Forever Yours (#1)

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Forever Yours (#1) Page 5

by Deila Longford

  “I want to kiss you until your lips are numb and then I want taste your blood on my tongue.” My heart pounds at his confession and then I surprise myself when I give him the green light.

  “So do it then,” he shakes his head and then he kisses me again, but this time with less force than before. He falls onto my body and I squeal when his sharp bones crash into mine. He jolts up at my reaction, his eyes still red with desire, he leans his arm onto the cushion of the sofa and then he shifts his weight onto that arm. I sigh, when his body isn’t squashing me anymore and then I place my hands onto both sides of his face. He rests his forehead against mine as he begins to talk.

  “I’m starving, I haven’t fed in three days, and I need blood.” My heart races as I feel his pain. I caress his skin with my fingers and then I make the decision that I have feared since he told me that he was a vampire.

  “Feed on me,” I whisper. He looks into my eyes and he shakes his head at my suggestion.

  “I can’t, your blood is too desirable and I don’t know if I could stop.” I smile as my beliefs are certified –he does care about me. I firmly clasp his face, as I try to persuade him to feed from me. I want the satisfaction of helping him through his pain –it’s crazy, but I trust him .

  “Yes you will, feed on me, I want to help you.” I say, as I move my lips onto his. He smiles at me and then he kisses me firmly. He pulls the hoodie over my head and he throws it down onto the floor. His lips are melting into mine and his hands are sliding through my hair. I pant for air as he grips my leg and slides me further down onto the sofa. I am now lying flat on my back; my cheeks are hot from the passion that is flowing. My heart is fluttering, as Dalton gently slides his hand up stomach, caressing every inch of my body, until he stops at my neck. He gently swirls his finger along my collar bone and then he places his lips onto mine –again. My mind is rushing and my legs are weak from his touch, I can hardly see straight and I can’t breathe as I wait for him to feed. He moves his lips away from mine and he looks into my eyes as his lips gently part. He exhales and then he smirks at me, as I lie beneath him.

  “Are you sure you want me to do this?” I narrow my eyes at him and then I jerk his head closer to mine. I glue my lips to his and then I break free.

  “Yes, do it, now.” I plead with him. His smile fades and his eyes turn red, my nerves are shot and I am terrified, but I know that he is in pain and I want to take that pain away from him. He slides his hand onto the base of my neck and he gently pushes my hair away from my skin. His lips are white and his fingers are cool against my skin. He rests his face against my neck and I shiver when his icy tongue collides with my skin. He gently kisses my neck and I close my eyes, as I dread his daggers. He kisses me again on my neck and then he pauses for a brief moment and then he sinks his fangs into my skin. My eyes jolt open from the sting and I can’t breathe as I feel my blood being drawn from my body. His sucking motion is gentle at first, but then his force becomes slightly firmer as he tastes more blood. The sting has passed and now an overwhelming pleasure has replaced the uncomfortable pain. I feel connected to him, as he feeds on my blood and I can’t control my lust, as I grab onto his head, pressing his fangs further into my skin. His breathing is heavy and there is a deep groaning forming in his throat. My eyes close as he draws more blood and my hands are now sliding all over his back. I am pulling him closer to me, as I don’t want him to move, I know that he is draining me, but the pleasure is worth the pain. I feel myself slipping into a pleasurable coma and my eyes dart open in annoyance when Dalton pulls his fangs out of my neck. His eyes are deep red and there is a little trickle of blood on his lip. His tongue extends and the blood has disappeared. I stare at him through my heavy eyes and when he meets my gaze, he thrusts himself backwards and now he is looking down at me from his position next to the sofa. His eyes are back to their normal shade and his lips are trembling as he looks at me.

  “What have I done,” he says pointing at my neck. I slowly sit up and I rest my heavy head against the cushion. I feel weak and shaky and the skin around my neck hurts, when I gently caress it with my finger. I look up at Dalton and my eyes are heavy as I stare at him.

  “I’m fine,” I say in a weak voice. Dalton shakes his head and then with one fluid movement, he swoops me into his arms and he runs with me, through the front door and towards the car. He carefully places me inside and then starts the engine and speeds off along the dirt track. He looks at me –completely taking his eyes away from the road ahead.

  “Are you cold?” He asks as he reaches for the car heater. I nod, I am freezing. Dalton turns the heating up as high as it will go and he grips the wheel of the car so tight that I fear it may snap in two. The tyres of the car squeal as they collide with the road surface and I have to grip onto the door panels before I can sit straight. The speedometer is rising and now we are driving at well over one hundred miles an hour, my heart is beating so fast as Dalton pushes his foot further down onto the gas pedal. I fall back into my seat, as the hot air from the vents blows against my cheeks. The car is floating around the corners and I turn to Dalton as I plead with him to slow down.

  “Slow down,” I shout as the car floats around the sharp bend and almost crashes into a tree. Dalton jerks the wheel and the car is now positioned back onto the lane. I briefly sigh in relief and I turn my heavy, weak head in his direction. I reach out and clasp my hand onto his, but he rudely pulls his hand away from me and I have to hold back my tears at his rejection.

  “Don’t touch me, I’m poison Rose,” he says in a dark, snarling voice. I shake my head at him, as I lean across the centre arm rest to look up at him.

  “You’re not poison, please look at me,” I say, as I reach out my hand and tilt his chin towards my face. He jerks his head away from me and I scowl at him in anger. “What’s wrong, talk to me,” I plead.

  “You wanna know what’s wrong; I fed on you, that’s what’s wrong.” I shake my fists in frustration –why is he acting this way? I was under the impression that he didn’t care about me, so why is he so angry with himself for feeding on me? I can’t understand him, he is a puzzle that’s missing the final piece and I am powerless to solve it.

  “You say that you have no feelings and that human life means nothing. If that’s true, then why are you so angry about feeding on me?” Dalton clasps the bridge of his nose and then he looks at me with those eyes –blue and gorgeous. I stare into them as I await his response.

  “I don’t … care, but it was wrong for me to feed on you. I took advantage of your feelings and I’m a monster, who has marked you with those wounds.” I nervously push my hair away from my face as I begin to fight Dalton on his claims.

  “I don’t believe that you don’t care about me. I saw it in your eyes when you kissed me. You feel something for me, if you didn’t, then I would be dead right now.” Dalton snarls and I jump when he hits out at the steering wheel in frustration. The noise of his hands beating against the wheel is deafening and I let out a scream when the car slides off the road and into the nearest ditch. The car spins and then it finally stops, I let out a deep breath as I wipe the cool sweat that has formed on my forehead away. Dalton grips the wheel, heavy breathing until he finally meets my stare.

  “I don’t have feelings for you; I told you when I met you that I wasn’t going to make you my girlfriend. Why don’t you believe me? Do I need to prove it to you?” Anger is building in my throat and I feel like I am about to explode, I know that he cares about me. He just needs to let in his feelings and accept the fact that he is capable of caring.

  “All I want you to prove is that you do care about me. When I look into your eyes, I see … compassion. I know that if you just let in your feelings, then we could be something.” Dalton laughs at my question and I now I am even angrier than before.

  “What do you see when you look at me?” I blush –is this a trick question? He should know by now that I care and have feelings for him, so why he is embarrassing me with this quest
ion? I shift nervously in my seat as I feel his eyes burning through me. I turn to look at him, but Dalton grabs my face, firmly in his cool hand. He tilts my chin upwards so that I am looking directly into his eyes.

  “I see Dalton, the beautiful, charming guy that I’m crazy about.” Dalton sniggers and then he pushes my face away as if he is disgusted with me. I feel terrible, rejected and alone. I rest my head against the door frame as I feel exhausted and weak. I close my eyes and my head crashes into the plastic of the door, my eyes pop open for a split second and then they jam shut. I can feel Dalton’s cold hand pawing at my face and then I hear his husky voice. “ROSE,” he exclaims, inside I am smiling as now I know that he does care. I can feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness, but I am vaguely aware of Dalton’s hands on my body. He is caressing every part of my skin as he tries to wake me, but my eyes remain firmly shut. I feel his hand on the back of my neck, pushing my head forwards. My body is limp and I have no control over my arms or legs, I feel weak and powerless as Dalton paws my face. His icy hand is squeezing my cheeks together and then I can feel them trying to open my eyes. My brown eyes remain closed and that’s when I feel his icy fingers open my mouth. He pushes his wrist into my mouth and as my lips lock around his skin, I can feel something wet. The salty liquid is pouring down my throat and I nearly choke from the volume. My eyes jolt open and I quickly lunge into the air, wrapping my arms around Dalton’s neck. He holds me for a split second and then he pushes me away. His hands remain clasped onto each side of my face, his eyes are narrowed and he seems as if he is focusing really hard. As Dalton stares into my eyes, I catch a glimpse of his wrist and I am stunned when I see that his skin is blood stained. I shake my head in confusion and Dalton steadies my movement with one frim hold. I push my lips together and the salty taste is now even more powerful. As I look at his wrist and feel the wet, liquid on my lips, I realise that he has feed me his blood.


  “Have you just fed me your blood?” I say in a quiet voice. Dalton presses his lips together and then he roars the engine of the car. He stares at me as he pushes his foot down onto the gas pedal and I feel uneasy, but revitalized. I was weak, I couldn’t see or keep my eyes open, now I feel –like me. I am not tired or weak, just a little bit sore from bumping my head against the doorframe. I shake my head in disbelief, Dalton has fed me his blood, and somehow it saved me. I could feel myself slipping away and Dalton healed me –and he says that he doesn’t care. My mind is rushing with so many thoughts, as Dalton drives too fast in silence. I look out of the window and I panic when I see that we are nearing my house. I know that once Dalton stops the car, he will be gone and I will be faced with the wrath of my uncle George. I went out without telling him where I was going and now its past midnight and I have two puncture wounds on my neck. How I am going to explain this to him? Dalton halts the car at the front of my house, he switches off the engine and then he turns to face me. His eyes are blue and I can’t help smiling as I take in his beauty. His golden hair has flopped out of its slicked back state and now it’s messy and carefree. His full lips are a deep shade of red –blood stained and they are slightly parted. His strong jaw is tense under his skin and as he looks at me, I feel that he is tortured, vulnerable and alone. I reach out my hand for his, but he shakes his head at my offer. I pull my hand back and I clasp both of my hands together on my lap. I let out a sigh when I feel Dalton’s hand moving across the nape of my neck. His cool fingers feel good against the burning of my wounds and I close my eyes from the desire of his touch. He moves his fingers away from my neck and now they are sliding through my brown hair, I tense my eyes in pleasure and then I smile when his hand grazes my cheek.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispers in a dark voice. My eyes jolt open and I focus my retinas on his. His deep stare is tense and burning, I need him. I reach out and wrap my arms around his neck, he flinches at my touch, pushing me away at first and then, he gives into my affection and I smile when he wraps his arms around me. His cool hands are sliding along my back and I can hear him inhaling my scent as our bodies touch. I rest my chin on his shoulder as he whispers in my ear. “I could never survive if something happened to you,” I grip him tighter and my arms begin to ache from the pressure. Tears begin to flow from my eyes and flutters begin in my heart. He does care about me, he doesn’t want anything to happen to me –he cares about me and my human life. I always knew that he had some type of feelings for me, but now with his touch and words, I know that he cares deeply about me. I pull back from him and he looks at me with those eyes –blue and stunning. He places his hand onto my chest and I slightly jump from the icy temperature.

  “Your heart rate is low; I need to stay with you tonight.” I bite my lower lip as those words pass from his lips.

  “I don’t understand,” I say in a confused voice. Dalton exhales and then he presses his hand further into my chest.

  “You were slipping away from me and I had to feed you my blood. But your heart rate is starting to fall, I need to stay with you, because…,” Dalton trails off in mid-sentence and I narrow my eyes at him in confusion. I pull back from him and I shake my head at his half-answers. He wants to stay with me; therefore he wants me to invite him in. I can’t do that, I won’t put my uncle and his family’s life in danger and anyway what would I tell George, ‘ah, Dalton is staying with me tonight’ –I don’t think so. My uncle would have a heart attack if he knew that Dalton was sleeping in my room with me. I shake my head at him and his crazy suggestion.

  “You can’t stay with me; my uncle would never allow it.” Dalton leans forward and rests his forehead onto mine. He takes a deep breath and then he focuses his eyes on mine.

  “If you die with my blood in your system, then you will become a vampire. I can’t leave you alone knowing that risk. Please, let me stay with you.” I jump back in horror –I can’t die, I can’t be a vampire. I push open my door and I run out into the dark night. I rush towards the front door and I thrust it open with a fluid motion. I walk through the hallway, pulling my hair over my wounds as I march. I walk through the narrow hall and I pop my head around the doorjamb of the living room. My uncle is sitting in his favourite chair, sipping a beer and watching the latest game on cable. He looks really peaceful as he lounges and as I open my mouth to speak, I fear that his peace may vanish when he sees me.

  “George,” I say in a sweet voice. He instantly turns around and faces me, turning the TV down as his eyes meet mine. He doesn’t look angry –just disappointed and that’s far worse, anyway.

  “Where have you been?” He exclaims. I shift my weight from foot to foot as I think of an answer.

  “I was with Dalton, the movie ran late and then we had some car trouble. I’m sorry I didn’t call,” I say as I flash him a smile. He shakes his head at me and then he gives me the all clear.

  “Don’t let it happen again, bugs.” I flash him my awkward smile and then I bolt along the hallway and up the stairs. I rush into my room and I throw myself down onto my bed, kicking off my converses in the process. My head rests against my pillow and my whole body jumps, when I hear a knock against the window. I slowly rise from the bed and I make my way over to the ledge. I pull back my curtains and I am startled, when I see Dalton situated in the large oak tree, which spans our entire garden. He stares at me and then he clasps the bridge of his nose as he signals for me to open the window. I sigh and then I give into his commands. I confidently push out my windows, knowing that he can’t enter without an invitation. Dalton leans forward and his eyes are burning through me. I step back from the window as he begins to plead with me to let him in.

  “Rose, please invite me, I want to hold you, will you let me do that?” I exhale and then every bone in my body is screaming out at me to let him in. My lips are hungry for his cool kiss and my skin is tingling at the thought of his icy hands wrapped around me. I consider my options for a brief moment and then I rush over to the window and lock my eyes on his.

��Dalton, would you like to come in?” He smiles and then flies in through the window at super speed. I jump back from him as he towers above me. We stare into each other eyes for what seems like forever and then I reluctantly pull my eyes away from him. I rush over to my closet and I pull out a pair of shorts and an oversized, grey t-shirt. I yank my t-shirt from my body and I smile as I feel Dalton’s eyes burning through me. I push the other shirt over my head and then I turn to face Dalton, as I unbutton my jeans. He stares at me –wide eyed and hungry with those white lips. I flash him my awkward smile and then I ask for some privacy.

  “I need a minute.” I say, my cheeks beginning to blush. Dalton’s lips turn up at the corners and now he is fully smirking at me. My cheeks are on fire as he edges closer to me.

  “I won’t peek, I promise,” he says in a wicked tone. I pout my lips at him and then he smiles and turns away from me. I quickly pull down my jeans and replace them with my checked shorts. I scrunch my hair into a loose bun on the top my head and then I make my way over to my bed. I fall down onto the surface –my head heavy and an overwhelming exhaustion creeping over me. I slide under the covers and my eyes half-shut, but they jolt open when I see Dalton walking over to my bedside. He looks down at me –with worry and kindness filling his deep blue eyes. He leans down to my level and he places his hand onto my forehead, I shiver from his touch, but reach out my hand and place it onto his chest. He quivers at my touch and then he briefly closes his eyes as he lightly exhales.

  “I’ll sleep on the chair,” he says as he looks over at my hard, leather chair. He smiles at me and then he begins to walk away. I extend my arm and I grab a fistful of his white t-shirt. He jerks forward, as he stops in his tracks. I rise up slowly –not taking my eyes from his as I do.

  “Stay with me,” I say as I slide over and make room for him. He rolls his eyes at my offer and then he shakes his head as he carefully positions himself onto my bed. He stretches out his legs and rests his head against my purple pillow. His eyes dart to mine and I smile when he extends his arm for me to curl into his body. I take his offer, I huddle myself into his cold chest and I slightly shiver from his icy skin. I can hear him slowly breathing, so I rest my head onto his chest, as I want to bask in the sound. His hand is caressing my shoulder and his chin is resting on my head. I inhale his scent –a combination of cologne and liquor. My eyes close, as his fingers make their way along the skin of my arm and I let out a gentle groan at his affection. With his body so close to mine, I want and desire his kiss. I open my eyes and I fix them on his, my lips part and then I ask him for his forbidden kiss.


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