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Collision Page 12

by Evie Harper

  “So, how did you get in if it’s being used?” Piper asks, a hint of mischief in her tone.

  “Never mind your pretty little head about that,” Mack says with a wink.

  I take Piper’s hand and lead her into the cabin.

  The theme is clearly wood. It’s filled with wooden benches, shelves, cabinets and wooden furniture. There are long, red rugs in each room and thick, white curtains over each window. There’s only one bedroom with a double bed, a kitchen, one bathroom, laundry and a living room. No television, but many fishing poles in the laundry room. The owner must stay here while they fish down at Yatesville Lake.

  I pull Piper into the bedroom, snake my hand around her waist and hold her to me while I kiss her forehead and sigh. “I have to head out now.” I pause and say, “See you round.”

  Piper smiles, signaling she remembers our first goodbyes. I say it now because each time it was spoken, we always saw each other again, so I’m telling her ‘I will see you again very soon’.

  “Now that I’m safe, will you promise to keep yourself unharmed for me?” Piper asks. Well, it sounds like a question, but I sense it’s more of a demand.

  “As safe as I can be,” I whisper as I gently brush my lips against hers.

  Piper relaxes in my arms and I grin at being able to placate her so easily. I grab her ass. Fuck, I love this ass. I lift her against the wall and take her mouth, using my own to promise I will return for her. Piper whimpers, and I know I need to stop now or I’m not going to be able to leave at all.

  I pull back from the kiss, both of us breathing heavily. I stare into her eyes, brown depths I swear I’ve gotten lost in before when I was a child. Maybe God decided to give me a little slice of Heaven with Piper. Maybe he made her just for me and gave her my favorite part of Mia. Maybe this is his apology for giving me such a shit life.


  Slater left a while ago with a firm, “You’re on the couch,” to Mack.

  Mack saluted Slater with a grin and then walked him out to Chevy. I watched them from the window while they chatted. Slater looked to me in the window, his face full of concern and apprehension. He doesn’t want to leave me, but we both know he has to. Besides, I’m safe. I’m deep in a forest with Mack, who is as strong as Slater and can also give off a mean ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe. Slater has made sure I’m safe, and I can only hope he keeps his promise and comes back to me in one piece.


  I’m out on the front deck of the cabin, reading a book in the morning’s cool breeze. My eyes feel as though they’ll close at any minute after such a horrible, restless sleep last night. I couldn’t get the image of Della hurt out of my mind and when I did finally find sleep, Della turned into Slater and I would wake up in shock, dripping in sweat. I gave up trying and have been out here ever since, reading and watching the sunrise. One of the most glorious things I have ever seen is this forest come alive with the morning sun and breeze.

  Mack steps through the screen door and says, “I’m gonna get the barbecue out back going. Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast?”

  “Sounds delicious, Mack. I’ll hop up and grab the food out of the cooler and bring it to you.”

  Mack nods. “Sweet. Grab the rolls, too.”

  “Okay.” I stand and follow Mack into the cabin.

  Mack leaves to turn the barbeque on as I go to the cooler he brought with him last night and pull out the bacon and eggs which rest just under the steaks. I spot the barbecue sauce and grab that, as well. Who can have bacon and eggs on rolls without sauce?

  With my hands full, I push open the back screen with my back and place the items on the side of the barbeque.

  “Thanks,” he mutters as he takes the plate from me. “You’ve been out front reading for a while. Notice anything weird or any cars drive by?” Mack questions.

  “Nope, nothing weird, and only one car drove past a few tracks over. A red SUV, but that’s it and they didn’t stop, just kept going north.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Umm, an hour, maybe a little bit longer.”

  He nods and begins to place the bacon and eggs on the hot plate.

  “So, you were in foster care?” Mack tries for subtle, but his curious eyes tell me he wants to know more about me. I smile on the inside, excited one of Slater’s brothers wants to get to know me.

  I casually lean on the outside of the house next to the barbecue and tell him the same thing I’ve told everyone. “Yep, my parents died when I was younger. And then I was put into a foster home and stayed there until I could go out on my own.”

  “What were your parents like? Good people?”

  “Umm, actually, it’s hard to grasp hold of memories from that part of my life. I remember friends or other kids around my age. I have flashes of blurry faces and I’m sure my mother sang to me, or maybe it was me singing to her.” I shake my head, frustration taking hold. I wish I could remember something about them, even if only something small.

  “It’s okay, Piper. I know what it’s like to block out traumatic events from your childhood. Losing your parents must have been a horrible thing to witness.”

  “I don’t think I actually saw them die. I think I was just told. Argh, it’s so frustrating. I would love just one memory of them, you know?”

  “Well, since my parents tossed me aside and didn’t want me, I’m happy I don’t have any memories of them,” Mack says in a matter-of-fact tone. It breaks my heart that anyone would treat him that way, because he’s such a gentle soul. Well, to his allies anyway.

  “I’m so sorry, Mack,” I say softly.

  He shrugs in a manner which tells me he’s fine and continues to flip the eggs.

  “Is that how you and your family ended up together, in the foster home?” I inquire, watching Mack carefully, not wanting to push him too hard, aware of the horrors that went on in that place.

  “Yes, we were all tossed aside. Our foster father, Phillip, always enjoyed reminding us that we were unwanted and our parents couldn’t stand the sight of us.”

  A tear escapes, but I quickly wipe it away before Mack can see. “I’m sorry your CPS worker was a lazy bitch who never checked up on you all.”

  Mack nods, but says nothing. I feel this is the end of our conversation; he’s had enough.

  I look around awkwardly, not sure if I should start a new topic or just keep my mouth shut when I realize I forgot the rolls.

  “I forgot the rolls. I’ll be right back,” I inform Mack and walk back into the cabin.

  I’m in the kitchen picking up the bag of rolls from the bench when something red catches my eye. I peer out the front window and find a red SUV parked across the track. Is that the same one that drove past an hour ago?

  Chills race through my body and I jump as I hear my cell phone ring out. I drop the food to the ground, pick up the call and begin running through the cabin to tell Mack about the red car.

  “Piper?” Slater asks when I don’t say hello.

  “Slater,” I answer, my breathing erratic and my voice shaking with fear.

  “What’s wrong?” he demands, and I can hear the worry in his tone.

  I run through the back door and just as I’m about to tell both Slater and Mack about the red SUV, two figures to my left grab my attention. I turn and gasp. Jimmy.

  “What the fuck,” Mack growls low, angry and deadly.

  An elderly man is holding Jimmy in a headlock with a gun to his head. Jimmy is pale and his eyes are wide, clearly terrified.

  “Well, hello, Piper and Mackson,” the man says in a gloating tone.

  “You,” Mack growls. It’s an animalistic sound, like a caged animal which is desperate to attack its victim.

  Mack moves to stand in front of me, his feet apart and arms tensed as if he’s ready to strike as fast and deadly as a snake.

  The old man straightens and pulls Jimmy against him tighter. Jimmy moans in pain and I grab hold of Mack’s arm, hoping he can hear my thoughts screaming a
t him to please not push the gunman while he has Jimmy. At the same time, my cell falls from my hand. Slater. Shit, I forgot he was on the phone with me. At least he’ll know what’s happening; hopefully he’s on his way right now to save us.

  Mack doesn’t move an inch more, and I look back to the old man, wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. He’s medium height, small build with light grey hair and a wrinkled face filled with pigmentation and dark circles under his eyes.

  Still holding on to Mack’s arm, I sense when his thin thread of rage snaps and his muscles bunch up in preparation to lunge. “Phillip, I’m going to fucking kill you,” Mack threatens.

  I inhale sharply.


  Their foster father.

  The monster.

  “Oh, I thought that might be my reception, which is why I brought this.” He squeezes Jimmy tighter around the neck and pushes the gun harder into his head.

  Jimmy’s face cringes in pain.

  “Let’s move this party inside, shall we?” Phillip advises with a malicious grin.


  Positioned outside the Poison Boys’ house, Pace and I are waiting for Brett to text us with details of who’s inside and if Rex is one of them. We snuck into Parkland in the back of Brett’s car. Just as Portland is loyal to us, Parkland is loyal to the Poison Boys. Through gossip, myths and changed stories, each area has their own twisted reasons for siding with the Poison Boys or us, yet no one knows the truth and probably never will.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket.

  Rex and his top three are in the building. He’s sent everyone else to Portland borders to watch for you all to cross over. Rex found out it was Della who was shot. He’s destroyed the whole fucking house almost, and Kodi and Corey had to hold him down. He’s fucked-up over it being Della, so now would be your time to strike.

  I’m not surprised he’s going insane that it was Della shot and hurt, because both our sisters have been off-limits. Rex did love Della at one time, and he showed her how to draw, play basketball. He taught her Math and English since, being on the streets, we were never able to go to school. Rex and his sister, Lana, did and when we went to work for Jae, Rex and Lana would sit and teach us what they had learned at school. Rex is part of the reason Dell could get into college. He helped her get her GED with no schooling at all, just her natural smarts and his help.

  I roll my bat in my hands and say to Pace, “Rex, Kodi, Corey and Reed. Three on four, since we can trust Brett to jump in if we need his help. You ready?”

  Pacer nods and says, “Let’s go break some bones.”

  I return the gesture, but first we need to do something. “We’ll call the others and make sure everyone is where they’re supposed to be. I won’t ever let Rex have the upper hand again.”

  Pace nods in understanding and pulls his phone out to check in with Kel.

  I dial Piper’s number. It rings three times before she picks up but there’s no hello, just a rustling in the background.

  “Piper?” I call out.

  I listen carefully for what’s happening and then my whole body stills, time freezes and fear spirals out of control in my mind.

  All of sudden, the call ends and all I hear is dead air.

  “Holy fuck,” I mutter, still frozen and unable to comprehend what’s happening in my world right now, to my brother, my woman.

  “What?” Pacer asks, concerned.

  All I can manage is to whisper, “It’s Phillip. He’s got Piper and Mack.”

  When I don’t hear Pacer’s response, I’m taken out of my stupor. When I look to my brother, his face has turned ashen. The man in front of me turns into a small boy right before my eyes, but not for long. Rage quickly takes hold and his whole body goes rigid. We’ve all waited for this day for so long, the ultimate revenge.

  I’m staring at Pacer when we hear footsteps coming toward us. Pace and I brace ourselves to attack, but it’s only Brett who steps around the corner.

  “I came out to see if everything was all right. I thought something must have happened.”

  “Give me your keys, Brett. Now,” I demand harshly. “Someone else has found Piper, and we need to get to Jefferson Forest fucking yesterday.”

  Brett tosses me his keys without question, and Pace and I sprint as fast as we can up the road to Brett’s parked Skyline. We jump in and I start the car. Within seconds, we’re speeding through Parkland’s streets and my mind begins to imagine the worst.

  What if we’re too late?

  My heart beats frantically, pounding furiously with what ifs.

  What if Phillip takes Piper from me, too? I won’t be able to take the loss again. It will be the end of me.

  Chapter Thirteen



  I park the Skyline amongst trees just left of the fork in the road. Pace and I race through the forest to a spot right across from the front of the cabin. We see a red SUV parked out front.

  Is that the same SUV that passed me when I dropped Piper off?

  Fuck! Phillip had been following us all along, and I didn’t even fucking realize.

  “Any ideas?” Pace asks.

  Bent low to the ground, watching for any movement, I shake my head. “Not apart from how painfully that bastard is going to die.”

  “We’ve got no weapons, Slate, and we don’t have a clue if Phillip does.”

  “He does, a gun,” I reply instantly, remembering what I heard on the phone. “He has Jimmy too, which is why Mack hasn’t killed him yet.”

  “Fucker,” Pacer growls. “He’s had to be watching us closely to know to pick Jimmy up and use him as leverage.”

  “Yeah, but what does he want? We haven’t seen him since we were children and we escaped his house. I called the police, but I never heard any reports of a man with his name going to trial or prison for murder.” I shake my head. This doesn’t make sense. “If he’s been watching us, he knows he’s a dead man, so what’s he after then?”

  “Shit, this unknown bullshit is fucking with my head,” Pacer admits.

  I turn to my brother with a serious look. “The world’s full of the unknown, brother, so hold on to the one thing we know will happen today.” I point to the cabin. “That motherfucking pedophile will be dead before the sun sets today.” My voice is full of promise, a pledge of murder and wrath, vengeance so close I can almost taste it.

  Pacer nods, and we decide to cross the track and walk around the cabin until we can find a way in unseen or hear where they are in the cabin.

  We step out of the trees and begin to run across the road as quietly as we possibly can when we hear a gunshot and a high-pitched woman’s scream.

  I don’t stop to think, just start racing up to the cabin’s stairs and turn the door handle, but it’s locked. So I kick.

  First kick.

  My heart bangs harder and harder against my chest, almost ripping through the layers of my skin.

  Second kick.

  The lock splinters and the door flies open.

  Breathing heavily with sweat covering my forehead and neck, I stop dead at the sight in front of me. Phillip is to my right, standing over Mack with a gun but staring at me. Mack is tied to a chair with his legs spread wide, bullet holes in the chair inches away from Mack’s manhood and legs. Mack’s hard, stony glare stays on Phillip, staring him down and showing no fear at the obvious torture the fucker is trying to put him through.

  Phillip’s face distorts into an ugly smile. The first thing I notice is he’s aged terribly and he’s fucking thin and short, a little worm I could squish under my boot. Was he always this puny? Probably not through a child’s eyes.

  Hysterical crying penetrates my hearing, and I look to my left to find Piper and Jimmy on the other side. Jimmy’s tied to a chair, but Piper isn’t. She’s sitting there, sobbing, holding on to her chair with white knuckles.

  “Just in time to enjoy the show, boys,” Phillip says mockingly, and it’s then I realize Pacer must be beh
ind me. “Every time Piper moves on her chair, even a small amount, I shoot at Mack.”

  “I’m not moving at all, you asshole! You just keep fucking shooting!” Piper screams across the room.

  Phillip chuckles and it’s a sound I can’t wait to extinguish forever. “Oh, maybe I’m seeing things, who knows, but this is fun anyway.”

  Pacer and I begin moving around the room slowly, me in front of Phillip, Pacer behind him.

  He notices and quickly darts across the room, aiming the gun at Piper. I freeze.

  “I’ll shoot her if you come any closer. Straight through the head if you take one more step.”

  Mack begins jerking around in his chair, trying to get free.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill you, you piece of scum, motherfucking bastard,” Pacer promises and takes another step forward.

  “Pace, back off!” I yell to him.

  “Slate, you know what he did to us. I’m not letting him leave here alive.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to leave here alive. I’m done with this life, done with being beaten and abused,” Phillip admits.

  I don’t need to look around the room to know everyone has the same confused expression on their faces.

  “You?” I sneer. “You are done with being beaten and abused.”

  Phillip’s lips tip up into a snarl. “For eighteen years I was raped, demoralized, mutilated and weakened. And I’m here for revenge on the one who forced me down that path, the one who had me imprisoned.”

  I inhale sharply. He did go to prison. Was Mia found? Does she have a grave?

  Phillip swings his gaze to Piper and cocks the gun. My body tenses to run and jump in front of her, to save the woman I’ve fallen so hard for.

  “You!” Phillip’s voice rattles with hatred. “Such a stupid bitch all the time, always pushing and pushing me until I couldn’t hold in my rage any longer. Always begging me to leave the boys alone and crying when I struck you. Why couldn’t you just stop crying?” Phillip screams hysterically, spit flying from his disgusting mouth.


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