BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series

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BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series Page 9

by Wanda Edmond

  Within moments, there was something pulled out of he. She could see the tissues, and to be honest, it was disgusting. There was something attached to a mass, what seemed to be a placenta, and soon the doctor cut that off, tying it up to create a belly button. Then, the doctor lightly slapped the baby, and soon it started crying.

  “Thank god,” Brandon said.

  So the baby was alive. Jackie felt something start to move at her stomach area, and she realized that she was getting stitched up. She felt dazed by it all, but after a couple of moments, the bed was lightly propped up, and soon Jackie was looking at the doctor.

  “Congratulations Jackie, you are now the mother of a baby girl, the doctor stated.

  Jackie held the child, a little infant that looked so tiny that she felt completely astounded. She couldn’t believe that it was happening in this way, and that Jackie was able to have this person in her arms. She definitely felt happy by it all, and after a moment, Jackie managed to speak

  “Hello there Alice,” she said out loud. That was the name that they chose, and Jackie was happy about that. It was perfect for her in a sense, and Jackie felt happy.

  “I love the name,” Brandon said.

  “I do too. She’s ours, and I’m going to cherish her,” Jackie replied.

  The two of them just stood there, looking at the life that they created. They then looked at each other, kissing softly. It was the start of a new life for this little one, but for them as well. Jackie wondered how things were going to work out in the future, but she was happy.

  However, sleep overtook Jackie, the stress of the situation making her go crazy. She passed out, feeling tired like no other, and Jackie was definitely amazed at the feelings that she got from this. She was definitely happy with it all, but she wondered how things were going to go. However, when she woke up, she would be seeing a familiar face, someone that she didn’t want to see at this moment. But Jackie wasn’t going to let it cloud her day, for now she was going to sleep soundly and recover from everything that she had just done today. She deserved it, that she was sure of.

  Chapter 7

  When Jackie woke up, she noticed that Brandon was right next to her with the child. However, there was another person next to him as well, and soon Jackie started to rouse.

  “What?” she stated out loud.

  “Hey there babe. Apparently you have a visitor. You’ve been out for about ten hours,” he told her.

  Jackie felt like she could sleep for another ten. The pressure of childbirth wasn’t a joke. She didn’t want to do that again.

  But the person that was in front of her was someone that she didn’t want to see, someone that she was worried about seeing because of what had happened in the past, and what could happen right now. This woman walked out of her life and didn’t want shit to do with Jackie, but now she was right in front of Jackie, holding her child and looking at her daughter.

  “What are you doing here?” Jackie asked. She wanted to sound meaner, but it sounded more ditzy and dazed than anything.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why in the world the mother who disowned you is here right now holding your child,” she stated.

  “Well yeah, I don’t feel comfortable with this,” Jackie admitted.

  She didn’t like the fact that this woman thought that she could just waltz right in and take over the duties. Jackie wasn’t a kid anymore, but rather she was an adult who knew how to actually take care of a life. She was a mother.

  “So what do you want? Care to talk more crap about Brandon and me? Here to disown me a second time,” Jackie asked her. She was too tired for this shit, but apparently the woman that was in front of her thought otherwise.

  “Actually I’m here to say something to you, something that I think from one mother to another should be said,” she told her.

  “Well what is it? I didn’t ask for her grandparents to come to the hospital. Only family allowed,” Jackie stated.

  “Well I came here to make amends with you. I still think that you made a dumb decision, but I’m willing to forgo those feelings for your daughter. She is a beautiful girl, and she will grow up to be like her mother probably. Except without the dumb mistakes of course,” she stated.

  Jackie looked at her, wondering why in the world she was even trying to apologize.

  “Nice try at an apology, but I don’t want it,” Jackie stated. She didn’t want to deal with this right now, that’s for sure

  “I know that you don’t. I’m doing it to clear my own conscience. I know that it’s been hard for Brandon and you. I now that the two of you have been working hard to provide this child with the life that it needs, and to be honest, I still think that you’re going to be a great mom. I know that I’ve made my own mistakes I the past, and I’m worry for that. I know that you don’t have it in your hearty to forgive me, but I think if you do have an ounce of forgiveness, I hope you can give it to me,” she replied.

  Jackie looked at her. That was the worst fucking apology ever.

  “I’ve heard better apologies out of my mortal enemies. Please leave. I don’t want to deal with you right now. But I accept your apology I guess. If you’re willing to reconcile for what you’ve done to Brandon and I, and if you’re willing to be there for the child only and not try to ruin my life in the process, then fine. But you’re not the boss of me anymore mom. I’m the boss of myself, and I will let my child grow to be a good, helpful human being, not one who gets punished if they go outside the lines for a moment,” Jackie stated.

  “Fair enough. I’m sorry, but I guess I’m going to have to work to earn the trust that we had before. Brandon, your father still refuses to acknowledge your relationship and this child, but I do think you’ll be a good father. Take care of Jackie, and I hope the two of you are happy with the new life that you’ve brought into this world. I can help you if you want, or if not, you can pretend that I never existed. My number will always be open if you choose to contact me, that is all I can state,” she told them.

  “Thank you,” Jackie stated without any emotion.

  The woman walked out, and soon Jackie looked over at Brandon.

  “Do you think I did the right thing? I mean, I tried to forgive her, but that apology was just terrible. And I feel like she’s only here for Alice. I’m still worried about trusting her to be honest,” Jackie admitted.

  “I get that. I mean, I don’t accept it either, and I knew that my father would still hate our relationship. It came with the territory. What we did was pretty taboo, but not illegal, but I’m willing to take responsibility for my actions and not let them go unharmed,” he replied.

  Jackie nodded. “Same. I will give this child the life that I want. I will finish up school, and then work to provide this child with the best life she can have. I’m already almost done with classes, so I just need to keep going balls to the wall with it, and I’m sure that I’ll get done in due time. But I think it’s best that we just keep this relationship between us, and we continue to have the life that we wanted.”

  “Yeah. I mean it sucks that my own father won’t even acknowledge the fact that I did this, and that I am in love with someone, although it is a bit atypical, but the truth is, I’m happier than I’ve ever been before, and I want to take care of you, so I’m going to do whatever the hell it takes to make you happy, and I will make sure that I take care of you in ways that I’ve always wanted to. I’m going to be by your side forever Jackie. I also have something to give you too,” he replied.

  Jackie grabbed Alice, holding her in her arms. What was it that he wanted to give her? Sure enough, she knew immediately when he got down on one knee, smiling at her as he grasped a small box.

  “I know that it isn’t much, but the truth is I want to have all of you. Will you marry me Jackie?” he asked.

  Jackie was in shock. Tears started to flood down her face as she held Alice there. Obviously this wasn’t the best place in the world to propose to a girl, but they would manage. She was just hap
py that he even did this.

  “I do Brandon. I will marry you. We will be the perfect family that we can be, and I will make sure to treat you right and better than ever before,” she replied.

  The two of them smiled at one another as Brandon got up, fitting the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit, just like how Brandon was to her. After a moment or so they kissed, holding Alice between them as they felt the love that had grown between them only make things even better. Jackie was still reeling from everything, especially the fact that she was able to finally have the life that she’s always wanted with this person.

  Jackie still felt like she was in some sort of dream, especially when it came to this relationship. Who would’ve thought her band-boy military brother would actually end up being her lover? He did mess up in the past, just like how Jackie had as well, but the truth is, they were both happy with one another, and they learned from their mistakes. Having Alice in their life allowed them to do something that the two of them never thought was possible. That was the concept of starting over, to give the other the best life that they can, and to be something that they have always wanted to be. That was what made Jackie and Brandon happy at the end of the day, and that was the emotion that they felt right now.

  The two of them stayed like this for a while, both of them realizing that they were starting on a new pathway that they never thought they would be on. But they were happy to be like this, with Alice in their arms and the two of them being happy. They were going to give their child the best life they can, in order to give each other the loving life that they’ve wanted now, and for a very long time into the future.

  << The End >>


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  Free Full Length Story

  Prospecting for White Hats


  Mary Lou Carpenter has always been a little different from other girls. She works hard and really doesn’t party a whole lot. In fact a lot of people have described her as being boring, but she didn’t care. At least she didn’t think that it mattered that much in the grand scheme of things. She had watched too many women suffer the consequences of bad relationships and was pretty sure that she didn’t want to get back into any relationship. Her last one had ended badly anyway. Then she won that contest and lets herself get convinced to go to that dude ranch in the south. That’s where Devin comes strolling into her life like a man who stepped right out of a western. With his dusty jeans and scuffed boots she can easily see how a woman would love to get lost with him, but she’s on a mission to stay single.

  Still what happens in the desert stays in the desert, and when the pair gets caught up in trouble with a group of criminals trying to mine on government property they have to figure out a way to get to safety. It isn’t going to be easy, but somehow they have to figure out their burning passions and find a way out of trouble. How are Mary Lou and Devin going to figure out how they feel about each other when they have to deal with the creatures in the desert and a group of criminals?

  …The Story Begins…

  Chapter One

  Mary Lou Carpenter sat at her desk allowing the tick of the clock to hypnotize her. She stared at her computer until the words on the screen began to blur. She shook her head as she snapped out of her boredom induced trance and took her eyes from the computer screen. She glanced at the clock. Yes! Thirty more minutes until lunch, it’s going to feel like three hours. It is going to be a long day she thought. She let out a sighed and looked around her miniature cubicle with its dull beige painted walls. God she felt like a caged rat in here. Oh, how she wished has some glamorous and exciting job, something that would make her life feel fulfilled, something that would make her family, friends and even strangers both impressed and envious when she revealed what she did for a living. A girl is allowed to dream.

  But she had to be grateful that she landed this job, in one of the largest accounting firms in Detroit. She had worked her ass off to get here, working two jobs and putting herself through college. She was a twenty-six year old college graduate with a decent career. Guess I didn’t do too badly for myself. She kept that comforting thought as the clock stuck twelve. She jumped up, snatched up her purse and set off to get lunch. As she made her way down the hall she smiled and waved to a few of her co-workers. Caroline Ambersely, a short red head with animated blue eyes, a ready smile and an exuberant personality, stepped out from her cubicle stopping Mary Lou in her tracks. Oh no, here we go again, Mary Lou mentally rolled her eyes.

  “Hey Mary, a few of us are going out for drinks later, and the activities are guaranteed to evolve into more than drinking” she gave a girly giggle and winked “are you in?”

  Mary eyed Caroline wearily. She liked Caroline; she was always friendly to her and was pretty much her first friend at the firm when she started one year and five month ago. Caroline has made it her life’s mission to break Mary out of her shell ever since.

  “Not tonight Caroline, sorry. Reign check”? Mary was certainly not the outgoing type. She knew she would feel extremely out of place with the rowdy group of co-workers that always turned Friday nights in to a party. She had heard plenty stories of their wild weekend celebrations, and she wanted no part of it.

  “Come on Mary its Friday, you never accept my invitations” Caroline replied in exasperation. “Live a little honey, you look like you could use some enjoyment in your life” she said assessing Mary from head to toe with a small frown on her face, taking in her tortoise shell glasses, simple ponytail, make-up free face, frumpy grey suit and sensible black pumps.

  “I-I already have plans for tonight.” I am such a damn liar.

  “Sure you do” Caroline said, her tone dripping with sarcasm, hands on hips, ready to break Mary down.

  “You know what; I really need to get going.” Mary quickly stepped around Caroline and darted through the door and hopped into a god-sent empty elevator before Caroline could comment any further. Narrow escape Mary mused.

  Exiting the elevator, Made her way to her favourite deli located on the first floor of the building which she worked. .... Deli had the most delectable grilled chicken sandwich with melted cheese, topped off with fresh vegetables and fries seasoned to perfection. She placed her order then took her usual seat next to a front window so she could watch the people mixture of people go by. Detroit was such a big, beautiful city bustling with life. Mary couldn’t imagine residing anywhere else, she was a city girl though and through.

  She continued to stare out the window. Look at those gorgeous women, and fine-looking men she thought to herself. They all look so happy and confident, unlike her. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window. There is good reason why my confidence is near to the ground she mused. She studied her vague image in the window. She was no great beauty, with her black medium length, naturally curly hair, unremarkable dark brown eyes, round face and curvaceous body. Her two best assets according to everyone else were her flawless deep brown skin and voluptuous lips. I suppose I do have pretty great skin she thought.

  Growing Mary Lou was always the quiet, mousey girl who preferred to stay in the back ground or “blend in with the wall paper”. She often sat by herself in the school cafeteria and imagined what it was like to hang with the popular crowd. Since she wasn’t gifted with the skills and looks of a social butterfly, she focused on using her braid to get through life. Striving for academic perfection almost her entire life didn’t leave her much time to make friends, party, or even develop the basic social skills.

  Mary Lou spotted the slender, sexily dressed waitress coming her w
ay, out of her peripheral and snapped out of her self-pitying recollections. She gracefully placed the tray on the table. “Enjoy”, she said with a smile.

  “Thank you”, Mary said returning her smile and gazed appreciatively down at her sandwich and fries. Just as she was about to dig in, she spotted a woman smiling and waving at her though the window. Mary gave her a warm smile and waved back as the woman made her way to the door of the deli. I was her best friend Yvonne. She took in Yvonne as she sauntered over to her table and took notice of the men who turned to give her a second look.

  Her best friend was absolutely stunning with her tall, lithe but curves in all the right places frame, caramel skin tone and long highlighted bronzed hair. Not to mention her sparkling hazel eyes and stunningly bright smile. It often amazed Mary how great of friends they were. They were the perfect opposite of each other. They had been coupled together for a history project in high school and had surprising hit it off. They have been inseparable able ever since. Yvonne often said it was because they were so different, why they were perfect for each other. She often said “you keep me humble and keep my ass out of trouble”, and Mary always finished “and I can live vicariously through you”, to which Yvonne would roll her eyes and suck her teeth.

  “Hi sweetie”, Yvonne said as she sat down, resting her handbag in her lap.

  “Hi, I wasn’t expecting you today, nevertheless it’s always a pleasure” Mary replied with a smile. The duo met up for the lunch at the deli every Monday to Thursday, except on Fridays when Yvonne only worked a half shift at the bookstore around the corner. “So what are you doing here, young lady? Shouldn’t you be at home preparing after school snacks for those adorable children of yours?”


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