The American Soldier Collection 7: Their Sin City Showgirl (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 7: Their Sin City Showgirl (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We can’t secure more than three people on the inside. The Emerald City Casino is like Fort Knox. You’ll be on your own, except for the aid of the camera in the elevator in the left wing, the hallway outside of McCue’s private suite, and the back entrance through the kitchen exit in the corner lot. If you’re in any trouble in those locations, we have men inside who will see you and move in,” her commander, Reynolds, stated.

  “Anywhere else, and you’re on your own,” the FBI agent added.

  She nodded her head in agreement. Everyone was talking about the murders. Congressman Dooley had even spoken about it during one of his campaigns. Not that she like that guy. He kind of gave her the creeps, but he seemed to be trying to inform the public and also give support to the police department. The man had ties everywhere, and would surely get reelected.

  “If at any point, you feel that your cover has been blown, J.J., I want you out of there.” She nodded her head at the Commander. Justice would be served.

  J.J. took a deep breath and released it. She worked for the Nevada State Police, enrolled in the academy at twenty years old, and by twenty-two she’d made their special investigations unit. That was four years ago. Anthony had taught her a lot. He gave her the extra training to keep her safe, and make her have the tools necessary to keep alive. It’s how they’d fallen in love. She was good at what she did and she was tough. But knowing that the people responsible for these murders were somewhere out there in the crowd tonight made her belly tighten.

  She felt the hand on her shoulder and abruptly turned around, ready to pounce.

  “Whoa! Holy shit, are you okay, Jade?” Tara asked, taking a step back. She was a fellow dancer, involved in the belly dancing act going on after J.J.’s solo. She also was tight with the McCues, and J.J. didn’t trust her.

  J.J. shook her head, feigning embarrassment, but really it just showed how on edge she was. It seemed to her that every natural response was an opportunity to get information. She was getting used to her fake name, too. Jade was kind of cool for a fake name. But considering how green her eyes were, everyone told her it was the perfect name for her.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a little nervous,” she whispered, and then took advantage of Tara’s approach. Tara had mentioned making some extra money just a few days ago. She was hinting around J.J. to see if she was hard for cash. Knowing how the FBI believed that the cases had something to do with prostitution, she thought she would take the bait and play up to Tara to see if this was an in.

  “I totally need to focus. I can’t fuck this up. I need this job,” J.J. stated and then swallowed hard before looking back toward the stage curtain.

  “Money’s tight, huh?” Tara asked.

  “Tight? Shit, I’m behind on my rent. I’m avoiding the landlord until Friday, payday, then half will go to the rent and some of the other bills. I’ll be lucky if I’ll have enough for one regular meal after that.”

  Tara smiled and then she rubbed her arm.

  “Listen, after your act, come talk to me. I’ve got an in on some special side work. It’s a bit wild, kind of kinky, but the pay is fantastic. Plus, with your great looks and body, you could be very busy in the extra activities,” Tara said with a wink. J.J. lowered her voice and inched closer.

  “Are you talking about prostitution?”

  Tara looked around them.

  “Listen, it’s not that bad, and the guys are really wealthy, powerful men. They pay big bucks.”

  She pretended to think about that a moment.

  “What kind of kinky stuff would I have to do?”

  “We’ll talk more after the show. If you’re interested, I’ll give you the lowdown, but you better not say a word to any of the other girls. I could get into a lot of trouble even speaking about it to you.”

  “Trouble with who, like a pimp?”

  Tara chuckled.

  “I don’t think Dexter, Martin, or Prentice would like being called pimps.” Tara chuckled as J.J. nearly gasped aloud. Martin, Dexter, and Prentice were the owners of the casino. Dexter and Martin were brothers, and they were dangerous, and Prentice was a nasty, steroid head. The man got angry at the drop of a hat, and she had seen his rage. This was definitely useful information.

  “Jade, you’re on in five,” one of the stagehands said, as the music to her number began softly in the background, as the MC got the crowd warmed up before he introduced her. She adjusted her breasts in the two-sizes-too-small sequin dress she wore and gave a little exhale of nerves. J.J. was five foot six without the outrageous heels and was well-endowed, a bit too well-endowed for the dress she wore tonight, but this was Vegas and she was a Vegas showgirl.

  She wore her brown hair up high on her head in some fancy hairstyle she would have never dreamed of trying to recreate herself. The beauticians and makeup artists took care of everything backstage, and when J.J. looked at herself in the mirror even she was amazed.

  There were numerous beaded clips and accent pieces scattered around the hairdo. The makeup artist had attached false eyelashes, which made J.J.’s deep jade green eyes stand out even more.

  This afternoon when she had met Dexter McCue he had complimented her on them and she hoped his flirtatious advances would land her the opportunity to get some inside information.

  “You’re on. Break a leg, doll,” the stagehand said with a wink, as the curtain parted and the crowd began to cheer. She was in her role as a Vegas showgirl, and it was time to snag the attention of the bad guys.

  * * * *

  Martin and Dexter McCue sat down in the booth to the right of the stage. They had a perfect view of the audience as well as the stage. Martin’s brother, Dexter, had had his eye on Jade for the past two weeks, but so had Martin. She was a knockout, with a body of a porn star, and the voice of a fucking angel. They had both received numerous requests from clients to have her. But one glance at Dexter, and both Martin and Prentice knew he wanted her for himself. However, Prentice found out that Jade had been asking some questions around the club. The last bitch that had asked a bunch of questions turned out to be a federal agent. That was a huge fucking mess for Prentice and him to handle.

  There were ways to see if this woman was on the up-and-up. And because Martin had such the creative mind, he’d come up with a great plan. If all went well, Dexter would own her by the end of the night. If not, then the songbird would be dead.

  He turned his attention toward the stage, Jade’s voice pulling him from his morbid plans. Yeah, the woman was perfect.

  She had an amazing voice, and she moved her body in such a way, not a man in the place was unaffected. The shape of her hips, the swell of her large breasts, was all-appealing to the eyes. From this distance, Martin couldn’t see her gorgeous green eyes, but he knew they were bold and mesmerizing.

  His dick instantly hardened. She could be the perfect match for those special clients of his. If he paired Jade up with Tara and Caitlin, it could be the easiest hundred grand he ever made. Martin would see what his client thought about the two other women he’d secured for him. The meet and greet would take place in Jade’s presence, and then Martin could speak to her about joining in and making some cash. But first, he would have a taste of her.

  “What’s that look for? Are you planning something?” Dexter asked Martin.

  “Brother, don’t you worry. Tonight might turn into a very special night for us.” He looked back at Jade as she belted out a high note that sent the crowd cheering. She was fucking impressive. So much so that he would consider keeping her as his regular fuck. His brother might want her too, but he’d handle that. She was that fucking special. Martin imagined her tied to his bed, kneeling on the floor in front of him, calling him master and sir. Holy fuck. I want her. I’m going to have her. She’ll accept. She has to.

  * * * *

  J.J. was backstage standing behind the dressing curtain when Tara approached.

  “Don’t bother with that one. Wear this one,” she said, and then handed
her a very sleek black dress that dipped low in the front and the back. Her breasts would barely be covered.

  J.J. placed her hands on her hips and stared at Tara with an expression she hoped signified her displeasure.

  “Are you kidding me? That dress is not made for a woman with my figure.” She placed it back onto the rack and to the other side of the changing curtain.

  “You have to wear it. With these heels. I believe you’re a size seven.” She handed her very high heels, practically stilettos.

  “Why do I have to wear this?” she asked.

  Tara looked around and then moved closer.

  “Martin wants you to wear this. He asked that you join him and his brother for dinner and a private party in the back room.”

  “A private party? Hey, I didn’t say that I wanted to get involved in what you mentioned earlier. I’ve never done anything like that before. I don’t know if I—”

  Tara raised her hand up for J.J. to stop talking. “I know that. He has been watching you. Men have been requesting you. Now is the opportunity for you to ask him questions, see what this type of work is all about, and then make a decision.” Tara took a deep breath and released it.

  “But I can tell you right now, there’s no declining Martin’s offer, whatever it is. He has been paying close attention to you. He’s interested.”

  “But I may not be,” J.J. said, as she was trying to come up with a plan to notify the guys who were supposed to be watching her.

  “He won’t hurt you. If you’re submissive, like you seem you would be in bed, then you’ll be just fine, and it won’t hurt too badly.”

  “Submissive? Me? Hurt too badly? Oh God, what is going to happen?”

  “It’s really not that bad. Prentice is the one to worry about. If he takes an interest in you…just avoid Prentice at all costs. Now hurry up. I am supposed to bring you there. I’m on for tonight, too, along with Caitlin,” Tara said.

  J.J. stared at the black dress. When she placed it on, she looked at herself in the mirror.

  Holy shit. This is definitely not me. There’s no place to put a gun, a knife, or anything as a weapon.

  She thought about it, grabbed the black purse, and then looked around before reaching into her backpack and pulling out her switchblade. It was better than walking into something like this completely naked. Although that was exactly how she felt.

  * * * *

  “You sneaky son of a bitch. What are you up to?” Dexter asked his brother, Martin, as Jade entered the room. His heart was pounding inside of his chest. His cock was so fucking hard, it was difficult to breathe. He wanted this woman. Had obsessed over her the last two weeks. His brother knew that he was interested. Was he offering her to him?

  “Is she mine, Martin?” he whispered, not taking his eyes off of her.

  “Not yet. Let’s see how this plays out. I got dibs first, and if she’s as perfect as I think she’ll be, then we’ll discuss sharing her.”

  “Fuck, yeah. I’m in,” Dexter said as he rubbed his hands together and watched her approach. She was with Tara, and Caitlin immediately made her way over to their special guest’s private booth. There were only a few other couples around. Prentice sat at a table, and made the connections between the men who ordered a woman or two for the night and the right woman to meet their needs and taste. To anyone else, it would look like a social gathering. The women never left the room with the men. They met up elsewhere, whether in a hotel room upstairs, or in another venue nearby. It all depended upon the request.

  “Sir, shall I go introduce myself to our guest?” Tara asked, as she bowed her head and waited for her orders.

  Dexter took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed the top of it and Tara smiled as she looked up, but kept her head bowed.

  “You look stunning, Tara. Please make sure that you and Caitlin do your best to please our guest. He’s a platinum member, after all.” He kissed her hand and then released it. Tara bowed at Martin and Martin gave her a wink. She went on her way.

  Dexter and Martin both stood up from the table to greet Jade.

  “Thank you for joining us this evening, Jade,” Martin said, and then took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles and breathed in her perfume.

  Dexter felt his stomach tighten. He felt hungry, and in his mind he imagined ripping that dress from Jade’s body and exploring her thoroughly. Especially her large breasts. It appeared as if the material was about to part and reveal exactly what he wanted to see. He licked his lips. She seemed to blush. She’s fucking perfect.

  He hoped that she denied his brother’s requests. He would get much pleasure out of forcing her to do what he wanted. He loved rough sex.

  “Thank you for inviting me. I’m starving,” she added so sweetly, and Dexter snapped his fingers as Martin motioned for her to take a seat in the large, custom booth.

  As she slid along to the back, her breasts moved and swayed, nearly popping from the material hanging there. She immediately placed her hand over the spot, denying him the simple pleasure of seeing more of her flesh. She’d pay for that, and every little naughty thing she did that he felt was punishable. He shivered with anticipation.

  Martin took position on one side of her and Dexter slid in to take position on her other side. It was time to let his brother lead, and hopefully the night would end with her between them in bed.

  * * * *

  J.J. took in her surroundings, and of course her gut instincts were in overdrive. This wasn’t right. She was too exposed like this. She denied the feelings, blaming it on the dress she wore, and the fact that she sat between two very large, resourceful men who were more than likely killers. She swallowed hard.

  “Champagne or wine?” Martin asked.

  “Oh, sir, whatever you would like,” she said and his eyes instantly sparkled. A small smirk hit his lips and she felt that instant concern hit her. Did she say something that would entice him?

  “You are so very beautiful, Jade. Your voice, your performance tonight, every night, is amazing. You have pleased us both,” Dexter said, and then he lifted his hand to her face, as he turned in his seat to face her. He rubbed his thumb gently against her ear, and lobe, making the small dangling earring move.

  “Thank you, sir. I’ve been trying very hard.”

  “And it shows, Jade,” Martin said as the waiter appeared and poured them three glasses of champagne. She watched him carefully, being sure that nothing was placed into the glass. She watched the bottle pop open, and then stared as the waiter poured the glasses. Martin handed her one glass, and they both took their own glasses.

  “To new beginnings and adventures,” Martin whispered, holding her gaze.

  “To undeniable pleasure,” Dexter added, and she looked at him and then swallowed hard before taking a sip from her glass as they had from theirs.

  The waiter returned with a tray of appetizers. Shrimp, toasted bread with sundried tomato and crumbled goat cheese, fried oysters, and some caviar.

  Martin took one of the shrimps, dipped it into sauce, and then moved it toward her in offering.

  She slowly opened her mouth, and he held the shrimp there, with his other hand cupped next to her chin underneath. She went to eat the shrimp, but he held on to the tail, making her pull harder.

  “Come here,” he whispered as she swallowed the shrimp. He was going to kiss her, and she didn’t think that was a great idea. Not with the sounds that were coming from across the room. Tara was making out with some man. She was straddling his waist and he was grabbing at her.

  “Focus on me. Taking orders is important.”

  “Orders?” she whispered.

  Martin grabbed her face and kissed her hard on the mouth. She struggled a moment, but just as quickly as he kissed her, he released her.

  Dexter grabbed a hold of her hair from behind her head and forced her to look at him.

  “Tara said that you may be interested in making some extra money.”

She shook her head in denial.

  “No, Tara lied?” he asked, with an expression that warned her that he was a psycho. He looked so out of it, almost high on something.

  “What did Tara tell you?”

  “She didn’t say much, just that I could make some extra money if I wanted to.”

  “And you didn’t ask what you would need to do?” Martin asked her.

  “She told me that she would explain tonight. I don’t understand what’s going on here. Why are you holding me like this?” she asked, glancing toward Dexter.

  “Because you’re going to be ours. We’ve decided,” Dexter said, and then moved his hand along her leg, pressing his hand between her thighs.

  She gasped and began to move, trying to get out of his grasp, but now Martin grabbed her hand. He used one to press her thigh wider, as his brother pressed her other thigh wider. His other hand placed her hand over his crotch and she felt his huge erection.

  “No. Please, I don’t want this,” she stated, as she tried to figure out a way to get out of this situation. But then her attention, and theirs, was brought toward the doorway. Someone burst into the room. He was dressed in black. He approached the table where Tara was straddling the other man.

  “You cheating little bitch!” the man in black yelled. J.J. jerked, but Martin and Dexter kept her in place. She felt Martin’s cock grow larger. He was getting off on watching this. What in God’s name is going on?

  In a flash the man in black pulled Tara from the man she straddled. The man punched the other man, sending him falling to the ground. That man got up and moved out of the way.


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