The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 6

by Jo Penn

  Then he saw Ran. His wolf shifter was looking cautious and confused, worrying his bottom lip, his stunning sapphire eyes darting around the room and locking on the living room window.

  “Oh, fudge. Ran, calm down. Deep breath, honey.”

  “It’s cool. I’m cool. I’m just gonna get some pizza.”

  Ran bolted for the window, an obvious exit point since Deakin and Vicus were standing in front of the door. Deakin called out and Vicus moved faster than anyone Deakin had ever seen. In fact, Deak couldn’t even track the creature. One moment he was in front of Deakin, the next he was across the room and had caught Ran in his arms.

  Instantly Deak felt a myriad of emotions. “Oh, ah, he doesn’t like to be caged in—”

  “Mine,” Vicus snarled, lifting Ran up as wicked sharp teeth slid down.

  Ran stilled, eyes wide. “N-o.”

  “Yes, my mate.”

  Deakin raced across the room, jumping on the sofa, and threw himself at the big creature that only a moment ago he was ready to be devoured by and devour himself. Somehow, Vicus caught him while still keeping hold of Ran, and brought them all to the ground, both smaller mates landing on top of him. Catching hold of Deakin, he rolled them both under him.

  Deakin cried out as sharp fangs pierced his skin. There was a touch of pain before mind-blowing pleasure overtook his entire body, his cock rock hard and shooting off in his jeans, hands grabbing weakly onto the Avenger, desperately needing to touch and feel as his mind took flight.

  As he was coming down, body still zinging, he heard a muffled cry and reached out automatically for Ran, knowing his mate’s voice. His boyfriend’s body was taut and jerking. Deakin opened his eyes to see Vicus’s mouth latched onto Ran’s neck, fangs embedded deep. Wrapping his arms around Ran, he snuggled them close, body still zinging, cock still hard and now rubbing against Ran’s ass as Vicus pressed against their wolf from the front, the big creature’s hands on both of them and stripping off clothes.

  It was overpowering, the need he felt. It had been so long since he’d had sex, nearly two years, and now he had his Ran’s body in his arms and Vicus touching him, stimulation and sensations zinging through him, he wanted in his mate, and Vicus, in him now.

  “Mine. Now. Need.” Deak panted, helping to tear off some of Ran’s clothes, then his own, eyes locked with Vicus. “I have Ran.”

  “As you wish.” Vicus licked his mating bite on Ran’s neck, then leant back and pulled off Ran’s jeans and the little boy-short underwear. “Nice. Lube?”

  “Bedroom bedside table. Check the expiration date. If it’s expired, there’s a new one in the bathroom cabinet.” Deakin moved. “Let’s go into the bedroom, honey.”

  Ran was dazed, letting Vicus and Deakin help him up and into the bedroom where Deakin removed the rest of his own clothes while Ran lay down, watching Deakin quietly, those gorgeous sapphire blue eyes bright. Vicus located the lube, then tossed it into the waste bin in the corner.

  Ran held out a hand. Deakin breathed a sigh of relief and went to his mate, lying beside the gorgeous man. It had been so long since Ran had gotten hard. At first when it began happening, the lack of libido, Ran still tried to please Deakin, but he caught on pretty quickly to what was happening and they just ended up holding each other. Now Ran was hard and leaking, his cock, a good size for a small man, red and thick. Deak grasped it in one hand and kissed Ran at the same time, pumping slowly, loving the feel of Ran pressing against him as he kissed Deakin back, always so open and sweet.

  Ran was very lean with sinewy muscles, his complexion fair with a few freckles here and there that Deakin used to love to follow around his mate’s body with his lips.

  A hand stroking down Deakin’s back had him shivering, eyes drooping a little. The Avenger’s touch was electrifying. It just did things to Deakin’s body, lighting it up and leaving him aching for more, needing more. It was the same with Ran.

  The hand on his back stroked and became two hands, gliding, feeling every part of him from his head to his feet and everything in between before moving around to his front and doing the same, now tweaking his nipples and playing with his cock and balls.

  “Get our wolf ready for you, mate.” Vicus spoke softly in Deakin’s ear, his breath fanning across him, making him shiver. “Touch him, open him up while I do the same to you.”

  Not ever having been with two guys at once before, Deakin found it difficult to concentrate on what he was doing at first, but with Vicus guiding him, taking Deakin’s hands and running them over their wolf, seeing Ran flush with desire and quivering beneath them, legs falling open, Deakin let instinct take over.

  How he’d missed being intimate with his boyfriend. Ran was unlike anyone he had ever come across before. Sweet, so laid back he was just so relaxing and calm to be around, but he also had a mischievous side, one that teased and stirred Deakin up, and he was caring and just gave of himself. Sure, he very rarely felt any territorial urges, usually only when feeling threatened and he had absolutely no territorial instincts or urges. He never really got angry and words could hurt him, but it was all part of Ran, and Deakin had fallen for him so hard and fast so quickly.

  Sinking a lube covered finger into his boyfriend’s tight little ass, they both sighed in pleasure. Leaning down, Deakin took Ran’s thick, red cock into his mouth and tongued him, playing the way Ran liked, loving the sweet as candy taste of his wolf.

  A finger going into his own ass had Deakin groaning and wiggling. A big hand soothed over his back and lips brushed over his sac. As that soothing hand pressed between his shoulder blades, Deakin automatically lowered his top half completely, keeping a hold of Ran’s throbbing dick and sliding another finger in and scissoring to stretch his mate. Behind him, Vicus did the same with his fingers, stroking inside and scissoring, the hand on his back rubbing up and down, touching his spine, then snaking under and grabbing Deakin’s balls that had drawn up close to his body. A quick tug had him panting, but not so close to shooting off.

  By the time he had three fingers inside Ran and there were four in him, Ran was thrusting upwards and ready to come. Deakin eased off his man and moved into position by lifting Ran’s legs up as he lay down and took Ran’s mouth.

  The fingers in his ass gave one last thrust and wiggle, Deakin’s breath hitching as his ass clenched and cock spurted pre-cum. Lords above, Vicus knew how to push and when to back off. Deak was so wound up he wanted to scream and plunder.

  Vicus took Deak’s cock in hand, lathered it with lube, then put it at Ran’s hole. His wolf blinked up at him, then gave the most beautiful smile. Deakin smiled back and slipped inside past the first muscle, panting at how tight his mate was. Like all those years ago, their first time. Ran had been a virgin and needed a little coaxing to open up, but once he did, it was the most beautiful, sensual experience of Deakin’s life.

  A big cock pressed against his ass. Deakin lowered his head to Ran’s chest and breathed through the slight burn and pain. Vicus didn’t slow down, gripping Deakin’s hips and sinking into him slowly, moving them both so that Deakin was moving into Ran at the same time. They all groaned when hitting bottom.

  Vicus trailed his fingers over the biting claim mark Ran had left on Deakin ten years ago, just above his cock. Deakin groaned and thrust into Ran, then back into Vicus’s thick, long cock that felt like his ass was going to be split in half. But Holy Moly did it feel soooo good!

  For a while both let Deakin set the pace. He thrust deep into Ran, his cock strangled by his mate’s tight ass, Ran moving in that distinctive way he did, tilting slightly, arms thrown back, shifting up to meet each thrust. It was amazing. At the same time, he thrust back and impaled himself on Vicus’s big cock that seemed to hit him right on that magic spot each time.

  Groaning below them, Ran tensed up and cried out as his cock spurted out milky cum onto his slim, muscular chest and his channel convulsed around Deakin’s cock, squeezing him tight.

  Barely able to move and knowing he
wasn’t too long off coming, Vicus took over and Lordy Lord, the big Avenger knew how to work it, slamming into Deakin hard, over and over, and hitting that little knot of nerves that had him crying out and writhing, holding onto Ran tight.

  “Come, my mate,” Vicus purred softly in Deakin’s ear.

  And, like that, his cock jerked and exploded inside Ran. Deakin felt every thrust and muscle, every groove of the cock in his ass, and he screamed out in pleasure. He grunted, shocked when Vicus half lifted him, his cock sliding from Ran, then big hands cupped his balls and squeezed just a little, placing pressure just right that his cock jerked and shot off more come.

  Vicus gave a deep, bone chilling growl as his movement became harder and faster, sinking into Deakin as deep as he could go, then dragging that big cock out across that sweet spot again and again while rolling Deakin’s balls around his sac.

  He was so stimulated, gasping for breath, barely holding himself up that when fangs sunk into his neck, spots danced in front of his eyes as he screamed out and came again, despite his balls not having much more to give.

  The last thing he heard, felt, and saw before darkness swamped him was the roar behind him, that huge cock erupting and sending more erotic tingles through him, and Ran’s gorgeous sapphire eyes wide and his canines down.

  * * * *

  Used to creatures obeying him instantly, Vicus was a bit perturbed and amused by how his mates seemed to dance to their very own tune, mostly together, completely in sync, and very much ignoring him.

  At present, Deakin was carefully spooning out the exact measurement for the coffee machine, a very elaborate contraption that took up half of the counter space in the small, but modern and stylish apartment the mates shared. Vicus just knew if he spoke and interrupted his little part-sprite, mostly human mate, the cute man’s face would scrunch up in a frustrated, pained expression and the careful spooning and measuring would begin again.

  Vicus knew this because he had seen it ten minutes ago when Ran, his gorgeous little wolf shifter mate, had collected a soda from the fridge and stopped next to Deakin, real close, practically on top of their mate, and asked what was for dinner.

  Vicus actually had to bite his bottom lip from grinning as Deakin huffed and spluttered, telling Ran off for interrupting and exclaiming that the man knew, he knew Deakin was counting and why couldn’t he have waited another few minutes? And why was it always Deakin who had to organise dinner? Hmm? Why didn’t Ran make a suggestion?

  So the wolf had and Deakin had gone off in a little tirade about hot dogs not being dinner and didn’t Ran know they had no nutritional value? And didn’t he care Deakin was a vegetarian?!

  It was comical, highly amusing, and downright fascinating how the two interacted. Ran had just shrugged and said he would eat whatever Deakin was making then, and left the kitchen. Two minutes later he was asleep face down on the sofa.

  Vicus waited until Deakin had finished scooping out coffee beans.

  “We need to—”

  “Wait! I haven’t finished! Oh, fudge, how many was that?!”


  Deakin stilled and blinked at Vicus owlishly behind those adorable black-rimmed glasses. “Twenty? For real? You’re not messing with me are you?”

  “I’m sure your siblings did that, and Ran also, but no, you scooped out twenty.”

  “Wow, right, I only needed four. Okay, I will begin again.”

  Vicus felt like thunking his head against the counter, but had been too well trained to express himself like that. Instead, he rose, removed the measuring spoon, scooped out the paper, and placed all the beans back in the container that was clearly marked with thorough detail of what type of beans and their expiry date.

  Man, his mate needed a hobby, or at the least, to be distracted.

  “I think it best we switch you to decaf for a while. We need to talk, Deakin.”

  Deakin nodded dejectedly. “Yeah, I guess we do. You’re going to make us move, aren’t you? First Ran, now you. But I like it here. I’m tired of moving around. Why can’t these creeps after Ran just go, I don’t know, away?”

  “Believe me, mate, they will be going away, far, far away.” With Vicus tearing them to pieces first.

  Deakin was such a cute little thing. Yes, some would call him a twink with his black-rimmed glasses, preppy attire, pedantic ways, and small stature, but Vicus wasn’t into labels. He didn’t find them helpful as they didn’t tell him about the real person, or creature, beneath. Deakin asserted himself when he wished. He wanted to settle down and feel a part of something, and was very attached to Ran. Vicus could see that clearly by the way he fussed and doted on the small shifter, the adoration in his eyes.

  He wondered if Deakin ever thought someone looked at him the same way. Vicus already was. He had seen deep into his mate and found everything fascinating and exciting. And he was glad the mate bond helped join them together quickly.

  “I like this apartment, but I will do whatever it takes to keep Ran safe.”

  “Good, mate. To achieve that you need to listen and take my direction. I can keep you both safe. I have employees. They’ll be here soon to pack up this apartment. It’s no longer safe for you and Ran to stay here and doesn’t provide me with enough to give full protection.” Vicus drew his part human to the armchair in the lounge room and sat down with Deakin in his arms, his mate’s cute little ass against his groin. “I am an Avenger. Not many creatures dare to go against us, but that doesn’t mean I drop my guard. I have family to protect and care for. You and Ran are now at the top of this protection.”

  “Okay…Ran doesn’t like to be caged in.”

  “I can deal with that. My family is here. I am assigned to Milson Valley as the Avenger though not many know that and I still travel a lot. This is where I live—”

  “Please tell me you don’t have a haunted house type place in the far woods in some remote spot that has alligators.”

  Vicus blinked. “I will not tell you that, no, mate. I have a house, along with my siblings, in the city here.”

  “Oh, good, because I’m partial to city life and Ran doesn’t like the woods. They freak him out.”

  Wonderful, he had a wolf that wouldn’t go into the woods.

  Kissing Deakin’s soft pink lips and looking into his soft blue eyes, Vicus felt part of his heart, that had always been so guarded except for family and a few close friends, open and fully embrace his mate.

  Vicus’s older brother Layke arrived half an hour later while Deakin was carefully refolding clothes he had agitatedly folded three times already, and moved in and out of a suitcase. Ran had not yet woken from his nap and on the sofa.

  Layke, like most of Vicus’s brothers, was tall and fit and agile. While River had a humorous streak, Layke could be staunchly serious.

  “Prozac,” he whispered to Vicus. “And a few sessions with Sebastian Sanchez.”

  Vicus gave his brother a look.

  “I’m just saying. I had to sedate him in the hospital—”

  “No.” Vicus dared his brother to say another word. Layke held his hands up in surrender.

  “Wake your shifter mate then. I want to check out his wound.”

  Knowing Ran was not yet fully trusting of him, Vicus had Deakin wake their man, who just looked exhausted but didn’t complain, sitting through an exam and answering all of Layke’s questions with an easy smile and quiet voice.

  Vicus didn’t trust his wolf mate in the least. The pup didn’t trust him either, flicking looks at Vicus from beneath light, strawberry blonde hair, and keeping Deakin or Layke between them at all times.

  That could irritate Vicus, but he saw the wisdom in it and admired Ran’s hesitation. While Deakin felt the mate pull, Ran barely did as his wolf spirit was ill. It would take longer for Ran to feel a connection to him, but that didn’t mean Vicus wouldn’t be getting very close to his mate. He had waited a long time for a mate, and to be granted two was a blessing he would not forget.

Being an Avenger had its benefits. It had more drawbacks. Life would never be simplistic for Vicus.

  “Rest, eat healthy, and work with Enforcer Drax on your wolf,” Layke declared. “Here are our people to move your mates. I suggest you take Deakin and Ran while I supervise.”

  Considering Deakin was already fretting and quickly grabbing things out of creatures’ way, Vicus decided Layke was right. Unfortunately, Ran had other ideas, taking the opportunity to wander off while Vicus was dealing with Deakin.

  Fortunately, Enforcer Drax was arriving at that moment and stood outside with his charge, Vicus and Deakin joining them there.

  “You wait for Deakin and me, Ran,” Vicus, always calm, told his wolf mate quietly. “Do not wander off again.”

  “Oh, he does that often. Is this your car?” Deakin gaped at the large Humvee. “You do know the environment is struggling, right? I mean, this must guzzle fuel by the bucket load, and shoot out exhaust fumes—”

  “I have had it modified.” Seeing where this was going, Deakin already fidgety and a bit stressed, Vicus eased his mate with a soothing hand along Deakin’s back and guided him to the large Humvee. “Thank you for waiting with my mate, Drax.”

  Vicus had known Drax for the twenty years since he and his large family had first moved to the Valley when assigned here. He was specially chosen by Prince Emile Sanchez, a feline shifter, Urian, and Lady Delia Armstrong of the Armstrong witch and wizard coven. Vicus knew his reputation. There were not many Avengers at his level and with his skills, and he knew the type of pull each of these leaders had, so wasn’t surprised they had managed to beat out a few dozen around the world, covens, herds, prides, and the rest.

  As leaders, they each would have researched what was known of his family, and definitely wanted Layke and Lacy in their city at their hospital. Plus, everyone just adored River.

  “Not a problem, though it’s unlike you to let someone slip by. In the car, pup.”

  Ran didn’t argue, his shoulders hunched, hands in the pockets of jeans that looked like they needed to be tossed. Considering the freshly pressed, good quality and stylish clothes Deakin wore, and how he fussed and took care of their mate, Vicus came to the logical conclusion that his wolf, with his spirit struggling, was seeking comfort in the familiar and becoming a bit morose.


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