Reverence: MC Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 3)

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Reverence: MC Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 3) Page 2

by Lynn, Davida

  My dad looked visibly uncomfortable. His hands twisted against each other. “There’s…There’s a new guy rolling with the D.B.’s. He’s a little younger than I’d like, but I guess your mother knows more about him than I do. She says he’s a good guy with a good heart. I absolutely fucking hate the idea of setting you up with somebody, but the thing is: Harris is connected. From everything I hear, his pop is high up in the military. We give him what he wants, word is we’ll have access to all the munitions we’ll ever need.”

  What? What the fuck? Was I understanding my father right? Was he really trying to pimp me out for some guns? That was exactly what this sounded like. “Dad, what the hell are you saying?”

  My father recognized the tone in my voice. He softened his own and raised a hand as he said, “Now hear me out. This isn’t some Hajeeb Indian arranged marriage bullshit. Really, I just need you to string him along for a few months until we can start getting the shipments rolling in. After that, we can buy them off with money or drugs or whores or whatever.”

  I was too stunned to move. Or to come up with a response. No wonder he was talking so low; if my mother knew my father’s real plans, she would’ve slapped him across the face with everything she had. It was almost inconceivable. No matter what he said, he was trying to marry me off. He was trading his only daughter for some guns. Every tiny bit of respect that he had clawed out of me over the years collapsed into a dusty heap of rubble and memories.

  Had everything he’d done as a family man been in service of the club? Had he been waiting for the moment when he could use his young daughter as a bargaining chip? Was he Captain twenty-four/seven, or did he have brief moments where he was a loving father? In that moment, I suspected that he was nothing but a solider for his stupid fucking motorcycle club.

  He was staring at me, probably because I was staring off into space as the image of my father crumbled in my mind. “Julie? You ok? I know this sounds bad, but it’s for the family.”

  “Which family, Dad?” I spat the words at him.

  His expression didn’t change. Maybe he knew I’d react like that. “Ain’t no difference between the two. You know that.”

  I stood up from the table, suddenly feeling the California heat on my skin. “Right. Is that why you’re whispering all of this to me? Is that why you don’t want Mom to know? Or maybe it’s Gage. Maybe my brother—a Brancher— would recognize that you aren’t even pretending to be my father in this moment; your a pimp.”

  My last words came out somewhere near a scream, and my father stood up. His expression finally changed. He was pissed. He leaned forward with a clenched jaw and fists. “Julie, keep your fucking voice down. I’m not pimping you out, goddamnit. I’m forging an alliance that will guarantee that you never pay a cent to go to that uppity fucking college.”

  My heart froze for a moment. After all his talk about me graduating and being something important, he shattered all of those ideas with a single sentence.

  He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I know this is a shock, but I know exactly how much school is going to run you. String this dude along for a few months, and it won’t cost you a dime. I promise you that.

  My mouth dropped open, and I could only stare at the stranger in front of me. He sounded like a salesman instead of my father. Romero was running through my mind. Even if I wasn’t dating someone, I wouldn’t subject myself to…to whoring myself out. Did my father see all women as commodities? Did he use my mother in the same way?

  I needed Romero. I needed to see him. I needed to feel his comforting arms around me.

  “I have to go,” I said it as I turned away from my father. I couldn’t stand to look at him for one more second without going crazy.

  I passed through the kitchen, my mind a million miles away.

  “Yo, sis. Feel like giving us a hand?”

  I ignored Gage and ran for my bedroom. After grabbing my purse, I headed for my car. I didn’t text Romero until I had backed out of the driveway.

  Meet at our spot, ASAP.

  My eyes were in the rearview mirror because I was sure my dad would come after me. Whether I wanted him to or not, I wasn’t sure. I think part of me wanted him to chase me down and apologize; for him to tell me it was a stupid idea and that he was sorry. Another part of me didn’t want to see my father ever again.

  As I pulled up to a stop sign, my phone vibrated between my legs.

  You got it. There in 15.

  Just seeing a response from Romero eased my heart, but not as much as I would’ve liked. We had a problem; a major one. Things between Romero and I were complicated enough, but I had no idea they were about to get even messier.

  Romero always kept his promises. He was there in just fifteen minutes. The deep rumble of his chopper only made my heart beat faster. Not only was my father gunning for the Rising Sons, but he was trying to sell me off. I needed some hint of comfort; some bit of humanity to bring me back.

  As dusk bathed over the batting cages, Romero killed the engine. I began walking toward him, but it turned into a run. Just as he swung a leg off of his motorcycle, I threw my arms around him.

  In three months, I don’t think Romero had ever seen me cry out of sadness. One night after an intense tickle fight, tears streamed down my face, but those had been tears of joy. The tears that I shed as Romero held me were tears of desperation and pain.

  His large hand stroked my hair as I cried. It was more nurturing and comforting than I ever could have imagined. The two of us lived dangerously, and he always consoled me and made me feel like no harm would come to us. Feeling his hands down my hair was more reassuring than any words he could ever say.

  However long I cried, he held me. Romero didn’t complain or say a word to ruin the moment. He let me experience my emotions. He let me have the time I needed. I couldn’t get over how patient he always was with me. That thought brought a new wave of tears.

  From the moment we started our twisted love, he never pressured me into sex. He understood that we had to be so careful and sneak around, and even as I stained his t-shirt with tears, he didn’t complain or try to get to the bottom of things. He let me be myself. It was just so freeing. Romero was the equivalent of the open road and the wind in my hair.

  I knew that all the crying would have me looking far below beautiful, so I kept my face buried against his thick chest. “My father is trying to trade me. Trade me like a herd of goats or something.”

  Romero’s hand never stopped running down my hair. He knew I had more to say, and he let me.

  “I never thought he was a bad man, even with all the bad things he did. Maybe I fell into the same rhetoric that all the other Devil’s Branchers did. Maybe I drank just as much of the Kool-Aid is all of them. He’s trying to get a big load of guns from some military dude, and I’m the payment.”

  Romero’s head slowly moved from side-to-side. “The fuck? Your own father is trying to trade you? Last time I checked, you had a pulse and a mind. You’re not some goddamn object, and he certainly doesn’t fucking own you.” He whispered the words even though we were completely alone in the park.

  The lump in my throat grew bigger. Romero put his hands at my shoulders, pulling me away so our eyes could meet. “You hear me? He doesn’t own you. Hell, I don’t own you, either. You make your own destiny, Julie. You make your own choices. You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna support the fuck out of those choices.” His eyes darted back and forth between mine.

  My head sank as I nodded. “I know. He says that the money is gonna pay for my entire college. That’s a lot. That’s…a lot more than I have. Without this, I might be drowning in loans for the next thirty years. I wish this wasn’t about my future. I wish I could tell him to fuck off, but I can’t and I hate myself because of it.”

  Romero pulled me back against his body. Despite the pain, I couldn’t get over just how comforting his body was. He had the perfect height, so that when I rested against him, I had a perfect little nook to fold my b
ody into. We were two pieces of a puzzle custom-built for one another.

  “I can’t blame you for being torn. We’re talking over a hundred grand for that degree. It’s worth every penny, though. You are smart, Jules. You’re gonna do something great with your life.” His voice rang with defeat as if the two of us wouldn’t be together when I did that great thing.

  “With our life. I can’t do any of this without you. You are the first person that came into my head when my father tried to sell me off to this Harris guy.”

  Romero kissed my forehead, his scratchy beard threatening to tickle me out of my mood. “Wasn’t trying to imply anything else. It’s you and me all the way.”

  The two of us left the gravel lot. With his arm around my waist, we headed past the batting cages where we’d first met. Even though I worked at the park, the two of us spend more time there in the early hours of night than during the day. It was our special place, and even though it was close to home and the danger of being caught, the two of us couldn’t stay away.

  “What you think we should do?” His voice was light, like we weren’t talking about such a heavy issue. I’m sure Romero did that to help ease my mind.

  I said the first thing that came to my head, “Leave. We should get the hell outta here. If I never see my father or another biker again, it would be too soon.”

  My biker turned to me, an exaggerated look of hurt on his face. “Does that mean I have to sell Betsy? I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “I said another biker. Not you. Not my biker.”

  Romero wiped his head comically and let out a sigh. “I was worried there for a minute. Could you imagine me driving a Toyota?”

  The two of us had wandered onto one of the baseball fields in the park. As we walked, Romero kicked a rock away from third base. It bounced along the red dirt until it hit a fence upright. The metal clang sang in the deserted field.

  “Seriously, though.” The humor faded from my voice. “Would you do it? If I really asked you to leave with me, would you?”

  There was so much weight behind the question, and the second I asked it, I regretted it. We’ve been together only three months, and I might as well have gotten down on one knee and asked Romero to marry me. If he said no, I couldn’t really blame him. He had his own life going, and all I seemed to be doing was complicating things for him. I almost told him that I was stupid for even asking, but I didn’t get the chance.

  “For you? In a heartbeat. You are the thing that makes me a man. How could I let that go?”

  “Wait. Are you serious?” Maybe I was in a fragile state, but it was hard to believe that Romero would leave with me.

  “I am. I can find work anywhere. You, though? There’s only one of you. Want to head to the coast? I could do with some time on a beach. You name the place, and that’s where we’ll go.”

  I came to a dead stop. “I can’t believe it.” How had I gotten so lucky? I guess after enough bad luck, I was due. Somehow, I had come across the sexiest and kindest man. “God, I don’t deserve you, Romero.”

  He scoffed. “Yes, you fucking do.”

  Every time that he and I were together, I wanted to fuck him so, so much. I was still nervous about it, and I wanted to wait for the right moment. I never imagined that it would come as dark descended on a baseball diamond, but I had never been more ready in my life.

  A few seconds after I threw myself at Romero, he backed me up against the chain-link fence. My hands raised up behind me, my fingers curling around the fence as Romero’s lips worked their way down my neck. Each beat of my heart was like an explosion. Each explosion building the pressure and desire between my legs.

  With my man pressed against me, there was no denying what was between his legs. His cock wasn’t my favorite part of his body, but it was damn close. My mouth watered at the thought of sucking him off, but then I thought of that thick manhood splitting the open for the very first time, and my knees went weak. After picturing Romero taking my virginity in such a public place, I let out a moan.

  As if on cue, a few yellow lights ticked on, bathing the baseball diamond in low light. I panicked for a split second until I remembered that they were just security lights set to kick on at dark. Romero didn’t seem fazed at all. He let out a low laugh as his lips danced over my shoulder blades. After making sure there was no one around, I let myself relax and let my hands drift down to the top of Romero’s jeans.

  It was time. After nineteen years, I knew I wanted Romero. He was my rock and my hero. He had been patient with me long enough. It was time for him to make me a woman. I unbuttoned his jeans and brought the zipper down.

  Even he could see just how fast I was moving. “Hells bells. You’re not wasting any time.”

  I looked up at him and winked. “Well, it’s a long way from home plate.” I ran my tongue over my lips.

  “If that means what I think it does…”

  “It means I want you to fuck me, Romero. Do I need to be any clearer?”

  He grinned. “I’m not the brightest, but I can take a hint.” As he spoke, Romero pulled my T-shirt up in over my head. It fell to the dirt. One of his strong hands were behind my back, and with a quick motion, Romero easily unhooked my bra. It slid down my arms as if it was eager to join my T-shirt on the ground.

  While Romero stripped me, I reached into his jeans and found his throbbing member waiting for me. I let out a soft moan at the feel of his hard cock. My heart raced so fast over the thought of being filled for the very first time. Losing the V card didn’t hurt all that much for some girls, but as I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, I thought that his cock just might. Romero was big. It didn’t stop me from wanting him inside me, though. Even if the first time hurt a little bit, I knew it would be mind-blowing.

  I pulled his T-shirt over his head. I was going to take his jeans down, but before I could, Romero lowered to the ground, bringing my jeans with him. I kicked them off and laughed at the thought of being naked in such a public place with him. Our relationship was so secretive, but so public at the same time. It was so hot.

  He stood, and I reached for his waist. I was more than ready to get him naked and get down to business. I was wet, aching, and burning for him. He gave me a confident smile.

  “I’ve been dreaming about that little virgin pussy of yours since the day we met.”

  My knees went weak again, and I grabbed on to him for stability. I thought his words would give me a heart attack. I had never wanted him so badly in my life. Bringing his jeans down, his cock sprang free. I couldn’t wait another second. I couldn’t even wait to get his jeans off all the way. Turning back to the chain-link fence, I bent over and spread my legs. I looked over my shoulder. “It’s all yours.”

  Romero took a step toward me. The heat of his body radiated against my bare skin.

  That’s when I heard the familiar and devastating sound growing in the distance. There was a motorcycle heading toward the park. It might as well have rained ice water down on us. Romero and I sped to throw our clothes back on.

  “Goddammit.” He sounded more disappointed than angry.

  Disappointed didn’t even come close to how I felt. I was so ready. I was so, so ready for him. Romero was absolutely perfect. After the initial shock of not getting what I desperately wanted wore off, though, fear gripped me. No one in Davis just rode a motorcycle. Everyone who rode, did it with a club. Romero’s boys didn’t know about me, and my boys didn’t know about him. This was bad news. The sound of the motorcycle came to a stop, and the engine died.

  I whispered, “Come on, we’ve got to run.”

  Romero grabbed onto my wrist. “No point. If they’re in the parking lot, they’ve seen my bike. We need to know if they’re a Son or a Brancher. Cross your fingers that it’s one of mine.”


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