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The Best Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger in the Whole Damned Galaxy

Page 1

by Mike Resnick

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  The Best Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger in the Whole Damned Galaxy

  Galactic Midway [4]

  Mike Resnick

  ePublishing Works! (1983)

  * * *

  The greatest attraction of the Ahasuerus and Flint Traveling Carnival and Sideshow is their sharpshooter Billybuck Dancer who hates his life and wishes he lived thousands of years earlier when he could test his skills against legendary gunfighters like Doc Holliday and Billy the Kid. The carnival arranges more and more difficult tasks for him many of them putting his life in jeopardy but he breezes through them with no discernable effort and finally Thaddeus Flint agrees to let his sharpshooter fight a duel to the death against a perfect facsimile of Doc Holliday. And the day the fascimile is completed they time it and realize it's faster on the draw than their star performer. What happens next brings the 4-book Tales of the Galactic Midway series to an thrilling and memorable conclusion.

  The Best

  Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger

  in the Whole Damned Galaxy

  Book 4

  Tales of the Galactic Midway


  Mike Resnick

  © 1983, 2011 by Mike Resnick

  Published by: ePublishing Works!

  ISBN: 978-1-61417-037-2

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

  Please Note

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Tales of the Galactic Midway #4


  by Mike Resnick

  Chapter 1

  The Dancer could ride, the Dancer could fight,

  The Dancer could draw with the speed of light.

  With his pale blue eyes and his killer’s heart,

  The Dancer at work was a true work of art.

  Billybuck Dancer, Billybuck Dancer, firing those forty-fours.

  Didn’t rob, didn’t loot,

  But by God could he shoot!

  The Dancer was bigger than all outdoors!

  —from “The Ballad of Billybuck Dancer"

  The place looks pretty full,” remarked Thaddeus Flint to the brightly-clad, undersized hunchback standing next to him. “I guess it’s time for Tom Mix."

  “There are just a few more people to sit down at the back of the tent," replied his companion, speaking with a pronounced stammer.

  “I don’t know that I’d exactly call them people,” said Flint. “But what the hell—their money spends as good as anyone else’s. Give ’em a couple of minutes to get comfortable and then go to work. And Tojo?"

  “Yes?” said the hunchback.

  “Remember to plug the cotton candy. My idiot partner just bought five tons of sugar."

  “Five tons?” repeated Tojo. “Why would Mr. Ahasuerus buy so much?"

  “Why does he do anything he does?” snorted Flint. “His computer told him we were getting a good price on it.” He lit a cigarette. “Five’ll get you twenty he never thought to ask the goddamned machine where the hell we were going to unload it.” Flint checked the house again. “Okay. Go to work," he said, heading off to his accustomed viewing position in the lighting control booth, high above the crowded grandstand.

  Tojo walked out across the sawdust floor of the tent and clambered awkwardly onto a small platform as the huge crowd of purple birdlike beings suddenly fell silent. He activated his translating mechanism, turned on the public address system, waited for the recorded drumroll to be piped in, and began speaking.

  “Ladies and gentlemen!” he cried, as Flint glanced at the audience and wondered idly if it even fell into those two categories. “Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The Ahasuerus and Flint Traveling Carnival and Sideshow is pleased and proud to present, for the first time ever on Beta Epsilon IV, the one, the only, the fabulous Billybuck Dancer!"

  “Actually,” commented Flint dryly as a tall, bald, incredibly gaunt blue being climbed up to the booth and sat down next to him, “it’s the third time ever, if you count the two shows yesterday."

  “Poetic license, Mr. Flint,” said the blue man easily.

  “And he forgot to mention the cotton candy."

  “This is neither the time nor the place for it,” replied the blue man.

  “Unless you’ve got one hell of a sweet tooth, Mr. Ahasuerus, this is precisely the time and place for it,” said Flint.

  “Do you know how rare sugar is in this sector of the galaxy?” inquired Mr. Ahasuerus gently.

  “Not rare enough. We’ve got two hundred sacks of it piled up in the galley."

  Further discussion was made impossible by the roar from the crowd, as the house lights darkened for a few seconds and then came on again to reveal a slender, blond young man standing in the center of the tent, his arms folded casually across his chest. His fringed cowboy shirt and pants glistened a brilliant silver, his Stetson was covered with the same material, and his boots and holster were a shining silver patent leather. He wore a red garter on his right sleeve, and a sheer black bandanna around his neck.

  “A new outfit?” asked Mr. Ahasuerus.

  Flint nodded. “Now that the strip show’s closed, he’s got a lot of bright material to choose from."

  Billybuck Dancer touched the brim of his hat to acknowledge the ovation.

  Then, as Tojo explained the principles of a projectile weapon to the audience, the Dancer walked over to a prop table, picked up three small plaster figurines, and threw them high into the air. He waited until they had reached the apex of their trajectory and were falling back to the ground before he even reached for his pistol. Then his hand became little more than a blur of motion, and three shots were fired so quickly that even Flint, who had seen the act hundreds of times, was sure that he heard only one explosion. The three figurines shattered into thousands of tiny pieces.

  The Dancer spent another five minutes with his solitary display of marksmanship, then was joined by a scantily-clad assistant.

  “Isn’t that Jenny?” a
sked the blue man.

  “Yeah,” replied Flint. ‘”You sound surprised."

  “I thought Priscilla was working with him yesterday,” continued Mr. Ahasuerus, mildly perplexed.

  “The girls have decided to start taking turns working with him every day instead of every planet. I guess they feel a little safer that way."

  “But that’s silly! He never misses."

  “He hasn’t missed yet,” said Flint. “There’s a difference.” He snuffed out his cigarette and immediately lit another. “And for the five years we’ve been playing these jerkwater little worlds of yours, I’ve never once been able to make him practice. One of these days he’s going to misjudge the gravity, or just get out-and-out careless, and we’re going to have one less pretty girl on our hands."

  “Do you really think so?” asked the blue man.

  Flint shrugged. “No. But the girls do."

  He turned his eyes back to the Dancer, who was preparing to shoot a cigarette out of Jenny’s lips. There was no careful alignment of sights, no closing of one eye while he took aim, not even a request for her to turn slightly to her left so he could get a full profile view of her. There was just another blur of motion, and suddenly Jenny had only half a cigarette in her mouth.

  Jenny then produced a deck of cards and had a member of the audience select four court cards. She showed them to the Dancer, then stood about forty feet away and hurled the entire deck into the air. Three shots rang out instantly; then the Dancer dropped to one knee as he peered at the falling pasteboards, and got off a fourth shot just as one of the cards was about to land on the sawdust. Jenny spent a moment gathering up the cards and produced four headless jacks, as the audience roared its appreciation.

  A few more minor tricks followed, and then the Dancer prepared for the stunt that always made the carny crew—including Flint—wince with apprehension.

  A pair of robots brought out a huge wheel, perhaps eight feet in diameter, and attached Jenny to it, her arms and legs spread-eagled and held tight with small straps. A card, the ace of spades, was affixed to a spoke of the wheel no more than an inch from her left hand, while the ace of hearts was attached a similar distance from her left foot. The wheel was set erect and one of the robots began spinning it so rapidly that it soon became almost impossible to distinguish her features.

  The Dancer stared calmly at her for a moment, then pulled a knife out of each of his boots. Turning his back to the spinning wheel, he displayed the knives to the crowd—and then, in a single motion, he whirled and hurled both knives within half a second of each other, one with each hand.

  The crowd emitted the avian equivalent of a gasp, the wheel was allowed to spin to a halt, and the Dancer casually walked over and withdrew a knife from each card. As the birdlike creatures fluttered their wings by way of applause, a robot attached another card just to the left of Jenny’s neck, while its companion brought out a small contraption that looked very much like a hassock with a tent pole sticking up from its center. This was placed about fifty feet from Jenny, and the Dancer, placing one knife back in his boot, crossed over to it, stepped onto the circular platform, and took a firm grip on the pole with his left hand.

  “I hate watching this,” whispered Mr. Ahasuerus, nevertheless unable to look away.

  “It’s not exactly my cup of tea, either,” admitted Flint as the first robot set Jenny’s wheel in motion again. “Still,” he added, as the second robot touched a button on the Dancer’s platform and it, too, began spinning, “it fills up the tent.” He glanced at the Dancer, who was spinning faster and faster. “You know, if he ever loses his grip on that post, he’s going to wind up in the fortieth row."

  The two humans kept rotating with blinding speed as another drumroll was sent over the sound system. Then, suddenly, there was an extra blur of motion from the Dancer’s platform, and the lights reflected off his knife for the merest flickering of an instant as it sped toward Jenny’s wheel.

  Again the robots allowed the wheel to slow down by itself, as the Dancer leaped off his platform and landed, seemingly not dizzy in the least, a good twenty feet away.

  “I don’t know how he does it!” said Mr. Ahasuerus, shaking his bald blue head in amazement as the Dancer once again walked across the sawdust and removed his knife from the center of the card.

  “I don’t know how she does it,” replied Flint. “Whatever we’re paying her, it’s not enough."

  This time the audience rose to its feet and filled the tent with weird hooting noises. The alien cheers persisted for almost five minutes before the Dancer could continue his act, and then they allowed him to proceed only after he’d doffed his Stetson a number of times and shaken the feathered claws of half a dozen of the more prominent spectators.

  “And now, ladies and gentlemen,” said Tojo, “Billybuck Dancer will put his life on the line while performing the most dangerous trick ever devised. May I call your attention to the device being moved into the ring at this time? We call it our Killing Machine, and it can hurl ten knives in less than three seconds, in random order and with deadly accuracy. You will notice that one of the robots is placing a dummy fifty feet away from the device. Now please observe what happens when the Killing Machine is activated."

  Tojo himself pressed a button on the side of the machine, and ten knives flew across the ring and embedded themselves in the dummy’s head and torso.

  A whisper of apprehension spread through the crowd as Tojo resumed speaking.

  “Each knife has a bell on the handle, similar to the circular metal hand protector you see on this sword”—he held a fencing foil high above his head— “and should Billybuck Dancer fail to hit even one of the bells while the knives are in flight, this will be the last performance he ever gives. Each of his guns holds six bullets, so even disregarding the time factor he has almost no margin for error."

  The Dancer drew his guns, twirled them until they were pointing towards the top of the tent, and fired one shot from each.

  “Correction!” added Tojo, grateful that the translating device masked his stammer but unhappy that it also edited out the excitement and inflections he was trying to instill in his voice. “He has absolutely no margin for error!"

  He waited for still another drumroll, then turned to the Dancer. “Billybuck Dancer—are you ready?"

  A slight, almost indiscernible nod was the only indication the audience had that the Dancer hadn’t fallen asleep, so casual and relaxed did he appear.

  “Audience—are you ready?"

  A single sound was hooted in chorus.

  “Then,” cried Tojo, reaching once again toward the firing mechanism, “let the battle begin—Billybuck Dancer versus the Killing Machine!"

  The Dancer’s fingers inched downward toward his holsters.

  “Look at him,” said Flint, shaking his head. “You think he can keep awake for this?"

  “The man is brave,” commented Mr. Ahasuerus, leaning forward in his chair. “That much I will grant him."

  “The man is crazy,” responded Flint.

  Tojo’s finger reached the button no more than a tenth of a second before the Dancer’s hands reached his pistols. Then they were out and blazing, deafening the crowd with their explosions. It was over in less than four seconds: not a single knife had come within twenty feet of him before the bullet found the bell.

  This time nothing could contain the birdlike creatures. They stormed off their benches like some feathered purple wave and carried the Dancer around and around the tent on what passed for their shoulders. Finally, after fifteen loud and exuberant minutes, they allowed him to make his exit, looking—as he always did—slightly uncomfortable to be the center of so much attention and adulation.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” cried Tojo, as the Dancer paused by a tent flap to take one last unenthusiastic bow, “I give you Billybuck Dancer, the best rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ gunslinger in the whole damned galaxy!"

  And then he was gone, and the crowd began filing out a
s Max Bloom, now seventy-five years old and slowing down almost daily, came out in his Emmett Kelly clown’s garb and put on a brief pantomime entertainment for those members of the audience who had decided to wait until the aisles cleared out a bit before leaving.

  “What was the count tonight?” asked Tojo, joining Flint and the blue man in the lighting control booth after the crowd had emptied out. Flint was drinking beer, while Mr. Ahasuerus was sipping coffee and studying a computer printout.

  “Damned near six thousand,” replied Flint. He turned to his partner. “I think we’re going to have to go to three shows a day until your friends at the Corporation deliver our new tent."

  “Another new tent?” interrupted Tojo. “We’ve only had this one for a couple of months."

  “You asked the wrong question,” said Flint.

  “I don’t understand."

  “The count is always damned near six thousand. The operative question is: how many purple birds did we have to turn away?"

  “Well?” persisted the hunchback.

  “About twice that many,” said Flint.

  “That’s wonderful!” exclaimed Tojo.

  “We’ve come a long way in five years,” beamed Mr. Ahasuerus. “I can remember when we could barely afford fuel for the ship, to say nothing of not being able to meet our payroll."

  “Nothing up here to spend it on anyway,” muttered Flint, finishing his beer and pitching the can into a darkened corner of the booth.

  “That’s not the point,” said the blue man. “We’ve turned a fly-by-night operation into a solid money-maker. It is not something I would have anticipated, based on our first meeting."


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