Comanche Six: Company Commander in Vietnam

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Comanche Six: Company Commander in Vietnam Page 32

by James Estep

  CAR-15 - Shortened, carbine version of the M-16 rifle.

  CEOI - Communications-electronics operating instructions. The RTO’s bible, it contains unit call signs, transmission procedures, secure codes, coding instructions, and so forth.

  Charlie The enemy. Initially Charlie referred to the Viet Cong or VC later the term encompassed North Vietnamese regulars. Also “Chuck.” Charlie rats Combat rations. Also called C rations.

  CIB Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

  CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group.

  Class I Rations.

  Class V - Ammunition.

  Class VI - Liquor (booze).

  Claymore - U.S. antipersonnel mine.

  CO Commanding Officer. Commo Communications.

  CP Command post.

  Divarty Division artillery.

  Dust off Helicopter medical evacuation.

  E tool Entrenching tool, a small collapsible shovel.

  Fast movers Jet aircraft. Fighter-bombers of the Air Force’s Tactical Air Command, the Navy, or the Marine Corps.

  FO Forward observer. An artillery officer attached to an infantry company to coordinate artillery fire.

  FRAGO Fragmentary or frag order. Shortened version of a lengthy operations order. Used in a fast moving, fluid situation to maneuver forces quickly.

  Gun target line The path along which an artillery projectile travels from firing until it impacts.

  Gunship Armed helicopter.

  H&I Harassment and interdiction. Artillery fire directed at suspected, but unconfirmed, enemy locations.

  HE High explosive.

  Hook CH-47 helicopter, the Chinook.

  KIA Killed in action.

  Kit Carson North Vietnamese defectors in the employ of U.S. forces as guides, scouts, and, at times, interpreters.

  Klick Kilometer.

  LAW Light antitank weapon.

  Log bird Resupply helicopter.

  LP Listening post.

  LT Lieutenant.

  LZ Landing zone.

  LZ Green is a secure landing zone.

  LZ Red, or a “hot” LZ, is one defended by the enemy.

  M-16 U.S. soldier’s standard infantry weapon (5.56 mm).

  M-60 U.S. infantry’s standard machine gun (7.62 mm).

  M-79 40mm grenade launcher, often referred to as a “thumper.”

  MACV U.S. - Military Assistance Command, Vietnam.

  MIA Missing in action.

  NDP Night defensive position.

  NVA North Vietnamese Army.

  OP Observation post.

  Point of origin Method of referencing a location on a map.

  Punji stakes Bamboo spikes emplaced as booby traps by the Viet Cong.

  Push Radio frequency.

  PZ Pickup zone.

  R&R Rest and recuperation.

  RDC Rear detachment commander. The officer—usually the S-1—in charge of the battalion’s rear area while the rest of the command fought Charlie.

  Red leg Artillery.

  Red line Highway or road. (Rivers were indicated by blue lines.)

  RON Remain overnight.

  RP Registration point. A pre-fired reference point from which an artillery forward observer could rapidly adjust artillery fires in an emergency.

  RPG Rocketpropelled grenade (launcher).

  RTO Radio telephone operator.

  Ruff Puffs Regional-Popular forces. Montagnard peasant militia—a paramilitary force fighting on the side of South Vietnam.

  S-1 (Staff) personnel officer.

  S-2 (Staff) intelligence officer.

  S-3 (Staff) operations officer.

  S-4 (Staff) logistics officer.

  Search Army postal service’s code word for “killed in action.”

  Sitrep Situation report.

  Six Commander of a unit.

  SKS The enemy’s standard semiautomatic weapon (7.62mm).

  Slick HU-ID troop transport helicopter, the “Huey.”

  Snuffie U.S. infantry soldier.

  starlight scope Capable of intensifying low light, allowing its user to see at night.

  Strike Force Offensive arm of the CIDG program.

  Striker Strike Force soldier.

  TOC Tactical operations center.

  TOT Time on target. A devastating artillery strike in which the firing batteries of several units are concentrated simultaneously on a single target.

  Train fire Infantry marksmanship training.

  Trick or treat An ambush or ambush site.

  VC Viet Cong.

  WIA Wounded in action.

  XO Executive officer.

  DMZ, demilitarized zone.




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