The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 3

by Jo Penn

  “Is that what you want?” Ran asked quietly, gazing at Deak from under his floppy, sun streaked light blonde and red hair.

  “Honestly, yes, but I want to be with you, anywhere.”

  Something flashed through Ran’s sapphire eyes. Fear. Despair. Love.

  “Okay, let’s do the second choice, with the thingy.”

  “Thingy?” Lawyer River looked confused.

  “He means the guardian.” Deak smiled.

  “Ah, yes, of course. Do you know anyone in the Starters pack?”

  While Ran just shrugged and inspected his shoes, Deakin gave it some deep thought. They needed someone who wasn’t going to want to jump Ran, and someone who could settle his sometimes wild tendencies, plus get his far too laid back ass up and moving.

  “Choose one of those bears, Beta Kelly, Alpha Urian, or Enforcer Drax,” Deakin murmured.

  Ran went wide eyed and vigorously shook his head. “That’s a bit extreme. Let’s go get some dinner and when we see a wolf, we can ask him or her. I vote her.”

  Lawyer River chuckled. “Personally, I would avoid the female wolves unless she is a bit older and has had pups. The younger ones and those trained as soldiers aren’t termed ‘bitches’ for nothing.”

  “Good point.” Ran grinned. “Okay, so what do we do now?”

  “Well, I am going to make a suggestion. Since you refuse to fill out a form stating why you left the Milton pack and you have decided to remain in Milson City, with your brother being the Alpha of your old pack, I would choose a high ranking wolf, or bear, in the Starters pack. Once you do that, I can have the forms to him and lodged with the Wolf Council and the courts by midnight. With Alpha Starters, as per our laws, having already lodged your whereabouts in the system, I would say Enforcers from the Milton pack will be on their way here to collect you. Which means we need to get this sorted out immediately.”

  “Does that mean, as mates, I have to go also?”

  “Yes, in this case, it would for the reason that mates should not be separated and, under law, Ran must return to his old pack. We only have a short time to get this sorted now that the wheels are in motion.”

  “Shit.” Ran, for the first time, showed some concern. “I don’t want Deakin anywhere near the Milton pack… It wasn’t a good place to be. I choose Enforcer Drax Charmers.”

  Deakin would have chosen him as a last resort, not first! “For real?! Man, you’re game… Then again, he did settle you down really fast, like your wolf was soothed by him. Why is that?”

  “He told you, babe. He’s a more dominant wolf and mine needs some guidance and authority…rarely, though. Let’s not get into a habit here. It’s a once in a while thing only.”

  Deakin rolled his eyes. “Of course, honey. No one is going to hem you in. What about this ‘condition’ they mentioned and a healer?”

  “If I may?” Lawyer River enquired. Ran just shrugged. “Your mate needs to let his wolf out more often and gain control of it. By not doing so, the wolf’s spirit is crushed and feels caged in. Caged wolves turn feral. Or they wither and become stressed and ill. Alpha Starters, Enforcer Charmers, and Beta Kelly all scented Ran’s wolf spirit as strained and ill.”

  Deakin just stared at his wolf mate. When Ran wouldn’t meet his eyes and plucked at his crushed black jeans, Deakin sighed heavily and looked away. Though they’d been together for ten years, sometimes it felt like he didn’t know enough about his mate. Parts of him were not up for discussion and it hurt.

  “Sorry…if it’s, you know, too much. I understand.” Ran nervously fiddled with the end of his scarf. “I can split. It’s a nice city here, safe. You like that job of yours—”

  “Oh, shut up,” Deakin growled. “No one is going anywhere. You just need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Okay, but if you freak out again, don’t blame me,” Ran retorted.

  “What? When did I freak out?”

  “Duh, when I told you I was a wolf shifter. You freaked, tossed your tea cup on the table—which, by the way, spilled all over my white shirt, ruined it, and it was my favorite one too—then you bolted and dumped me.”

  Deakin gaped at his gorgeous wolf. “That was ten years ago! Did I freak when you shifted into your wolf and stalked the mailman? Or when you marked our territory? Or when you took all the labels off the containers in the pantry and drew smiley faces on them—okay, yes, I did freak over that—”

  “And you smacked my nose with rolled up newspaper.” Ran rubbed his nose.

  “Well, it was better than letting the mailman shoot you! He thought you were a rabid dog.”

  “He smelt funny.” Ran sniffed indignantly.

  They squabbled until a throat cleared. Having forgotten River was there, they turned to see him grinning and holding out documents to them both and pens.

  “It sounds like you have had entertaining times. I look forward to finding my mate one day and shall enjoy squabbling with him or her also. For now, sign these documents and I will call Enforcer Drax regarding the guardianship.”

  “Okay, thanks and, ah, sorry.”

  “Oh, no, I found it very enlightening. And amusing.” The tall, slender creature, whatever he may be, grinned and picked up the phone.

  Deakin was so glad he had chosen River Aston from the long list of lawyers. The creature was a good guy.

  Chapter Two

  “That was River from Aston and Williams Law Firm,” Alpha Urian Starters explained needlessly. Everyone knew River. He was a people creature, and everyone loved him. “Ran Markson refused to say why he left his brother’s care and the Milton pack, though hinted that it wasn’t a good place to be. He has agreed, along with his mate, Deakin Myers, to petition to remain in the Valley and join the Starters pack. He needs a guardian.” Alpha Urian Starters couldn’t help the wide smirk that spread. “And he chose you, buddy.”

  Enforcer Drax Charmers, the legendary three wolf, the wolf feared and respected in equal measure, scowled.

  “What the fuck?”

  Second in command, big bear Tripp Croggen chuckled, which came out as a rumble of thunder.

  “Oh, man, that’s gonna be fun to watch. You’re so screwed. That little wolf just doesn’t understand rules, and I’m sure his mate was giving off enough lust vibes to rouse the dead.”

  Uri just grinned at his best friend. He’d grown up with Drax. They were in diapers together, rumbled in the playground, fought alongside each other. They knew each other’s views, opinions, and who they were fully. Drax was a big protector, always loyal, but he wasn’t a marshmallow. Nope, he was tough and hard, but fair, and honestly, Uri didn’t think anyone would be a better guardian.

  He’d seen the pup respond to Drax’s firm but soothing tone, settle from his authority. He’d also sensed the pup was withholding and had some inner issues to sort out, and Drax would see that he did. It was the only way to get through the training and make sure you had full control of your wolf.

  A gorgeous blonde waltzed into the room and plonked down in Uri’s lap. “Hey, handsome, we have reservations at Chez Uno tonight, don’t forget.”

  “Haven’t forgotten. How was your afternoon with the terrible three?”

  “I resent that.” A sexy as fuck young wolf strolled into the room flashing a gorgeous smile.

  “Where are the other two?” Tripp asked.

  It was a good question, always best to know where the three young trouble makers of Milson Valley were at any given time. This wolf was Luka Charmers, Starters pack’s interspecies relations officer, who spent most of his time causing problems that Drax, Tripp, Urian, and the mayor, plus the Sanchez tigers, all had to pull him out of. It wasn’t entirely Luka’s fault, but it was scary to think that in a few months Luka would be thirty and out from under his father and Drax’s firm control.

  “Baron ordered Marco home and Laurie had to get back to his coven. Man, did you see that new waiter over at York Café? Talk about hot as fuck.” Luka flopped into a chair, big grin on his face.
“I’d make a play for him, but Marco won the straw pulling, though he’d better be quick, creatures were eying the little wolf up—”

  “He’s under our protection and off limits,” Drax growled. “Think of him as your surrogate little brother.”

  Luka blinked. “But—”

  “Drax is Ran’s guardian and I am granting him, and his mate, Deakin Myers, permission to join our pack,” Urian said firmly, one arm around his mate, Finn.

  “Wow, he’s mated? He’s so young,” Finn exclaimed.

  “He’s been mated since he was eighteen, ten years ago. Apparently he lied about his age to his mate.” Drax shook his head, frowning. “I want you to treat him like an annoying younger brother, Luka.”

  To be able to mate you had to be at least eighteen. Most parents and guardians preferred twenty or twenty-one. Though most only mated to their fated one, it was still a big commitment and responsibility that shouldn’t just be thrust upon someone still too young to make full decisions and take on that much responsibility.

  “Just like you treat me, Marco, and Laurie? Sure, I can do that. Man, I didn’t scent or see he was mated. Is his mate human?”

  “Yes, but not fully. He’s got creature blood, diluted. And neither are well enough equipped to protect themselves properly. Ran was grabbed by a couple of creatures this afternoon when he went to take out the trash at the café. The owner heard the scuffle and came out, chased the two off, and Tripp and Trekk have them in custody.”

  “That’s so wrong. Was he hurt?” Luka asked Tripp.

  “A bit of bruising and a few scratches. They didn’t have time to do anything.”

  “Okay, cool, I can keep an eye on him, explain about the rules and show him some self-defense moves. Are you going to send him for training at the Sanchez Compound?”

  “Yes.” Drax snatched the documents from Uri’s desk. “I’ll get these signed and returned to River. Come on, little brother, I’ll drop you home. Mama is making pot roast tonight.”

  Uri’s mouth watered. No one cooked better than Maddy Charmers.

  “Forget it, we have reservations,” Finn said sternly.

  “Ah, right, sure, angel. Good luck, Drax, take good care of those pups, I’ve got a feeling our newest little wolf needs a lot of guidance, care, and reassurance.”

  “So do I. Let me know what Kelly discovers about Ran’s time in the Milton pack.”

  Having met Mikkos Milton a couple of times at annual pack gatherings and Wolf Council events, Uri had always found the other wolf to be smart, fair, and reasonable, though, yeah, he was a bit of a hot head and blow hard. You never could tell what really went on though. One or both of them could have crossed a line somewhere. It could be an old grudge, or it could be much worse. Urian very much wanted to find out, because no pup should be all alone on the streets and hiding from his pack.

  Mayor Charmers had personally insisted Deakin take two days off work to get the matter with Ran sorted out and support his mate. It seemed the Starters pack were all about taking care of one another, watching out for each other, and being good to your mate. Also, Mayor Charmers was Enforcer Drax’s father, and for some bizarre reason, insisted they were family now and acted like Ran was his adopted son or something.

  It was weird and kind of freaked Deakin out a bit. Ran just looked like he was going to bolt, his eyes darting about wildly, and he was panting. Drax had placed a hand on Ran’s shoulder, given a squeeze, and murmured quietly, and though Ran still looked for the nearest exit, he’d calmed down a bit.

  Deakin would never have guessed that he was ten years older than Ran. Yes, Ran always looked younger due to the fact he was a paranormal and their aging stopped. But Deak had always looked young also, and Ran had once explained that when he claimed Deakin, his DNA changed him a bit so he wasn’t quite part human anymore. He was longer lived now, like Ran, and he was immune to most disease and illnesses, except the common cold, nothing seemed to stop that, unfortunately. Though, Deakin had known all this before he mated Ran anyway, as he had one sprite parent and one human.

  His sprite mother wasn’t immortal, but Deakin was still part sprite and aged very slowly. He would be very long lived, like at least four or five hundred years before he began to age and passed. Same with Ran as a wolf shifter, they tended to live to six hundred years or more.

  And he stopped aging, so he probably only looked about twenty-three at the most, and they both still got carded when going to a club.

  After they left the mayor’s office—he had apparently wanted to meet Ran and Deakin himself—they climbed into the back of Enforcer Drax’s twin cab truck and huddled close together, both a bit nervous and not sure what was going to happen next. They both went wide eyed as another creature got into the front passenger seat and turned to grin at them.

  “Hi, I’m Luka Charmers, Drax’s brother and interspecies public relations officer for the pack. Sooo, I’ve always wanted a younger brother to boss around instead of an annoying bitch of a sister.”

  “Oh, err, pardon?” Deakin pushed his spectacles up his nose a little.

  Apparently part creatures could still be born with conditions. Mating another creature may not necessarily automatically correct a condition either, so he was still stuck with sucky eyesight. Though his back pain had gone and he no longer had allergies…but he was still an asthmatic. Go figure.

  Man, this younger brother, who looked a lot like Drax but shorter, was about six feet, slender, and had shaggy warm brown hair. He was the sexiest creature Deakin had ever seen in his life! Holy fruit loops.

  “When you choose and are accepted by a guardian, you are under their care, protection, and monitoring. It pretty much makes you family. So, basically, Ran agreed to be adopted by the Charmers and fall under our care, being guided by Drax. And as Ran’s mate, you do too.”

  “Did you know this when you agreed to it?” Deakin kept the smile plastered to his face, staring at the gorgeous wolf shifter as he whispered to his boyfriend.

  “You know, we can hear you. Wolves have the best hearing. You understood that, didn’t you, Ran?”

  Ran was doing that slumping in the seat, studying his navel thing he tended to do a lot of. Deakin narrowed his eyes on his boyfriend and punched him in the arm.

  “Ouch! What did you do that for?” Ran whined.

  “Oh, I don’t know! You’re the wolf, I’m the human, and somehow I seem to have been adopted by a pack of wolves and didn’t even know it!” Snatching off his glasses, he began vigorously rubbing the lens with the sleeve of his jumper. “And I have a ton of work that if I leave too long, one of those Admin Officers will come and fill in. Do you know what happens then, Ran? Hmm? Well?”

  Ran hung his head. “No.”

  “Mess! Admin at that place don’t know how to file and archive. Which means I’ll spend a week finding their mistakes and fixing them—”

  “You’ll break your glasses again,” Ran murmured, little smirk on his lush lips.

  Deakin knew his face had scrunched up into that frustrated way that often happened when he had to figure his mate out or fix something Ran had touched. It wasn’t attractive, but man, as much as he loved and adored his mate, there were times he drove him absolutely crazy and to the point of pulling his hair out.

  The lens on the left popped out of the frame.

  “Oooh fudge.”

  Ran snickered.

  “Did you just say fudge?” Luka turned in his seat to stare at them, hazel eyes alight with merriment. “That’s just so cute! Actually, you’re kind of cute. I didn’t notice that before—”

  “Luka,” Drax cut in.

  “What? I’m just saying he’s cute. In fact, with the whole preppy look, the perfectly fixed hair and glasses, yeah, I just want to ravish and muss you all up!” Luka gave a sexy come hither look.

  Deakin gaped. “No adopted brother I know says things like that.”

  Ran took the glasses and with care popped the lens back in, cleaned them, and placed them back
on Deakin’s face. Then, with a smile, he turned and leant into Deak’s chest and touched his lips softly against Deakin’s.

  Relaxing, Deakin wrapped his arms around his mate and returned the sweet, soft kiss, pulling Ran closer. When their lips separated they remained wrapped up together, both staring out the window lost in thought that even Luka’s incessant chatter and Drax’s grunts in response didn’t interrupt.

  Ten minutes later, they arrived at a big gate and were waved through by a few muscle-bound guys there. Deak didn’t pay too much attention. Normally he would when he was going somewhere different, and especially a creature-controlled place, but for some reason he felt very safe. Maybe it was being in Ran’s arms, and maybe it was the big Enforcer and even his little brother. He found he liked the feeling.

  “Now, little brothers, this is the Sanchez Compound. They are pride, meaning, Deakin, feline shifters. Most of the Sanchez’s are tigers, but they have every type of feline living here at the Compound. It’s huge with a couple of villages, parks, shops, and this clinic where creatures from all over the world come for mediation sessions, counselling and whatever else. The two that run the place are Dominic Sanchez, one of the Princes, and Sebastian Sanchez, Dom’s cousin and a Lord. They’re not pretentious or anything. That’s Emile, Dom’s littermate, and, man, he’s so frigging hot I just turn into a little puddle of lust at his feet.”

  “And he steps over you and tells you to get up and stop making a mess.” Drax smirked.

  “True, true. Anyway, Dominic, like most of the Sanchez’s, is big and powerful, but generous and fair. He’s got a gift of soothing others, smoothing out quarrels, easing situations, and knows who matches who. Plus, he can show one the way to resolve disputes. Honestly, I find it amazing what he can do with just a few words or a touch. His cousin Sebastian has a gift I wouldn’t much like, but it’s pretty awesome too. Seb can look at a creature and see everything they’ve done and what’s been done to them, and he can take that pain, scatter it. He’s another big and powerful cat.”


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