Please Daddy

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by Maggie Ryan

  Please Daddy

  Maggie Ryan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Note From Author

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2017 by Maggie Ryan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design by Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Design

  Created with Vellum


  I’d like to give you a bit of info about this book. It is a book about the dynamic of age-play. This book is intended for adults only. It is the tale of a couple who embrace their choice to live the dynamic of Age-play. It is safe, sane and consensual…BUT…It is raw. It is dark. It is sexual. If any of these offend you, please do not read this book. But, if reading about a couple loving each other in all ways, unapologetic for their lifestyle or their kink, then please come along and enjoy the journey.

  Chapter One

  Colette snapped the latches of her briefcase closed and grinned as she slid it beneath her desk. It would be the first time in ages that she wouldn’t feel it bumping against her leg as she left the office. Her desk’s surface was clear, all her files either locked away or given to a co-worker to handle while she was on vacation. Vacation! She was actually going away for an entire week.

  “I must say, you look like you’ve lost twenty pounds.” Looking up, she saw Paul standing in the doorway, a large smile on his face. “Not that you need to lose a single ounce as there’s hardly any of you at all.”

  Colette couldn’t help but give a soft groan though it was accompanied by a smile. She’d been teased her entire life about her size. The fact that she only topped the height chart at five feet—if she cheated a bit by lifting herself onto her tiptoes—and that she didn’t tip the scales at one hundred pounds even when soaking wet, had been an annoyance she’d had to endure. People often misjudged her due to her appearance. While she was twenty-six years old, and a professional woman with a successful career, she could pass for a child yet to reach their pre-teen years. It wasn’t until she met Dalton Windsor that what she’d considered a curse turned into the greatest blessing.

  “I feel lighter,” she said, rising from her executive desk chair that, of course, had been customized to lift her to the height necessary to work at her desk. “All the weight of worry about our cases is now in your hands.”

  “Yeah, thanks for reminding me,” Paul said with a frown that morphed into a grin. “Seriously though, I can’t complain. If anyone deserves a vacation, it is you.” They walked out of her office together, the rest of the staff already gone for the day. Waiting for the elevator, he asked, “So, where is your husband taking you?”

  “I don’t actually know,” Colette answered truthfully. “Da…um, Dalton wanted it to be a surprise. All I know is that we are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for a full week of nothing but fun!” A week in which she would have no responsibilities other than enjoying herself. Well, that and making sure that she obeyed her daddy.

  Paul chuckled and allowed her to precede him into the elevator before pushing the button for the lobby. “Well, wherever it is, it sounds like you’re excited. In fact, you are practically glowing, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were about to bounce up and down like a little kid.”

  Colette barely managed to catch herself before she broke out into giggles. What would this astute lawyer think if he knew how close he’d come to the truth? What would he think if he knew that the moment she got home and shed the navy blue pleated skirt and the white silk blouse that she would also be shedding the professional persona she’d worked so very hard to attain? More importantly, what would he think learning that just the thought of the next few days had her tummy tingling, her nipples puckering, and her panties dampening?

  She smiled and shrugged. “What can I say? I love surprises.”

  The elevator reached the lobby, and they strode across the expanse of white marble that made up the floor in the swanky building. Paul held the door open for her and she thanked him, not even having to duck to pass beneath his arm.

  “Oh, it’s snowing!” she said, the surprise evident in her voice.

  “Didn’t you listen to the forecast this morning?” At the shake of her head, he grinned. “Ah, that explains the fact that you are coatless. They predicted a cold front rolling in before noon. I'm guessing you didn't leave the building for lunch?”

  “No, I worked through lunch in order to clear the rest of my workload,” Colette said as she fought to keep from shivering and it wasn’t all due to the unexpected blasts of cold air that continued to whip around them or the fat white flakes that fell. Part of her shudder was directly a result of the fact that Paul’s words had her remembering Dalton calling from the study to take her coat. Having already grabbed her briefcase and with one foot out the door, she’d pretended not to hear. Once the elevator deposited her on the ground floor, she’d also ignored the doorman’s suggestion she return for a coat.

  “I just run to the car and then my office,” she’d said, giving him a smile and a little wave as she breezed through the door he held for her.

  Climbing into the waiting car, she’d rolled her eyes when hearing, “Miss Colette, you should be wearing a coat. I’ll wait while you run back upstairs,” Harrison, their driver admonished.

  “No need and besides, I’m late,” Colette said, ignoring his disapproving look as she pulled a file from her briefcase. Now she wished she’d listened to one of the three men…most especially her husband. The feel of a cold blast of wind lifting her skirt had her attention coming back to the present as she fought to keep the pleated fabric from flying higher and exposing what else Paul would most likely be shocked to see.

  “Here, take my coat,” Paul offered, already in the process of shrugging out of his overcoat.

  “No, but thank you,” Colette said, one hand holding her skirt down, the other crossed across her torso for warmth.

  “Well, at least step back inside. It wouldn’t do for you to become ill—not at the start of your vacation.”

  “The car should be here any minute—”

  “I insist,” Paul said, taking her arm and moving her back towards the door they’d just come through. “What would your husband think if I allowed you to freeze to death? I’ll wait until the car arrives.”

  Colette didn’t have much choice as he opened the door and practically gave her a little push to assure her feet moved. She had to admit, the air in the cavernous lobby was far warmer than that outside the thick panes of glass that ran floor to ceiling across the front of the building. Besides, Paul was right. It would be just awful to catch a cold before the first official day of her holiday dawned.

  It wasn’t but a few minutes before she saw a black sedan pull up to the curb. Her heart quickened as she saw the back door of the car opening without benefit of Harrison stepping from the vehicle. It could only mean one thing—she wouldn’t be riding home alone. She watched as her husband unfolded his large frame from the depths of the car and began to climb the marble steps. Her shudder was accompanied by an automatic covering of her bottom before she yanked her hands free, remembering where she was. Glad that the security guard seated behind the circular desk was turned away, she pushed against the heavy glass
door which refused to budge. The wind whipping Paul’s coat was evidently strong enough to keep the lobby door closed. She was about to try again when she caught sight of her husband’s face as he reached the top of the stairs to meet Paul. Unable to hear their conversation didn’t keep her from understanding that Dalton wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn that his wife was tucked inside the building because she wasn’t dressed properly for the inclement weather. When he looked up, their eyes meeting through the glass, she felt the skin of her bottom began to crawl and she had to fight against the urge to clasp her nates again, witnesses be damned.

  Great! What a way to start your vacation, you idiot! Putting on a brave face, she gave Dalton a little wave and a huge smile, glad to see his expression soften. Paul pulled the door open with a grin and a chuckle.

  “Wherever you’re taking your wife, I hope it’s warm,” he said to Dalton as she stepped outside. “Little thing doesn’t have enough body fat to keep warm.”

  “Don’t worry, I promise Colette will feel quite toasty soon,” Dalton said, moving towards her.

  His words might have sounded promising yet Colette doubted her husband was talking either about the destination of their upcoming vacation or the coat—the one she should be wearing—he had removed from where it had been draped over his arm and was holding open. Tamping down her urge to begin a banal excuse, she turned her back to him, slipping her arms into the sleeves. Instantly feeling much warmer, she thanked him.

  “You’re welcome,” Dalton said, turning her around in order to button it up and tie the belt around her waist. His tone was conciliatory but judging by the look in his eyes, she knew that he was truly only concerned with warming one particular portion of her anatomy.

  The thought had her tummy flipping and her words pouring out despite her resolve to remain mute. “Goodness, can you believe this weather? Who knew it would start to snow?”

  Dalton’s quirked eyebrow had her face heating. Digging her hole deeper wasn’t helping so she turned to her partner. “Thank you, Paul,” Colette said in her most grown-up voice. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “Sure thing. Have a great time, you two. You can tell me all about the fun you had when you get back.” He gave her a hug, and took a couple of steps before turning back to say, “Stay warm.”

  Not about to assure him her husband would make sure she was warm, Colette just nodded before turning to Dalton. She looked up, way up, as Dalton was four inches over six feet, unable to contain a shudder despite the warm coat she now wore.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t be cold for long.”

  “So we are going to some tropical island?” she asked, giving him the sweetest smile she could conjure. Perhaps cuteness would soften the look on his face.

  He chuckled and released her hand only to place his palm against her lower back as they approached the car. “It’s a surprise but I guarantee you’ll be wishing our destination was the Artic Circle by the time I’ve finished blistering your behind for not obeying me this morning. You know perfectly well that I instructed you to take your coat. Pretending otherwise is as good as telling a lie.”

  So much for cute, she thought. “But, Dalton, I was in a rush and…Ow!” She squealed when his huge palm connected twice, rapidly and quite audibly against her behind. “Please, Paul might see—”

  “If you were concerned about your partner discovering what happens to a naughty girl who disregards her daddy’s instruction, you should have obeyed me.”

  Colette flushed and was very glad to see Paul turning the corner where the underground parking garage was located. Her relief was short lived with Dalton’s next words. “Of course, Paul is an astute man so the fact that you grabbed your behind the moment you saw me exiting the car might be all the evidence he needs to figure out the consequence of your attempt at innocence.”

  Swallowing hard, she felt her face flood with more heat with the realization that her automatic response had evidently not gone unnoticed after all. Had that been the reason for Paul’s funny little grin when he opened the lobby door? Did he know how her husband intended to warm her? Seeing Harrison with a smile of his own, knowing he’d have to be deaf not to have heard the embarrassing exchange, she had no response and climbed into the interior of the car. Dalton followed her in and settled on the leather seat as Harrison closed the door.

  “I’d planned on us having a nice dinner and then giving you a bubble bath before tucking you into bed early so that you’d be nice and rested for our trip.”

  “Oh, that sounds wonderful.” The moment the words were out of her mouth, Dalton’s eyebrow quirked yet again, causing her to squirm. “I’m really sorry,” she said, the tone of her voice changing to one not a soul who’d ever heard her argue a case before a jury would have recognized.

  “I’m sorry too,” Dalton said.

  She wasn’t stupid and knew exactly what to expect, and he confirmed it with his next words.

  “Unfortunately, your naughtiness has not only changed my plan but requires the change of something else. Tell me, Coco, do you know what that is?”

  Hearing the diminutive form of her name was the final step necessary to have her slip from the role of Dalton’s wife to that of his special little one. Fear that her decision to ignore his order had just cost her more than a tender bottom, she felt her eyes well. “Please, Daddy, please don’t change our vacation plans. I’ve been so excited about going, and I promise I’ll be the best little girl ever!”

  Dalton reached for her, pulling her onto his lap. “Shh, that’s not what needs changing,” he said, giving her a hug before a hand dropped to pat against her bottom. “I’m talking about what’s beneath your big-girl skirt.”

  Hearing he wasn’t planning on canceling their trip was so much of a relief that it took a moment to understand what he was talking about wanting changed. Another pat against her behind and his pulling an item from his coat pocket was all it took for comprehension to flood through her. Tearing her eyes from the item, she met his gaze.

  “Why does Daddy help you dress every morning?”

  She knew he wasn’t talking about choosing any one of the professional pieces of clothing she’d pull from her “big girl” closet. He allowed her to choose her daily wear when going to the office. No, what he was talking about was the only garment that he alone decided upon every morning. Looking back at the item dangling from his fingers, she gave him the answer he was seeking.

  “Because you want to remind me that even though I’m a professional to the outside world, I’m always your special little girl.”

  “That’s right. Daddy chooses your panties so that no matter how stressful your job is, no matter how frustrated you become with your heavy workload, no matter how your colleagues see you, you know that your daddy is just waiting to hold you in his arms and remind you of how very special you are.”

  A rush of pleasure ran through her at the daily ritual they shared. It was a little thing, and yet he never rushed through it no matter how busy their schedules were. He’d make his choice and turn to her with a smile on his face. That smile never failed to make her feel loved and, yes, special to this incredible man and the dynamic they shared. He’d kneel before her, holding the panties for her to step into, never hurrying as he pulled them up her legs and never once failing to give her mons a kiss and her bottom a pat before drawing the chosen pair up to completely cover her. And he was right. She couldn’t count the number of times when she’d felt overwhelmed during her day only to close her eyes for the briefest moment, picturing the ritual and relaxing, knowing that in just a few hours she’d shed her worries and responsibilities, trusting her daddy to take care of her.

  “Evidently Daddy picked the wrong pair this morning, didn’t he?”

  His question had guilt flowing through her as she remembered the panties he’d helped her into that morning. “I really didn’t mean to be naughty, Daddy. I-I wanted to be your angel.”

  Not responding verbally, he gently helped
her from his lap. While Harrison expertly maneuvered the car through the congested streets of Manhattan, her daddy pushed both her coat and skirt up to rest at her waist. “Hold your clothing up.” She couldn’t help but glance out the window, praying the tinted glass would keep what was happening inside the car private. “Eyes on me, young lady.” Swallowing hard, she looked down and then watched as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her underwear.

  The pair of panties decorated with golden halos and inscribed with “Daddy’s Angel” across the rear were drawn down her legs, and she obeyed when instructed to step out.

  “All right, sit down.” Coco shuddered as the cool leather of the seat met her flesh. Now seated directly across from her daddy, she felt another shiver that couldn’t be blamed on the temperature run through her as she recognized the incongruity of seeing her black Jimmy Choo stiletto heels being guided through the openings of the pair he’d pulled from his pocket. A grown woman, in designer heels, seated in a limo shared with an incredibly handsome and successful man…now looking down at the small scrap of fabric in the hands of her stern daddy.

  “What happens when my girl is put into these panties?” he asked, slowly drawing them up her legs.

  “You…you sp…spank me,” she whispered, her eyes on the white panties that also had words across the rear. Red words. Words that repeated what she’d just said. Bright crimson lettering that would remind her daddy that he needed to punish his little girl. Beautifully scripted letters on cotton that would mold to the curves of her buttocks and make their request known to anyone who saw the words “Spank Me” displayed across her plump globes.

  “That’s right,” Dalton said, leaning over, pushing her thighs a bit further apart in order to place a kiss on her pussy. She felt a sense of remorse at her behavior mixed with the utter assurance that despite his disappointment in his little one, it didn’t keep him from completing the ritual or assuring her that, though she was in trouble, her daddy loved her. The warmth of the press of his lips against her chilled skin caused her insides to quicken instantly, and had her wishing the lovely kissing would continue. Instead, her eyes widened as he pulled back, settling again in his seat.


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