Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)

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Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

She washed her face, then soaped her cloth and bathed. As soon as he was finished, he started to get out, but she grabbed him by the cock, and where his cock went, he went.

  “I’m not finished with you yet,” she complained.

  Before he knew what she was going to do, she went to her knees and encircled his cock with her hands and squeezed. He moaned and held her head as she leaned forward and licked over the mushroom head. She ran her tongue all around the underside of the cap and then dove inside the slit with the tip of her tongue. He came up on his tiptoes then.

  Suddenly, she swallowed him as far as she could take him. She swallowed around him, and he nearly came right then and there. Fuck, she was good. He held her head and began slowly pumping his cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth. She let just the edges of her teeth graze him, and he loved it. He trusted her not to hurt him, and that made it all the better.

  One eager hand cupped his balls and manipulated them until he felt them boiling with cum. Her other hand circled around the base of him as much as her small hand could handle. She pumped him as her mouth came down on him, and her other hand gently squeezed and cupped his balls. She brought her mouth up and licked the slit and the pre-cum, humming around him her approval. Then she shoved down his shaft with her mouth and swallowed, squeezing his balls at the same time. He shot off like a bottle rocket and filled her mouth with his cum.

  “Fuck! Your mouth is so hot, baby.” He leaned against the back of the shower with one hand, trying to catch his breath.

  Amanda stood up and rinsed off again. “I’ll just let you rest while I get dried off.”

  “If you’ll give me a second, baby, I’ll dry you.”

  “I’ve got it. You catch your breath.” She giggled and stepped out of the shower.

  He heard the sink and knew she was brushing her teeth. The thought of going down on her with a mouth freshly brushed with toothpaste settled in his mind. He bet that would wake her up for sure. He’d try that sometime, sometime when he wasn’t panting like an old man.

  There was a knock at the door. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower just as Amanda opened the door.

  “Hey you two, we’ve got company. Rock, Ace, and Tater are here,” Tyler said, leaning against the doorway.

  “Hell, what do they want?” Morgan asked, wrapping a towel around himself.

  “Don’t know, but they look pretty pissed about something.”

  “Shit, something’s wrong then.”

  “What do we do?” Amanda asked, clutching the towel to her chest.

  “Get dressed really fast,” Morgan said.

  Tyler moved out of the way and stood against the outside door in case they decided to try to get in.

  As soon as Amanda was dressed decently, Morgan nodded at Tyler to let them in. He still didn’t have his shirt on and was barefoot, but would use it to his advantage.

  “Okay, she’s decent,” Tyler said and stood back as the three men walked in.

  “What’s going on, guys?” Morgan asked, standing in front of Amanda.

  “Seems we have a little information you might not know about,” Rock said.

  “What kind of information would we be interested in?” Morgan asked.

  “Seems like that little lady of yours is wanted by some important people out in Memphis,” Ace said.

  “And this means something to me why?”

  “’Cause they’re offering a good deal of money. That means trouble,” Rock told him.

  “How much money?” Morgan asked.

  “Ten thousand dollars for her whereabouts, or if she’s brought in,” Ace said.

  Tyler stepped closer to block Amanda from the three men’s view. Morgan knew why they had brought Tater. He was their enforcer, mostly because he was a big son of a bitch. He weighed over three hundred pounds, and a lot of it was muscle. He stood over six feet five inches as well. A lot of people would just give in at a look from him, but not him or Tyler. They knew he was usually more of a bluff than anything.

  “Since we just got up and still haven’t had our coffee or breakfast, maybe we can discuss this later.” Morgan crossed his arms and glared at Rock. “I don’t much appreciate being dragged out of my shower.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t much like being left in the dark about something that important.”

  “I didn’t think it would be a problem. Half the gang’s been wanted for one problem or another. We’ve always dealt with it,” Morgan said.

  “Yeah, well, she isn’t officially part of the gang, now is she?” Rock asked.

  “She belongs to us. She’s with us, so she’s with the gang. That’s always been the rules.”

  “Yeah, but she’s got a bounty on her head. That brings attention to us. I’m not sure I want that kind of attention.” Rock crossed his arms and looked toward Amanda.

  Tyler closed in to Morgan to block his view of her. Morgan needed to get her out of there and fast.

  “We only plan to ride with you as far as Cavern, New Mexico, anyway. Then we’ll break off and go our own way.” Morgan was glad Tyler was with him.

  “Fair enough. We can handle a few days.”

  “We’ll meet you after breakfast,” Morgan told him. He felt Amanda’s hands begin to tremble against his back.

  “I’ll be waiting on you. Be sure you don’t piss me off.” Rock frowned at him, but turned and left. The other two men followed.

  Tyler hurried over and slammed the door, locking it with all the locks before leaning back against it and closing his eyes.

  “What in the hell do we do now?” Tyler demanded.

  “We ride with them as far as Cavern.” Morgan pulled Amanda around in front of him and held her tight against his chest.

  “Don’t worry, baby. They won’t turn you over. They don’t want any part of it.”

  “We need to keep a close watch on them anyway. If something seems fishy, we hightail it out of there,” Tyler suggested.

  “You’re probably right.” He ran one hand over his face. “Amanda needs something to eat, so we’ve got to eat first. Then we head out.” Morgan began packing up his things.

  Amanda followed suit and soon had her things stuffed back in her backpack. Tyler was ready as soon as they were.

  “If they found out about the bounty, someone is out there spreading the word,” Tyler pointed out.

  “I know. We also don’t know if it’s still those two she knows about or if he has more people out looking for her now. I’m going to even up the odds, though,” Morgan said.

  “How is that?” Tyler asked.

  “We’ve still got friends out there. I’m going to call on some help.”

  “Aw, hell. Not the twins.” Tyler huffed out a breath. “They’re crazy.”

  “Just what we need right now.”

  Morgan made several phone calls while Amanda sat on the edge of the bed rocking. Tyler placed a comforting hand on her shoulder a couple of times. Morgan was glad he was there.

  The first call he placed was to Dodge. They needed some computer information, and he was just the dude to hook them up. He wanted to know how deep Guy’s pockets were and if there was some way to jam up his finances for a while. He also wanted to be sure Dodge didn’t care if they brought trouble to his door if it came to that.

  “Bring it on, Morgan. Bring it on.”

  Next he called Jethro and Justin Wells. Jethro answered on the third ring and was instantly on board. The brothers were crazy enough to do anything that meant action. It didn’t matter that they still worked for the government on a part-time basis. They would always come to the aid of a comrade.

  “Reinforcements will meet us at Satarcia tomorrow afternoon,” Morgan said. “Now, let’s go eat breakfast.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Amanda trembled the entire ride to the Waffle House. She noticed there were a lot of bikers on the road and at the restaurant. She had no idea if any or all of them were Rock’s people or not, but she trusted that Morgan and Tyler would know. O
nce inside, she forced as much of her breakfast down as she could. Morgan kept on her about needing the energy for the upcoming days. She was afraid she would be sick again if she ate much more.

  “I can’t eat any more. I’m sorry. I just can’t!”

  “Don’t push her so hard, Morgan. She’s under a lot of stress right now,” Tyler said.

  “Sorry, baby. I’m just worried about you,” Morgan told her.

  They climbed back onto the bikes after breakfast and took a leisurely ride around the town. Amanda knew they were trying to determine if anyone was following them, but it was really beginning to get to her. She just wanted to head out of town at top speed and not stop until they got to the Mexican border or up north to the Canadian border. She was all for running at this point.

  Once they hooked up with Rock and the gang and took to the interstate, Amanda felt better. They were heading away from Memphis, and the goons wouldn’t know where she was, at least for a little while.

  The gang stopped at several small towns along the way, and Morgan urged Amanda to walk around each time. She clung to the hope that they could avoid Guy and his goons somehow, but realistically, she knew that wasn’t possible.

  They rode through Albuquerque and on to a little town about two hours on the other side of the big city. The gang stopped for the night with the plans to go on to Lacey’s Bar. They would head on to Cavern the next day.

  They had gotten behind since Amanda had to stop to go to the bathroom just outside of the little town. There had been no way she would have made it till they stopped. The town only boasted one motel, and the gang already had their rooms.

  The little mom-and-pop motel only had a king-size bed available. Right then, she didn’t much care. The gang went on to the bar, but Tyler and Morgan planned to head to bed early. They would need all their strength and to be at the top of their game tomorrow when they headed into Cavern, where the rally ride would start. They told her there would be hundreds of people there, along with several of the larger gangs. Morgan told her they couldn’t trust they wouldn’t take the money and turn her over to them, so she had to stay close to them.

  “We’ll break off once they head for California and ride to Stillwater,” he told her.

  The men stayed up talking, but Amanda couldn’t keep her eyes open despite believing she’d never get to sleep with everything going on. Exhaustion won out, and she was asleep in mere minutes of her head touching the pillow.

  * * * *

  “Outside,” Morgan mouthed to Tyler when the other man walked out of the bathroom at six the next morning.

  Morgan finished pulling on his pants and zipped them. He joined Tyler outside, where he gently closed the door so as not to wake Amanda. The other man looked like he had slept about as much as he had, which wasn’t much. Thank goodness Amanda was sleeping. She needed all the rest she could get.

  “What’s the plan for today?” Tyler asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “Ride with the gang as far as the California border, then head to Stillwater. We touch base with the twins around dinner and meet them at the border once we get there. I’m going to call Dodge again and see if he’s managed to get us anything,” Morgan told him.

  “Man, this is fucked up. You know that, don’t you? Seems like all we should have to do is go to the police and that will be that.”

  “Yeah, and that’s what I thought at first, but he’ll sue her for custody of the child. She has nothing, and he’s rich and has family. She’s totally by herself. If he has the judge in his pocket, he’ll get custody, and she’ll lose her baby. If he wanted the child, I would be more along the lines of her giving him some custody time, but he wants to kill the baby before it’s even born.” Morgan huffed out a breath. “Hell, I don’t know what the best course of action should be, but I do know he isn’t getting his hands on Amanda.”

  “I’m with you on it,” Tyler said. “I just can’t get why it has to be so damn complicated.”

  “Because you have money in the mix.” Morgan paced in front of the closed motel room door. “I’ll feel better once we have Jethro and Justin with us.”

  “I’d feel better with the entire gang with us. You know Jethro and Justin better than I do. Are they as crazy as Riley says they are?” Tyler asked.

  Riley was one of their old army buddies. He and Tyler had helped protect his fiancée when she’d had a stalker several weeks back.


  “Fuck. It’ll be a damn war before it’s over with if there are really more than those two goons you mentioned getting in on the money.”

  “Yeah, well, they don’t know what they’re getting into.” Morgan stopped outside the door and listened, but heard nothing to make him think Amanda was awake.

  “So, wake her up or what?” Tyler asked.

  Morgan could tell he was antsy to get back on the road. He was too, but he knew she needed her rest. He could remember from when his wife was pregnant

  “She needs her sleep, man. Give her another thirty, forty minutes, and I’ll wake her up. I know we need to get going, but she’s about had it, and that’s not good for her or the baby.”

  Tyler nodded his head toward the motel office. “I’m going to go find out where the nearest place will be to get something for breakfast.”

  “Good idea.” Morgan turned back toward the door and inserted the key card in the lock. He hoped it wouldn’t wake Amanda up.

  As it happened, she was still sound asleep, curled up around her stomach with her hand across her belly as if protecting the baby inside. She looked so peaceful until you looked closer and saw the dark circles under her eyes. It wasn’t right that she should be on the run for her baby’s life. It was like some sci-fi movie about the future and population control.

  For some reason, it mattered to him that she be happy, not just that she live and her baby live, but that she be happy. She rolled over, and the cover exposed her slightly rounded abdomen and bra-encased breasts. She didn’t look comfortable in her bra. She probably needed a larger one now. Thinking about her breasts had his cock paying attention. He groaned, then turned around when Tyler walked in.

  Morgan quickly strode over to the bed and pulled the cover back over her chest and caught Tyler staring at him with a grin.

  “Who gets the shower first? Me or you?”

  “Me. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  Tyler’s eyes turned serious. “You know I’d never poach on someone else’s property, man.”

  “Hell, yeah, I know. But she’s not mine either.” He grabbed his pack and quietly closed the door behind him.

  What the hell was happening to him? He’d snapped at his best friend over a woman. They’d shared women so often in the past, he couldn’t remember the last time they hadn’t shared, except when he’d been on his own these last few months. What was different now? The fact that he’d promised Amanda that Tyler wouldn’t touch her shocked him. It shocked him even more that he meant it.

  Morgan grabbed his shirt over his shoulders and dragged it off over his head. Then he stripped out of his jeans and boxers before turning on the shower. He stepped into the barely there spray even before it turned warm in hopes it would ease his erection, but no dice. He couldn’t ride with a hard-on all day. He’d have to take matters into his own hands.

  Morgan let the water flow over his head and down his back as he soaped up the bath cloth and made quick work of scrubbing the road grime off his body. When he was clean and relaxed as much as possible, he wrapped his hand around his hard cock and stroked slow and tightly as he thought about how it had felt to have Amanda’s hot mouth around his cock. He imagined her there now, on her knees in front of him, playing with his balls. He reached with his other hand between his legs and manipulated his balls as he pulled harder on his rigid cock. He wanted to taste her, though, and hadn’t been able to do that the last time she’d sucked him off.

  The way she’d swallowed him down had his balls constricting as he fought to ma
intain control of his strokes. He rubbed the pre-cum over the mushroom head of his cock and twisted on the downstroke as he felt the beginnings of his climax attack his balls. Amanda would stick her tongue inside the slit and then run it around the underside of his cock while he held her head still. He would stroke in and out of her hot, wet mouth as she tasted him and sucked on him.

  Faster and faster, he began to stroke, pulling hard as he imagined her deep-throating him as he held her by the hair. Just as his balls erupted, she would swallow him and take him all, every drop he could pump into her throat as she milked him dry. Morgan erupted with a muffled shout and shooting cum against the back of the shower stall wall. He leaned one arm against it as he slowly stroked himself down. As good as it was, it didn’t nearly come close to the real thing. Fuck.

  * * * *

  Amanda slowly awoke to a quiet room. She was sure she’d heard voices earlier. She listened closer without opening her eyes and realized she could hear the shower in the bathroom. Then she heard the scrape of a boot on the floor, and her eyes flew open.

  The morning sun streamed around the drapes where they didn’t quite meet in the middle. Light illuminated from the TV. Tyler sat with one leg over the arm of the little love seat, switching TV channels with the sound turned off. They were there. They hadn’t left her alone. She relaxed.

  Nausea rolled around in the pit of her stomach, but she refused to be sick. Amanda reached across the bed for the crackers Morgan had thought to leave by the bed and took one. She nibbled on it until she felt a little better.

  “You can turn the sound on now if you want to,” she said.

  He smiled and turned up the volume. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little sick, but I’ll be okay. What time is it?” She looked around, but didn’t see a clock.

  Tyler looked at his watch and grimaced. “Still early by my standards. It’s a little after eight.”

  “Morgan in the shower?”

  “Yeah, but I’m sure he’d be happy for you to join him.”

  Amanda’s face grew warm, and she ducked her head to rest her chin on her knees.


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