Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2)

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Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2) Page 6

by S. J. West

  I smile, realizing it's the first true, happy smile I've had since before the night Mason left me.

  "Good. Now that we have that settled, tell me how long I've been asleep."

  "A week."

  I sigh. "Why do I keep losing so much time sleeping?"

  "Jess, what happened? Who took you?"

  "Asmodeus. And someone named Mammon showed up to actually kill me. He's another prince of Hell, right?"

  Mason nods. "Yes. They were gone by the time your father reached you. How did you escape? Your father said you were almost dead by the time he got there."

  I shake my head. "I don't know. One minute Mammon was squeezing my windpipe together and then it was like I became invisible to him and fell through his fingers. They couldn't see me, so they phased. I used what little air I had left to call for my dad because I knew he could heal me."

  "JoJo Armand made the dress you were wearing, right?"

  I nod.

  "Maybe that's why her crown began to send out the homing signal that night. We weren’t sure what triggered it to activate."

  "Has she got it?"

  "Yes, Chandler went with her to get it. It wasn't far. It was hidden inside an old chest of clothes that belonged to her grandmother at her parents' house."

  "Have they found their talismans yet?"

  "No, but I’m pretty sure I know where Chandler’s is and now with this new information about JoJo I have idea on which one might be hers. I assume you’ll want to be with them when they get their talismans."

  I nod. "Yes, I would like to be with them. When can we go?"

  "You need to rest a little more," Mason tells me and I can see from the expression on his face that I won't be able to convince him otherwise. "They almost killed you, Jess. Not just the choking but the phasing. Your dad was able to heal most of the physical damage but the trauma to your brain almost put you into a coma. So, rest is the first thing you need to focus on and I plan to make sure you get it."

  "You've gotten awfully bossy," I tease, liking the bossiness very much but not daring to admit it. You only boss when you care. I should know. I've done it enough.

  "Where you're concerned? Yes, I will be very bossy. I can't lose you," he says, a catch in his voice, letting me know how much almost losing me affected him.

  I pull him towards me, trying to use my physical presence as a reminder that I'm all right. "You're not losing me. I'm like bad luggage. You'll never be able to get rid of me."

  I hear Mason chuckle and it's the sweetest sound on Earth.

  Mason decides my first visitors should be Mama Lynn and Faison.

  "You should know I told them everything," Mason tells me.

  Shocked is too mild a word to describe how I react to this statement.

  "Everything? Why?" I ask.

  "Because they needed to know what was going on. They love you. They deserved the truth, especially when we weren't sure you would live."

  I see the pain in Mason's eyes because he truly did believe I might have died from my injuries.

  "Thank you," I tell him, feeling a great weight lift from my shoulders that I didn't even know was there. Keeping so many secrets from my family had been a burden on my heart. Now that they knew the truth, I had to wonder how they would react to me.

  When Mama Lynn and Faison walk into my bedroom, they immediately envelop me in a group hug. It’s then I know nothing has changed. They still love me.

  "You had us so worried, Jess," Mama Lynn says, her hands cupping my face. She shakes her head at me. "Don't do that again. I don't think my old heart can take it."

  "It wasn't on purpose," I assure her. I look at both of them, "So Mason said he told you everything. How are you dealing with knowing what's really going on?"

  "Well, I wish you had told me Lucien was the devil," Faison huffs as she sits cross legged on my bed beside me. "Good grief, no wonder you didn't want me talking to him."

  "You're still our Jess," Mama Lynn says to me, knowing what I'm really asking. "Maybe now you know why I made you go to church so much when you were younger. I told you there was a God."

  "Are you seriously going to use the 'I told you so' line on me?"

  "Well it fits I think," she says rather smugly. "You didn't believe me but now you know I was right."

  "Yes, he exists but that doesn't mean I have to instantly like him," I say, not wanting to discuss my rather turbulent feelings about God with a devout Southern Baptist. "Anyway, I'm just glad you guys know the truth. I hated keeping everything hidden from you two.”

  "So," Faison says in a low voice, "how are things going with your own personal angel since you woke up?"

  "You know he wouldn't let us come in here but for just a little while each day," Mama Lynn tells me, an obvious sore point with her. "And Chandler and JoJo were only allowed to come in here for a few minutes. He was very protective of you."

  I smile, liking the idea of an overprotective Mason.

  "Things have been great so far," I tell them. "But he still wants me to rest before I get back to work."

  "I think that's a good idea," Mama Lynn agrees. "You've been through a lot and Lord knows you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Don't rush yourself."

  "Let Mason pamper you," Faison advises me. "Enjoy it while it lasts."

  "But I have a lot to do," I tell them. "We still have four more vessels to locate."

  "Just trust in the Lord," Mama Lynn says, patting one of my hands. "He won't let Lucifer win."

  "Why do you have so much faith in Him?" I ask.

  "Because He's always led me down the right path. I found you and Faison didn't I? Who do you think let that happen?"

  "Did Mason tell you about my biological mother?" I ask her.

  "Yes. I don't remember meeting her but I'm sure glad she picked me. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I don't even want to think about the possibility."

  “Have you met my father?” I ask Mama Lynn.

  “Oh yes, he’s so nice. We were told everything about that too. Odd that the father you grew up with isn’t your biological father,” she shrugs, “but you don’t have to be related by blood to be a parent.”

  A fact she knows all too well.

  "So, back to Mason," Faison says, not wanting to let her original subject go so easily. "What do you think about a double wedding? I'm sure John Austin won't mind."

  I stare at Faison, considering the real possibility that she has completely lost her mind.

  "What?" Faison says, all innocence. "I think it's a good idea. Plus, I already talked to JoJo about designing our dresses."

  "You did what!"

  Mason instantly appears in the doorway.

  "It might be time to let Jess rest some before she sees her next set of visitors," Mason says, coming up with a good excuse to get my family out of the room before I have a coronary.

  "Think about it," Faison says, raising up on her knees and giving me a peck on the cheek before getting off my bed and following Mama Lynn out of the room.

  I stare after them wondering how exactly Faison's mind comes up with some of her outrageous ideas.

  "What happened?" Mason asks me, coming to stand beside my bed. “I heard you yell.”

  "I don't want to tell you so please don't ask," I say, knowing if I relate Faison's idea to Mason it would simply be too embarrassing, for both of us.

  "Ok," Mason says, drawing the word out like he's not quite sure why I won't tell him what happened. "Maybe you should get some rest before Chandler and JoJo come over later."

  "Is my dad still here?" I ask.

  "Yes, do you want to see him?"

  I nod. Mason leaves the room and my dad comes in with a smile on his face. I can tell he's pleased I asked for him.

  "What's up, Buttercup?"

  I giggle. "I haven't heard that in fifty forevers," I tell him.

  "What? No one's called you Buttercup? Color me shocked."

  "What's put you in such a good mood?" I ask.

p; "Well, I get to spend time with my daughter. Why wouldn't I be in a good mood?"

  "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't think of you as my real father the other night. You're my dad. You will always be my dad."

  He leans in and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. "I know, Jessi."

  My dad is silent for a moment and I see a contemplative look on his face.

  "What are you thinking about?" I ask.


  "What about him?"

  "I like him. I think he'll treat you right. You know he asked me for permission to court you."

  "Court me?"

  "It's a bit old fashioned to ask a father's permission to date his daughter but I kind of liked it. Shows me he really cares about treating you right. And I know he's not just interested in funny business," my dad says raising his eyebrows up and down. "You only court someone you intend to marry one day."

  I involuntarily swallow hard at this news, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

  My dad's eyebrows lower as he sees my reaction. "Does that scare you? Because if it does I can tell him to back off you know."

  "No," I'm quick to say. "Please don't do that. I just never saw myself ever getting married before now."

  "Why not?"

  "I’ve just never thought too far ahead into my future."

  "Well, you love him right?"

  I nod. "He's the only man I will ever love."

  My dad smiles. "Then what's there to think about, Buttercup? Grab onto happiness while you can. And you have my blessing if you want to marry him."

  "Between you and Faison, I feel like marriage to Mason is a done deal."

  One side of my father's mouth quirks up into a half smile. "Yeah, that Faison is a piece of work isn't she? You know she and JoJo have already designed your wedding dress."

  I bury my face in my hands. "Please tell me Mason didn't hear them talking about it."

  "Well, I could tell you that but it wouldn't be the truth," my dad chuckles.

  I just shake my head in dismay. I feel my dad pull my hands down from my face.

  "Hey," he says, "he didn't seem to mind it. He actually looked amused by the whole thing."

  Reluctantly, I smile.

  "He loves you," my Dad tells me. "Just enjoy the courtship phase of the relationship. I have a feeling he'll make it special for you."

  "Thanks, Daddy."

  My dad smiles. "You're welcome, Buttercup."

  "How long can you stay with me?" I ask.

  My dad sighs. "Yeah, about that. I need to be heading back. Souls to make and all," he tries to joke. I can tell he doesn't really want to go and that's all I need to know.

  "It's ok," I tell him. "I know you'll come when I need you."

  "Anytime, anywhere," he confirms.

  I give him a hug fully knowing my dad is truly back in my life.

  Chapter 7

  I take a long nap after my dad leaves. When I wake up late in the afternoon, I find Mason lying in bed with me, reading a book. When he sees me stir, he snaps the book shut and lays it on the nightstand on his side of the bed. Turning on his side to face me, he smiles, causing my heart to ache inside my chest just at the mere sight of how handsome a small stretching of the lips makes him.

  "Hey," he says. "Did you have a good nap?"

  I nod.

  "Are you hungry?"

  I nod again.

  "Can you speak?" He teases good-naturedly.

  I nod but don't say anything, causing him to laugh, a sound I love.

  "And what would you like to eat for lunch?" He asks, knowing I can't nod my way out of his question.

  "Honestly?" I say, raising my self on an elbow and resting my head against my hand. "I could go for a grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup and a cold glass of milk."

  "Then that's what you'll have." He says, leaning in and kissing the tip of my nose before standing up. He pulls his cell phone out of his pant's pocket and quickly finds the number he's looking for.

  "Isaiah, come to Jess's house." And he ends the call.

  "Does everyone do what you tell them?" I ask, wondering why he's always so brusque with others sometimes.

  "Everyone but you," Mason says with a smile. "But I think we established that fact the first night we met."

  I smile at the reminder. "Yes, I guess we did."

  There's a knock on the door and Mason phases to answer it. I hear him and Isaiah speak before he phases back into my room.

  "Isaiah will stay with you until I return with your food."

  "Ok," I say reluctantly, wishing I had just told him to make whatever might be in my kitchen. I really don't want him to leave. I feel so much better when he’s close.

  "I won't be gone long," he promises, obviously seeing my reluctance about him leaving. "And after you eat, I'll get Isaiah to bring Chandler and JoJo over to see you. They've been hounding me all day to let them come over."

  "I want to see them too," I say, letting him know the feeling isn't one sided.

  "After you eat," Mason promises as Isaiah walks into my room. Mason winks at me. "Be right back."

  After he phases, I look over at Isaiah.

  "Glad to see you're feeling better," my one time mentor tells me, coming to stand by my bedside. "You gave us all quite a scare. I don't think I've ever seen Mason so frantic before."

  "Really?" I ask. I know this statement coming from Isaiah is saying a lot considering how long he's known Mason.

  "He called in every Watcher in the world when you disappeared. It didn't matter what we were doing. He ordered us to his house immediately to search all the branching phase trails for you. I'm just glad your father got to you in time."

  "Me too," I admit. "I didn't think I would make it."

  "You almost didn't from what your father told us. If he had been a minute later, you would be dead. Mason thought he had lost you."

  "Well, I'm fine now, but Mason seems bound and determined to keep me in this bed until he thinks I'm completely well."

  "Give him some time, Jess. You gave him a good scare. He needs time to recover just as much as you do."

  I hadn't thought about it like that.

  "Ok, Isaiah. I won't push him to let me go back to work."

  "Thank you."

  Fifteen minutes later, I hear the rattling of dishes in my kitchen and know Mason is back. He walks into my bedroom with one of my fold out trays in his hands laden with the requested bowl of tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich and glass of milk.

  "That was quick," I comment as I sit up straighter while Mason sets the tray across my lap.

  "Knew of a good bistro that would have what you wanted," he tells me. Once I'm settled he turns to Isaiah. "Why don't you bring Chandler and JoJo over in about 30 minutes?"

  "Thank God," Isaiah says, lifting his eyes to the heavens. "They've been driving me insane about coming here to see Jess."

  "Yes, they've been rather insistent," Mason admits with a wry grin. "Thirty minutes."

  Isaiah phases and I begin to eat.

  "Can I ask you something?" I say between spoonfuls of soup.

  "You can ask me anything," Mason replies.

  "You and Isaiah are the most punctual people I know. Like I know when you told him thirty minutes, he'll be back here in exactly thirty minutes to the second. How do you guys do that?"

  "All Watchers have an internal clock of sorts. That's why we're never late or early. It's almost a compulsory need to always be on time."

  "I wish Faison had something like that inside her," I say. "She's almost always late for things. It drives me nuts."

  Mason smiles. "Our need to be exactly on time can be a little annoying to tell you the truth. I wish I could force myself to be late or even early to something, but I can't seem to."

  "Hmm, a challenge," I say, considering the various delightfully inappropriate ways I can make Mason late to something. I smile. "Maybe I can find a way to make you late the next time you have to be somewhere."

  Mason l
ooks intrigued. "And how would you accomplish such a feat?"

  I shake my head. "Can't tell you that. Then you would be expecting it. You'll just have to wait and see."

  Mason smiles. "Then I look forward to your attempts. I'll make sure to let you know the next time I have to be somewhere."

  "Please do," I say. “Can I ask you something else?”


  “Are you going to let me out of this bed anytime soon? I’m already getting bored just laying here and sleeping.”

  “Hmm, let me think about it. I would rather you rested but I can see how you would get bored. I’ll see what I can do.”

  Mason is cleaning up my dirty dishes when Isaiah appears in my bedroom with Chandler and JoJo on either side of him. They immediately envelop me in a group hug much like Mama Lynn and Faison did.

  JoJo begins to spout so much French at me I can't decipher a word of it. I look to Chandler for help.

  "She's just glad to see you," Chandler says, finding our bouncy little French counterpart amusing.

  JoJo huffs and says, "I was so worried about you, mon amie. You had us sick to death with worry. We thought we had lost you."

  "I'm fine now," I tell them. "Please don't worry anymore."

  "Your guard dogs have been a bit irritating," Chandler grumbles. "They wouldn't let us come when you first woke up. I want you to know we tried."

  "I know," I tell him, cupping the left side of Chandler's face with my hand, immediately soothing his ire. "Mason is just overprotective at the moment. I don't think he's going to let me go back to work for a couple more days either."

  "That's fine," Chandler says. "You do need your rest, but he seems to forget you need us too."

  "And how are things between the two of you?" JoJo asks. "You and Mason."

  "He promised he wouldn't leave me again," I tell them. "And I believe him."

  "At least he figured out how stupid it was to leave you the first time," Chandler says. "Too bad it took you almost dying to show him what an idiot he was being."

  "Don't be mad at him," I say to Chandler, knowing he only has my best interest at heart. "He's been through a lot in his life. He just thought he was doing the right thing to keep me safe. Now he knows I have enemies of my own and that I'm safer with him than without him."


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