tries to seduce a young innocent girl with offering all kind of un-resistible stuff? Of course, I pick the daytrip! Are we there yet?"

  Chapter 11.

  "What do you think Hun?"

  "About what?" asked Gabor back

  "About Katlin."

  "About Katlin? Well I think she is gorgeous, courteous, very nice, young and smart girl. Seems definitely nice and smart considering her young age. Not your average girl, for sure?"

  "Agree. But I wouldn't call her a "girl" either?"

  "Yeah?Probably you are right. She is a young lady, a woman, you can say, from the best kind I believe"

  "So what do you think about her and Joe?"

  "Oh dear, stop it! You have a dirty mind! What about her and Joe? Nothing! They just meet couple of hours ago and you start your matchmaking? You think them already drooling all over each other? Their relationship is strictly business, and that's how it will be. Well?It is true, Joe is a womanizer, and I bet that so far he never missed a chance, but still? I don't know, but be honest she is a grown woman and most definitely an eye candy?Hm."

  "You see, you see?"

  "Gwenie! You might be right, however we don't know what's going on, and anyhow, it's not our business!"

  "I know?I know? I'm just thinking?"said Gwen and returned to her book.

  Chapter 12.

  They drove thru town and headed north. Katlin was stuck to the window; she couldn't take her eyes off the sight. She was traveling North in Canada. "Just like in the Jack London novels" she thought. She felt happy. Sometimes she asked something, and Joe answered by his best knowledge.


  "Yes, dear?"

  "On the way, beside the road, I saw so many de
ad trees?Why is there so many? What happened here? Acid rain, or ground water poisoning, or what? It looks awful! Can't somebody do something to stop this?"

  "I understand, it is not a pretty sight when you see these trees the first time. However, when you understand what is going on here, you won't see this picture so ugly anymore. You know that Canada is famous for the beaver. Now, if you know the way they live, then you know that they build dams, and dens. They "pick" a creek, and with trees, what they cut down using only their teeth, they block the free flow of the water. They are so good at it, that their dams are watertight enough to hold sometimes a completely sizeable lake-full of water. Than they build their den in the middle of the lake, with only underwater entrance, to keep themselves safe from predators, and from there they maintain their own lake, including even the fish population. Now. Wherever their lake becomes existing, the trees of the area will stand in the water, which will eventually kill them.

  After some time, if the dam with any reason gets broken, the beaver pond will lose its water, and the beaver moves on to find another spot. That is what you see as dead trees."

  "Amazing, and you are right. It's not ugly anymore?It's Mother Nature at Work."

  "Exactly" said Joe, and drove on.

  The city of Sudbury was just behind the next hill, when she asked again "you see, here, there are no trees at all; the tallest is what, like three or four feet tall! What happened here?"

  "This city coming up is Sudbury, or some call it Nickel City, where people mined nickel for a long time and still even today. The trees are underground, to keep the mine tunnel walls from collapsing."


  They drove thru the city, Joe wanted to show the futuristic building of Science North then they turned towards North Bay. Katlin was quiet, just looking at the sights.

  "What's wrong?" asked Joe after a while.

  "I was thinking about my Dad, and I just understood, why he was so excited, when sometimes he talked about Canada. This is a beautiful country!"

  The rest of the trip went quickly, they only stopped for a pit stop in North Bay at a Tim's, and headed home. Katlin was amazed with the donuts,

  "Yeah, it is easy to get chubby when you can buy everywhere these great? er? things. Donuts. Oh, God this one tastes good."

  Then silently she just fell asleep.

  "Oh, dear!" thought Joe "How cute is this! She snores!"

  She delivered her to Gabor's house. When the car stopped, Katlin was awake, and asked Joe:

  "Can you pick me up at eight tomorrow morning? Please?"

  "Isn't that a little early? You should rest with your jet leg?"




  "Yes dear?I'll be here at 8."

  "Thanks, you are a?"


  Joe got home, he felt good. Shortly after, he went to bed, but could not fall asleep for hours. "Strange" he thought "strange?"

  Chapter 13.

  It was eight on the dot, when he pulled up to Gabor's house, and saw Katlin just stepping out. "I like this" he said soundlessly, meaning her punctuality. Joe believed that it is basic courtesy towards any person.

  "Hi, Joe!"

  "Good morning!" said Joe, waving "hi!" to Gabor at the same time. "What is your plane for today?" he asked, and drove away.

  "My plan? I don't have one! You know this country, you know what is out there to see, where should we go and so on?So, I'm asking you, what is your plan for today?" she pulled up her eyebrows in a questioning way.

  "Are you saying, that without knowing if I'm busy today or not, you decided for me, that I'm spending the day with you?"

  "Yes!" she said with a big smile.

  "Gee?whiz!" thought Joe "this little thing already rolled me around her finger! What's going on here?"

  "So you don't really care if I had anything important to do?"


  "Wow! And why is that?"

  "OK, here: I was pretty sure if you have anything important on Sunday, there is a good chance that it won't be at or before 8 in the morning. So, I was sure that you can at least come here at that time. When you learned my "evil plans", if you have had anything more important than spending the day with me, you would have already told me. So? Why should I care about your business, you are a big boy to manage your life, the way you like it?Hm?"

  "I think you're going to be a good lawyer?" said Joe, also smiling already.

  "Did you have any important task today?" asked Katlin.

  "No!" came the short answer.

  "Are you lying to me?"

  "Yes!" short answer again with a smile.

  Katlin couldn't take it anymore and laughed out loud:

  "You see? You see? Oh Joe! Didn't your mom thought you at least some of the basic rules of life! Don't lie, especially not to me, for I will catch you, and don't argue with a woman, especially not with me?"

  "These were her exact words?"

  "Oh, boy!" he thought, "Thanks uncle G"

  In the meantime, they were flying done Hwy 400. Joe set the cruise control to 105 km/h. This was his speed limit. Although it is already 5 km/h above the legal limit, even the police wouldn't pull him over for this. The engine on this speed running at less than 2.000 rpm, which was the most fuel-efficient for Joe's Buick. This speed was also slow enough to enjoy the sights, which Joe loved to do.

  They were just passing the 400 Market on the left, and the Georgian Downs on the right. Joe took on the tour-guide role:

  "You see all those people there, that's a Flea Market, open on weekends, we might come down here another time"

  Katlin just nodded trying to see anything on the opposite side of the road.

  "That's the Georgian Downs."

  "I'm not familiar with the word 'downs' in this case. I mean I know more than one meaning of 'down' but I can't apply none of them to whatever I see here?"

  "I see. The 'downs' in this particular case is the whole lot you see here, with the horse-race track, and in the building, you can bet on the horses, plus there is a large area for slot machines. Hm? OK. For money winning machines? one armed bandits, like in a casino." explained Joe.

  "Still, these places only downs, not real casinos. The difference that here you can't play table games, on the other hand in a casino there are no horse-races?Do you play? Gamble? Like slot machines?"

  "No." said her "Let me ask you a question: do you play Chess?"

  Joe nodded.

  "Do you think you could beat a computer in a chess game?"

  "No way?! There is so many combinations and the machine can pick the right one in a fraction of a second?no way!"

  "Now that's why I don't play the slot machines, or for that matter I don't do any gambling! The House always wins! Another basic rule of life! You see, it pays being in my company, today you learned something new already!"

  "My dear! I've learned that lesson a long time ago" hi said.

  He didn't say that it was probably before she was born, for he did not want to direct her attention to the age difference, which, by the way seemed non-existent so far!

  "Are you going to tell me where are we going, or is it a secret? What is your evil plan? Should I start screaming for help already? Big Bad Joe?" and her smile would melt an iceberg.

  "No, wait until we get there!"

  "So you really won't tell me where we going?"

  "The 'no' was for your screaming offer. We are going to Toronto, for sure! What I'm not sure about, is where exactly we going, because it is up to you: We can have a 'culture' day, and visit the ROM, or AGO, or have an easier day, and go to Canada's Wonderland theme park, or the Toronto Zoo. But you can only pick one, for they are all offer a lot and we need at least a day for each?So, which one?"

  "Let see: I have not dressed to spend the day outdoors, so you just have to tell me what ROM and AGO is, and I will pick."

  "Right. ROM is the Royal Ontario Museum, and the AGO is the Art Gall
ery of Ontario."

  "Then it's easy! The AGO! I can see mummies and fossils in any museum. I know that the ROM is much more than that, but you can only see an original artwork, where it actually is. And I know that this art gallery has a lot, what I have to see. These are on my bucket list."

  "Ain't you a little young to have a bucket list?"

  "No. My bucket list is very long and I intend to put a checkmark beside every item on the list! Plus I encourage you to use slang when we are talking, though I need an explanation what the actual word means?Like 'ain't'. Don't explain this one.

  "Yes, dear!"

  They had great time together that day. Katlin was amazed of the city's traffic, also amazed how easily Joe navigated it.

  "Yeah?I was a cabdriver for a while." He answered when Katlin asked about it.

  They were at the AGO at around 11 am, so they could spend most of the day feasting their eyes on fine art, which they loved both. Katlin had to touch a Henry Moore statue, which brought an angry look from a security guard, but she said it worth it, she would pay a $ 100 fine just for that touch. It was dark again when Joe woke her up, at Gabor's house.

  "What's for tomorrow boss?" she asked

  "Tomorrow we start working! Pick you up at nine, be ready!"

  He drove home.

  Chapter 14.

  Next morning as first thing, they went to the library.

  "You already have enough books I guess, so what are we doing here?" she asked.

  "We didn't come here for books. Here we're going to collect as much information as we can, from their archive of the local newspaper. We could go to the newspaper office for the same thing, though there you pay for what is free here."

  "Smart" said Katlin

  "I know, don't mention it?I have also called the CTV's Barrie studio, asking them for copies about anything they have on the "Mezei-murder". What?"

  "Nothing really, but it sounded so official, so heartless: the Mezei-murder. Sounds so cold."

  "You're absolutely right; it was very rude of me! I'm sorry!" "That's OK! I know you can't let feelings disturb you in your work!"

  "It is true, though I should be more compassionate. This is not just another case, it's your Dad"

  "Joe, it's OK! Let's collect some information? boss!


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