Please Daddy

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Please Daddy Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  “Da…Daddy, may I come?”

  “No, not yet, sweetheart.”

  She groaned as she was so close and yet didn’t want to disappoint him again. Clutching the cushion beneath her, she fought off the nearly overwhelming need as he continued to piston in and out of her pussy. But, the moment he took hold of the ladybug flange and began to thrust the plug in and out of her ass, she lost every ounce of control. Her entire body tensed and then convulsed into an orgasm that had her screaming in pleasure.

  “Naughty girl,” Dalton said, continuing to thrust in and out of both of her openings. “Keep that bottom up. Push back as Daddy fucks you.” In a haze of bliss, she obeyed, lowering her torso further and shoving her bottom up, rocking against him. When he added crisp slaps to her ass, the additional stimulus only drove her on, her body spiraling tighter and tighter.

  “Oh…oh, Daddy,” she cried, her back arching as the plug drove in and out of her ass and his cock claimed her pussy, each stroke hitting her g-spot until she thought she’d explode. “Please! I can’t…can’t—”

  “Come for me, Coco.”

  She imploded, her cry of ecstasy was as loud as her cries of earlier despair had been. While she continued to contract, he roared his own climax as jet after jet of his seed shot into her. She collapsed over the arm of the loveseat, her legs shaking. Dalton bent over her, pushing her hair aside to kiss her neck.

  “God, I love you,” he said, his lips moving to kiss right behind her ear. “And I love to hear you scream in pleasure, and, my sweet little ladybug, I can’t wait to feel your heinie hole hugging my cock.”

  His words brought color to her face, and she understood that he was telling her that the wait was over. Sometime during this vacation, her daddy was going to take her anal virginity. After the fucking he’d just done with the plug, the thought no longer terrified her quite so much and she understood why he’d fitted her with the bottom binkie. It wasn’t just to remind her to be good every time she sat down, but he was obviously preparing her to accept his cock in her ass. It had been an incredible feeling, being filled and fucked in both places, something she’d never really imagined. She moaned a bit as he withdrew his cock and pushed the plug home once again.

  “This should work a little better this time,” he said, and she once again felt the cloth, no longer quite as warm, being pressed between her legs. Once he’d cleaned her, he helped her to stand and led her to the sink. Soaking another cloth in cool water, he ran it over her face.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” He always took such good care of her. Picking up another cloth, she asked, “May I wash your cock?”

  He looked a little surprised but pleased. “That would be very nice.”

  She made sure the water was warm before she wet it. Making a sudden decision, she dropped to her knees and lifted his cock which was already half erect with the hand covered in the warm cloth but only to guide him into her mouth. Her ministrations had him hardening and lengthening again and his hands soon cupped her face. Unlike when she performed penance, he allowed her to use her hand as well. She loved the velvet touch of his skin as she tightened and released her fingers up and down his shaft while her tongue continued to lick and caress his flesh. She wondered if he realized that he’d always give a gasp when she stroked her tongue across that sensitive area right beneath his cockhead. Hearing that gasp of pleasure never failed to fill her with the joy of satisfying the man she adored.

  “Eyes, ladybug” he instructed. “I want to see those beautiful eyes while you wash me.”

  Pleasure ran through her as she looked up, seeing the love in his eyes as she knelt before him, loving him in a way that made her feel both incredibly submissive and totally loved.

  “I do believe my balls were slapping against a very wet pussy. Get that sweet tongue on them.”

  Pushing his cock to his abdomen, she bent forward and began to lick his testicles. She shuddered at the look of sheer pleasure in his eyes as she opened her mouth and suckled first one and then the other into her mouth, rolling them around, laving them with her tongue. She was determined to give him as much pleasure with her mouth and tongue as he did her every time he feasted between her legs. He groaned and pulled her away and she knew he was close. Taking his cock back into her mouth, she wasn’t surprised when he fisted her hair and began to thrust hard. She didn’t mind the drool that was unavoidable or the sounds of gagging she’d occasionally make as he pushed deep. Nothing mattered but giving him as much pleasure as he was constantly giving her. He groaned and pulled her head forward, driving down her throat, his cock jerking again and again with his climax. Her eyes never leaving his, Coco dutifully swallowed every drop,

  “Beautiful,” he said, stroking a finger down her cheek. When he pulled away, she couldn’t suppress a smile, knowing pleasuring him also pleased her. She used the cloth she still held to clean him and then tucked him back into his pants and zipped him up. He helped her to stand and kissed her deeply until she was once again breathless.

  Before he replaced her clothing, he insisted she go potty. Once she was done and he’d pulled her panties and tights into place, he took her hand and led her from the room. She’d almost forgotten they were on a plane and giggled.

  “Does this mean we just joined the mile-high club, Daddy?”

  “I suppose it does,” Dalton said, giving her hand a squeeze. As he led her back to their seat, he chuckled. “And it appears we are not the only new members.” Looking forward, she saw that Trisha was straddling her daddy’s lap as he lifted and lowered her onto his cock. Despite the fact she had just had two glorious explosions herself, Coco felt her pussy begin to leak as she slipped back into her seat. Snuggling close to her daddy, she smiled when she heard Trisha’s cry of pleasure accompanied by Uncle Joe’s. Even though she’d been spanked, if this was any indication of how their vacation would be, she knew it would be the most wonderful holiday she’d ever had.

  A few minutes after Uncle Joe and Trisha returned from the bathroom, Uncle Frank clapped his hands as he stood up and stepped into the middle of the aisle. “May I have your attention please? Girls come sit around the conference table, please.” Once the girls were seated, their daddies standing back a bit, every eye turned to Frank.

  “First, I want to say welcome aboard and that I am very pleased all of your daddies have managed to pull off this surprise. It has been our goal to be able to not only get together for a night or even a weekend, but to be able to enjoy each other’s company for an extended length of time. We wanted to be able to truly feel free to live the roles we all have come to love without the need to hide any of our…well, kink, I guess some would call it. We want you to be free to let out the little girl inside of you and to know you won’t have to worry about anyone judging you for the special gift that makes you all so incredibly unique.” He paused, the sincerity of his words clearly written on his face. He grinned and continued. “I know that if my little Maddie has been driving me a bit nuts trying to get me to tell where we’re going, I’m pretty sure every one of you has done the same. Has anyone guessed yet?”

  Coco looked around the table to see if anyone cared to speculate. When none spoke, she heard him add, “Well, I admit I find that surprising. After all, every single one of you has been given a clue. Think hard and the first one to guess correctly wins a prize.”

  A clue? A prize? Instead of thinking of possible destinations, Colette concentrated on what she had been given that could possibly be a clue. She’d been given a spanking but was pretty sure that wasn’t it. She’d already considered her clothing but if her coat didn’t point her in the right direction, then she had no idea…Wait! Yes, she’d considered her clothing but had forgotten one piece. She remembered tossing the item aside and yet now, the memory of watching as her daddy pulled her panties down to give her a spanking had her turning to Trisha.

  “What’s on your panties?”

  “My panties?” Trisha repeated.

  “Do they have things you find on
an island? Like coconuts, shells, palm trees?” Coco asked.

  Trisha’s eyes went wide and she smiled. “Yes! Yours too?”

  Coco nodded and said, “We’ll guess together, okay?” The two girls turned their attention where Uncle Frank stood and….

  “We’re going to an island!”

  Coco’s head whipped to her left to see Veronica cut her eyes to hers, grin and then turn to speak again. “Is that right, Uncle Frank?”

  “What gave you that idea?” he asked.

  “You said everyone was given a clue and if there are palm trees and coconuts and seashells on the panties…you find those on an island.”

  “Congratulations, Veronica. You are right. We are going to spend a week on an island in the Caribbean. You’ll be swimming in the ocean and playing on the beach. We’ll have cookouts and a bonfire and games every day. And while I’d bet my last dollar there will be spankings and naughty bare bottoms being displayed in corners, I promise there will be good food, good times, and lots of love as well. Well done, Veronica. Come get your prize, honey.”

  Veronica slipped from her chair and skipped around the table to accept a bag her honorary uncle accepted from the flight attendant. “Go ahead and open it,” he said after giving her the bag.

  Looking inside, Veronica squealed and pulled out a large, purple stuffed dolphin. “Oh, how cute! Thank you, Uncle Frank.” She hugged him hard, and he bent to kiss her cheek.

  “You’re welcome, Veronica. Dolphins are one of the smartest species so it seemed an appropriate prize for the one who figured out the answer.” He looked around and said, “And don’t you fret, girls, you’ll get to hug a dolphin as well because we will be swimming with them, and there will be more prizes given out throughout the week.”

  “Look, Daddy, isn’t she sweet?” Veronica asked as she ran to her daddy. He swept her up and hugged her, her legs wrapping around his waist.

  “I’m so proud of you, Princess. What are you going to name her?”

  “Dancer because dolphins dance on the water.”

  “She ought to name him Cheater,” Trisha softly growled. “She’s not even wearing the panties! She heard us talking! I’m going to tell Uncle Frank!”

  Coco saw that her friend was correct. Instead of cute panties, Veronica had on a thick diaper. Still, she reached over and took Trisha’s hand as she began to lift it. “No, don’t. We don’t tattle on each other, remember?”

  Trisha resisted for a moment and then sighed. “It’s still not right.”

  Coco shrugged and said, “We’re still going to have an awesome vacation, right?”

  “Right,” Trisha admitted, and the two were smiling by the time their daddies joined them as the flight attendant began serving lunch.

  The daddies were offered their choice of beverage to enjoy with their thick roast beef sandwiches while the girls were all given glasses of apple juice and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches where the crusts had been cut off. It was yet another way to help the women sink into their roles though Coco did manage to snag a French fry off her daddy’s plate.

  After the meal had been cleaned away, the men escorted their little ones to one of the two bathrooms to potty and wash their hands and faces. Returning to their seat, Coco saw that a pillow and blanket had been placed at one end of each sofa.

  “Nap time,” Dalton said as she climbed into her seat, and he lifted her feet to remove her shoes.

  “I don’t want to nap,” she complained, wanting to sit and chat with Trisha and her friends.

  “Do you want another spanking?”

  “Um, no, sir.”

  “I didn’t think so,” her daddy said. He pulled the pillow onto his lap and gave it a pat. Coco laid her head down and pulled her legs up onto the sofa. The blanket was tucked in around her and, as if giving her a subtle warning he wouldn’t tolerate any more protests, he cupped her bottom in his hand, giving it a squeeze. The cabin quieted as girls settled down, and though Coco was sure she’d not sleep a wink, she was out like a light within seconds.

  Chapter Eight

  “Welcome to Little Isle.”

  Dalton watched as each young woman looked to the front and every mouth dropped open. They’d been so engrossed in gawking at their surroundings, they hadn’t even noticed another person had joined them. Standing in the center of the huge foyer beside a large round table holding a huge floral arrangement was a woman he knew the girls both loved and hated. Jean Hawthorn, Nanny Jean or ma’am as the girls were required to address her, could be the most loving of women, offering hugs and praises—or—she could be stern and wielded a paddle, tawse, hairbrush or any number of implements against a bare bottom like a pro. She liked to tease she must be the reincarnation of a Victorian era nanny. She loved everything about her chosen profession, including the uniform she wore. A black dress was covered with a white apron with large pockets. The girls had learned any number of things could be pulled from their depths…things like a piece of candy to reward a little one, a hanky to wipe tears or blow a runny nose, a brush to tidy hair or blister a bottom. Dalton thought she had to be on the far side of fifty and yet was still beautiful—in that stern, nanny way she carried off so beautifully. He watched as Jean smiled and held out her arms. Just that simple change had the girls running to her.

  “Looks like we made the right decision in asking Jean to join us this week.”

  Dalton turned to see Joe had joined him. The men had decided that having the woman they kept on retainer to attend some of their get togethers join them for their first communal vacation would be beneficial in many ways. Her presence would allow the girls to remember that vacation didn’t mean one would get away with naughtiness. The house was very large, the grounds extensive and the men would be busy not only with their girls but with the running of the planned activities. Jean’s eagle eye would remain on the girls if their daddies were occupied with other things. The men wanted their girls to feel free to play and converse with each other and having a woman present tended to help them drop deeper into their roles. A stern nanny persona also had many a little one pausing to reconsider their behavior if told that Nanny Jean would be “speaking to their daddy.” Having to stand before a daddy and admit they’d just been punished by Nanny Jean was both embarrassing for the little one and quite often resulted in an opportunity for a daddy to make sure the naughty girl was reminded that earning a spanking from the nanny guaranteed another trip across her daddy’s knees.

  Watching his wife and her friends hugging and hearing them chatter had him grinning. “Yes. You’d never be able to tell that the last time Coco interacted with Jean, it was hanging over her lap and getting her butt blistered.”

  Joe chuckled and nodded. “I remember. I also remember you were a bit concerned about how she’d feel once she had time to truly process the experience.” He nodded towards the group of women. “Seems like she is fine.”

  Dalton nodded. He remembered the spanking his little one had earned by misbehaving at a party despite being verbally warned by Nanny Jean to behave. He hadn’t been truly surprised when he’d watched Coco immediately ignore the warning, continuing to whine and throw a fit when told there would be no swimming as it was raining.

  “That’s just stupid! Rain is water and we’d get wet anyway. You’re just being a big meanie!”

  Jean had taken Coco’s arm, marched her to an armless chair and had her face down and bottom up in a heartbeat. When Coco had continued to argue Jean didn’t have the right to spank her, Dalton had squatted in front of her, lifting her head and shaking his own.

  “You know better, young lady. When you are a naughty, rude, disrespectful little girl, you will get spanked.” He paused, watching her eyes and continued. “Any adult in our group has not only the right but the responsibility to correct you. Naughtiness will be nipped in the bud immediately. Now, apologize and ask her to give you a spanking.”

  Her eyes had widened but seeing the flash of curiosity in their depths, he knew without a dou
bt she’d thrown her tantrum for one reason and one reason only. His little one had a tendency to push the boundaries as if needing to know exactly how far she could go—how much control she had. She’d learn she had very little, especially when she chose to misbehave.

  “Now, Coco, or once Nanny Jean has reddened your butt, I’m going to blister it with my belt.” She’d continued to stare at him but he didn’t even blink. Finally, she swallowed hard and he released her chin so she could turn her head to look at Jean who’d sat quietly throughout the exchange.

  “I-I’m sorry, please will you…spank me?”

  “Address her properly, Coco, and tell her why you need a nice hard spanking.” He absolutely adored the slight squirming she began as her face pinkened and her breathing quickened.

  “I’m sorry for being naughty, Nan…Nanny Jean. Please will you give me a spanking to teach me to be a good girl?”

  “Yes, Coco, I will,” Jean had said and reached to pull Coco’s shorts and panties down to her knees.

  Dalton had stood, remaining close in case his wife needed him, but understood it was another step along the path of her submission and their journey. Jean hadn’t been easy on his little one. By the time she was done, Coco was sobbing and her bottom was bright red. Jean guided the miscreant up, pulled a lace hankie from her pocket, wiped Coco’s face and then pulled her into a hug and onto her lap. It had been a very sweet scene as the older woman comforted the younger one, assuring her that she was forgiven and all was well again. After Coco had completely calmed, Jean had pulled her clothing back into place and sent her off to play with her friends who’d witnessed the tantrum and its consequence.

  “Make sure she is all right,” Jean had said quietly as she rose from the chair.

  Seeing his wife being surrounded by her friends and then the group running to play, he said, “I’m sure she’s fine.” Jean had shaken her head.

  “I don’t mean right now, Dalton. I mean later when you are home and she’s had time to process what happened.”


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