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Shadow Page 30

by Jan Stryvant

  “But Shirley would never look at me, even Fiona wouldn’t. But they both look at you! I’ve seen that look; a lot of the woman can’t take their eyes off you. And then Shirley,” he sobbed a bit.

  “You really want to fuck her, don’t you?” Shadow growled angrily.

  Jimmy shivered at the growl; he suddenly realized that he was in trouble. Up to now he kept figuring that no matter what he’d be saved; suddenly he realized that he was on his own now.

  “Don’t lie to me, Jimmy.” Shadow warned.

  “Yes! Okay? Yes I want to sleep with her. I want her, I love her!”

  “You don’t love her,” Shadow laughed, “And she certainly doesn’t love you! You just see a hot gal and you want to have her. If you cared a damn about her, you would have gotten to know her and thought of her as more than just a piece of meat with tits.”

  Shadow grabbed the back of Jimmy’s hair and pulled his head back, “Listen clearly.” He growled softly, dangerously. “Shirley is my wife. If you ever touch her, I will kill you. That’s if she doesn’t kill you herself first. There is a lot between us you don’t know about, and never will because it’s none of your business. Understand?”

  Jimmy nodded, scared, his breath coming in short gasps.

  “Your problem is you want to run before you can walk. Date some of the girls in your fan club, I’m sure you’ve got one by now, seems all you good guys always do. You want to fuck a girl? Fuck them. They’re safe and they’ll be happy to have you.”

  Jimmy nodded again.

  “And just remember this, I saved your ass tonight, and it cost me to do so. You owe me. I don’t care if you like me, right now I sure don’t like you! But you owe me and you will respect me, and you will show me and my mate that respect from now on.” Shadow smiled to himself, he finally had the kid’s attention, now to throw him a bone, and see if the kid could learn. “I can teach you a lot of things about women and the underground, Jimmy, stuff you’d probably find rather useful. It’s up to you.”

  Jimmy thought about that as Shadow helped him to his feet and led him out of wherever it was they were. It was a long painful trip for him, he was weak and tired and in a lot of pain. But he noticed that Shadow helped him carefully, didn’t let him fall, and kept him from walking into anything. Maybe Shadow was right. Lord knows this whole trip had been a mistake. Maybe he’d been wrong.

  Shadow took his time and led Jimmy on a confusing route through the warehouses. He wanted to be sure the kid couldn’t retrace these steps. Eventually he got him to his car, and drove him back to the center. He was pleased that everyone made a great deal of a fuss over his bringing Jimmy back. Was even more pleased that Jimmy didn’t tell anyone about the beating he’d given the kid. Of course he told Tomas and Shirley, even if it got Shirley angry at him. But they both agreed that Jimmy was getting way out of line, and if this reined him in, it was okay.

  So he went home much happier then he had been when he left it, Shirley was also in much better spirits. She even brushed out his fur for him, a bit surprised when he fell into a deep exhausted sleep long before she was done. She knew he’d had to do something to get Jimmy free, but she figured he’d tell her later. She could wait.

  Shadow slept the clock around, and awoke with a ravenous hunger. He stuffed himself full and then went into Shirley’s work to catch up with her. He felt a little guilty over what had happened. Yes he’d been cornered into doing it to save Jimmy, but he’d enjoyed it completely and he wanted to father a child on Nance. He would have done it even if Jimmy hadn't been involved.

  He sighed and shook his head; the cat thought it was perfectly fine for him to have multiple females, even if it agreed that Shirley was his mate. Sure he loved the others, but it hardly compared to what he felt for her. Why did his life always have to be so complicated?

  Probably because he wasn't human.

  He walked into the office like he belonged there now, no one questioned him, and he made a few nods to some familiar faces as he walked down the main hall and into the secure area in the back. Then there was the kid he’d just planted in Circe, not to mention the one he had with Liz and the other three out there running around. He sighed as he plopped his butt into the chair behind Shirley’s desk and stared at the picture of him she had on her desk, yes, he’d have to tell her soon.

  “What was that sigh for, Hon?” Shirley asked coming up from behind him.

  “I have things I guess I need to tell you. And I’m not sure you’re going to like them all.”

  Shirley looked at him askew, “You didn’t kill anyone, did you?”

  “Not recently, no.”

  “This have to do with what happened last night?” She asked peering down at him, his ears were drooping a bit, she could tell he was conflicted.

  “Yeah, and then some.”

  “Well let’s go someplace private.”

  He nodded and they headed back out again. He took her to his lair in the city; it was pretty close after all.

  She looked at the small but well-appointed apartment. It was well hidden in the purloined letter manner. Well defended as too. She watched as he locked the door and set the alarm.

  “It’s like this hon. I had to breed Nance for Jimmy.”

  Shirley shrugged, “So you fucked her, I don’t mind.”

  “No, I bred her hon. Knocked her up. She’s pregnant now with my child.”

  “What?” Shirley looked shocked. “You did what?”

  “Fucked her all night because she was in heat and wasn’t going to let him go unless she was sure I’d gotten her pregnant.”

  Shirley looked at Shadow, he really looked upset, his tail was dragging and his ears were flat. “I’d thought you’d be rather proud to have knocked up one of your playthings.” Her voice showed her puzzledness.

  “But it’s not our child. I didn’t make it with you!” he said softly.

  “Sean, you know I don’t want kids yet. In a few years, yes, but not right now. So why did she want your child?”

  “Why else? She’s hot for me, and wants a kid, so I’m the prime candidate.”

  “But why now?”

  “Welllll,” he dragged it out, looking down again.

  “Now what?”

  “I knocked Circe up the other week when we had that big go around.”

  “Sean! Really!” Shirley gasped.

  “Well, I was in cat form and she sprung her fertility on me in the heat of the moment, and well, I kind of just lost control.” He looked embarrassed.

  “So how did Nance find out?”

  “Circe went to Liz for advice.”

  “Fuck toy number three. Right. Do all these girls keep in touch?” Shirley’s voice was a lot more sarcastic than Shadow had ever heard before.

  “Well I have a two year old daughter with Liz, so she wanted to know what to expect.”

  Shirley’s eyebrows went all the way up. She had suspected, now she knew. “Just how many cubs do you have out there?”

  “Three others.”

  “You sure that’s all?” She demanded. She was a bit upset, and surprised that she was. She knew he’d get her pregnant first chance he got. She was even guarding her birth control pills because she wouldn’t put it past him to toss them on her.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “Tell me about them. Now.”

  He looked up at her. “One is with a gal who has since married a successful man. She has other children and he treats my daughter as if she were his own. I don’t visit her, because she doesn’t want me too, and I don’t want to rock the boat. Liz’s kid happened a few years later, she got me drunk and took advantage of me. Not that I minded," Shadow smiled when he thought about that. "I visit my daughter with her about once every two weeks. Liz keeps her well insulated from the underground. Few people know about it.”

  “The other two?”

  “Wellll, basically I bought a sex slave and bred her because I thought it would be fun.” He said it really quick.

; “Sean! You did what?” she said in disbelief.

  “I bought a sex slave. And she was really quite devoted.” He sighed wistfully. “Did what ever I wanted. So eventually I knocked her up. Went so well, a year later I knocked her up again.”

  Shirley looked at him dumbfounded. "Why would you of all people buy a sex slave?"

  Shadow sighed, "I'd just lost the first person I'd ever loved, and well, I was kind of hoping I could love her too."

  "What happened?"

  "It's hard to love someone who worships you. Yeah, you care about them, but their feelings never change no matter what you do." He shook his head, "In the end it was a mistake, it wasn't making me a better person. Worse actually."

  “And just what happened to her?” Shirley asked eyes narrowing.

  “I set her free. Or tried to at least. She’s got a nice house in a nice part of town. I have a son and a daughter with her. I visit when I can, and I try to help her be more assertive and sure of herself. But mainly I avoid her face to face.”

  “Why’s that?” Shirley looked surprised.

  “Cause if I get near her, I have to fuck her.” Shadow shook his head, embarrassed.

  “Have to?” Shirley snorted in disbelief.

  “She is still my slave in her mind, and her actions around me prey on my cat side. I know she’s my toy. It’s hard to keep free of it. It’s like a drug. I don’t exactly love her, I like her, I care about her, she’s a nice person. But she’s mine to use, and she makes it clear whenever I’m about. It’s hard to avoid.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t ask me to put her on your list.”

  “I want her to find someone who will treat her like a human,” Shadow said looking up at her from where he had sat down on a couch, “not to continue as a sex slave and fucktoy to a demented perverted cat.”

  “You are not demented.” Shirley grinned, “Though I can’t argue perverted.”

  “You haven’t seen what I’ve done to her. She's brought out the worst in me at times.”

  Shirley thought about that. “Well, I’ll just have to judge that for myself.”

  Shadow’s head shot up and he starred at her, “What?”

  “You’re going to introduce me. The other three know who I am, so I’ll just pay them visits on my own. But this one I’ll probably want you to introduce me.”

  Sean blinked at her and shook his head, “What?”

  “I want to meet the women who are having my husband’s children, or who have had,” she said quietly.

  “I don’t think Circe would be safe ....”

  “Circe,” she growled cutting him off, “will damn well be safe or I will kick her ass long and hard. These women are all going to understand that you are my property and I’m only loaning you out. I am not going to let any of them turn your children into criminals.”

  Shadow stood up suddenly and stared Shirley down, “I have told them in no uncertain terms what I would do to them if they ever proved to be bad mothers for my children. You will please not threaten them further on that score or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

  “You’ll do what?” Shirley looked surprised.

  “Spank you. I am the ultimate authority in this household when it comes to matters of family. You are the light of my life dear, and I love you completely. But I’m in charge.” He stated simply.

  Shirley got that funny feeling in her stomach that he gave her sometimes. The one that drew her to him so often.

  Shadow pulled her close and purred, “So, you’re taking this better than I thought you would.”

  Shirley sighed, “I can’t blame you for the ones before me, besides I suspected as much. These last two,” She shrugged, “I can’t say I’m not jealous, because I am a little. But I don’t want to have a child at the moment, so if you want to father one on those girls, well I already said you can fuck them to your heart’s content. This is just a natural consequence.”

  Shadow leaned down and kissed her, taking his time and making it a nice long passionate kiss. “Thanks for not trying to kill me over it.” He purred.

  Shirley smiled, “So when do I get to meet the sex slave?”

  “Ummm, you sure you want to do that?”

  “Oh, definitely!" Shirley laughed, "I want to see this girl who you can’t control yourself around.”

  Shadow sighed, “Yes dear. Just don’t blame me for whatever happens.”

  The Janet Issue

  Shadow knocked on the door, and waited, it didn't take long.

  "Master! You're here!!" and she flung herself into his arms, and kissed him, and then immediately untangled herself and fell to her knees before him abasing herself. "Oh I'm sorry, Master! I shouldn't have presumed! Please forgive me! I'm sorry!" and she kissed his feet, while running one hand caressingly up his leg. All outside in public. At least it was dark out.

  Shirley almost laughed at the spectacle. Her mate's slave was hot alright; a good foot shorter than him, trim, stacked, and made up to look very alluring. She could tell that the apology was only half meant, she was tempting him, to either punish her or reward her, Shirley wasn't sure, maybe both. She could see Sean was uncomfortable with the situation. Probably because she was here.

  "Inside, Janet." Sean growled and stepped past her.

  Janet meekly followed him in with a curious glance at Shirley, who brought up the rear closing the door behind her.

  "Janet, this is my mate Shirley. She wanted to meet you." Sean said looking around and tossing his overcoat onto the back of one of the couches.

  "Hello, Shirley," Janet said taking Shirley's hand and going down to her knees again, "As my Master's wife and mate I welcome you. All that I have is yours and your wish is my command."

  Shirley blinked surprised, Janet was completely sincere, she could tell with her magic that she meant every last word. She was also rubbing Shirley's hand in a most interesting way. She retrieved her hand slowly. "Thank you, Janet."

  "You're welcome, Mistress." She smiled and stood back up and turned back to Shadow, "I missed you, Master, can I get you anything? A drink? Food?" she turned to Shirley, "Mistress?"

  Shirley noticed that Janet would only look up for an instant when she turned to you, then would immediately look down submissively.

  "Shirley would like to see my children, Janet. I assume they're in bed now?"

  "Yes, Master. I make them go to bed at ten now like you told me to. They're asleep, should I wake them?"

  Sean looked up at Shirley who shook her head no.

  "That's not necessary, she can meet them later."

  "Let me show you their rooms, you can peek in if you wish."

  "I know the way, Janet," Sean smiled, "wait for us in the den, we'll be in shortly."

  Janet beamed at that and lightly ran off as Shadow led Shirley down the hall.

  "Wow." Shirley said glancing back at Janet.

  "You haven't seen the half of it, trust me." Shadow softly growled. "Now this is William's room, he's the oldest."

  Shirley looked in on William, then on Sarah in the next room. "How old are they?" she asked as they withdrew.

  "Five and four."

  "I got the impression you had Janet around when you got Liz pregnant."

  Shrugged, "No, these were my second and third."

  "Do they know who their daddy is?" Shirley asked looking up at him.

  He nodded, "Yes, though of late I haven't been spending as much time with them."

  "Why's that?"

  "Umm, I've been busy with someone very important to me, and helping them at work?" He said gently with a smile.

  Shirley made a little 'oh' and nodded. She felt a little guilty but he pressed up against her as if reading her mind.

  "Don't worry about it, when things settle down I'll make it up to them. I always do."

  She nodded and he led her down to the den.

  Stepping into the den she was again taken aback, if just a little. It was very definitely a room for being comfortable, and ve
ry much off limit to the children she guessed as well. A guess that was confirmed as Shadow closed the door behind him and locked it.

  There were several day lounges, a small bar, lots of pillows, soft lighting, silk, erotic art, and a toy chest that was open and very full of adult toys. And posed submissively in little more than a slave harness and good intentions was Janet, wrists crossed and eyes down submissively at the floor.

  "Can this slave please her Master in any way?" Janet said and followed it right up with, "Or her new Mistress?"

  "Drinks please. Tea would be nice."

  "Yes, Master!" Janet said and sprung up to go get make some.

  Shirley looked up at Shadow who smiled and shrugged sitting down on a large plush couch along the wall and motioning for Shirley to join him.

  "My 'den'" he purred, "Janet likes to be prepared should I drop by."

  "It's been a while, since you dropped by that is?"

  Janet was back with the tea, she kneeled before them with the tray and they both helped themselves.

  "My Master hasn't visited me in a while," Janet said looking sad, "but he's here now!" she perked back up and undid Shadow's sandals and started to stroke and rub his feet.

  Shirley watched interested while sipping her tea. It was rather good and she could see that Shadow was relaxing back into the couch as Janet worked on his feet, rubbing her face occasionally against his leg as she worked. She noticed Janet would steal little looks up at Shadow, and was carefully starting to work a little higher each time. It didn't take long to figure out what Janet wanted from her mate.

  Shadow for his part was enjoying it, as always. He felt a little self-conscious with Shirley watching, but as those well-trained fingers started in on his thighs he could feel himself starting to rise to the occasion. Janet's eyes were mostly on his crotch, which was starting to thicken noticeably, all he had on were the silk shorts he usually wore at this point. He looked over at Shirley who was watching with extreme interest. He noticed that Janet was stealing glances at her too now, unsure of how to proceed, but unwilling to stop. She wanted to submit to him, he could see it in every line of her body and could even smell her need. It made him want her all that much more.


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