Just a Bit Obsessed

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Just a Bit Obsessed Page 6

by Alessandra Hazard

  Alexander didn’t say anything; he just scrambled up over Christian’s body and then fed him his cock, as promised. Christian moaned around the thick flesh in his mouth and glanced at the door. He wasn’t sure whether they should be doing this without Mila—whether it was okay to have sex again without inviting her—but with Alexander’s cock in his mouth he couldn’t think properly. Fuck that. When Mila had left the room to study, Alexander was still fucking him; she probably wouldn’t care if they had another round of sex without her.

  Relaxing his jaw, Christian looked up and watched him as Alexander fucked his mouth. He loved watching this, loved watching Alexander’s calm mask slip and fall away. It went straight to his dick—that he was the one who made this man lose his self-control.

  Tightening his lips around the cock, Christian moved his hand to his own cock and started jerking off, letting Alexander fuck his mouth and do whatever he wanted.

  He could feel the other man was close already, but Alexander suddenly stopped and pulled out.

  “What?” Christian croaked out, licking his lips. They felt swollen.

  Alexander stared down at him with a strange sort of hunger. “Let me come on you.”

  Blinking, Christian felt his cheeks heat up. He normally always said no when guys asked that—being covered in someone’s jizz wasn’t his idea of fun—but fuck, the way Alexander was looking at him…

  “Okay,” he whispered, squeezing his own cock.

  Alexander’s nostrils flared. Kneeling over Christian’s face, he started pulling on his cock, watching Christian intently. And god, did it make him hot. Christian was panting, his hand flying over his own cock as he watched fixedly Alexander’s thick red erection, waiting and wanting. His lips parted, his tongue swiping over his freshly chapped lips, desperate for a taste. He wanted it. Wanted Alexander’s come, wanted to stink of him—

  He gasped as Alexander’s cock erupted over him, hot stripes covering him from hair to chin, dripping down onto his neck, covering his open, panting mouth and waiting tongue.

  Alexander rolled on top of him and kissed him greedily, and his hands were fucking rubbing his jizz into Christian’s skin, and that was fucked up enough to push Christian over the edge, and he came, moaning into Alexander’s mouth. Moaning his name.

  The world was still, just their heavy breathing disrupting the silence.

  And then Christian started laughing.

  Alexander lifted himself on an elbow. “Something funny?”

  Still chuckling, Christian grinned. “Nope. Nothing. Well, besides the fact that I just had a neat freak come all over me. I’m fucking gross, man—and you fucking enjoyed making me gross. You. Neat freak. Ha!”

  “You’re so childish,” Alexander said, his lips curling into a reluctant smile. “Such a baby.”

  To prove his maturity, Christian grinned and stuck his tongue out at him.

  Alexander shook his head before kissing him again.

  Christian sighed and kissed back, wrapping his arms and legs around him.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  Christian stiffened, and Alexander rolled off him.

  Mila stood in the doorway, her lips slightly pursed and arms crossed over her chest. “I thought you already left, Chris. Don’t you need to study?”

  Suddenly feeling uncomfortable and uncertain, Christian sat up and reached for his clothes on the chair. “Yeah, you’re right. I’d better get going.”

  He stood up, turned away, and dressed as quickly as he could. He could feel Alexander’s eyes on him, and he could feel Mila’s, too.

  “All right, good luck tomorrow,” he said, rather awkwardly, unsure why it was so damn awkward. They had been doing nothing wrong.

  Mila smiled, but her smile didn’t seem particularly friendly. Or was it his imagination?

  “You should wash your face before you go,” she said.

  Christian froze and then flushed, meeting her eyes. He glanced at Alexander’s inscrutable face.

  “Right,” he said, even more awkwardly, and went to the bathroom.

  He closed the door and breathed out, still weirded out.

  What the hell was that?

  Shaking his head, Christian walked to the sink and washed his face quickly.

  Finished, he strode back to the door but stopped at the sound of voices.

  “…I didn’t think you’d care,” Alexander said, his voice emotionless. “Why does it matter if you’re in the room or not?”

  “I—I don’t know! But it does! You should have told me to come back if you were going to have sex again.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You were studying.”

  “He’s supposed to be studying, too, instead of—”

  Christian opened the door. “We really didn’t think it would upset you,” he said, walking to Mila. He wrapped an arm around her tense shoulders and smiled at her. “We’re sorry. It won’t happen again.” He wasn’t lying, but he tried to ignore the part of him that liked the word we a bit too much.

  She relaxed. “I’m sorry, too. I probably overreacted.”

  Christian squeezed her shoulder. “I get it. We’re all stressed because of the exams.”

  Mila grimaced. “Yeah. I’m worried that Rutledge will fail me tomorrow.”

  “Aren’t we all? Look on the bright side: he won’t be teaching us anymore after tomorrow.”

  “If we don’t have to retake the class,” Mila muttered grimly.

  “Fuck, now I’m panicking too.” Christian looked at Alexander, who had finished dressing. “I’ll go.” He wasn’t sure why he was telling this to Alexander.

  Alexander nodded, a strange expression flashing across his features.

  “Right,” Christian said. He pecked Mila on the lips. “Good luck tomorrow.”

  She smiled, looking distracted already. “Thanks. You, too.”

  Christian turned to Alexander and hesitated. He had given Mila a goodbye kiss. He could do the same to Alexander, right? Just a peck.

  Mila was frowning, deep in thought, and wasn’t looking at them anymore, so Christian stepped to Alexander and brushed his lips against Alexander’s. Just a peck.

  Except their lips clung to each other, not wanting to let go.

  Their lips clung to each other even as they slowly pulled apart.

  “Bye,” Christian murmured, feeling a bit too warm.

  “Good luck on the exam,” Alexander said, giving him a faint smile.

  Christian grinned, nodded and stepped back.

  He was still smiling as he left the apartment.

  Chapter 10

  Mila Bursell wasn’t stupid. Neither was she oblivious. People often thought she was just a typical dumb pretty girl and rarely took her seriously, but she didn’t mind: it was even amusing.

  She hadn’t missed the way Alexander looked at Christian—like he was the most delicious thing in the world and he wanted to kiss him from head to toe—but Mila couldn’t really blame her boyfriend. It was a pretty ordinary reaction to Christian Ashford, and she was no different in that regard. It would be terribly hypocritical of her to be angry about Alexander’s attraction to Christian.

  No, Alexander’s attraction to the guy didn’t bother her all that much; she had told Alexander the truth that she found watching them very hot. But the strength of that attraction did bother her. She didn’t like the way they looked at each other during sex, and the way they acted during sex. Every time Mila tried to participate when Alexander fucked Christian, she was pushed away. Neither of them was rude and she wasn’t even sure it was intentional—they simply seemed to forget she was even there, too focused on each other.

  It wasn’t an issue when they pleasured her, though Mila was somewhat disturbed by the increasing number of times she had to insert herself between them to keep Alexander’s attention on her. It was…worrying. Very worrying.

  When she had suggested a threesome after finding out about Alexander’s attraction to Christian, she didn’t expect how strong his
attraction was. She had expected that she would be the focal point of the threesome. She, not Christian. In hindsight, she should have evaluated the situation better before making any rash suggestions, but she had been too excited by the prospect of having sex with Christian again to really think things through.

  She should have known. Alexander hated cheating more than anything, so the fact that he had kissed Christian without her prior knowledge should have set off the alarm bells in her head. But hindsight was twenty-twenty, and what was done was done.

  Mila sighed. It had been two weeks since Christian had become a regular feature in their sex life, and Alexander’s attraction to him didn’t seem to be abating in the least.

  After her request, they hadn’t had sex again without her present, but sometimes Mila wondered if her presence even mattered.

  I could as well not be here, she thought, not without bitterness, as she watched them have sex, and once again, she couldn’t help but feel like the third wheel.

  But still, she had to admit, it was incredibly hot.

  Christian was a wreck, his mouth swollen and red and wet, eyes wide and pupils blown, cheekbones flushed. His hair, dark with sweat, was a mess. She could understand why Alexander was staring at him the way he did; and she could understand why he was fucking him the way he did, his thrusts uncontrolled and powerful enough to rock them both forward under the sheer drive of his lust. Sometimes Mila had the ridiculous thought that if she had a dick, she would want to fuck Christian, too. Not that she didn’t want to fuck him now—of course she did—but there was a certain…appeal about Christian that she was sure men appreciated. He was fuckable.

  At least Alexander certainly seemed to think so, his expression nearly feral as he watched Christian under him. It made her achingly wet—and worried, and jealous. He never looked at her that way when he fucked her. He was always in control of himself and his facial expressions. Always.

  But not with Christian.

  Fear surged inside her, and Mila moved closer to the men. She put her hand on Alexander’s wide, strong back and stroked it, but he didn’t even seem to notice, his eyes focused only on Christian.

  She removed her hand and clenched it.

  It’s just sex, she told herself. Just sex. Alexander loved her; she was sure of that. He might be physically attracted to Christian, but he loved her, Mila. Christian was the one who left every evening; she was the one who stayed and shared Alexander’s bed.

  Alexander would never cheat on her or leave her—especially for a man. It was something she was absolutely sure about. Mila didn’t know the whole story, but she knew that Alexander’s father was a lying, cheating asshole who had broken his mother’s heart by constantly cheating on her with men. Alexander despised his father and everything he stood for. Alexander was loyal to a fault.

  She had nothing to worry about. Nothing. In a few weeks at most, Christian Ashford would be gone from their lives, and Alexander would be only hers again.

  Sometimes Mila wondered whether she should end this arrangement herself, but she had a feeling that would be a mistake. It was better for Alexander to get bored of Christian, or vice versa. Christian was bound to get bored soon anyway. After all, everyone knew Christian was a player.

  She had nothing to worry about.

  Chapter 11

  Christian dressed slowly, his hair still wet after the shower, his muscles aching pleasantly after sex.

  Alexander and Mila were no longer in the bedroom.

  He glanced at his phone to check the time. It wasn’t late; no wonder they weren’t going to bed yet. Now that finals were over, Mila could stay up as late as she pleased, and Alexander’s work hours were irregular anyway.

  Christian slid the phone back into his pocket, put on his shoes and left the bedroom. He could hear voices coming from the living room.

  Christian went still in the doorway.

  Alexander and Mila were decorating the Christmas tree, or rather, Mila was decorating it while Alexander watched, looking vaguely amused. They were talking quietly; Mila was grinning and rolling her eyes. Alexander looked relaxed and comfy in his soft-looking gray sweater and sweatpants.

  “I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere,” Mila said, digging through the boxes. “Found it!” She took a star out of its packaging, holding it up for inspection. Under the light, it glittered prettily and threw little shards of golden light on the floor and her hands. It was perfect.

  They were perfect. Such a perfect couple.

  “I’m putting it on the tree!” Mila declared, hopping to her feet. “Lift me up?”

  “You can use the stool,” Alexander said dryly.

  Mila pouted. “Alexander!”

  Sighing, Alexander walked over and held her up so that she could put the star on the top of the tree.

  Mila placed the star before sliding down Alexander’s body and kissing him, her arms around his neck.

  Christian watched them kiss. There was a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach, one that churned and wrenched through him. He felt nauseous.

  He cleared his throat and entered the room, putting on a bright smile. “All right, I’ve gotta go.” Not that they looked like they remembered he was still there.

  The couple stopped kissing and turned to him.

  Mila smiled, leaning her cheek against Alexander’s chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. Her body language reeked of possessiveness. “Are you spending Christmas here? I mean in the city,” she added quickly, as though afraid Christian would mistake it for an invitation.

  Christian smiled tightly. He was neither stupid nor blind. He had noticed that Mila had started disliking him. He wondered why she hadn’t told him anything yet.

  “Yeah, I don’t really have anywhere else to go. My parents are in Iceland, studying volcanoes, so it’s just Grandma and me.”

  Mila nodded. “We won’t see you again for a while, so Merry Christmas!”

  Christian nearly laughed. It was as subtle as a punch in the mouth. “Yeah,” he said, shrugging into his jacket. “Merry Christmas to you, too.”

  He almost reached the door when Alexander said, “Don’t go.”

  Christian stopped. “What?”

  “You can’t go outside.”

  “Why not?”

  Alexander untangled himself from Mila and walked to him.

  “Your hair is wet,” he said, running his hand through Christian’s hair. His fingers brushed Christian’s ear. “It’s freezing outside.”

  Christian swallowed, meeting his dark blue eyes. Over Alexander’s shoulder, he could see that Mila was frowning.

  “I never get colds,” Christian said. He smiled, very brightly. “I really gotta go. Have a date with Skyrim tonight. Want to kick that dragon’s ass.”

  Alexander snorted. “Skyrim is lame,” he said before walking a bit away to a cupboard and pulling out a towel. “The story is weak, and there are no meaningful choices in the game. Try Planescape: Torment if you want to play a real RPG.”

  He returned to Christian and started drying his hair with the towel, looking cool and efficient. Like there was nothing strange about it. Like it was a perfectly normal thing to do.

  Christian stared at him.

  Okay. He knew Alexander could be a very considerate guy when he wanted to be—Christian had seen him in “Perfect Boyfriend” mode too many times to count, and it always annoyed him—but this… Christian had to admit it felt…nice when he was on the receiving end of his attention. More than nice.

  “Shut it, you hater,” Christian said with a forced chuckle, trying to act like this wasn’t making him feel weird at all. “I don’t play Skyrim for the story. I play it because it’s pretty and fun, and I can go anywhere I want! Besides, it has some really cool mods.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Like Animated Prostitution. You can have sex with anyone!”

  Alexander snorted. “Why am I not surprised,” he murmured, his strong fingers massaging his scalp as he continued drying Christian’s hair.
/>   Christian tried not to lean into the touch; really, he tried. “I didn’t know you played videogames. You don’t seem the type.”


  Christian shrugged. “I don’t know. You always look so…mature and serious.”

  “You don’t have to be immature and over-emotional to enjoy a good videogame.” Alexander’s voice was even, but his eyes glimmered with amusement.

  Christian laughed a little. “Yeah, make fun of me.” He went still when Alexander’s fingers brushed his temple.

  “It’s dry enough now,” Alexander said, his voice low.

  “Yeah,” Christian said, rocking slightly on his feet. His lips parted. He wet them as their gazes locked.

  Alexander’s fingers were still in his hair.

  “Honey, can you help me with this ornament?”

  Alexander didn’t move, still looking at him.


  Something flickered in Alexander’s eyes. “Yes,” he said.

  But he didn’t step away from Christian.

  Christian looked over his shoulder at Mila. She had her lips pursed tightly.

  When their eyes met, she glared at him.

  “Right,” Christian said, turning to the door. “See you.”

  Alexander’s hand grabbed his arm.

  Christian inhaled shakily, his heart thudding in his throat. “What?” he said, without turning around.

  Alexander’s warm breath brushed against his ear. “Merry Christmas.”

  Christian exhaled and whispered, “Merry Christmas.”

  The hand on his arm lingered for a moment before it was gone. Christian open the door and left. As he always did.

  It was dark outside.

  It was snowing; soft dreamy flakes of snow whirled and spiraled down to the ground. Bright red and green lights twinkled along the windows and doors of stores while the streets were covered in a carpet of white. It was beautiful. Like something from a fairy tale.

  Christian shoved his hands into his pockets and walked. The snow crunched under his feet and soaked into his shoes.


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