Bear Shifters: Hunt Collection #2

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Bear Shifters: Hunt Collection #2 Page 17

by Ava Hunt

  “Now pull it out and put it against your clit. You only have a minute to come.”

  The woman did not need a minute. She pushed the bullet out of her wetness and pressed it against her sensitive flesh. The bullet was hot from friction inside of it. He turned it on as fast as it would go and watched her squirm in her seat.

  His hand went to her breasts and pulled on one of the tips. He twisted the knot of flesh hard in between his fingers and she cried out again. Nothing to impede the fluid of her pussy, it shot out onto the seat.

  “Fuck, you get so damn wet.”

  He shoved his fingers in her hole and Rue shook harder. Her legs opened wider for his thrusting digits, the bullet flying across her womanhood. Rue saw lights behind them and she started, removing her hand from the bullet.

  “Did I tell you to stop?”

  She whined and pushed hard on the heated metal. She saw the man get out of his car and he approached her side of the truck. She could not stop the volume of her noise, even though she desperately tried to. Micah's fingers continued to pump inside of her and the bullet buzzed faithfully on her core. The man opened the door and she was confronted with a tall, Nordic type man. It took her a minute in her haze to realize that it was the man from earlier in the parking lot.

  "Now we are going to see if you're truly up for submitting to me."

  Her eyes went wide. She'd never been with two men at the same time before. In fact, truth be known, she'd only been with two men in her entire life.

  “Move your hand and let Liam try for a bit. Your hands need to stay on your head,” he barked the command at her.

  Rue was not sure how she felt about another person there, but she wanted to please Micah so she swallowed hard and moved her hand away as instructed. Her breasts rose in the air and the nipples tightened with the air from the opened door. The man wasted no time in rubbing her clit and sucking in one of her nipples. He kept pulling more flesh into his mouth until half of her ample breast was in his mouth. He moaned against her flesh as Micah did not stop the steady pumping of his fingers.

  Rue looked down at the man’s blonde hair bouncing as he suckled her breasts greedily. He made little grunting noises of pleasure and his hand shimmied against her clit. Micah’s hand was coated in her juice and he pulled out in a rush, leaving her to be tended to by the stranger. They seemed to know exactly what was going to happen while she did not.

  Liam took over where Micah left off, his thicker fingers sliding inside of her with ease. She felt another hand that went down to her soft round ass and pushed the bullet inside. She whimpered and her ass squeezed the piece further in. He pushed the button on the controls and enjoyed the look in her eyes the few seconds they were open. Rue imploded and had the word he'd told her on the tip of her tongue.

  “Let’s get her to the back where there is more room.”

  Liam grabbed Rue and cradled her in his arms. He carried her to the back of the truck and waited for Micah. Rue saw a glint of metal in Micah’s hands and her body tensed up. She was worried and looked up into Micah's eyes fearfully before realizing it was handcuffs he held.

  “Put your hands behind your back, Rue.”

  She did not speak but did as she was told. She winced with the sound of the lock tightening around her delicate wrists. He pulled her ass against his crotch and pushed his thick bulge against her. While she was focused on Micah, Liam had pushed his pants down and was walking towards her in short steps. Micah pushed her upper body down towards the swinging cock in her face.

  “I want you to suck him like he was me. If you do a good job, I may give myself over to you.”

  Rue pushed her ass back against him harder. She wanted nothing more than him buried inside of her, so she opened her mouth wide for Liam's sizeable cock. It felt smooth in her mouth as she took a tentative taste of his oozing head. Micah slammed against her with his pelvis and sent the woman forward onto the man’s dick. She choked on the sudden intrusion and the man above her thrust in deeper.

  Rue needed air, but Liam was not giving her a chance. Micah held the cuffs in one hand, leaving her completely dependent on him to allow her the ability to breathe. The cock in her mouth twitched against her throat while Rue started to see dark spots in her eye sight. Micah pulled her back from Liam’s thrusting meat and the woman took in several gulps of air before being filled again.

  “This feels fucking amazing, man.” Liam said to Micah, not knowing how long he'd last in the young woman.

  Micah watched her take in every inch of the man’s dick and he found himself with an unfamiliar pang of jealousy as he watched her suck his roommate and best friend. They had shared many women in the past, but he already decided in his mind, that he was not so sure he wanted to share her fully with anyone. There were some things that he coveted just for himself. He pressed on her ass hole and felt the vibrations from the hidden toy. He wished he had brought the controls with him, but he settled for sliding a finger inside of her, to push it deeper into her bowels. Her screech was unmistakable, even with a mouthful of cock suppressing it.

  He pushed his finger in a few times and then pulled out to replace it with his thicker thumb. Her ass clenched around his shorter digit, the walls stretching to accommodate the width. Rue sucked harder on the cock in her mouth, the man panting and visibly shaking. He tried to hold back, but was unable to stop the flood of white come. It filled her mouth completely and she was forced to swallow several gulps before she was able to breathe again.

  Liam pulled out and Rue would have fallen forward if not for Micah holding her body semi-suspended. Blood rushed to her aching breasts and her whimper was followed by her ass going back to grind on Micah’s body.

  Micah then pulled his cock out from his fly and stroked it several times. He pulled her back with the hand cuffs and thrust forward, aiming for her soaking wet pussy. He slid in with ease, her multiple orgasms slickening the way for his lengthy member. Rue cried out from the sudden entrance. He crashed against her bottom and jerked her arms back hard. Her slit was tighter than he'd ever felt before and choked the man’s cock. His growl was almost as loud as her wail.

  “Oh my God, it is so big," she whimpered.

  Micah pulled out completely, to slam back inside of her. Her cry was no less quiet than the one before it. Her pussy was no less tight either, as his cock battered her womb. He repeated the motion several times till the her knees bent bringing her lower. He righted her with his free hand going to her waist, pulling himself in deeper.


  “Don’t you dare say that word. Rue. I will gag you with Liam’s cock again if I have to.”

  Rue shut her mouth and groaned as he jammed back in. His pace became quicker, taking her breath away with each fast pump inside of her. He slammed in over and over again until more fluid ran out of her raw opening. Rue felt split wide open. Each thrust in was a shock to her system and her pussy seemed unwilling to stretch that wide to accommodate, closing back up as soon as an inch was removed.

  “So fucking tight, baby.”

  He smacked her ass hard, leaving an immediate handprint of raised red skin. She cried out and jerked against him. He pulled her back harder on his plummeting length. Micah pulled her against his rigid body. His hand curled around and started spanking her inflamed clit.

  “Come for me Rue, just one more time.”

  His fingers fell on her nub and sliced through her senses. The slaps were hard enough to cause stinging where the tips hit the flesh, but so precise. She felt her body tense up at the same time she felt relief. She squeezed the man as hard as she could and was rewarded with a bellow behind her. She felt a stream of heat blast her insides and fill every available crevice she had left inside of her before spilling onto the ground beneath her. He ripped out of her in a rush and pulled her upright so that she was standing up straight again. Her wrists burned from the handcuffs, her arms ached.

  Liam was rock hard again and ready to take Rue for a second time, though he wanted m
ore than just her sweet mouth. He came towards the exhausted woman and grabbed her face to kiss her on an almost protesting mouth.

  “No, that is enough Liam. She has had enough for one night.”

  Liam looked over at Micah with a questioning stare. Typically, they'd go all night with the women Micah brought over. He'd never stop after such a tame encounter.

  Micah unlocked her cuffs and helped her to the truck. Liam stuffed his cock back into his pants reluctantly and walked back towards his car. Rue was quiet for some time, thinking about what had just occurred, her mind raging with the memories. She touched the now covered mound and felt how tender her flesh was.

  “You can put your shirt back on if you like, though I can’t say that I dislike the view.”

  “No, I am burning up and the breeze feels good.”

  Micah grabbed her still burning rawness and squeezed. “This is my pussy now, Rue. You know that right?”

  All she could do was nod as Micah realized that this was going to be the last time he shared a submissive with his friend. It felt different this time as the pretty girl sat there in the seat with a tear falling down. No, this time he wanted to keep one all to himself, love her, and protect her from everything.

  It frightened him to feel this way so soon as a small shiver went through him. He couldn't help but think back to Jade.

  He drove Rue back to the coffee house and let her out by her car. He looked at her long and hard, willing words to his voice. Words that never came.

  Rue turned and hobbled to her car, driving off into the late afternoon sunlight.

  Chapter Four

  Rue’s whole life changed after her meeting with Micah. She was experiencing things that she had only before had the nerve to read about in stories. The images of the dark country road played over and over again in her mind. He'd taken her darkest fantasy and twisted it into a deviant ménage of sorts. One that had left her bruised, aching, and waiting on the next time they'd see each other.

  The day after that evening, she went on the website and was saddened to not see a message from him. There were messages from a whole lot of different men, but not the one that she wanted. She knew then that she was smitten. She had found the one person who really knew what she wanted, what she needed deep down inside those hollow crevices that she dared not peek. She searched for his profile after she saw his picture gone from the previous messages.

  The woman’s heart sank as she looked. She could not find him and then she realized that he was gone. His profile deleted. Was she just a pawn for a one-time fling and if so, why spend all those nights talking beforehand? She was crushed and wondered if she would ever hear from him again. She was afraid she would not, but she refused to be the type of woman who chased a man. While Rue refused to call Micah, that did not keep her from watching the phone like a hawk. She even took her cell phone into the bathroom with her when she was taking a shower. Just in case.

  When it did finally ring, she immediately recognized the number, though she had not recorded his name. She was at the grocery store when she picked up and the sound of his voice made her knees get weak.

  "Hello, Micah?"

  "Hello Rue, do you have a moment?"

  She left her cart in the middle of the aisle and went outside to take the call.

  "Yes, I'm here."

  "I guess you've seen I'm not on the site any more."

  "Yes, that was a bit unnerving, really. Why did you go?"

  "We're going to need to talk."

  That never was good to hear, whether you're the man or the woman. Rue slumped down in the parking lot of the store, head in her hands.

  "Sure Micah, anytime," she said quietly.

  "Okay. I'll contact you. I'm sorry for the time I'm taking."

  And with that, he was gone. Rue had no way of knowing when he'd contact her or how long she'd have to wait to know what was on his mind. The only think that she did know was that he had ruined her for other men. He was completely correct when he told her he'd claim her for his own. In a sense, she was already his, whether he ever saw her again or not.


  Micah knew she wouldn't understand this time apart.

  "I just need to figure this out. I want her, as much as I wanted Jade, and that scares the hell out of me. In the same instance, I want to walk away from her, let her find someone and be happy without being burdened by the remnants that Jade left in me. She needs someone whole, someone unbroken, someone that won't have the urge to run away in the middle of the night," he said to no one as he walked up and down the coastline.

  The gentle waves rolled in and retreated as the soft sand rippled.

  He sat there and watched the waves, not knowing how long it would take to come to a decision about Rue.


  A month passed before she heard back from him. A simple text that asked her to meet him at his place. It was already late so he sent a car for her.

  While Rue knew it was presumptuous him thinking she'd be free, that she hadn't moved on and forgotten him completely, she jumped at the thought of seeing him. Every night she thought of him. At first, it was replaying the fantasy over and over again at night, and then later, it was tidbits of conversation that would come sporadically throughout the day. She missed him, every little piece of him he allowed her to see.

  Rue got there in record time and approached the door right as he opened it. She could tell he'd already been drinking by the slight slur of his speech.

  "Come inside," he offered with a wave of his hand, sloshing brandy out of his snifter.

  "Thank you, Micah."

  She passed a row of doors, one of which had an intricate lock and was slightly different than the rest.

  "That's an interesting door, what's inside it?" she asked.

  "Nothing at all, old books and papers," he said, "come sit here on the couch with me, we need to talk about a few things before going further."

  Again, the words sounded ominous to her. She'd grown so much in the short time together. Now, she wanted nothing more than to be his and make him happy for the rest of her days.

  "Rue, there's a few things you need to know about me. Things I've kept buried within me for years, never wanting anyone else to know."

  She nodded, allowing him the space to talk about whatever was troubling him.

  He refilled his tumbler as some of the amber liquid spilled. Rue wondered how many of those he'd had before she arrived.

  "I was in love once, you see. Gave my heart over to someone completely. Jade. I'd never felt that with anyone before and she..."

  Micah had stopped mid-sentence as he tumbled to the ground in a heap. Rue quickly ran over to him and checked for a pulse, found one, and then realized he had passed out from imbibing too much. His eyes were darker than she'd ever seen them and there were bits of....fur? on his body. Everything about this evening was perplexing.

  She pulled him to the bedroom and help strip him of his clothing, laying him out in bed as best she could. Thankfully his personal bedroom only had a bed on a small platform and not one high on rails like the one in some of his punishment rooms.

  She laid there for a while and watched him sleep. Watched his chest rise and fall with a somber rhythm and wondered about Jade.

  Whatever happened with Jade, it had done a number on Micah.

  Chapter Five

  Rue woke up a bit dazed from the night before. Her body stretched for a moment before she remembered where she was. She snuck a glance at Micah lying next to her. His face was handsome while he slept, his features relaxed with the gentle rhythm of his breathing. Her fingers almost went out to touch the slight shadow of hair on his cheeks and chin.

  What had started from a few texts, was now something more serious. Rue found herself thinking of him all the time, even her dreams were filled with the dark-eyed man. She wondered if they even had anything in common past the incredible sexual compatibility. The times that they had seen each other, very little was even said beyond command
s and moaning. His profile said he liked the beach and reading, but she could not even tell someone who his favorite author was.

  The idea concerned her for a moment. She really didn’t know him at all, except for the few conversations that had not been about her most private naughty thoughts. Her hand went out to touch his cheek and she found herself strangely drawn to the prickly surface.

  Rue did not even know what he did for a living, but from the look around, he was doing okay for himself. There was not much time to look at the house before, but now as she looked around his room, she started to get a sense of the man next to her.

  Everything was in a designated spot and it all looked so neat. Rue secretly wished her apartment was as neat as his house was. His control seemed to be strong in everything that he did. Nothing was out of place.


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