Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)

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Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series) Page 1

by Virgil Allen Moore

  Demon Vampire

  Written by

  Virgil Allen Moore

  Erudite Small Press


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Interview With Virgil Allen Moore By

  Look for these books in The Redgold Series

  by Virgil Allen Moore

  Demon Vampire ebook

  (Available on kindle for only $3.00)

  Demon Vampire: Special Science Report 1192

  (Free ebook on Amazon kindle.)

  Demon Vampire: The Elder Ritual

  (Release Date: TBA)

  Demon Vampire: Redgold

  (Book two in the main storyline. Coming 2013)

  Sign up and follow the blog today to read more and get updates on when the next books are coming out.

  Spread the word, Demon Vampire is here.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents within are either the product of the author's wildly vivid and poetic imagination, or are used fictitiously to portray unreal events. Any resemblance to living or dead persons, businesses, general establishments, events, or locales, is purely and entirely coincidental.


  An Erudite Small Press book, published by arrangement with the author.

  Printing History

  This is the first edition

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2011

  Cover Art by Leos Ng Okita in association with Erudite Small Press

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

  For information please address: Erudite Small Press by email at [email protected] or visit

  ISBN: 978-1-937438-06-7

  Published by Erudite Small Press

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2011 Virgil Allen Moore



  "Demon Vampire is a great work of descriptive art as it leads the reader into a world where blood is the drink of choice. If you are looking for a book with bite, then I can truly recommend this one to you."

  - Amy Mah (Vampire) Author of Fangs Rule.

  "If gripped by knee-jerk presumptions, resist the urges and Demon Vampire will reward you with a banquet of exquisite paranormal cuisine. Immerse yourself in the murky quagmire of Moore's imagination and brace yourself for a captivating tale that drips with wicked appeal, making Moore the epitome of a mesmerizing storyteller.

  At the core of this bloody buffet, we are granted not one, but two entrees. Taste the birth of a true vampire, created with enough sumptuous anti-Hollywood detail to satiate the most demanding palate. But Moore doesn't stop there. The main course is accompanied by a monster behind the monster. Sampling the torment inflicted by this delectable garnish as the entity exerts its demonic control over a reluctant host will satisfy your deepest hunger for immortal entertainment.

  I found the recipe refreshing and Moore's plot to be somewhat hypnotic. It wasn't long before I set aside my initial assumptions, which simply magnified the impact of being drawn into a tale that achieves two benchmarks. While Demon Vampire succeeds in redefining the vampire paradigm, it also threatens to raise the bar for future storytellers who attempt to unleash a believable incarnation of the ultimate evil on humanity."

  - Michael P. Clutton, Author of JUICE: A Twisted Reality Saga


  "The words of Virgil Moore echo in the hearts and minds of all vampire fiction fans. His characters are rich and well rounded. His vampires are troubled, deadly and fierce. He mixes the modern with the old. I found his work to be enthralling and addictive. You want to know what happens next. His characters are deep and often deceptive, which makes for a thrilling story."

  - Amy Dawson, Author of Ancient Blood

  Book Clubs & Enthusiasts:

  "Demon Vampire is one of the most deliciously addictive new series that I've read! The world of Vampires has been carefully crafted to offer a unique new perspective. One in which the reader finds themselves drawn in to that world. While most Vampire books are written based upon the common lore, Virgil Allen Moore's challenge the reader to embrace a new world filled with enticing opportunities. Opportunities which can be good or bad, depending on your values and views on mortality. Mr. Moore has created a Vampire world for the 20th century. He has wickedly and deliciously weeded out the tiresome overused Vampire characteristics and replaced them with engrossing characters who you find yourself rooting for and thoroughly invested in. I am anxiously awaiting the next adventure! As with J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood and Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, Demon Vampire is the next hottest series avid readers will not be able to get enough of!"

  - Kathy Landon, Avid Book Club Enthusiast.


  "This book reels you in from the start with its poetic language and descriptive details. It leaves you with no doubt about the sinister events that are sure to unravel as the storyline progresses and Zack Giver is drawn into a world of darkness that leaves nothing to the imagination."

  - Eva Coppersmith of Eva's Sanctuary

  Facebook, Blogger, & Twitter Fans:

  "Filled with history and centered around morality. V'''V."

  - SchoolGhoul

  "An amazing read and a fantastic blog."

  - Vam Pires


  - Lora Sadler-Perdue

  "Well worded and interesting. It caught my attention immediately."

  - Tachikawa Hiyoko

  "It is good to see someone who knows and understands the " other " realms we live among!"

  - Dragonlady1115


  "Bravo! At last someone that gives describes the beauty of being a vampire. I commend and adore every single word written."

  - LaFemmeLestat

  "A very gifted writer."

  - Bittersweet _Memories

  "Yes the cool vampires ARE back."

  - Vamchoir


  - Silverxfangs

  "Virgil Allen Moore knows immortality has a price."

  - Suzanne Carre

  "This is an incredible story. Previously, I thought Sherrilyn Kenyon was my favorite author, but I'd have to say she's been replaced."

  - Nikassa Belenus

  "I have never seen a more poetic writer. Moore's words seep into the mind and produce an lucid trance from page one. There are great writers and there are epic writers, Moore has reached a level that blends them in perfect harmony. This is truly a powerful story. There is bliss in these pages."

  - Joyspirited


  1. The Abomination and A Tainted Whisper

  2. The Illusion and the Gilded Blood

  3. The Island in the Pale Still Water and the Fleeting Humanity Within It

  4. The Simpleton and The Little Life Lost

  5. The Ululation of the Nightmare

  6. The Chance Meeting and The Initial Test

  7. The Offer and The Motivation

  8. An Alliance of Convenience

  9. Fate Drawn in A+

  10. Hell Is Envy Without Recognition

  11. Welcome to My World

  12. The Living Nightmare's Gait

  13. Epiphany and Betrayal

  14. The Demon Vampire
  15. Fear and Acceptance


  To the realities that propagate in our minds that we calmly tell ourselves do not exist - I ask you. If the worlds once rendered in a fleeting moment of joy and lust, can paint a vision of truth in sense and touch. Where lies fault in remembrance of those who have fallen from rust? Is it their fate to caste them off as dirt with a rinse as such?

  Dreams create reality. They live in us until we give them sustainable form for all to see and hear. They are real. To treat them as less, would be a sin.

  - Virgil Allen Moore

  Chapter 1

  The Abomination and A Tainted Whisper

  So sweet was the wet rain flowing through the throat of life. Kissing the sky, a nimble tongue tithed over a sharp tooth. He was esurient. The demon inside dripped with excitement. Wet senses, tense thoughts played in his mind. He leaned in. Her neck was warm, tender, ready for penetration. This will be his first.

  His hand gripped her delicate left shoulder. She sighed from the pressure laid down upon her, it was celestial. A brown cashmere sweater was all that kept the barrier between the touch. His skin light, a contrast to her tanned olive tone. He stood slightly taller, nearly six feet to her thin five foot eight frame. Her face was oval, feminine, her lips were glass. Her dark green eyes added detail to her perfect expression. He induced a reaction within her. She was attracted to him. His sinewy build appealed to her. His hair was calm fire, down to his shoulders. The dark brown hues were the only link he once had to humanity. A sudden breeze shed light to his black eyes, shielded in thorns. Her mortality had been his muse. The clouds were about to tear open, it was abyssal.

  The field adjacent to them offered little cover to the events anticipated. The century oak was solitary, separated by hundreds of feet in any direction. The sun had abandoned them long before they arrived. His breath on her neck was telling. It was going to happen, she knew that, she demanded it. He pressed, the hard bark pushed into her from behind. It pitted her back with a unique sensation that was oddly pleasurable. This was her time to enjoy him. After many nights of catering to his whims, she was able to purely experience the act. This singular moment was hers.

  Her long brown hair shifted as needles in the wind, exposing her supple veins. “This is what I want.” Her voice almost silent, clarion only to his ears. She panted, waiting, wishing for it. Her lips pale, flush with the idea of what was about to take place.

  A streak of lightning set fire to the night, illuminating the privacy they had sought out so carefully. The shade of the oak held the only mystery as the sky gave away the secrets of all others around them. The area was euphoric, extending far. Just as it came, it was seen and gone. Everything went black in a hush that left a yearning.

  Before he could answer, the demon within had spoken. His fingertips were not his own, stripping the fabric away from sight. Her flesh intoxicating, he grasped the back of her head with intention. His right hand cradled her slender exposed neck. The once gentle fingertips that used to caress, now drove into her, piercing the skin of this clearly willing girl. She tensed, letting the pain subside to her newfound pleasure. This was welcome to her, an essential feeling to getting what she wanted. His face caressed hers in an embrace, a passionate deep kiss led to his tongue drawing a line away and down to her throat. His lips susurrus to her ears. His fangs wet, sharp, he entered her in one motion.

  Her breath was quick with her heart. Red flowed, soaking, flooding the once dry clothing that remained. Her bra the only intact article concealing her well endowed breasts. The warm liquid cascaded down her chest, her long black skirt absorbing the rest of the pain. Her inspiration heavy, she exhaled in ecstasy. Her arms wrapped his cold back, she loved this. With each mouthful he took, she told the experience to the empty shadows.

  The demon spoke without words. She heard his voice in her blood. “You are the sacrifice that will culminate my rebirth. You are the gateway to my desires, your blood the road.” The phrase not meaning much to her completely focused and enthralled mind.

  He smiled as he drank her life. She shifted her hips towards his, attempting to connect them further. He pulled her left leg up high, tight, close to his side. Her quiet moans filling his keen ears with music. He pinned her to the tree with force.

  This was exactly what she had asked for. To be with someone that needed her as she was, as the inhuman monster she really was. This was ephemeral, but needed. She wanted something more than the normal vampire. A difference in power, to be influenced, to be controlled, a pressure that could be felt instead of told. A demon within the nightmare of the world.

  He continued to devour her. She gasped, trying to ask him to stop. Her mouth dry, unable to speak, the words lost on her glazed mind. Her arms failed her, falling as the blood continued to flow. It was terrifying her. It was enticing. It felt eerily good. The intensity climbed, washing over her as he bore deeper. The sensation filled her being. She stared into his black eyes as she lost consciousness.

  The storm descended as her eyes closed. It wet their bodies through the filter of the leaves. The blood spilled, mixing into the roots below. This was not unpleasant in her mind, only unexpected. It was a way out of her existence. She accepted that she was about to die.

  He had consumed her. Her body stood soulless and broken against the tree. He eased back to reveal her torn neck, it flopped to her right in the damning weather. Her stained skin void of life, he held her in place. His eyes examined her up, then down. She was beautiful after all, his tastes were more than appeased, his palate quenched. This was the result to many nights of temptation in his eyes, under his tongue.

  “Amber from the vein.” His voice dark and piercing.

  Her blood painted the tree, a lucid red.

  The night sky bled and obfuscated the loss. With a glass moon high in the heavens, he set her to rest, propped low against the tree where she lost her once virgin life. Turbulence shook the leaves from above, attempting a simple burial. Wind rustled the field, throwing her tattered clothing from her eviscerated body. She lay there, empty. The flesh now a shell of the person who once trusted him.

  His eyes shined black in the solid midnight beneath the oak. The crack of the thunder marked his soul, the spark of the lightning his memory. There was a small, seemingly insignificant remnant, willing to accept the evil he had done. Convincing him the blood was a necessity, that she had to die, that she had wanted it. It was persuading him to eat, to feast and siege conquest on the world for more. Its insatiable will whispered softly to the dreamer inside, it influenced him with this vision of things to come. His voice echoed through his lips, staring at her with all his guilt. “This is what you are. The intriguing flavors you secretly salivate and intensely lust for.” He smiled, it was becoming a part of him. It tasted pure, coating his mouth. Silky, it quenched his thirst.

  Viewing the once animate youth ravaged before him. It was done. His fists shut tight against himself. He knew this was wrong. He wished his closed lips would obey. He wanted to prove he was not the monster he had become. There was deception here. Deep inside the corners of his mind, he enjoyed the depravity. He sweetly craved it, aching for its presence. His mind torn to the solace of the finished sanguinary act.

  His eyes closed. The red apparition somehow soothed and calmed him. It was speaking directly now. It was murder. He could hear it above the raging storm coursing through him. It forced upon him glimpses of her dead body, a sight of torment. “The vast ocean of power I can grant you. The encompassing absolution of being I offer, to walk without equal as an abomination among monsters. To be feared as no other.” The voice sighed inside him. It's breath warm on the back of his thoughts. “Am I truly so disgusting? Is this not what you asked for? Do I not tempt you? Offer you what you need? Do I not wet your tongue with my invitation?”

  Fear swept him, his choices were not sovereign. His gut knotted in indecision. The hot blanket of seduction that had cloaked him was convincing. It was generously welcom
ing. He hesitated, not knowing the demon's destination or his own. He could feel his soul slipping, a grip once tight, now failing him.


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