
Home > Romance > Mistake > Page 11
Mistake Page 11

by K. Webster

  “You must be Thaddeus Sutton,” a deep voice calls to me from across the lobby.

  I see an older gentleman leaning against the doorframe, looking none too pleased. Jackson flips me off once more before hauling Andi into the elevator with him. Fucking asshole.

  “One in the flesh,” I tell him cockily. God, I am in such a weird fucking mood now.

  He glances over at me, frustration etching his features, and motions for me to follow him into his office. Once we’re inside, I take a seat on the black leather sofa in front of his desk. The sofa looks new and is the epitome of the cliché couch you would find in a shrink’s office.

  “Did you have fun provoking him?” he asks, peering down over his glasses.

  I huff and shrug my shoulders. “He was being a fucking asshole.”

  Looking down at his notebook, he writes something on his pad. Instantly, my guard is up.

  “So, Thaddeus, it says here on your paperwork that you just completed rehab?”

  I nod my head and lean back, crossing my arms over my chest. Now that I have Opal, I really feel like this visit is unnecessary. A few days ago, yes, I needed it. Now, not really.

  “I see,” he says and scribbles another note. Looking back up at me, he cuts right to the chase. “Have you had the desire since rehab to use drugs or drink alcohol?”

  My eyes dart to his and my stomach clenches guiltily. “Uh, no,” I lie.

  He stares at me a few moments before he shakes his head. “I’ve been doing this far too long for you to lie to me and get away with it. Considering you even attempted lets me know that you have in fact thought about using. Now don’t even try to avoid the inevitable. Let’s be honest here. What we talk about stays here, Thaddeus. Have you used since you’ve left rehab?”

  I think about my mother’s deliberately setting me up and I’m suddenly and angrily grinding my teeth together. “I had a drink last night.”

  He looks back down to his clipboard and scribbles something again. It sets something off inside of me and I’m flooded with so many emotions: anger, confusion, sadness.

  “What triggered you to take this drink you speak of?” he questions, his eyes off the clipboard and back on me.

  I fidget in my chair as I debate telling him about my mother or not. Opal’s face fills my thoughts and I realize I need to tell him if I want to get better. For her.

  “My mother asked me to take her drink to the sink. We’d discussed some things that fucking pissed me off, and instead of pouring out the glass, I downed it,” I reveal shamefully, myy eyes now inspecting the flooring in his office. The old hardwood could really use a refinishing.

  “Do you think she set you up?” he asks, calmly. Everything about him is so cool and collected. It pisses me off.

  “What do you think?” I snarl.

  His eyes narrow briefly before he jots down another note. It drives me crazy when he does that.

  “I think that you must believe she did in order to have gotten so angry. How is your relationship with your mother? What about the rest of your family?”

  I sit up abruptly and dig my elbows into my knees while I thread my fingers through my hair. My mind is assaulted with angry thoughts toward my family, especially my mother. I also mourn for the child who grew up without the motherly love that is normal in most families. Bitterness also creeps into my veins over the fact that, because of her, I’ve become this mental head case.

  “She’s a callous bitch who thinks favoring one child over the other is normal. I’ve never met anyone in my life as cool and uncaring as she is. My father just does as he’s told and has never had my back. My brother thinks I’m a loser and hates that I tarnish the family name,” I huff out and sit back.

  My blood is beginning to boil—just like it always does when I get fired up over the way they treat me. Usually, when I start to feel like this, I want to drink. Now, I start to bounce my foot up and down in an effort to dispel some of the pent-up energy pumping through me. I’m furious that I’m going through a spell of what normally sends me on one of my paths of destruction. Fuck my mother and her control over my mind.

  Think of Opal.

  Mentally picturing her tall, slender figure and gorgeous smile, I instantly feel myself relax.

  I look up to see Dr. Sweeney writing. Again. Not being able to refrain from doing so, I roll my eyes at him. But he flicks he gaze up to mine when he asks his next question.

  “What just happened there, Thaddeus?”

  Confused, I shrug my shoulders.

  “You went from being extremely angry to calm and collected. Something passed through your mind, and I’d like to know what that was,” he responds.

  “I thought of her. Opal. She’s like the calm right now in the stormy sea that is my life. For once, I have something that helps me take my mind from all this shit.”

  He writes another note before his next question. “And how long have you known this woman?”

  “A few days,” I grumble, knowing that this will somehow be held against me by the frown now forming on his face.

  “Hmmm,” he murmurs before continuing. “Do you think it is fairly soon to have her already playing such a critical part in your life, Thaddeus? Like she might be your crutch? You’ve barely known her. You think it’s healthy for someone in your emotional state to rely on another person to keep you calm?”

  “Fuck this,” I growl and stand quickly. But I pause when he raises his hand to stop me.

  “Listen. I’m not trying to make you feel threatened. The truth is, I’m trying to help you. From your actions and your medical history, I think it is safe to say you’re suffering from anxiety and depression. I’d even go as far as to guess you have manic episodes, which leads you to do impulsive things. I want you to start taking this mood stabilizer,” he instructs and hands me a prescription. “It should help you to keep yourself on a more even playing field. And even though this woman keeps you from wanting to use, I think you need to be aware of the time you spend with her. I don’t want you holing yourself inside with her, closing yourself off from the triggers of the real world. You can’t avoid them. You must confront them. Take one of my cards. If you feel like using or the stress is too much, call my cell. I’ll talk with you.”

  I accept the card and the prescription. Turning to leave, I’m stopped by his words again.

  “Not so fast. I have homework for you.”

  Spinning around, I look at him quizzically. What sort of shrink gives homework? He’s grinning at me because he obviously enjoys this shit.

  “Thaddeus, I have a challenge for you. I want you start small—like with your brother—to begin to mend these broken relationships. It will be hard. That’s why it’s called a challenge. But I want you to really step out of your comfort zone. You’re going to need to spend time with him and decide on things you can do together in a level playing field. When I see you next week, I want you to report back what happens during these visits. We’ll eventually move on to your father and then your mother. If you feel like you’re about to lose it, call me.”

  I close my eyes as I shove the prescription and his card into my pocket. Why in the fuck does he think I will do this shit?

  You’ll do it because of her.

  Opal’s face crosses my mind, reminding me that I need to man the fuck up and get myself well if I want to have a real chance of being with her.

  “Okay. I’ll try,” I promise and mean it.

  From my position at my desk, I watch Jackson haul Andi into his office and slam the door behind him. He is beyond pissed. Poor Andi seems so sad. They are breaking my heart these days because I feel like there’s a wedge in their relationship. I’m dragged from my thoughts when my phone rings. I grin stupidly when I see that Thad In My Pants is calling.

  “I’m taking you out tonight, beautiful,” he informs me by way of greeting.

  I let out an amused giggle. “Oh, is that so?”

  “O, that’s so,” he laughs. The rumble of his laughter nig
gles straight to my core.

  I can’t wait to see him again. He’s awoken a sexual side I never knew I had before. Plus, I feel the need to protect him—from not only himself, but also his family.

  Before I can say anything else, I hear the telltale banging of Jackson’s credenza against the wall and bite back a grin.

  “Pick me up at six,” I instruct and hang up since Bray is striding over to my desk on a clear mission.

  “What’s up, Bray?” I ask while I add some papers to a file for Andi.

  “Olive wants to have a get-together tomorrow night. She has an important announcement she wants to make and wants everyone there. Come over after work and we’ll have dinner and drinks. Oh, and Abby told me this morning that she misses her Aunt Opie. So you better be there.” He winks before he walks back into his office.

  I’m still left reeling about what it is that Olive needs to tell us when a very flushed but smiling Andi slips out of Jackson’s office. I cock an eyebrow up at her, letting her know I caught her in the act.

  “Have fun in there banging shit around?” I laugh. “Or were you the one getting the shit banged out of you?”

  “Opal!” Andi shrieks in embarrassment and practically runs to her office.

  I’m still giggling when Jackson opens his office door and throws a smug grin my way before sauntering over to Jordan’s door.

  My phone rings on my desk and I chuckle when I see that it’s Andi. “Miss me, hooch?” I tease in greeting.

  “I can’t believe you heard us!” Andi hisses into my ear.

  “Andi, I always hear you guys, but it’s been a while. I’m happy Stella got her groove back,” I joke.

  “Ugh! Anyway, guess who I ran into at Dr. Sweeney’s?” she asks, her tone switching from embarrassed to one of excitement.

  “Who?” I ask distractedly as I reply to an e-mail from the lady in human resources.

  “Thad In My Pants!” she squeals so loudly I have to pull the phone from my ear.

  Just hearing his name brings a huge smile to my face.


  “He’s sexy as sin, huh?” I already know the answer though.

  “Girl, he’s sexy enough for Jackson to be jealous as hell and drag me back to the office for a quick claiming fuck!” she snorts.

  We giggle like two school girls. But when we calm down, she turns serious.

  “You know, Opal, people don’t go to Dr. Sweeney unless they’re fucked up like Jackson and me.”

  I frown as I consider her point. “I think everyone’s a little fucked up to some degree,” I affirm, “including myself.”

  “Well, I like him. I like him a hell of a lot more than I like Trent for you. Trent’s a good guy, but this guy is a hunk. He looks dangerous, but he’s sweet. I spilled my purse and he helped pick it all up for me—even telling me everything was going to be okay. I liked him instantly. I’m Team Thad In My Pants,” she laughs. “Now get your ass in here and let’s do some work,” she commands in mock authority.

  I roll my eyes at her tone and hang up. After snatching up the file I am working on, I waltz into the office of my best friend, where I know we’ll spend more time giggling over men than actually working. God, I love my job.

  A date with Thad.

  What the fuck do I wear on a date with Thad? I’ve tried on at least fifteen dresses. When I went out with Trent, he always made sure to tell me how to dress.

  Not Thad. No, that simply isn’t his style.

  Standing in nothing but my red lace bra and matching panties, I scan the closet once more for something to wear. I sigh in frustration when I hear the doorbell ring.

  “Shit!” I curse and yank my white silk robe off the hook of my closet door. Hurrying to the out of my room, I slide the robe on along the way and tie it at the waist before opening the door. When I sling it open and see Thad standing there, my pissed-off attitude melts away. He’s so freaking hot wearing in a pair of holey jeans and a black, tight Pink Floyd T-shirt. And I realize I’ve obsessed for nothing. He’s dressed comfortably all the way down to his worn-out, black Doc Martens.

  When my gaze meets his, I find his green eyes glowing with heat. Then I remember I’m wearing a little robe that barely covers my bottom and a smile tugs at my lips.

  Before either of us can speak, he stalks into the apartment until he’s pressed against my chest. I breathe in his delicious, soapy Thad scent and whimper when his hand slides around to cup my ass through the thin material. His other hand circles behind my neck and pulls me close to his lips.

  “You’re quite possibly the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he growls against my mouth.

  Moisture builds between my legs as I slip my hands around to his muscular back and gently scratch him. My breath catches when he softly kisses my bottom lip. The tenderness is a contrast to the way he grips my ass—firmly and possessively.

  He pulls his lips away and rests his forehead on mine, pinning me with his stare. Nobody has ever looked at me the way this man looks at me. I could get drunk off his gaze.

  “If you don’t get dressed now, I’m going to be tempted to fuck you right here up against this wall,” he threatens as he pushes me up against it, his thick erection pressed into my belly.

  He dips his lips down to my neck and sucks me lightly, causing me to gasp. The hand he has on my ass glides to my front and pulls one of the strings to my robe. When it opens up, it reveals my breasts, which are practically spilling out of my red lace bra.

  “You have the hottest fucking body on the planet,” he groans as he trails kisses down to the swell of my breasts. His compliments flow right into my heart, and I smile.

  Both of his hands skim over to my hips and drag my panties down my thighs as he kisses my flesh along the way. The man is a tattooed beauty knelt down in front of me and I need more of him. As if answering my wish, he urges my legs apart and slips a finger between them before pushing it inside me, my smile falls. My God, he feels so damn good.

  “You’re so wet for me,” he observes in a voice that’s raspy, thick with desire.

  He pushes his finger deep into me and I moan loudly as I grab two handfuls of his hair. His finger drags my wetness in and out of me in such a way that I want more than just his finger.

  “Thad, I need you,” I beg.

  Instead of answering, he tongues between the lips of my pussy and I gasp. Then he begins lapping me up like I’m a delicious melting ice cream cone. His eagerness to taste me has me getting wetter and wetter for him.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it to me. I want to lick up every drop,” he instructs huskily.

  His finger continues to fuck me, drawing out more and more of my juices as he licks me. But it isn’t enough; I need more of him. As if understanding my need, he grabs the ankle of one of my legs and hoists my foot onto his shoulder, opening me up more to him.

  He pulls his finger out and I whimper at the loss, but that whimper quickly becomes a moan as he replaces it with his tongue. His tongue is long and strong as it pushes inside me, creating a slippery, fucking amazing sensation. I’m not even embarrassed when I realize I’m shoving his head closer to me, needing him more.

  I’ve never been so wet in my life. He’s killing me with the way he keeps fucking me with his tongue as his thumb starts massaging my clit. My leg begins shaking as I’m hit with a whole-body-encompassing orgasm.

  “Holy shit!” I cry out and nearly collapse from the intensity. The things this man can do with his tongue should be illegal. But I’d gladly break the rules for more.

  He urges my foot off his shoulder and onto the floor before he stands. When he brings his lips to mine, I’m strangely turned on as I see his face glistening with my arousal. Then he kisses me softly.

  “You taste amazing, O. Your flavor is intoxicating—fucking delicious. I’ve never wanted to consume every drop from any woman like the way I want to do with you. You’re addicting, like my own fucking drug.”

  I want this man. More than any man I’ve ever
wanted in my entire life. Even Trent—the man I relentlessly threw myself at for four years of my life. With Thad, it all comes easily, naturally. I enjoy the flutter in my heart as my hand makes it down his hard cock, which is pressed between us. I want to touch him, taste him, worship him like he does me.

  “Your turn, hot stuff,” I instruct saucily.

  The shocked but excited look he gives me is all the confidence I need as I slide down his body to properly service him as well.

  She tastes like fucking honey—sweet and delicious. When she kneels in front of me, her robe still hanging open, and begins unfastening my jeans, I nearly come from the sight of her. She’s perfect. Chocolate skin, smooth as silk. Long, dark hair hanging perfectly down her shoulders. A look of determination is painted on her face as she pulls my thick cock from my boxers.

  She hesitantly strokes my length as she runs her tongue from the base up to the tip. I can tell that, just like everything else with her, she’s inexperienced. I’m not going to lie though—it makes me fucking happy to get to experience things she’s never done before with her. My thoughts disappear as her supple lips suck my dick.

  “O, fuck!” I gasp as my hands slip into her hair.

  She begins bobbing her head up and down, tentatively seeing how deep she can take me into her mouth. I can’t think about anything except the way her tongue is rubbing against my flesh and the scrape of her teeth against my shaft every so often. It feels so goddamn good that I know I am on the brink of coming.

  “Pretty girl, I’m going to come,” I warn with a hiss as I feel myself getting closer.

  It only seems to encourage her, and she picks up her pace, trying her damnedest to suck the come right out of me. Seconds later, I explode into her mouth with a groan. She chokes for a moment from the surprise of my load but quickly swallows it down before pulling off my cock to look up at me.

  Her eyes are filled with pride—and hope.

  “You’re really good at that,” I chuckle.

  She laughs as she climbs back to her feet after tucking me back into my pants. I have to tear my gaze from her tits, which are spilling out of her bra, so that we can focus on getting out of here for our date.


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