Please Daddy

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Please Daddy Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  “Why you are welcome. I thought perhaps I’d made it a bit too adult for you little ones.” Coco saw that she was looking at Veronica’s plate.

  “Oh, no, ma’am. Veronica didn’t go swimming so I’m sure she just wasn’t as hungry as we were.”

  “I know I’m stuffed,” Trisha said.

  The portly woman gave them each a hug. “I hope you saved room for dessert. I’ve got extra large cookies with your names on them.” She returned to the kitchen and Trisha looked at Coco and rolled her eyes.

  “Why did you defend Princess Icky? You heard her do nothing but complain.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt Mrs. Potts’ feelings. She’s nice.”

  The girls went to join the others who were about to leave the dining room. “What are we going to do now?” Coco asked.

  “Another surprise,” Dalton said, taking her hand.

  The surprise turned out to be an in-home theater room. Several loveseats sat on raised platforms in front of a wall of red curtains. Uncle Frank spoke, “We have a large selection of Disney movies. Why don’t you girls choose one?”

  The young women flocked towards the cabinet at the rear of the room.

  “Oh, let’s watch Finding Nemo,” Maddie suggested. “We’re at the ocean after all.”

  “Or Beauty and the Beast,” Coco offered. “You know, Mrs. Potts?” They were debating between the two when Veronica reached to pluck a video off the shelf.

  “Hey!” Maddie said.

  “We’re watching this one,” Veronica said, holding up The Princess and the Frog.

  “We didn’t vote yet!” Jenny said.

  “Consider me the tie breaker,” Veronica retorted.

  “That’s not fair, Suzy’s in the bathroom,” Trisha said.

  “Too bad for her,” Veronica said.

  “Look, just because you are wearing a tiara, that doesn’t make you a princess, Veronica,” Jenny snarled.

  “What’s going on here?” Frank said, coming towards them.

  “I asked if we could watch this one, and Jenny was mean to me. She said my tiara was ugly!”

  “What?” Jenny exclaimed, her mouth dropping open.

  “Jennifer, you know better than that. Little girls who can’t be nice do not get to share in a treat.” Frank turned to Veronica. “I’ll put this in, sweetheart. Why don’t you go help Mrs. Portsmith pass out the cookies while Jenny and I have a little chat with Uncle Roger?”

  “Thank you, Uncle Frank,” Veronica said, all smiles as she handed the video to him.

  The girls watched as Veronica twirled and ran off to do as he suggested while he left with Jenny in tow, heading towards the loveseat where Roger was seated.

  “That is so not right,” Trisha said, shaking her head.

  “You’re a lawyer when you’re ‘big’ right?” Maddie said, looking at Coco.

  Coco nodded. “Yes, why?”

  “I’m wondering what the extradition policy is for wherever we are.”

  “Whatever for?” Trisha asked.

  “Because if Veronica continues to act like a brat, I’m not sure I won’t kill her.” Pausing, to look at the woman who was causing so much disharmony in their group, she added, “If she tries to get me in trouble, I’m going to make sure it was worth it!”

  The girls all nodded as Suzy joined them. “What’s up?”

  “Just more Princess Icky drama,” Trisha said. Coco knew it was wrong to think of another that way and yet couldn’t deny that Veronica was quickly wearing on every one’s last nerve. At least the nerves of the littles. As far as she could tell, the woman acted totally different when she was within ear shot of any of the daddies. They watched as a tearful Jenny was led from the room, not only denied the movie and dessert, but most likely going to receive a hot bottom before being put to bed early.

  Despite the brief altercation, Coco had to admit she enjoyed the movie. She sat nestled on her daddy’s lap, nibbling on the cookie that Mrs. Potts had offered, seeing Veronica’s eyes narrow when she realized it was one of the larger ones on the tray. Coco knew it was immature but couldn’t help but stick her tongue out at the girl’s back once she’d moved away…but she did make sure she gave the childish gesture as she took a bite of the delicious cookie. By the time the film was over, she was yawning.

  “Time for bed,” Dalton said, setting her on her feet. They said their goodnights and returned to their room.

  Coco brushed her teeth and used the toilet after her daddy changed her into her nightgown. Returning to the bedroom, she moved to the window. “Oh wow, it’s so beautiful,” she said when her daddy turned off the light. Stars were brilliant against a midnight sky, the moon’s reflection visible on the ocean’s surface.

  “It is,” Dalton said, and she blushed realizing that he wasn’t looking out the windows but at her. “Let’s go say goodnight to the moon, shall we?”

  He led her out on the balcony. A breeze was blowing gently, lifting the hem of her short nightie. When she pressed her hands against the fabric, he stepped behind her. “Let me help.” Her nipples puckered as instead of holding it down, he lifted it up and over her head. When he lowered her panties and instructed her to step out, her pussy pulsed. It felt both delicious and naughty to be standing completely nude outside.

  “Daddy, what if someone can see?”

  “Then they’ll see the most beautiful girl in the world,” he said, running his fingertip down her cheek. “Grab the rail and spread your legs, sweetie.”

  Obeying, she soon gasped as his hands moved to cup her breasts. Strong fingers massaged her flesh, her body on fire as he took her nipples between his fingers and began to roll, pluck, and tug them until she was sure she would explode from the intense pleasure blending with a delicious spark of pain.

  “Please…” she moaned, attempting to press her breasts into his hands and her bottom against his groin at the same time, wanting so much more.

  “So nicely asked,” he said, kissing her again before his finger began to stroke along the crease of her bottom. She automatically clenched her buttocks.

  “No, don’t clench,” he instructed, “I want your buttocks to hang loose and soft.”

  She could feel the heat flooding her face, and yet she did her best to obey. He continued to stroke her, a fingertip running around the extremely sensitive rim of her rosebud. She moaned, as he began to push a finger inside, his other hand moving to her sex.

  “You’re soaking wet, ladybug,” he teased, as his fingertip tapped against her clit. “Your body doesn’t lie does it? You might protest, but having a finger playing in your heinie hole makes your pussy drip.” She couldn’t deny it, the combination of his fingers, their play, their dance over her body was causing her to tremble.

  Her sharp cry filled the air as he thrust into her with one hard stroke. After pausing, balls deep, he moved slowly, drawing almost completely from her body before sinking deep again. She shuddered as he built a fire inside her, heat suffusing through her to settle in her core. He pressed his palm against her lower back, forcing her to bend further forward, lifting her bottom.

  The first slap caught her off guard and she yelped, the second caused her to moan. “That’s it, Daddy will warm you up, won’t he?” he asked, two quick swats following that had her going up on her toes. She felt her insides begin to coil with every swat, the sting sharp and yet driving her towards the promise of an incredible release.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she moaned, her body shuddering as he continued to fuck her and spank her at the same time. Her bottom began to burn, and yet she continued to lift and push it up for his hand, to meet and accept every swat, every stroke of his cock until she begged, “May I come…please…oh, Daddy, please!”

  “Yes, Coco, come for me,” he said, the single strokes becoming a flurry as he peppered her ass until she screamed her release, her entire body quaking as she came. He stilled completely, and she could swear his cock swelled inside her to fill every centimeter of her pussy. He bent over her. “I
love feeling you contract around my cock. Soon, it’ll be your ass instead of your pussy.” She shuddered again at the promise as he gripped her hips and began to pound into her hard and fast until he thrust deep and erupted. She could feel hot jets of his seed as he filled her. Leaning over her, he was breathing hard as he pulled her head back in order to capture her mouth. She felt so loved, so desired that it brought tears to her eyes.

  “I love you so much, Daddy,” she said, turning to throw her arms around his neck when he pulled from her.

  “I love you too, Coco, more than you will ever know.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her inside. Once they were under the sheets, she cuddled into him, her cheek to his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. Looking out the window, she smiled.

  “Good night, moon.”

  Chapter Ten

  The vacationers were in another room the girls had yet to explore. When they were ushered in after breakfast, the girls discovered an entire wing of the house was filled with a variety of apparatus one could find on the average playground at a local park. Seesaws, a jungle gym, a curvy slide and even a set of swings made up some choices on which to play in one area. Another held quieter activities such as a huge dollhouse, a play kitchen, complete with fake food, and a table with buckets of art supplies. A third corner held an actual carousel with various animals to ride on. Bright sunlight poured through the floor to ceiling windows to further enhance the feeling they were actually outside.

  “This is amazing!” Jenny said, her sentiment echoed by the other girls.

  “We wanted our girls to have a place to play if the weather turns bad,” Dalton explained. “And, of course, this room is also a playground for daddies.” His rather cryptic words had the girls looking at each other and then around the room again as their daddies moved off towards what was revealed as a large supply closet.

  “We have come up with some games for this morning,” Uncle Joe said, drawing the girls’ attention to him. As he spoke, the other men were bringing out huge, brightly colored rubber balls to place them before their little ones. Coco smiled at the bright purple ball that almost came up to her knees.

  “Girls, listen now. The object of the game is to be the first one to bounce all the way across the floor, turn and then bounce back to your daddy. The first one back will be the winner and receive a prize.” He held out a huge stuffed kangaroo that had the girls cooing at its cuteness. “Who wants to win this new friend?”

  “Me!” Every woman shouted the same response, most of them already bouncing, ready to start without benefit of the balls waiting for them.

  “Oh, and in order to make the game just as much fun for the daddies, they will help you prepare to mount.”

  Coco wasn’t the only one to look up to see her daddy grinning but wondered if she was the only one whose tummy suddenly flipped at the look in his eye.

  “Arms up,” Dalton said.

  Raising her arms, Coco found her t-shirt being pulled over her head, her face flushing as her bare breasts were revealed. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to see that every girl was now topless. Soon they were totally naked as various shorts or skirts and five pairs of panties and one nappy were removed as well.

  “All right, little ladies, you may get onto your trusty steeds now,” Uncle Joe said from his place beside Trisha.

  “Careful, sweetie. You’ll need to find your balance point,” Dalton said, taking one of her hands and holding onto the thick rubber handle on the ball to keep it steady. Before she threw her leg across, she noticed a funny looking nodule on the surface of the ball.

  “What’s that?” she asked, pointing to it.

  “You’ll see,” Dalton said. “Now over you go.”

  He helped her straddle the large sphere, and when she gasped at the spread required and the feel of the nodule rubbing against her private parts, Dalton chuckled. “Just remember to hold on tight, ladybug.”

  She nodded, and once she’d planted her feet on the ground and gripped the handle, she felt more balanced. Looking down the line, she saw her friends, all with flushed faces she knew came from a combination of embarrassment at being totally naked and the excitement that being nude before others caused. It wasn’t the first time she and the others had been seen in all of their glory, but never before had it been to play some sort of actual game... well, not a race anyway.

  “Is everyone set to go?” Uncle Joe asked and received a chorus of, “Yes, sir.”

  “Remember, all the way to the other side, turn and bounce back. All right, Ready…set…go!”

  The girls squealed and feet pushed against the floor to set the balls bouncing. Coco yelped as she almost tipped over before righting herself. She took another bounce and then another, giggling as she did so. It was definitely one of the most ridiculous things she’d ever done but that wasn’t the point. The point was that it was fun! Realizing she was behind the others, she pumped her legs up and down, her bottom lifting and then falling back onto the ball as she took several fast bounces. She’d caught up and actually passed Jenny and Veronica by the time she and the others reached the line to begin their turn.

  Once she was facing back in the direction she’d come, she squealed again and froze. The nodule that had been pushing against her cunny suddenly came to life. She shuddered as it vibrated against her clittie, and she felt heat flood her face as she moaned.

  “Oh my god,” Trisha gasped, the two friends seeming to have forgotten the purpose of the race as they were aroused by the intense vibrations against their sex. “Who cares about some stuffie? This is the real prize!”

  “It is,” Coco agreed, giggling and then moaning as the vibrations changed, pulsations going from soft to intense. “Wow.” Coco looked up to see her daddy grinning and holding what was obviously the remote control to her purple sphere.

  “Come on, ladybug, come to Daddy!”

  She grinned and took her bottom lip between her teeth before taking an experimental bounce. Lifting and falling, she moaned again. What she really wanted to do was rub herself back and forth on the wonderful little toy but with her daddy urging her on, she kept bouncing.

  The room echoed with the sound of heavy rubber being slammed across the floor. Coco forgot about everything but the finish line, the vibrator against her pussy driving her to the point of desperation. She bounced as hard as she could, her leg muscles protesting as she continued to push up and down. Seeing the grin widen on Dalton’s face, she knew he was enjoying the show. Her breasts bounced up and down every time she did, her nipples hard as little buttons with her arousal.

  She was within inches of the goal line when suddenly Maddie screeched, and Coco saw her falling off to one side. Unable to recover, Maddie slipped from the ball and landed hard on the floor, the orange ball she’d been bouncing on, now bouncing on her and then over. Another cry occurred when the ball connected with Veronica’s, toppling her as well. Coco’s next bounce had her pushing all the way up as she slid off the orb to run to her friend who was sitting on her bottom, rubbing her knees that had taken the brunt of the fall.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, dropping to her own knees beside Maddie. “What happened?”

  Before Maddie could respond, they heard, “You cheated!” Coco turned to see Veronica standing, her finger pointing at them. “You bumped into me on purpose!”

  “I did not!” Maddie said.

  “You did! It’s not fair. I was winning, and you cheated!”

  Jenny and the other girls had joined them. “That’s a lie! Just like the one you told last night! Coco and Trisha were way ahead of us.”

  Veronica glared at the girls, then Coco watched as her entire demeanor changed. Her lips began to tremble and her eyes to tear. “Ow! Ow!” she cried, rubbing her right arm. The reason for the dramatic change became obvious as her daddy knelt beside her.

  “Princess, are you hurt?”

  “My arm! Oh, Daddy, it hurts so bad!” Veronica wailed.

  Coco questioned her
acting abilities when the woman threw both of her arms around her daddy’s neck without a single wince.

  “What a big baby.”

  Maddie’s words caused Veronica to wail louder. “They are making fun of me!”

  “I wasn’t—”

  “Maddie, you will apologize immediately,” Frank said, reaching down to pull his little one to her feet.

  “What for? I didn’t do it on purpose!”

  Coco knew Maddie never would have cheated. She was sure she hadn’t done anything except fall off her ball after a too energetic push. “It was an accident. Maddie wasn’t even close to Veronica. The ball just bounced…”

  “You’re not supposed to make fun of people! We’re supposed to be safe here!” Veronica wailed again, turning into her daddy’s chest and burying her face in his neck.

  “What? I didn’t…”

  “You did! You called me a baby! Just because my daddy likes me in diapers…”

  “Oh, good grief! I didn’t even think about that!” Maddie said, obviously exasperated. “I don’t give a damn if you wear—”

  “Madison Renee, that’s enough! You know cursing is not allowed and being ugly to your friends isn’t either! Apologize to Veronica this instant,” Frank instructed, drawing the girls’ gazes to him.

  “She’s just mad that she didn’t win! She’s always causing—” The next sound heard was the slap of flesh against flesh as her daddy’s hand landed hard on her bare bottom. “Ow!” Maddie yelped as a second swat had her bounce a foot forward.

  “Now, young lady, or you’ll be laid across that ball for a nice long spanking!”

  “Fine. I’m sorry!” Every one of her friends winced, recognizing the insincerity of her apology, not a one of them surprised to hear her squeal as her feet left the ground. True to his word, Frank draped her across the surface of the orange ball and began to pepper her bare behind with loud smacks. Coco wasn’t sure if her friend’s wails were because her daddy was spanking her or because she was furious about being made to apologize for something she felt no guilt over. Whatever the reason, she found herself looking at Veronica to see that not only had she turned from her daddy’s chest, she had a smirk on her face. It was all Coco could do not to take the few steps that separated them and slap that grin off the horrid girl’s face.


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