Midnight Escape (Agents of HIS Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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Midnight Escape (Agents of HIS Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 19

by Sheila Kell

  “We already are,” John answered.

  With John and Cowboy on duty tonight, he felt safe. No one would get by those two. He still was glad John hadn’t kicked Cowboy’s ass yet. Then again, their night partnership was young. “I’ll brief you as soon as I have the facts.”

  “Roger,” Cowboy said.

  Rejoining Justin and Moira, his stomach lurched as Moira gingerly traced the bruises on his brother’s face. Tenderly. With emotion. But was it love? Heck, she didn’t love him either, but he hoped she’d come around if they were a couple and had the chances other couples did. It’d be tough with her in protection—especially now—but it wasn’t impossible.

  “Tell me everything.” He regained his seat and focused on his brother’s beat-up body, not Moira reacting to it.

  “Someone at the bank alerted Boyle. I’m not sure why they didn’t tell him where it came from, since they’d surely know. So he came to me first. I almost had him convinced someone had hacked the account, but, in the end, he didn’t want to believe that. He wanted to exact his form of punishment.”

  “Kill them, you mean,” Danny said.

  “Yeah, including Moira, but not because of Diana and Declan. Boyle figured out she was outside the door during that meeting and won’t take the chance that she heard something she shouldn’t have. But don’t get me wrong, he wants Declan in a fierce way.” He took a deep breath and appeared to be in pain doing it. Ribs possibly. Justin was probably right about being allowed to break free. Unless he brought them here. But with the way he looked at Moira—with caring not guilt—Danny began to doubt he’d brought Boyle with him.

  “At least he doesn’t know where we are. It’d be tough to find us in this country,” Moira said.

  “That doesn’t mean less protection here. If anything, it will be tighter,” Danny told her.

  “It won’t take long,” Justin said, “for Boyle to browbeat the banker for a location. Since there’d been no need, no one’s protecting Diana and Declan.”

  “Who do you think is Boyle’s priority?”

  “Moira. You heard her recording. That’s the priority. Diana is—” Justin paused, “—just family business.”

  Fear clouded Moira’s features, and he wished he’d asked that question out of her earshot. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah. I had to see a doc about the shoulder, and he checked me out. The ribs are bruised with small fractures, nothing to be concerned with.”

  Danny narrowed his eyes. Except his brother’s jaw was still swollen. And there might be more. He hoped not.

  “Thank goodness,” Moira said.

  “Okay. We need to call Declan and update the team. Moira, would you excuse my brother and me for a bit? I’d really appreciate it.”

  She looked about to argue, but after looking at Justin and his small nod, she exited the room. He watched her head to the stairs and refused to speak until she was out of earshot.

  “Tell me.”

  “I was right. There’s definitely someone else pulling the strings. I was so close but then the money issue came to Boyle’s attention and I was a goner. Thank God the men love Diana. That means there’s someone we don’t know about. I’m not sure if they’re after her too or if it’s just Boyle. All I know is I failed in making our dad’s killer pay. After all those years working in the organization, trying to find out who pulled the strings, so I could bring down the man who had our father murdered, it’s all gone up in smoke. I have nothing but Boyle. Oh, I can bring him down, but without who’s in charge, it’s almost a waste, because someone else will just jump in that slot.”

  After a minute, Justin continued, “After failing our father when he was killed, I wanted so bad to bring down the person behind the attack. To bring closure to us all, especially Mom. To show the agency that I was right about who ordered the hit, because that is what it was. I was there and nothing could convince me otherwise. All these years for nothing. I’ve wasted this time.”

  Danny couldn’t help but be moved by Justin’s journey to find a killer. By his wanting to do this for their family. He’d been angry at his brother for disappearing. Then to hear he worked for Boyle, that anger grew into something deeper. But hearing the story wiped it away. This was his brother who wanted things to be as they should. The right killer to be brought to justice.

  “You haven’t wasted the time. We bring down Boyle, and if someone steps in, we figure out how to bring them down.” Notwithstanding HIS had no jurisdiction anywhere, especially in Ireland. But they’d find a way. They always did. And he still had agency friends he could phone. “We’ll find a way. Maybe even work out who the boss is.” The anonymous boss worried him. He hated the unknown.

  “I’m sorry, I’m not sure who the boss is, as in drug boss. I think he pulls strings and Boyle is just one string of many.”


  “Yeah. It’s a hunch, but my gut thinks it’s right. I just had no proof.”

  “Mm. We’ll figure it out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “And you’re sure he doesn’t know where they are?” AJ asked for the hundredth time. Or so it seemed like it. Justin had been updating HIS on what he knew, and it’d been an interrogation like no other. It had been obvious the men didn’t trust him, and Danny understood the feeling. He hadn’t, at first, but it was his brother, and once he’d given him the benefit of the doubt, trust had come. Except for the slight wavering when he’d shown up the night before.

  “I don’t think so, but I don’t think it’ll be long before he figures it out. At least to Boston.” Justin had been confident in his answer, every time he’d given it.

  AJ and Devon huddled together. It irked Danny that they left everyone else out of the discussion. Yet, he had to remember these were the men taking the risks and who would have to fight any battles that occurred because of their actions.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do,” AJ said. “The information on Boyle goes to the DEA. But, you,”—he pointed at Justin— “aren’t the one to give it. You burned that bridge. Danny will provide Boyle on a silver platter to them.”

  “What about who really leads it all?” Justin urged. He’d been fighting that point the entire time. Yet, with no proof, even Danny wouldn’t do anything on it. Not with legal channels anyway.

  Devon shook his head. “You’ve got nothing more than speculation. Danny can tell the DEA we think there is someone higher, but that’s it.”

  “I want to be the one to bring down Boyle. He ordered the hit on my father,” Justin said.

  “You’re no longer a law enforcement officer and you can’t prove it,” AJ insisted.

  Justin had one man who’d admitted to overhearing Boyle order their father’s death, but the man had soon disappeared.

  “Do you really think Boyle would’ve hired you and let it slip he killed your father?” Devon asked.

  Justin deflated. “He hired me because he thought I could be bought. It took a long time to convince him I really could, and that’s when I was able to get the evidence on him for drug running. But no, I guess I never really expected him to drop his admission of having my father murdered in my lap. I’d just hoped.”

  After a bit more rehashing of what Justin knew, Justin and Danny were left alone.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Mom is getting married?” Justin asked.

  “If you were around more, you’d have known. I like Mitch. He’s a nice guy and treats her like a queen.”

  “Until I find work, I’ll be around more. This is as good a place as any to lick my wounds.”

  “You did an excellent job,” Danny told him. “Don’t forget that.”

  “And I get none of the credit,” Justin bemoaned.

  “Oh, the agency will know it all came from you,” Danny assured him, knowing his brother meant having his reputation restored.

  Justin slapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, brother.”

  Danny swallowed. This next part was about to test the brother connection. If he really loved Moira, things were going to get tight. Danny didn’t plan on losing this battle.

  “I need to ask you something,” he said.

  “Go ahead.”

  “It’s about Moira.”

  “What about her?”

  What about her? She’s beautiful, kind, and a lovable person. And I love her. “Are the two of you serious?”

  Justin gave him a blank look. “Serious?”

  “Yeah, you know, do you love her?”

  It took another moment before Justin reacted, and when he did, it wasn’t what Danny expected. He laughed. Laughed. “Oh boy.”

  This was not a funny conversation. There was nothing funny about it. Danny felt insulted for him and for Moira. “What’s so damn funny? Are you serious with her or not?”

  “You have feelings for her, don’t you?” Justin asked.

  At this point he saw no reason to hide that fact. “I do.”

  “Danny, there’s nothing between Moira and me. I’d love it if there were, but she doesn’t see me that way.”

  Elation filled Danny. The one obstacle he’d held in his mind was gone. Vanished in an instant. She was free to be with him. All this time, she’d been free. He wouldn’t have traded their getting to know each other before moving to the next step. But now, Moira would be his. He wanted to do a fist pump but restrained himself.

  “She’s all yours, brother.”

  At that moment, he was called over to the computer area of the war room, so he only nodded to his brother.

  Seated around the computers, Danny waited for AJ to get to the point. He’d never known the Hamilton brother to be so long-winded. So much so that Danny’s leg began to bounce. He put a hand on it and that seemed to work. Anxiety riddled him, mixing up his feelings and his warrior mode. He needed to protect Moira, so he waited for AJ to finish.

  “I’ve been weeding through résumés—which I never understand why we have so many because we’ve never posted a job availability—for a third team.”

  Why the hell were they talking about this now when his woman needed them? Jane and Doc were watching her, but he wanted to be there. “You’re going to put a bunch of newbies all together and send them out without adult supervision?”

  “While that might be fun to watch, we don’t need a bunch of bodies returning. No, my brothers and I will conduct training here and run them through all we can until we get the land cleared to expand the field.”

  “Enough of that,” Devon interjected. “Tell him.”

  “All right, all right,” AJ said to Devon. He gave Danny a serious expression that knotted his stomach. “Did you get your helicopter license?”

  Confused, since Danny had no doubt AJ already knew the answer as it’d been discussed at HQ and the brothers always seemed to know what happened to him, he shrugged. He had, but going up again was another matter. “Yes.” With AJ, he had no idea what would come out of his mouth next. “Remember? I almost got my examiner killed.” He drew out on a long breath.

  Why this question now? He swung his gaze between the brothers and then to Stone, who kept his nose on the keyboard. Shit. What was this about? While unrealistic to jump to such a conclusion, he did. His fear of not being good enough rose up and wanted to choke him. If they wanted to get rid of him for not having special ops or military background like most, that meant the majority of the six brothers and one sister agreed. As he opened his mouth to say something, although he hadn’t figured out what to say, Devon interrupted.

  “Get to the damn point, AJ,” Devon said.

  AJ narrowed his eyes at his brother. “You owe Reagan’s swear jar some money.” Devon snorted his response, and AJ swung his gaze back to him. “Here’s the deal.”

  Those were words that could ruin a man’s life. Danny didn’t run away from things, but something made him want to get the hell away before AJ finished.

  What surprised him was when Devon told AJ to “Beat it” before he turned back to Danny.

  AJ didn’t leave but crossed his arms over his chest; anyone who didn’t know him would assume him to be calm. Members of HIS knew better. They could see what was hidden from outside eyes.

  Ignoring AJ, Devon took over. “Have you thought of what you would do now that you’re a helicopter pilot?”

  Oh. They’re worried he’d leave. That released a pressure from his body to know they cared. Much better than firing him. “Actually, I haven’t.” Why would he when he didn’t plan on flying anytime soon?

  Devon slapped his hands together. “Perfect. If you’ll agree to be our helicopter pilot while employed, we’ll reimburse you for what you spent for training.”

  If he hadn’t been sitting, he’d have stumbled back at the gratitude he felt. He’d gone from worrying they’d fire him to them making him an asset to HIS all in one short conversation. AJ may have been an excellent undercover FBI operative, but his business communication skills fell a bit short compared to the other family members.

  Before he could share his fear about going back up in a helicopter, AJ startled them all when he snapped his fingers and smiled. “I’ve got it!”

  “Got what?” Danny hesitantly asked.

  “I remember where I’ve seen Moira before and maybe others might’ve also.”

  Seen her? Danny’s gut clenched and his heart seized. He didn’t want or need her public in any forum. He snapped his gaze to AJ. He could throttle the man for keeping something like that out of their pre-op briefing. Angrily, he commanded, “What do you mean you’ve seen her? Isn’t this something you should’ve shared with us?”

  Ignoring Danny, AJ turned to Devon. “Go to this Irish Festival website.” He handed Devon a piece of paper Danny had seen him writing on a few moments ago during his “ah-ha” moment. After Devon put the site on his big screen, AJ directed him. “Go to the photos tab.”

  “Exactly why were you on this site?” Devon asked.

  “Once I told Megan someone from Ireland was here, she began researching, which meant I was stuck looking at what she found.”

  The screen had all of his attention, so AJ’s words meant nothing. Nothing else mattered at the moment. He wanted to slap himself on the forehead. That was the trip he and Cowboy had pulled her from. Not soon enough, apparently.

  He didn’t fight the strange feeling of protectiveness, attraction, or his flat-out need to have her in his bed. Had it been another woman, he’d have laughed at that.

  AJ stopped Devon as he scrolled down the screen of photos. He pointed to a photo on the screen. “There. In the picture with her artwork in the background.”

  His breath caught at the sight of her. Hell, he saw nothing but the woman whose lips he’d tasted the prior evening. The woman who felt more right in his arms than any other in his life. Just to be certain it wasn’t a doppelgänger on the screen, his eyes raced through the names beneath the picture. He didn’t need to really read the name. He couldn’t mistake her or confuse her with another woman. Damn if she didn’t look cute in that Celtic outfit. Now, he just had to keep her safe from all the threats that surrounded them.

  AJ and Danny stood. Danny started the conversation, tagging Devon first. “Is it possible, or likely, that someone in Ireland would see this?”

  “It’s possible,” Devon reluctantly said. “How probable, I’m not sure.”

  Scrunching his brows down, Danny continued his questions, “What’d ya mean?”

  “Normally, I’d say a low probability. But, since it’s mostly an Irish festival, that might intrigue Irish readers on both sides of the pond.”

  Something spun hard in Danny’s gut and what felt like razor sharp prongs cut him deep. This was the second photo. He’d had thought she’d be careful. Maybe she had
been. She hadn’t posed for the photo; she just happened to be standing in her booth. Still. He wanted to slap his fist on the desk.

  Living in the US, she’d told him of the freedom she’d felt and how much she loved it. After nearly four months of nothing, he’d bet his last dollar she hadn’t felt threatened at all. The men the other night must’ve scared her since nothing had happened since she’d moved here.

  “I can get them to take the pictures down.” Devon grinned mischievously. “One way or another.” He looked downright gleeful.

  “Will you check if she pops up anywhere on the web and get it cleared out?” Danny asked.

  “Already started, Ball Park.” Devon’s grin turned into laughter, and AJ joined it.

  Danny’s gaze slid to Stone. He shook his head and shrugged. Damn Cowboy for starting that horrible call sign.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  It’d been a long day at headquarters and a long night with Justin over for dinner. Thankfully, his brother had decided to stay elsewhere for the night, which gave Danny the perfect opportunity to further his relationship with Moira. Something that had not left his mind even during the deep conversation with HIS about her safety.

  He’d returned from HQ with flowers after leaving her with Jane and Doc for the day. They would be there every day from now until Boyle was in custody. Maybe even longer since what Moira overheard was still being investigated. He’d provided the DEA that recording nearly four months ago, and they hadn’t seemed to do anything. At least not enough for Danny. The group on that tape could be a serious problem for Moira.

  Then the whole helicopter thing had been dropped in his lap. He’d not given an answer because he wasn’t sure he could. They’d shown him the helicopter they’d purchased—odd since they didn’t have any pilots, unless they were counting on him and scrubbing new recruits for someone qualified to fly. It still hadn’t stopped his gut from churning. He and Wayne could’ve died if he hadn’t gotten lucky in landing. He couldn’t imagine transporting his teammates and knowing he might kill them.


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