Ancient Aliens_Marradians and Anunnaki_Volume Two_Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices

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Ancient Aliens_Marradians and Anunnaki_Volume Two_Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices Page 7

by Ilil Arbel

  The Triangle of Life

  How to apply the value of the triangle shape to health, success, and peace of mind

  Lines of energy spin around the world. The energy flows underground in both negative and positive currents, traversing the globe. Those who live over the positive lines will have good health, success, and peace of mind. Those who live over the negative lines will have bad health, lack of success, and will experience mental turmoil.

  Life is a triangle. One corner of the triangle represents health. The second represents success. The third represents peace of mind. You find your meaning of life by drawing a triangle and placing it over on the world, as represented by a globe or a map.

  So where do you put the triangle? How do you choose the original location? Simple. You put the triangle wherever you are at the moment of the experience.

  What if you change locations, move to another state, another country? Again, no complications. This technique works at the present moment. Wherever you are, the triangle follows. Change it as many times in your life as you need; it always works.


  You can use a globe or a flat map of the world. A globe gives a more precise directions, but it is expensive and sometimes hard to get. The distortion on a flat map is so slight that it does not signify, and it is cheaper and more readily available.

  If you are using a map, you will need lightweight paper which is somewhat transparent; tracing paper is good. You also need a pen, a ruler, and a pair of scissors.

  If you are using a globe, you will need plastic wrap, the kind that is used to wrap sandwiches or leftovers in the kitchen, since it will adhere easily to a globe. You will also need a magic marker that can write on this material, a ruler, and a pair of scissors.


  The drawings below show how the double triangle, or the six-pointed star, can be created. Don’t use a ready-made six-point-star. It is important that you draw the triangle individually.

  Triangle A is an equilateral triangle. The size will depend on your decision as to how far you are willing to travel in your search for the perfect life.

  Triangle A

  Triangle B

  Center Triangle A exactly on Triangle B. By doing this, you create a six pointed star. As you can see, the star is transparent, as it should be when you place it on the map or globe. The small triangles on the side of the six-pointed stars are the ones you will consult. Ignore the ones on the top and bottom.

  The six pointed star

  Copy the template of the star on transparent paper if you are using a map, or on the plastic wrap if you are using a globe.

  Place the center of the star precisely on the location of your current home.

  All countries, states, cities or small towns located inside these four small triangles are the best places for you to live in.

  How to Test the Results

  Look at the names of the locations inside the four triangles. Let your mind drift, and without much effort, see if any of these places has a special appeal for you. One of them will just feel right. The best way to see if this is the right one is to travel there. When you get to this place, the feeling, the aura of the place, the way people behave toward you are the key. Stay a few days, absorb the atmosphere, and talk to as many people as you can. Then, if you fall in love with the place (and it is very likely to happen) try to find out if there are opportunities for you, including jobs, housing, and any other practical matters that are important to you. If this is the place that is meant for you, the practicalities of life will suddenly fall into your lap. You will be shocked by how easy it will be to settle there. And then you will have to make a decision – but that is another story!

  Moving Objects by Using Mental Powers (Telekinesis)

  Always remember that you cannot do any of these techniques to merely amuse yourself. They must be done for a purpose, and the purpose must be beneficial and positive. It does not have to be a great undertaking, a simple positive intent will be just fine. In this particular case, you will be using a lightweight coaster on a table. You wish to manipulate it with the beneficial intent of preventing a cup of coffee or tea from spilling on the table.

  Before starting, sit in a comfortable position next to the table. Never attempt to do this technique standing up – you may very easily lose your balance and fall. You should start with a heavy object, but once you learned how to work with this techniques, and your powers become stronger, you will be able to increase the weight of the objects.


  Several days before you start your exercises you should:

  Avoid all alcoholic beverages

  Avoid smoking, or tobacco in any form

  Do not eat meat or use animal fat (e.g. lard, bacon drippings, or butter) in your cooking

  Precautions During Practice

  During your practice, certain precautions must be taken:

  Take off your shoes, and make sure your feet touch the ground, to anchor yourself

  Do not wear anything made of metal

  Do not allow either people or pets in the same room with you. You must have complete privacy.

  Do not have any crystal glass in the room with you

  The Technique

  Extend your hands in front of you from the elbow up and shake them in the air for four or five minutes. This cleanses the hands from the superfluous energy that might have accumulated on them.

  With your arms in the same position, spread your fingers and hold for three seconds.

  Put your thumbs on your temples, with the fingers still spread in front of your face. Make sure the thumbs are located in the small indentation that is close to your eyes. People who practice acupressure will recognize this spot – pressing it is used to cure headaches. Hold the position for three seconds.

  Rotate your thumbs, taking your fingers to the back of your head, and put your forefingers in the indentation at the back of your head, where it meets the neck. Again, People who practice acupressure will recognize this spot – it is also used to cure headaches.

  Push your forefingers into the indentation, and hold the position for ten seconds.

  Close your eyes.

  While still sitting with your back straight, bring your chin as close to your solar plexus as possible. Remain in this position for ten seconds. At this point, you will feel a slight dizziness. This is perfectly fine, it is part of the procedure.

  Keeping your thumbs in their position, release the forefingers, and rotate your hands forward until you can put your forefingers in the small indentations by the sides of the bridge of your nose. In acupressure, this is the site for one of the techniques that release pressure in the sinuses. The rest of your fingers should be kept in a horizontal position, the fingers of one hand resting on the fingers of the other hand, the thumbs pointing down.

  Move your thumbs toward each other and have them touch. Your hands will form a triangle. Your arms will be in a position of ninety degrees, relative to your body.

  Say to yourself, mentally, “I will now make the coaster move.”

  In your mind, draw one line from the middle of your left wrist, and another line from the middle of your right wrist, toward the coaster. Visualize the coaster between the two lines.

  Keeping your hands in the same position, raise your head and sit straight.

  Drop your hands down slowly. In your mind’s eye, keep on visualizing the coaster.

  Bring your arms close to your body so the arms touch the ribs.

  Move your hands up to a position in which they are horizontal to the floor.

  The left hand should serve as a rod, moving the left line further to the left. The same should be done with the right hand, moving the line further to the right.

  Keep concentrating on the coaster, with your eyes still closed, for at least another minute.

  With your eyes still closed, you will notice blue lines and bubbles moving in front of your eyes.

  At this point, decide which side of your bod
y you are about to employ. You may use either side, but not both at the same time.

  Let’s assume you chose the left side. Open your eyes, and concentrating on the left line, look intently at the coaster. Move your left hand a little to the side, and the coaster will move with it. You have accomplished your mission.

  Closing the energy

  This is the end of the exercise, but like any other mental technique, you cannot just stop and go about your business. You have created a center of energy, which should never be left open. The energy you have created with this exercise is linear. To create an all-around center of energy needs a higher training, and closing it is more difficult, but closing the linear energy is relatively easy.

  Extend both hands, straight in front of you.

  Make the hands stay in the direction of the lines.

  Bring the hands close together, with a very little distance between them.

  Visualize a very thin thread entering the space between the hands. Close your hands around the thread.

  Bring your closed hands toward your solar plexus.

  Open your hands, and shake them as you have done in the beginning. You have closed the center of energy.

  Creating Your Mirror to Alternate Realities

  Building and using the Minzar, which is the Anunnaki name for such a mirror, is somewhat risky. I do not take responsibility for anything that might happen to those who would attempt to follow these procedures. You must read the instructions carefully and follow them faithfully. If you choose to try it, this may be one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, since the benefits, both physical and spiritual, are without equal.

  Readers who are familiar with the concept of the Anunnaki’s Miraya would notice a resemblance in the way these tools are used. However, you must realize that we are not pretending to use the kind of cosmic monitor that is connected, through the Akashic Libraries on Nibiru, to the Akashic Record itself; it is beyond our scope. Nor are we attempting to recreate the kind of Minzar that is used by the Anunnaki-Ulema, who are enlightened beings whose Conduit has been opened. Most of us possess a Conduit that has not been opened, so the Minzar we recommend is fitted to our level of advancement. Nevertheless, working with the Minzar will open doors that will astound and amaze any student. You will be using the techniques to engage with an alternate reality that will allow you to do things you have never imagined are possible.

  What you are aiming for is a place to which you can retreat at will, a place where you can have many options. It will be a place of beauty and comfort, and it should allow you opportunities to learn, to create, to invent, to meet compatible people, to connect with animals, to heal, or to take a vacation. The place is brand new, had never existed before you have created it, and is designed and planned entirely by you. You cannot say “My new alternate reality is exactly like Rome, Italy,” because there is a real possibility that the Conduit, confused by this mixed message, will take you to Rome, Italy, in our own world. If this happens, no real harm is done, but no benefit will occur either. You will simply be wandering the streets of another city, not benefiting from the advantages of an alternate reality at all. However, you should certainly take certain elements from places you like, Rome included if that is what you wish since you are not required to build your new reality in a vacuum.

  Don’t limit yourself to just one place. You may want to copy a particular art museum from Rome, where you can always indulge in looking at your favorite sculptures and paintings. Then, you might decide to add the gorgeous rose garden from the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens in New York City. An old world, charming train station from somewhere in Eastern Europe might make the place more attractive, with perhaps a touch of the Orient Express, and a sunny Mediterranean beach would not hurt, either. How about a café you liked in Paris, and the cozy little library from your hometown, where as a child you were convinced you could find every book that had ever been written? In your new library, you will have such access.

  Design the type of house you would want. Some of us would appreciate an opulent mansion surrounded by extensive woods. Others would prefer a small, simple, rural-type house with a peaceful cottage garden. It’s entirely up to you, and there are neither right nor wrong choices. Just create your new world carefully and don’t worry if you change things around as you go along; there is always room for development. Did you suddenly remember your trip to China and the sweet Pagoda you liked? Put it in. Did you enjoy your snorkeling in Australia? Add a barrier reef.

  One thing should be made entirely clear. Any place you want is allowed, except a place where others are hurt in any way whatsoever, and that includes not only humans but animals as well. Do not imagine a steak dinner, do not imagine fishing, or hunting. Don’t waste your time imagining the “glories” of wars. Do not imagine a place where you demean your spouse and yourself by having multiple partners. Do not imagine pornography. Do not imagine a place where you revenge the ills brought on you by people you hate. Your Conduit will not accept any action that can cause pain or even discomfort to any living creatures. Therefore, if you have any negative intention, you are wasting your time. You can build twenty Minzars, but none of them will take you to such a place.

  If what you need is healing from hurts imposed on you by others, from illness and injury, or from severe addictions, imagine yourself getting away from all and entering a fresh new world where nothing of this sort exists. I can promise you that you will never meet anyone who had ever hurt you in your new reality.

  Do this for a few weeks before you begin building the Minzar, so the new place is well established in your mind and you can imagine it in seconds. Contacting the new reality during the building of the Minzar requires speed, and no one can create a new world for themselves in a few minutes! And most important, don’t do it as a chore. You should see it as a fun, rewarding mental exercise.

  There is no doubt that you will meet pleasant people in your new reality, but there are those who would also wish to have a guide, or a friend, to introduce them to the new world. This is also possible, and the directions are given below. If this is part of your plan, by all means, do the same and imagine the person you wish to contact with. Don’t limit yourself to the kind of person you think you should choose. The friend does not have to be a conventional “spirit guide” which is often described by people who channel entities, such as a Native American guide, an Asian guru, or a guardian angel. The guide can be just about anyone you would like to have as a friend.

  Prerequisites and precautions: please read carefully

  For seventy-two hours before building the Minzar, and before any subsequent visit to the alternate reality, you must abstain from drinking alcohol, using any addictive substance, and eating meat.

  Wear white or light colored clothes, preferably of cotton.

  Imagine only positive conditions; do not dwell on any imaginary negative situations.

  These procedures involve mental transportation only. If, however, you become extremely adept, there is a possibility of future physical teleportation. In such event, please exercise some logical restrictions on your activities. People with heart problems, severe arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and pregnant women should not take the chance of moving physically between realities without consulting first with an Enlightened Master who would advise them on the best way to proceed.

  The Minzar, during building or using, may explode. The explosion is small, and the glass that is used does not shatter or fly around, so you will not be hurt by it. However, if it is built inside your home, or in any confined area, such an occurrence may cause damage to children, pets, furniture, or decorative objects. Therefore, build the Minzar in an outdoor location, where the energy that will be released during such an explosion will not cause damage.

  You will be using dry ice. When you handle it, make sure to wear gloves, since direct contact with dry ice will burn your skin.

  You will be using two bowls. Make sure they are not made of metal.

hen you cut the dry ice, be sure to place it in the dry bowl. Never mix dry ice and water, this can cause serious injury.

  Equipment and Supplies

  Laminated glass, two feet by two feet, with rounded, smooth edges. Laminated glass is made of two layers of glass, and it does not shatter into sharp-edged slivers when it breaks. It is the safest glass you can use. Have the store cut it for you to the right dimensions.

  A few pieces of charcoal

  A role of aluminum foil

  A very small quantity of dry ice, approximately the size of a dice.

  Two very thin pieces of wire, each three feet in length

  Two iron nails

  A strong magnet

  Two plastic or glass bowls that would contain sixteen ounces of liquid each. Never use metal.

  Lumber for building two feet by two feet base, two inches height

  Wood glue

  Adhesive spray

  Fabric glue

  Small finishing nails

  A small hammer


  A sheet of white linen, large enough to create four panels that you will use to surround yourself as you work with the Minzar. This sheet should be made of flame-retardant fabric, or if you cannot find such a sheet, spray your linen with flame-retardant spray.

  Four Pieces of cardboard, six feet by two feet.

  Building the Minzar

  Magnetize the iron nails by placing them next to the magnet for a few hours.


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