Crushing On You: Travis and Gabriella (An Emerald Falls Romance, Book One)

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Crushing On You: Travis and Gabriella (An Emerald Falls Romance, Book One) Page 10

by Christine Kersey

  Missing him more than ever, and disappointed that he hadn’t even contacted her, she wondered if she should take the initiative and contact him. Maybe he thought she was with Brandon. After all, the last time he’d seen her, she had been with Brandon.

  Still, her fear that she’d misread Travis’s cues, and that she was the only one who had feelings for the other kept her from picking up her phone. As the afternoon turned into evening, then turned into nightfall, Gabby went to bed, frustrated with herself that she wasn’t going after what she wanted.

  The next day when school let out, she went to Chloe’s classroom to see what her friend would say about everything.

  “You need to get over yourself,” Chloe said as she sat on the edge of her desk while Gabby stood in front of her. “I don’t mean to be harsh, but come on. Nothing’s ever going to happen if one of you doesn’t step up.”

  “I know. That’s the same thing I’ve been telling myself.” She softly sighed. “I guess I just needed to hear someone else say it.” With fresh determination to talk to Travis, Gabby thanked Chloe, then headed home.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?” Doc Martin asked Travis as he sat across the desk from him.

  Not really sure about anything, Travis said, “I’d like to know if it’s a possibility.”

  Doc Martin leaned back in his chair. “When you first came to me about interning here, you told me you were planning to move on after your internship, so that’s what I’d assumed you were going to do.” He frowned. “I’m just not sure I have it in the budget to take you on permanently, Travis.” He sighed. “I’ll have to think about it, but you’ve certainly been an asset to this clinic.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate you considering it.”

  “Tell me. What’s changed?”

  An image of Gabriella immediately came into his mind, but he didn’t want to admit that to Doc Martin. The night before he’d tossed and turned as his thoughts wouldn’t let go of Gabriella Peters, and he’d only fallen asleep once he’d made the decision to talk to Doc Martin about staying on—even though he wasn’t sure how she felt about him. “Uh, well, it turns out I really like Emerald Falls.”

  Doc Martin smiled. “You sound like me when I first came here. I hadn’t planned on staying either. I wanted bigger and better things, but this place grows on you, doesn’t it?”

  Travis nodded, but then his thoughts went in another direction.

  What if things didn’t work out with Gabriella? He hadn’t talked to her since Saturday afternoon. Did he like it in Emerald Falls enough to stay even if he was alone?

  Panicked that he was committing to something that he didn’t really want, he began to backtrack. “I have to admit, I’m not quite ready to say I want to stay here for sure, but I wanted to talk to you about the possibility.”

  Doc Martin’s eyebrows pulled together. “Trying to keep your options open, I see.”

  Travis was an idiot for being so indecisive. Maybe talking to Doc Martin had been a little premature.

  Determined to talk to Gabriella that evening, Travis could only say, “I’ll know for sure soon.”

  “All right. When you’ve decided, let me know. I’ll have an answer for you then.”

  Hating that things were so up in the air, all Travis could do was agree.

  “You seem like you’re feeling pretty good, girl,” Gabby said to Buttercup as she set her dinner in front of her.

  Buttercup began eating, and Gabby went to find Sadie. The cat had ventured out of Gabby’s room that evening, and though she’d hissed at Buttercup when the dog had gotten too close, at least she hadn’t run away. Hopeful that the two were beginning to get used to each other, Gabby’s thoughts went to Travis.

  Just do it, Gabs. Text him and see if he’s coming over tonight. That’s not the same as saying you’re falling for him.

  After eating a light dinner, Gabby gathered her courage and sent Travis a text.

  Gabby: Haven’t heard from you. Just checking to see if you’re going to come check on Buttercup tonight.

  Fifteen minutes later she received a reply.

  Travis: Sure. I’ll stop by about seven.

  Gabby: Great. See you then.

  Eager to see him, but also nervous to tell him how she felt, Gabby spent the intervening hour grading papers, then tidying up.

  When seven o’clock rolled around, her nerves were stretched tight as she imagined all kinds of responses to her confessed emotions.

  Travis approached Gabriella’s house with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. When she’d asked if he was coming over, she hadn’t implied that she wanted to see him so much as she wanted him to check on Buttercup.

  Was that all she was interested in? Having him check on the dog? What if Brandon was there? Would she invite Travis over if Brandon was there? Maybe he wouldn’t be there, but she was going to tell him that she couldn’t see him anymore because she’d chosen Brandon over him.

  Discouragement swept over him, taking him by surprise.

  He was really falling for her, wasn’t he? First, he’d talked to Doc Martin about staying on, and now he was already preparing himself to be dumped. Did he really want this distraction? Didn’t he want to focus on his career?

  Rolling his eyes at his own indecision, Travis pulled into Gabriella’s driveway, then approached the front door.

  One way or the other, he needed to get things figured out. And soon.

  Chapter 26

  When the doorbell rang, Buttercup began barking. Certain it was Travis, Gabby shushed the dog and went to the door. With a glance out the window, she saw his car, then she drew in a deep breath, slowly released it, then opened the door.

  When she saw him standing on her porch—sapphire blue eyes, perfectly trimmed beard, muscular body, dazzling smile—she had no doubt he was the one she was interested in. And whether or not things worked out between them, whether or not he decided to stay in Emerald Falls, she had to tell him how she felt. She had to take a chance.

  “Travis,” she said with a smile. “I’m glad you could come over.”

  “Thanks for asking me.”

  Gabby opened the door wider, and as Travis passed her, the scent of his cologne drifted over her, filling her senses, making her wish he would drag her into his arms and kiss her.

  A tingle went through her, and she feared and anticipated the conversation she wanted to have with him. She closed the door, then watched as he knelt beside Buttercup, who seemed eager for his attention.

  I know how you feel, puppy-dog.

  Gabby watched him check the dog, and when he turned to her, she felt the weight of his gaze on her.

  Why was he looking at her like that? Did he have feelings for her? Could that be true? Courage burst through her. She would tell him how she felt.

  “I’ll have to x-ray her leg in a few weeks to be sure,” he said after a moment, “but it seems to be healing well.” He glanced around the room, then looked at Gabby again. “Is Sadie accepting Buttercup yet?”

  Wanting to tell him how much she was growing to like him—maybe even falling in love with him—Gabby tried to focus on his question. “I don’t know. She’s come out to see Buttercup a few times, but she still hisses at her.”

  Travis laughed as he stood. “That’s not surprising.” His gaze settled on Gabriella. He needed to fight for her. He had no idea what her relationship with Brandon was, but he wouldn’t give her up easily.

  “Do you want to sit out back?” she asked.

  Happy to sit with her anywhere she wanted, he nodded. “Sure.” He followed her outside.

  “Come on, Buttercup,” she said as she patted her leg with encouragement.

  When all three of them were outside, Travis closed the door to the house and sat beside Gabriella on the porch swing.

  “I love this time of year,” she said. “The temperature is perfect.”

  You’re perfect. The thought came to him unbidden, but instead of being surprised by it, he smiled.<
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  “What?” she asked.

  His smile only grew. “Nothing.”

  She stared at him a moment, then her expression became serious. “I need to talk to you.”

  Startled by an uncomfortable thump in his heart, Travis braced himself for what could only be bad news. She was going to tell him that she had chosen Brandon.

  Disturbed by how upset that made him feel, Travis simply nodded. “Okay.”

  Gabby’s mind raced as she tried to think of the best way to begin. The familiar fear of rejection swept over her, making her heart pound.

  Come on, Gabs. You’ve got to do this. You’ve got to take a chance. Don’t chicken out now.

  Biting her lip, she looked away, then pretended to be interested in Buttercup.

  “What’s going on?” Travis asked.

  She heard tension in his voice, which didn’t make it any easier. Gathering her courage, she turned her body so that she was facing him.

  “I just…,” she began. “I want to tell you how I feel.”

  Travis’s brow wrinkled and his eyebrows drew together.

  What was he thinking? Was he worried she was going to tell him she loved him and he was afraid he would have to reject her? Maybe she should wait. Maybe he wasn’t ready to hear how she felt. It was as if her words were jammed up against the roof of her mouth and she couldn’t push them past her lips.

  “It’s okay, Gabriella,” Travis said, but his features belied the reassuring words—the worry lines on his forehead only deepened. “You can tell me.”

  Travis could see how uncomfortable Gabriella was.

  He would be too if he was about to say he wasn’t interested, that he’d chosen someone else. At least she had the good grace to tell him to his face.

  Bracing himself for the dreaded words, Travis could feel how tense his body was. Forcing himself to relax, he consciously let his shoulders settle into place as he pushed a smile onto his mouth.

  It wasn’t her fault that two men were crazy about her. Did she even know how beautiful she was, both inside and out?

  He held her gaze as he waited for her to speak. Finally, she did.

  “I…I’ve really grown to care about you, Travis,” she began.

  But…There was always a but.


  Here it comes.

  “I’m just not sure how you feel about me.” Her shoulders sagged as if she’d just let go of a heavy burden.

  Wait. Had he heard her right? Was that it? No “It was fun, but I’ve chosen someone else”? Her worry was that he might not feel the same about her?

  A wide smile broke out on Travis’s face.

  Gabby nearly held her breath as she waited for Travis to react to her confession. Imagining all kinds of reactions, the one she wished for the most was the one she had expected the least, but when Travis began to smile, optimism blossomed inside her.

  He didn’t look like he was about to run away.

  Ecstatic that he didn’t look as uncomfortable as Brandon had when she’d told him she was in love with him, Gabby waited to hear what Travis would say in reply.

  Chapter 27

  Travis couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face.

  She had chosen him. He couldn’t believe how happy that made him. Until that moment he hadn’t realize how worried he had been that she would choose someone else.

  He gazed at her a moment, then he brushed a finger down the side of her face, and in a soft voice, murmured, “I’ve grown to care for you too, Gabriella.”

  Trying to hold back a gasp at Travis’s touch, Gabby closed her eyes and savored the feel of his finger tracing her jaw. And when his hand cupped the back of her neck, her eyes flew open in time to see his face—his lips—moving closer to hers.

  “Oh,” she breathed out, and a moment later his mouth found hers, sending waves of desire rolling through her. His other hand slid behind her waist as he drew her against him, and Gabby snaked her arms around his neck, urging him on.

  Forgetting her worries about Travis leaving Emerald Falls, Gabby became caught up in the moment.

  She was falling in love with him, just as she had known she would. And that made her happy.

  Travis didn’t want the kiss to end. Now that he had Gabriella in his arms, now that they’d both admitted their growing attraction, he wanted to keep her in his arms forever.

  Slightly shocked at how quickly he’d fallen for her, Travis let himself enjoy the moment and not worry about the future. But eventually he released her and gazed into her eyes. The sparkle he saw there was unmistakable, and he was sure his eyes were a reflection of hers.

  She smiled, and he smiled in return.

  “That was…,” she said as her smile grew. “Unexpected.”

  He laughed. “I’ve been trying to work in a kiss for a while now.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  Nodding as he grinned, he said, “Yes. But you didn’t make it easy.”

  “I didn’t?”

  “I couldn’t tell if you wanted me to kiss you.”

  Gabby had to smile at that, and she had to admit that she’d had mixed feelings about him kissing her. But now that he had, she had no doubt that she wanted him to kiss her again—many times.

  Then the reason she’d hesitated filled her mind and her smile melted from her face.

  “What?” Travis asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re leaving. Next summer.” And she was going to be devastated. She was already feeling devastated.

  “Not necessarily.”

  Gabby wasn’t sure what he meant, but she desperately hoped he was saying what she hoped he was saying. “What do you mean?”

  Travis tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I talked to Doc Martin earlier today. I asked him if it would be possible for me to stay on at his clinic.”

  “You did?” Gabby’s heart seemed to skip a beat as all her hopes suddenly centered on what Doctor Martin said. “And?”

  And he hadn’t been sure how she felt, so he hadn’t committed to wanting to stay.

  Travis could see the eager hope in Gabriella’s face, which filled him with a deep desire to make her happy. “He said he would have to think about it and see if he has it in his budget.”

  “Oh.” The hope seemed to drain from her face. Then her face brightened. “But you want to stay?”

  As crazy as it was, Travis did want to stay. But only if he was with her. How was it possible to fall for someone so fast?

  “Yes,” he said. “I’m not ready to give you up just yet.”

  The words he was saying had been words she’d only imagined hearing, but now that he was saying them, Gabby began to have a different worry.

  “I don’t want you to stay just for me.” What was she saying? Was she nuts? That was exactly what she wanted.

  Travis tilted his head. “What?”

  “What if…” She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she had to. “What if it doesn’t work out between us? Will you be stuck here? I mean, if Doctor Martin is counting on you to stay, what would you do?”

  He took her hands in his. “That’s not for you to worry about.”

  “Well, what if things do work out between us, but you don’t like it in Emerald Falls? Will you…will you resent me for making you stay?” She hated to think he would ever have negative feelings towards her, but she had to consider it.

  “You worry too much.”

  She forced a laugh. “I know. But I can’t help it.”

  He ran his thumb over the palm of her hand. “You’re not responsible for my happiness. You know that, right?” He laughed. “Besides, we haven’t been dating that long. You may decide you don’t want me to stay in Emerald Falls.”

  She couldn’t imagine that, although he was right—she was getting ahead of herself.

  “Gabriella,” he said, his voice soft. “Let’s just focus on the here and now. The future will take care of itself.”

  Knowing he was willing to sta
y in Emerald Falls was enough for her to allow herself to move forward, to open her heart to him.

  She smiled, her worries slightly lessened. “You’re right.”

  “Good. Tomorrow I’ll talk to Doc Martin and see what he says. Okay?”

  She couldn’t ask for anything else. “Okay.”

  When Travis got home later that evening, he was happier than he’d been in a long time. But as he was getting ready for bed, his phone rang.


  “Hey, Trav. It’s Mitch.”

  Travis pictured his buddy from vet school. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Fantastic, which is why I’m calling.”

  Travis sat on the edge of his bed. “Oh yeah? What’s up?”

  “I was talking to Derrick, and we came up with a great idea.”

  Travis pictured his other good friend from vet school. What would their idea have to do with him? “Okay.”

  “We think the three of us should open our own clinic in Sacramento.”

  That was a great idea. He would be running his own clinic, but it wouldn’t totally be on his own. Instead, he would have his two good friends by his side. “Wow.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think…” Then he remembered Gabriella and the conversation they’d just had. If he stayed in Emerald Falls, he would have to pass up this huge opportunity. Did he want to do that? Deeply torn, Travis hesitated.


  “I think it’s an amazing idea, but I’m just not sure it’s the right time for me.”

  “I know you’re still doing your internship, but we still need to put together the details. So there’s time for you to finish before we actually launch our clinic.”

  Our clinic. Travis loved the sound of that. But what about Gabriella? Wanting to groan in frustration that things couldn’t work out the way he wanted them to, Travis ran one hand through his hair. “Let me think about it.”


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