Midnight Escape (Agents of HIS Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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Midnight Escape (Agents of HIS Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 21

by Sheila Kell

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  After seeing Barbie led out by the police, Danny and Moira enjoyed a lazy morning cuddled up on the couch watching the news. They’d discussed the outrageousness of several celebrities she’d seen in the news and laughed at others. Easy conversation flowed. So when she asked a question outside what was on television, Danny startled for a moment.

  “I know I asked before, but can I call my best friend, Cassie, back home? She’s got to be worried, especially if she heard I died. I can’t let her keep thinking that.” She leaned away from where she’d been lying on his chest. “I won’t tell her where I am. Promise.”

  That was a risky call. He didn’t know this Cassie. She could be a blabbermouth. He had to check out the risk first. Justin or Declan would know if it would be safe. And he would try to make this happen because it meant so much to her.

  “I’ll think about it.” That was the best he could give her at the moment.

  She studied him, and it made him a bit nervous for no reason whatsoever. His feelings for her were strong, and he didn’t want them to show and scare her away. Heck, she may push to go to her brother in Boston, even though Declan had already told her no. Danny had already learned she was persistent.

  With a sly smile, she leaned her head down to his and kissed him. Her mouth was sweet seduction. She tasted of the orange juice she’d had to drink with breakfast where they’d shared plenty of touches, kisses, and a bit of playful groping. Oh, and they’d cooked food between it all without burning the bacon.

  A knock on the door interrupted what he’d hoped had been a christening of the couch. Thankfully they were dressed, but still, they’d been having a ravenous make-out session.

  After untangling from each other, Danny stood, reached for the earpiece he’d refused to wear that morning, since he had plenty of protection, and put it in his ear. Heading to the door, he looked back at Moira, who’d assumed a guilty look on the couch. He wanted to laugh at her expression, but he also wanted to soothe it.

  Opening the door, as he had no need to check who it was first, since the men wouldn’t allow just anyone to knock on his door, he smiled at his brother. Just the person he wanted to speak with, only he’d rather it hadn’t been at this particular moment.

  “Hey, come on in,” he said to Justin.

  His brother did, and they moved to the living room. Danny lounged on the couch next to Moira, and Justin sat in a chair across from them.

  Danny reached over and opened his hand to Moira, hoping she wouldn’t leave him embarrassed by not taking it in front of his brother. This was a test to see how deep her feelings might run. Sure, it was an easy one, but it was what he had right now.

  Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his, and he tightened their grip, then dropped them in her lap, holding them together with strong emotions.

  Justin smiled but didn’t comment on their joined hands or how close they sat on the couch. “I came to tell you I’m going to visit Mom.”

  That he hadn’t expected. Not with everything going on. Surely Justin would want to be in on catching Boyle after everything he’d gone through. “How can you just walk away?” he asked belligerently. Moira gently squeezed his hand and he took note of her meaning. He’d been too tough. But still….

  “The DEA has everything. They’re handling the case right now. Even the investigation HIS has going doesn’t involve me. My work is done. I’m not part of any inner circle, so I can’t do anything else. Boyle will try to kill me on sight, so I won’t be able to bring him in alive.”

  “But you didn’t trust the DEA. They treated you horribly. How can you just leave it to them?” Danny stared at his brother, finding it hard to believe the change in him from years ago.

  “There’s new leadership since I was there. I think they’ll actually do something about this. Based on what you said from your meeting with them, it sounded like Boyle was already on their high priority list.”

  Maybe realizing how badly Danny was taking the news, Moira offered to make coffee for them. After she stood and left, Danny watched her backside as she walked then he asked Justin about her friend.

  “Moira wants to call Cassie and tell her that she’s okay. What do you think? Can we trust her?”

  Turning back, he saw Justin thinking it through. “They were best friends and very tight. Cassie went nuts when she heard Moira had supposedly died. It was all I could do not to tell her the truth. As far as trusting her, I believe she’ll keep the secret if she knows it would put Moira in danger if she talked. But I wouldn’t make it a regular thing because you never know if phones are being monitored.”

  They chatted a bit about their mother, and Justin announced he planned to go home. Their mom would be happy to have him there after so long of an absence. Visiting their mom and providing her protection, instead of being embroiled in everything, was probably the best thing for his brother’s mental state. Having someone watching over their mom was also a good thing for Danny’s piece of mind.

  Moira returned with three mugs of coffee on a plate, since he didn’t own a serving tray, and her hands were too small to manage three mugs. After she retook her seat, he told her the good news.

  “You can call Cassie—”

  Her excited move cut him off as she spilled coffee on her jeans. She jumped up, sloshing the dark liquid on the floor, then handed Danny her cup before she rushed off to the kitchen, mumbling the entire time.

  “I’d say you just earned a bunch of brownie points,” Justin said with a laugh.

  If she got this excited about talking to her friend, he could expect many more displays as he planned to do everything in his power to make her happy for the rest of her life.

  Rest of her life? Yes, he was ready to admit he loved her and would do what he could to convince her to remain with him forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “The girl is in the States. Baltimore, Maryland, to be exact. We haven’t located the brother yet,” Quinn Murphy said from behind his large walnut desk. “But we will.”

  “How did you find her?” Boyle asked, sitting as if he owned the place, which pissed Quinn off all the more.

  “She made a call to a phone we’ve been tracking ever since we heard she was alive.” Quinn knew sooner or later she’d contact his fiancée and felt no guilt tracking her phone calls. Yet she’d waited until they found out Justin Franks lied about killing her, her brother, and Diana.

  Boyle raised his voice. “But I want Declan Gallagher. I want his balls in a grinder. I just need to lean on the banker more.”

  Quinn knew Boyle believed Declan led his daughter astray, but he’d learned Declan had tried to avoid his relationship with Diana. For the simple reason he was gardai and Boyle was a criminal, albeit a smart one. That was the reason Boyle had been chosen to partner with Quinn.

  As a puppet master, Quinn controlled many aspects of government and the criminal element. Boyle was one and Donnelly was another. The officials he couldn’t control, Quinn blackmailed. And people just thought Quinn came from old money. Yeah, that money had dried up before he hit puberty. Nay, other people made him rich. And he wouldn’t allow some woman to ruin it. His fiancée’s friend or not.

  Now, he needed to control the situation. Because of that, he decided he should be there face-to-face with the potential threats to his empire. It was a risk, but some risks were meant to be taken. He’d still use Boyle, even though he knew the US DEA was after the drug lord. If he lost Boyle, there was someone else ready to take his place. And be under Quinn’s thumb.

  “We go to the US and find Moira. She’ll lead us to her brother.”

  He wanted Moira so he could find out how much she’d overheard while snooping outside Donnelly’s office that day. He’d received no backlash, but that wasn’t always a positive sign. His well-placed snitches in both the UK and the US—granted he had few across the pond
—were quiet. He didn’t like it.

  “We?” Boyle asked stupidly.

  “Yes, we. I need to be there when the girl is questioned. She may’ve overheard us. And that’s a problem.”

  “No one would believe her. Not with you and Donnelly involved.”

  “I won’t take that chance.” To keep under the radar, he’d been working for a minister instead of taking a lead role.

  He’d have to trust Boyle enough to get some answers. He looked at the man. Quinn had never trusted him, and many times, he’d thought of offing him because he was more trouble than he was worth. But he had no other sacrificial lamb to take with him on this trip.

  Trusting Boyle was his only safe option. Unless…. An idea began to form that required he find Moira’s brother before they traveled. He might be able to pull this off and his secrets would remain safe.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Alone again,” Danny said to Moira as she walked down the stairs in her cute cat pajamas—pajamas he intended to take off her very soon. His imagination went wild with what she wore beneath. Would it be no bra and lacy panties as before or a bra and panties? He hoped the former. He salivated for that option. Nothing tempted him more than naked breasts. Okay, plenty tempted him, but they were high up there as one of his favorite things.

  “Unless you don’t count Cowboy and John watching over us from outside.” She plopped down on the couch next to him.

  He didn’t forget his teammates were there, but he didn’t count them as part of what was happening inside his home. He’d ensured privacy unless he needed to be contacted for an intruder or situation. It was only because they were home that he could relax enough to be intimate with Moira. He felt safe, even with trouble on the horizon.

  He had no doubt Boyle would arrive soon. He expected the man would find her and her brother. But he also had no doubt HIS would stop Boyle before he got anywhere near Moira. Danny would bank his life on them all being able to protect her. He’d never allow something to happen to her.

  “Let’s just pretend they aren’t there.”

  Moira snorted. “Easy for you to say. Not so easy for me to remember. I’m a prisoner.”

  He recoiled at the sting that statement wielded. On some level, he’d worried she’d think that, but he’d never meant her to feel that way. “Don’t think of it as being a prisoner. Think of it as having your own safety force. Besides, we’ve been out.”

  “That was before Justin came back with the news. Now I’m stuck. I’m not asking to go anywhere. That’d be stupid. It’s just being told I can’t.”

  Although he’d like to change that, he wouldn’t. Her safety came before her happiness. This, she’d recover from. A bullet, she wouldn’t. “It’s only temporary. We’ll be back out again soon and then we won’t need the tail.” He smiled, hoping to bring one to her face, but failed. Now appeared to be a great time to change the subject.

  “When will you paint my portrait? I’m sure my mom would love it.” Get her talking about something she loved. That had to work to elevate her mood.

  “I haven’t painted portraits.”

  “Oh.” That didn’t work.

  “But I’m willing to try.” Her excitement shined on her face with her bright eyes and the smile she wore when talking about her hobby. No, her livelihood. “Tomorrow,” she decided.

  That settled, he reached for her. “Now, let’s discuss tonight.” With his arm around her shoulders, he turned her to meet him chest to chest. His heartbeat ratcheted up a notch at her nearness.

  “What’s there to discuss?” she asked.

  “This,” he said, before he smothered her lips with his. He launched a near brutal assault on her mouth… tempting… tormenting… challenging… punishing. All his emotions on keeping her safe yet not willing to give her up when the threat ended came out in his kiss. Realizing he might bruise her lips, he backed off, and while his tongue continued its assault, his lips softened and the kiss gently deepened.

  Kissing her… the taste of her was an aphrodisiac. Just being near her, his dick would get hard and his heart would expand, tossing blood flow to both, making him lightheaded.

  When his breath hitched, he lifted his head a fraction. He looked down at her beauty when she was in the prelude to passion. The darkness of her eyes, her flushed cheeks, and ragged breaths, all made her sexier than ever.

  He couldn’t resist her swollen lips. He brushed them once, then twice, before covering her mouth with a soft, gentle kiss. This kiss contained his emotions… his caring… his desire… his love.

  With a bit of maneuvering, his hand covered her naked breast under her pajama top. Naked. His mind briefly wondered if that was normal for women and pajamas, but it whisked out of his brain faster than his mind fully processed it. His focus was on the woman in his arms, the lips he kissed, and the soft breast in his hand.

  “Mm,” he murmured, when he lifted his lips a fraction, “you taste so good.”

  “You too,” she said in a hoarse voice.

  Good. She felt the need also. It was more with them. Suddenly urgency filled him. He had to have her right here, right now. He reached down and pulled her top over her head. “I have to have you.”

  “I’m yours,” she purred.

  The woman was temptation personified and didn’t even realize it.

  Then they got into a frenzy of removing clothes. Him, his. Her, hers. They needed to get naked and fast. And forget the bed. That required travel—albeit not far—and steps. No time.

  With a throw pillow behind her head, Moira laid on the carpeted floor. Thank heavens he’d added the extra cushioning when he’d had the carpet installed. It’d remained soft enough.

  Dropping his head, he sighed, then jumped up. After a mad dash to his room for a condom, he nearly sheathed himself on the run. Lying beside her, he took her lips in his while he checked if she was ready for him. He wanted her now but wouldn’t hurt her. The demanding kiss had been the extent of any potential cruelty he’d impose.

  Reaching between her legs, he was relieved to feel the wetness. Yes, she was ready and wanted him. That made his heart flip.

  He leveraged himself over her and settled between her thighs. Keeping eye contact with her, he reached down and maneuvered his dick at her opening. With one agonizingly slow push, he entered her completely.

  As euphoria flitted through his nerve endings—from his toes to the top of his head—he began to move inside her.

  He kissed his way down her silky throat, nipping and kissing until a low moan escaped her. He could barely wait until the next time—which would be soon after this time—so they could take it slower and he could enjoy her body as his playground.

  He should tell her he loved her. Okay, maybe now wasn’t the perfect time, but after. Was that the right time? No matter. He would.

  When her fingertips dug into his shoulders, he knew she was close, and he concentrated on his strokes, even though he wanted to go hard and heavy.

  “Faster,” she whispered.

  Who was he to argue, especially when he wanted it that way? He didn’t respond orally; he just did as she asked and found himself coming close to his own orgasm.

  He felt it move along his spine and his balls drew tight. He focused on pleasuring her, and when she finally cried out his name, a groan erupted from deep within his chest as he let go as well.

  After a moment to catch his breath, he rolled off Moira and pulled her close. They remained on the floor and he had no intention of moving anytime soon. Their rushed, frenzied love making took a toll on his ability to coordinate his limbs.

  Yet, he had to move to dispose of the condom. He made the quick trip and returned to the spot he’d held before he’d left her arms.

  His gut churned, but he knew now was the right time to tell her how he felt. She might not say anything back, but he was pretty sure she wouldn�
��t get up and leave either. At least he hoped she wouldn’t.

  He took a deep breath for fortitude and went for it. “I love you, Moira. Please say you’ll stay and give us a shot.”

  Silence met his admission and request. With it, a strong feeling of loss hit him. He didn’t want them to be over. Not when they’d just gotten started. In fact, she hadn’t even opened her eyes to acknowledge him. Silence that told him everything, until he realized why.

  Moira was sound asleep. He hoped he had the guts to say those words to her again.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Moira giggled as Danny, once again, moved from the spot she’d placed him. Although she wasn’t complaining much about the kisses or nips at her neck. At this rate, she’d never get his portrait painted. Each time he moved, she had to reposition him, while fighting off groping hands.

  After last night, something had changed between them, and she couldn’t lay her finger on what it was. They seemed more in tune with each other. More a couple than just sexual partners. It was hard to explain, but she felt the difference in Danny and in herself. They’d crossed a milestone she’d never crossed with a lover. They cared for each other and deeply.

  Had she fallen in love? Surely not. Granted, they’d been dancing around each other from the time she’d arrived, but they’d only been lovers a short time. Surely it wasn’t possible to fall in love so quickly. Or had it been quickly?

  She mentally shook her head and focused on her art. She couldn’t fall in love because she was going home. A place she missed with all her heart. Yet, lately, being with Danny had meant more to her.

  Enough. She had to focus or his mother would never get a portrait of her son.

  “So, how long does this take?” Danny asked, his voice laced with impatience.

  She sighed. He’d continued to ask that question since they began. She had him sitting for hours, only taking short breaks. She felt that it wouldn’t be long before all was over and she’d be free to return to Ireland. She wanted to finish this before then.


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