Hottest Heat Wave

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Hottest Heat Wave Page 4

by J. M. Snyder

  “Seth. Who did you think I meant?”

  “You of course.” Aaron kissed Ben’s left nipple. “Although, I suppose Seth is kinda sexy. But he can’t hold a candle to my Big Ben.”

  Ben shook his head. “Yeah, right.”

  Aaron let out an exasperated huff of air. Just when he thought he’d built up the big guy’s confidence it sank again. Putting a hand behind Ben’s neck, Aaron pulled his head down for a kiss. “My big, brave, protective Ben.”

  Ben made a dismissive grunt.

  “Yes, you are.” Aaron kissed Ben’s beard. “Remember when we heard Seth tapping at the window and I thought it was the movie? What did you do?”

  “What happened to the movie?”

  “Got bored with it so turned it off,” Aaron lied. “And don’t change the subject.” Aaron kissed Ben’s neck and the hollow of his throat. “What you did, without even thinking about it, was push me under you.”

  “Wonder I didn’t squash you.”

  “Oh, Ben.” Aaron laid a trail of gentle soft kisses down the man’s chest. “You went into instant protect mode. Do you have any idea how hot that is?”

  “It was only Seth.”

  “You didn’t know that,” Aaron insisted, moving down to kiss Ben’s belly and lower to his navel. “And remember just after the shower? You put yourself between me and Chad and his goons.”

  “That’s because you sassed them and I didn’t want any trouble.”

  “Knight by name and knight by nature.”

  Ben let out a dismissive snort, but Aaron had more important things to focus on. He’d reached Ben’s belt. Even though he’d mastered the art of undoing buckles and buttons with his teeth, it took too long, and Aaron was in a hurry. His fingers soon dealt with the fastenings and he was nuzzling in Ben’s pubes. Even though they’d showered earlier that afternoon, Ben’s natural bear musk had had a chance to build up again.

  “What are you doing?” Ben asked.

  As B.J. was still mostly flaccid, Aaron decided to swallow him whole. He’d show rather than tell Ben what he was up to. After all, actions spoke louder than words.

  Ben let out a satisfied if surprised grunt. The man bear had quite an extensive non-verbal vocabulary. Aaron swallowed a few times, bringing forth more contented noises.

  B.J. soon reached his full girth and Aaron found his oxygen supply cut off. Pulling back, Aaron took in some much-needed air before sliding back down on Ben’s pole, pressing his nose into the big man’s wiry pubes.

  “Oh, God, Aaron,” Ben moaned and tenderly cradled Aaron’s head in his massive hands, his fingertips softly caressing the back of Aaron’s neck. Unconsciously, Ben was demonstrating that he was a gentle giant. “I don’t think I can go another round. I’ve cum three times already today.”

  Aaron was determined to make it a fourth. And judging by the jerking tube of flesh in his mouth and throat, B.J. was of a similar mindset.

  While he was down on his knees, Aaron decided to take the opportunity to do a bit more exploring. Ben’s body was like an adventure playground. Aaron began by fondling the big guy’s big nuts. This drew moans of approval from above. Ben’s low-hangers sure felt like they had another load in them. Like the rest of Ben, his nut sack was covered in soft brown fur. Aaron couldn’t understand why some guys felt it necessary to shave down there. He much preferred his men in their natural state. Aaron pulled back for some more air. Before going back down again, he took a moment to show some loving to Ben’s cock head by kissing it and working his tongue under the foreskin. He knew he was doing the right thing when he heard satisfied rumblings from Ben’s chest.

  One of the first things Aaron had discovered about American men was how so many of them were circumcised. To him the lack of that bit of extra skin just seemed wrong. He was thankful no one had taken a knife to B.J.

  Aaron rubbed his hands up and down Ben’s thick thighs. They were solid, strong. But then they had to be to carry around Ben’s big body. Hell, even his knees were sexy. Aaron had never thought himself a leg man before. But Ben’s had him adding them to his list of favourite male attributes.

  Aaron’s questing hands moved on and soon found the two generous pillows of furry perfection that were Ben’s arse. Bubble butts were okay, but Aaron preferred something you could get your hands on and massage.

  Inevitably Aaron’s fingers gravitated to Ben’s hairy arse crack. He circled a finger around Ben’s pucker, but it remained firmly closed, despite his best efforts to coax it open. He would have used spit to ease his way in, but his mouth was otherwise occupied with B.J. Out of the corner of his eye Aaron spotted the bottle of honey. It would be a bit kinky, probably kinkier than Ben was used to, but…It was there and Aaron couldn’t resist.

  “What’re you doing?” Ben asked when a lubed finger breeched his opening.

  Aaron had to admit honey didn’t make for ideal lube, although the squishy noises it made as Aaron moved a finger in and out were pretty amazing.

  “Oh, God!” Ben jolted.

  Aaron smiled around B.J.’s girth, he’d located Ben’s prostate and had given it a quick press.

  “Aaron!” Ben yelled and immediately flooded Aaron’s mouth with cum.

  Aaron patted Ben’s hip in congratulation. The big guy had managed a fourth time.

  “God,” Ben panted. “I think…Oh, God.” Ben pulled out, spit and cum clinging to his dick and forming connecting ropes to Aaron’s mouth. “That was…I don’t know.” Ben lifted his baseball cap and wiped his bald head. “God!”

  Aaron got to his feet, satisfied grin firmly in place. “Glad you liked.” He was going to go with, “All part of the service,” but Ben was special, better than most if not all the men Aaron had played with. Not that there were all that many.

  “Come here.” Ben pulled him into a fierce bear hug that Aaron feared might result in a cracked rib or two. “Give me a minute to recover then I’ll return the favour. After that we’ll probably need another shower. I’m all sticky. Can’t imagine why.” Ben kissed the top of Aaron’s head. “Who knew you could use honey for lube.” He chuckled.

  Ben unhooked the top bunk and lowered it into place. Ben picked Aaron up, kissed him, then with a gentleness that made Aaron’s heart melt, set him on the edge of the bunk, legs dangling over the side. Ben took a step back and just…stared at Aaron.

  Aaron shivered at the attention. “What?”

  Ben shook his head. “You’re something else, Aaron Jones. I…” Ben shook his head again. “Don’t know what you see in a fat guy like me but—”

  “You’re hot, and protective and…”

  Ben stepped forward and put a hand over Aaron’s mouth. “Just let me look at you.” He removed his hand and stepped back again. “Perfect. Just perfect.”

  Aaron squirmed. He wasn’t used to this level of scrutiny. And the few men who looked at him like this only wanted one thing, to get into his trousers. But Aaron knew Ben was different. The man had already seen all of him and…Ben was just different, more honest, more real, more…

  Ben moved forward again and took hold of Aaron’s ankles. Aaron feared…hoped Ben was going to lift them in the air so Ben could fuck him. But all Ben did was gently stroke the skin. “So soft,” he whispered.

  With agonising slowness Ben worked his way up Aaron’s legs. It was almost as if the man were mapping Aaron’s body, mentally recording every curve, crease, and depression. Aaron wished Ben would move faster. His dick, straining his briefs, was aching to be touched. He reached forward to adjust himself.

  “No.” Ben let go of Aaron’s legs and batted away the man’s hand. “I’ll get to it…eventually.” Ben’s grin was little short of evil.

  “Why, you gonna tie me up?” Aaron teased.

  Ben’s smile disappeared and was replaced with an expression of shock and discomfort.

  “Sorry.” Aaron forgot his gentle Ben wouldn’t be into bondage.

  Ben smiled and resumed his steady stroking of Aaron’s shins. Not wantin
g to upset Ben again, Aaron reached behind himself to clutch at the bare mattress.

  What felt like several minutes later and Ben was only up to Aaron’s knees, Aaron let out a whimper. “Ben. I need, just need!”

  Ben looked up at him, a tender, calm smile teasing at his full, plump lips. “Hang in there, Scrappy.”

  Aaron let out a huff of air. Looking down at Ben, concentrating on his task, Aaron hit upon an idea. Whilst Ben had forbidden Aaron from touching himself, the man hadn’t said anything about touching Ben. Why couldn’t Aaron do some mapping of his own?

  Aaron leaned forward and began to run his fingertips across the expanse of Ben’s shoulders. The big man shuddered, but didn’t otherwise object to Aaron’s ministrations.

  Eventually Ben reached the tops of Aaron’s legs and grasped the hems of his boxers. Aaron raised up and Ben pulled the garment down and off. Freed from its cotton confinement, Aaron’s dick slapped his belly, leaving a smear of precum in its wake.

  With extreme gentleness, Ben took hold of Aaron’s dick and…just held it.

  Aaron was about to ask what was wrong when Ben whispered, “Perfect. Just like the rest of you.”

  Aaron would have scoffed if anyone else had said that, but he knew Ben meant it. Aaron flushed and swallowed down his rising emotions.

  Speaking more to Aaron’s dick than Aaron himself, Ben said, “I know I can’t do as good a job as you did, but I promise to do my best.”

  Aaron nodded, even though Ben couldn’t see it. “I know. Thanks,” he croaked.

  No, Ben was no expert cocksucker, but what he lacked in experience he more than made up for in commitment. It was almost like the big man was making love to Aaron via his dick.

  Aaron’s hands, needing to return the favour somehow, lifted Ben’s ever-present baseball cap from his head and began to caress the smooth flesh. Although if he weren’t careful, the feel and the idea of caressing Ben’s head would have Aaron racing to the finish way too soon.

  “Close,” Aaron said, lifting his hands from Ben’s head. Aaron needed to let the big man pull off if he didn’t want a mouthful of spunk.

  But the warning only seemed to spur Ben on. He even added an extra bit of suction.

  Aaron clamped his hands on Ben’s shoulders. “Oh…oh. Yes,” he whimpered, unconsciously closing his eyes at the overload of sensations.

  Ben pulled back, kissed the sensitive tip of Aaron’s dick, then lifted Aaron off the bunk and into his arms for another all-consuming bear hug and kiss. “Thank you.”

  Aaron was still riding the waves of pleasure and couldn’t understand why Ben was thanking him. Surely it should be the other way around.

  * * * *

  Ben was dreaming. He felt warmth, contentment, and something pleasant happening between his legs. He smiled. It was a very nice dream. Unusual because when he was on the road he didn’t sleep that good. The bed wasn’t quite long enough, and, no matter how far away from the main buildings he parked, he was always awakened by the noises of the other truckers going to or from their own rigs. And Ben had to keep half an ear out for people attempting to steal his cargo or siphon diesel from his tanks.

  Ben shifted position and bumped against something warm and solid. It made a noise of surprise and Ben felt a sharp pain in his dick.

  Then everything came back to him. “Aaron? What’re you doing down there?”

  “If I have to tell you then I’ve been doing it wrong.” Aaron groused. “You kneed me in the stomach.”

  “Sorry.” Ben reached down and pulled Aaron up until their faces were level. “Hello you.” Conscious of morning breath, Ben delivered a closed-mouth kiss to Aaron’s lips.

  “Call that a good morning kiss?” Aaron, in typical Aaron fashion, sprang into action. His tongue parted Ben’s dry lips and swept around, seeming to make contact with everything it could reach in Ben’s mouth.

  Pulling back, Ben could see a smirk on Aaron’s face. “Now, that’s a good morning kiss.”

  Ben, not normally a morning person, at least not until after his second cup of strong coffee, found himself returning Aaron’s grin. “Might have to keep you around. Sure is great waking up to blowjobs and kisses.” Then Ben’s good mood evaporated. This would be the first and only time he’d be woken with such things. By that night they’d be in Newark and Aaron would be on a plane to England.

  Aaron seemed unaware of Ben’s internal crisis because his happy expression remained undimmed. “I knew you knew what I was doing down there. Which reminds me, I need to get back to B.J.” Aaron slid down Ben’s chest, a trail of kisses marking his progress. “Now, big fella, where were we?” Aaron retracted Ben’s foreskin and licked the exposed head.

  Ben glanced at the clock on the DVD player—9:23. “Fuck.” He should have been on the road hours ago.

  “What?” Aaron asked.

  “Uh, nothing.” Ben reached down and ruffled Aaron’s hair. God, the man’s long hair was just so…touchable. “Sorry for interrupting.”

  Aaron smirked then resumed his amazing blowjob.

  Aaron’s mouth was like a…velvet blender. Ben smiled, yeah, that was a good description.

  Ben’s wandering attention finally returned to the clock. He realised he didn’t care that he was behind schedule. Nothing could be better than being blown by a hot twink. No, that was unfair. Aaron was more than a twink. He was a feisty little thing, and Ben just wanted to gather him up, wrap him in bubble wrap, keep him safe, and—Ben ran his fingers through Aaron’s hair—pet him every now and again.

  * * * *

  Blowjobs received and given, the two lay contentedly on top of the sheets snuggling. It was little short of perfect. But alas Ben’s stomach took that moment to remind him it needed filling. His mind instantly flashed to the glazed doughnuts in the front of the cab but he bet Aaron would object if he suggested eating those as they weren’t exactly healthy. Breakfast in bed wouldn’t work anyway because his bladder was telling him it needed emptying. And that meant getting dressed. “Fuck!”

  “Huh?” Aaron lifted his head and looked down at Ben.

  “As you would say, I need the loo.” Ben had some plastic piss bottles he would normally use in such circumstances, but he didn’t want to come across as crude in front of Aaron.

  “Ah, you can speak proper English then. I’m pleased I’m having a positive effect on you”

  “Yeah, right.” Ben rolled his eyes.

  Aaron levered himself up, climbed over Ben, and got off the bunk. “Been fixin’ to use the john myself.”

  “Ah, you can speak proper English. Glad I’m having a good effect on you.”

  “Piss off.” Aaron raised a finger.

  Ben eased himself off the bunk, doing so a lot less gracefully than Aaron had. “We might as well take a shower while we’re using the bathrooms,” he said, sniffing his right pit.

  “Oh, cool. Wet naked Ben!” Aaron said, leaping at Ben, his hands seemingly everywhere at once.

  “Knock it off,” Ben said, fending him off. “You see enough of my naked lard ass.”

  “But this’ll be wet and naked bear ass.”

  Ben opened the drawer under the bunk. “What to wear.”

  Aaron leaned in and rifled through the drawer’s contents.” “You should put on these shorts. It’s too hot for anything else.”

  Ben agreed and accepted the Wrangler cut-offs.

  “And, oh, my!” Aaron pulled out a denim vest that Ben had forgotten he’d put in there. “You have to wear this. It’d be sooo hot!” Aaron was beginning to sound like the stereotypical twink Ben had refused to label him as earlier.

  “Don’t think I have a clean tee.”

  “No, no. Just this.” Aaron held it out. “Trust me, you’ll have half the women and about a quarter of the men drooling over you.”

  “And the other half and three quarters throwing up at the sight of all this flab.” Ben slapped his belly.

  “They’ll get a thump in the gob if they say anything.” Aaron s
tood, hands on hips, determined look on his face.

  Ben’s bladder was sending out more urgent messages. “Okay, Scrappy, calm down.” Given how late in the morning it was, Chad, Seth, and the others would be long gone. Oh, why the hell not! Ben thought, deciding to live dangerously for once. And it’d please Aaron, too. He accepted the vest and put it on.

  “Yes!” Aaron pumped his fist in the air. “Hot!” He dressed in rapid style and fished for his phone. “Want a picture of you in that sexy clobber.”

  Ben shook his head and slid into his boots. “Come on, let’s go.”

  But Aaron was determined. He shot out of the cab and stood in the parking lot, phone held up to his face. “Slowly,” he encouraged. “No, no, put those shades on.”

  Ben rolled his eyes again but went back into the cab for the dark glasses. The sun had kinda been in his eyes anyway.

  “Great!” Aaron said when Ben stood on the running board. “Look all mean and butch.”

  Ben took a look around to see if anyone was watching. Fortunately the rig hid them from view.

  “Beat your chest so you look all caveman.”

  “Aaron! Knock it off!” Ben turned around and climbed down the steps. Okay, so what if he descended a bit slower than usual and put more of a wiggle in his ass?

  “So hot!” Aaron groaned.

  Something occurred to him then. Ben turned around and regarded Aaron, phone still held in front of his face. “How come it isn’t making that clicking noise? Haven’t you been taking pictures?” It’d be a relief if Aaron hadn’t.

  Aaron lowered the phone. “Uh, I was shooting a movie actually.”


  “Didn’t think you’d mind. And…” In a much quieter voice he added, “and I thought it’d give me something to remember you by.”

  Checking again that no one could see, Ben slung an arm around the smaller man’s shoulders and gave him a one-armed hug.

  “If you say no then I won’t, but can I share the video with Tammy? She’d love it and be sooo jealous.”

  Ben smiled and shook his head. “Okay, so long as neither of you put it on the Internet. I don’t want folks to know I beat my chest like a caveman on film.”


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