Embracing the Dawn

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Embracing the Dawn Page 5

by Jeannie Levig

  Shit. This was exactly why spontaneity was overrated. “Well, there has to be someplace that has one room left.” E. J. warmed at the caress of Jinx’s thumb over the back of her knuckles.

  Jinx shrugged. “Probably, but finding it might take all night.”

  They stood staring at one another, each waiting. E. J. saw her own thoughts, her own desire, reflected back to her. They both seemed to be thinking the same thing—at least, E. J. hoped they were—but who was going to say it?

  Jinx looked away. “You could stay with me.” Her voice was uncertain. “You know…if you want.” She gave E. J. a sidelong glance.

  A wave of relief washed over E. J., and she realized how much she had been wanting to see Jinx again, how much she had wanted Jinx to want to see her again. She felt a little silly, a little adolescenty, but she didn’t care. She didn’t have to admit it to anyone. She had come looking for Jinx and had found her. And Jinx did want to see her, too. That was all that mattered. She squeezed Jinx’s fingers and smiled. “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  Jinx’s face lit up with a grin. Her eyes twinkled.

  And as easy as that, the awkwardness was gone.

  “Great,” Jinx said, grasping E. J.’s other hand. “I can make you dinner, too. I was just about to throw some salmon and asparagus on the grill when Reggie called. The salmon’s marinating. Do you like salmon and asparagus? Oh, and I’ve got strawberries from a guy with a roadside stand near my house. They’re so sweet. You’ll love them. If you like strawberries, I mean.”

  E. J. laughed at the excitement in Jinx’s voice. “You cook, too?”


  “Mm-hm.” This time E. J. didn’t hold back. She threaded her arms around Jinx’s neck and pressed lightly against her. “Last time I discovered some of your other hidden talents, and now I find out you can cook. You’d better be careful. Before long, I’ll know all your secrets.”

  That shadow that lay quietly behind Jinx’s eyes rose, then settled again in a fluid motion, but her smile never wavered. “Where’s your car? You can follow me home.”

  E. J. wondered about the tiny glimpses of—what was it? Self doubt, maybe? She had caught it a few times in Jinx’s expression, but when she considered the conversation at the wedding, she figured it was likely old family wounds. Everyone has them. If Jinx wanted to talk about it, she would.

  The drive from Bella’s to Jinx’s led through darkened, curbless streets lined with small houses. The occasional streetlight illuminated older model pickups and cars, similar to Jinx’s faded and dented Corolla, parked in rutted driveways. When Jinx ushered E. J. up three steps onto the front porch of a tiny clapboard house, E. J. could almost smell her grandmother’s fresh-baked bread. E. J.’s mother had hated her roots, but her grandparents’ home had been one of E. J.’s favorite places in the world.

  Under the lit porch light, Jinx unlocked the front door and motioned E. J. inside. She stepped in behind her and switched on the light to reveal one large room with a kitchen sink, counter, and appliances along the wall to the left and a small table with two wooden chairs in the back corner. The right side held a living room setup with an area rug in warm earth tones partially covering the marred but clean linoleum floor, a shelving unit holding a television and some books, and a double bed evidently serving as a couch. Two doors opened off the main room, one clearly another outside exit. The whole place was tidy, the bed made, the kitchen spotless. The atmosphere was homey and inviting, just like Jinx. “This is nice,” E. J. said, moving farther into the room.

  “I know it’s not what you’re used to, but considering you might have ended up sleeping in your car, it could meet your needs.”

  E. J. took in the words and the sexy rasp of Jinx’s voice. She let her gaze roam over Jinx’s body, her hands, her lips, and felt the stirrings of arousal at the memory of their feel and their touch. She could smell some delicious combination of herbs and spices that made her mouth water and her stomach grumble. She sighed. “Somehow, I think every need I have tonight could be met right here in this room.”

  Jinx offered her that slow, easy smile that undid E. J. every time, and crossed to where she stood. She set E. J.’s suitcase on the bed. “We can make sure of that,” she said as she fingered one of E. J.’s stud earrings, caressing the lobe in the process.

  E. J. closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

  Jinx kissed her lightly on the lips. “If you want to freshen up, the bathroom’s through there.”

  E. J. opened her eyes and followed Jinx’s gesture toward the inside door.

  “I’ll start dinner,” Jinx said.

  E. J. found the bathroom off what was obviously designed to be a bedroom. It held a dresser, a desk, some weights, a bicycle, and a small pile of shoes and boots in the corner. When she had washed up and brushed her teeth, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  She relaxed, shedding the tension of the evening and the worry she might not be able to find Jinx. She breathed in the mingling aromas of citrus and something sweetly spicy that heightened her desire when combined with Jinx’s natural scent, but here, on their own, they soothed her. She ran her hand over a soft, plush bath towel that seemed at once out of place, yet perfectly Jinx.

  She felt comfortable here, maybe because it reminded her of her grandparents’ home. Not the floor plan or décor, but the energy, the atmosphere. Who would have guessed someone she picked up in a bar would live in a place so similar to her childhood safe place, where she had felt free and accepted, where she had been truly happy? She would never have guessed it.

  Here she was, though, in Jinx’s bathroom, in her quaint little home. Some people, maybe many, might call it run down or shabby, and had E. J. not spent so many hours, days, occasionally weeks with her grandparents, she might, too. After all, in comparison to the condo she had spent a small fortune purchasing and furnishing, this place wasn’t much, but E. J. already felt more at ease here than she ever did at home. The condo had always been just a place to sleep, much like the hotels where she stayed on the road. Tonight would be a nice escape from the world, a visit to the solace of her past. With some fringe benefits. She smiled.

  As E. J. re-emerged into the main room, Jinx was coming in the back door. “Dinner’s on the grill. It’ll just be a few more minutes.” She opened the refrigerator. “Do you want…” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh, wow. I don’t really have much to offer. Apple juice? Milk? Water?” She looked at E. J. with a rueful smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was having company.”

  “Apple juice sounds great.” She sat at the table and watched Jinx. “How long have you lived here?”

  “Two and a half years.” Jinx set a glass in front of E. J. and another across the table.

  “So, a bed instead of a couch? Is that to save time?” E. J. teased her.

  Jinx laughed. “No, it’s just because I like stretching out and watching movies. And no one ever comes over, so it doesn’t really matter.”

  “You never have guests?” E. J. asked, surprised. How could that be? Jinx was so open and friendly and attractive, and so…well, good in bed.

  “Reggie and Sparkle have been over a few times, but mostly I go to their house. So, no. No one else has been here. Until now.” Jinx grinned. “Be right back.” She headed outside.

  When she returned, three plates held salmon and asparagus. She added rice, then covered one with plastic wrap and grabbed a thermos from the back of the counter. She set both items outside the front door. “It’s for a friend,” she said in answer to E. J.’s questioning look, but offered no further explanation. She put a plate in front of E. J.

  “This looks delicious and smells even better,” E. J. said. She tasted the salmon and moaned. “Oh, my God. This is wonderful.”

  “Thanks,” Jinx said, sitting across the table. “That’ll be one need taken care of, then.” Her tone was playful.

  E. J. couldn’t even speak until she had devoured almost the entire meal. When she was
able to slow down and focus on something other than the flavor exploding in her mouth and the satisfaction in her stomach, she sighed. She leaned back in her chair and found Jinx studying her. “Is something wrong?”

  Jinx hesitated. “I’m just wondering what you’re doing here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said Jacob and Tiffany are still on their honeymoon, and there aren’t any Bad Dog stores here, so why are you here?”

  Here it was, the moment she had to admit she had overheard Andrea, that she had been concerned about Jinx, that she couldn’t stop thinking about her. “I was a little…I heard…”

  Jinx waited. “So, this whole inability of yours to finish sentences, is it a chronic thing?” Jinx’s lips quirked.

  E. J. laughed. “So it would seem.” She took a deep breath and steadied herself. “I know it’s none of my business, but I heard all the things Andrea said to you after the wedding, and when I saw you on the stairs, you looked so upset. I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  Jinx stared at her.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped a boundary,” she added quickly. “I know it’s none of my business.”

  “You came back to town just to see if I’m okay?” Something flickered in Jinx’s expression.

  Oh God, have I offended her? How would E. J. feel if someone had listened to a private conversation she was having and then brought it up to her? Why hadn’t she thought of the possibility before now? “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Jinx’s tone was soft. She sounded bewildered.

  “I just…You looked so hurt.” Jinx’s image flashed in E. J.’s mind, and the pain in Jinx’s eyes made her heart ache.

  Jinx averted her gaze. “I’m fine, really. I should have just left. I never should have gone in the house.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t have been there at all.”

  “But those things she said. They were awful.”

  Jinx stiffened. When she turned back to E. J., a veil had fallen over her eyes. “It’s fine, really. I’m fine.” She looked at E. J.’s hand resting on the table. “I just can’t believe that’s why you came back. You’re so sweet.”

  Sweet? E. J. couldn’t remember ever being called sweet. Ever. It wasn’t a word people associated with her, wasn’t a word she associated with her. Efficient? In all areas. Respectful? For the most part. Professional? Absolutely. Sweet? She wasn’t even entirely sure what that involved. She’d have to look it up.

  Jinx took E. J.’s hand. “Thank you.”

  E. J. cleared her throat. “You’re welcome.” She laced her fingers through Jinx’s. “You’re sure you’re all right?”

  “Let’s change the subject,” Jinx said. “Do you still have those other needs you mentioned?”

  There was that slow smile again, and her eyes darkened. E. J.’s earlier desire reignited. Her pulse quickened. She had forgotten just how intense her response to Jinx was. “Definitely,” she whispered.

  “C’mere, then.” Jinx coaxed her to her feet with a gentle tug and scooted away from the table. She gazed up into E. J.’s face as E. J. straddled her lap.

  E. J. pressed herself into Jinx and moaned.

  Jinx slipped her hand around the back of E. J.’s neck and urged her down until their lips met. She held E. J. still. Her grasp was soft, her breath warm.

  The pressure against E. J.’s mouth and sex built until she had to have more. She could feel the hard fly of Jinx’s jeans through the thin barrier of her own slacks and panties. She tightened her thighs.

  Jinx began to kiss her, slow and long and deep.

  E. J. groaned and twined her arms around Jinx’s neck, returning the kiss. She explored Jinx’s mouth, let Jinx have hers. She went deeper, drew it out longer.

  But Jinx kept the pace measured, making E. J. hunger even as she feasted.

  She wanted it faster. She wanted it harder. She wanted more—more contact, more movement, more Jinx. She tore her mouth free. “Touch me,” she whispered. “I need to feel your skin.”

  Jinx tugged the hem of E. J.’s shirt from her waistband and slipped her hands beneath it. When her warm fingers caressed the small of E. J.’s back, E. J. gasped and arched upward. Her clitoris pressed firmly against Jinx, and she cried out in pleasure. She moaned under the feel of Jinx’s hands moving up her spine, caressing and massaging. She tightened her arms around Jinx’s neck as those tantalizing fingers loosened her bra, then made their way beneath it to fondle the sides of her breasts. The lace teased her swollen nipples. She clenched her eyes shut and thrust her hips.

  “Stay with me, baby.”

  Jinx’s low murmur barely penetrated E. J.’s lust, but the word baby—Jinx calling her baby—melted her.

  “Don’t go over, yet.”

  E. J. groaned. She wanted to. She wanted to right then, but she also wanted more. She eased back, hoping Jinx would find her aching nipples.

  Instead, Jinx’s hands slid out from under E. J.’s shirt and up to her nape. Unhurriedly, she unfastened her necklace, let it slip down her torso, and placed it on the table. Then she raised the hem of E. J.’s top, urging her arms above her head, and eased the garment upward for E. J. to slip out of it. Finally, with excruciating slowness, she inched E. J.’s bra down the length of her arms and off. She set it beside the necklace. She sat back and admired E. J.’s bare breasts. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered.

  E. J. waited, the heat of Jinx’s gaze burning into her flesh. Surely, she’d touch her. With the need evident in her expression, she had to be as aroused as E. J.

  Jinx didn’t move. She just stared, her breath quickening.

  E. J. pushed her fingers into Jinx’s hair and cupped the back of her head. She brought Jinx’s mouth to a taut and aching nipple. “Suck me,” she said urgently. When Jinx’s mouth closed over it, she threw back her head and groaned.

  Jinx sucked softly, closing her fingertips around the other nipple. Her tenderness drove E. J. mad with need. Jinx’s feather-like caress, her gentle suckling, made her feel so cherished, almost worshiped, while at the same time, it tortured and tormented her to the height of desperation.

  She gasped as Jinx’s arms encircled her waist and she stood, lifting E. J. with her. She clenched her legs around Jinx’s hips, her arms around her neck, and lost herself in the sensations of Jinx’s lips sucking her nipple deeper into her mouth. She closed her eyes and cried out. The next thing she knew, she was lying on the bed, Jinx’s teeth gently grazing her other nipple, as she opened E. J.’s slacks. She lifted her hips and let Jinx slide the pants down her legs. When she looked up, Jinx stood over her, staring down at her naked body with an almost reverent expression.

  “You are so beautiful,” Jinx murmured. Her eyes shone with what could have been wonder. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  E. J.’s desire raged under Jinx’s adoration, and she needed more. “Jinx, please.” She barely recognized her own voice. “I need to feel you. I need you on top of me, against me, inside me.” Her plea seemed to work.

  Jinx’s eyes snapped up to hers. She yanked her T-shirt over her head and scrambled out of her jeans. When her undergarments joined the pile of clothing on the floor, she eased the full weight of her body onto E. J.’s.

  E. J. gasped, and she thrust up into Jinx. It felt so good. She had missed her so much. Feeling Jinx against her again was like coming home.

  Jinx sucked on E. J.’s neck, on her shoulder, not gently now but hungrily. She bit down as she nestled her hips between E. J.’s thighs and surged against her.

  E. J. opened wider for her, rubbing against her.

  Jinx groaned and found E. J.’s nipple again. She sucked it fully into her hot mouth, hard and fast. She dragged her own breasts across E. J.’s abdomen.

  Yes, this was what E. J. wanted, what she needed. She wanted it hot. She wanted it hard. There would be time for gentleness, later. They had all night together before she went back to her real life.

>   *

  Eyes closed, E. J. nuzzled her face against Jinx’s abdomen, the soft triangle of curls tickling her cheek. She played her fingertips through Jinx’s wet, silken folds and enjoyed the jerk of her body with each residual spasm of release. The taste of her arousal and climax still lingered on E. J.’s lips and tongue.

  They had been in bed for hours, and E. J. still hadn’t gotten enough. Would she ever? Something about Jinx kept her wanting more, no matter how intense her orgasms, no matter how many she had. Tonight had to be enough, though. She couldn’t keep coming back for sex to the city where her son and daughter-in-law lived. It was too risky. Granted, it was far from likely she would run into either of them, or Andrea, in this part of town, but there was no need to take the chance. E. J. never had difficulty when she wanted a woman in her bed, and though she didn’t need one often, there were plenty of other women and plenty of other cities.

  E. J. sighed at the feel of Jinx’s fingers combing through her hair.

  “C’mere,” Jinx murmured.

  E. J. cuddled against her side.

  Jinx held her close.

  “Thank you again for letting me stay the night.” E. J. ran a fingertip between Jinx’s breasts.

  “My pleasure.” She caressed E. J.’s back. “It’s been a really long time since I had a slumber party.”

  E. J. laughed softly. She wondered how long, then wondered why it mattered.

  “But don’t get too comfortable. We still have to watch a horror movie and call someone and ask if their refrigerator’s running. And it’s only a real slumber party when everyone’s dancing around in their panties, screaming.” Jinx’s tone was playful.

  E. J. liked that about her. She was an adult and definitely had the sexual allure of the attractive, experienced woman she seemed to be, and yet there was an innocence to her as well, a naiveté. E. J. thought back to earlier that night when she had first seen Jinx, leaning against the wall in the bar. Jinx had looked so sexy, so dangerous, but then when that woman had whispered something to her, she had blushed like a schoolgirl. Suddenly, E. J. was curious. “What did that woman say to you tonight?” She traced circles over Jinx’s bare stomach.


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