Heart 2 Heart

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Heart 2 Heart Page 12

by Julie Cannon

  Lane suspected her desire was showing but she didn’t care. “Good morning, Detective.”

  God, I love it when she calls me that. “Yes, it is. But Sunday morning was even better.”

  Lane’s face reflected that she too recalled the day. Lane blushed.

  “May I join you?”

  Kyle held the chair as Lane sat down. She leaned over and whispered. “You can join me for anything anytime.” She couldn’t stop thinking about the multiple orgasms they’d shared.

  “Thank you, I’ll have to take you up on that.”

  “When?” Kyle asked.

  Christ, she’s cute in her little butch way. I wonder if she’s wearing those tight boxer briefs I like so much under those trousers. Lane’s mind turned to mush.

  “Excuse me?” she responded feebly.

  “When do you want to take me up on it? You know, join me?” Kyle took a sip of her coffee in an effort to calm her senses. “We could have dinner, or there’s a great exhibit of Michael Yanostang photographs at the Art Museum.” She was about to suggest another activity when she was interrupted.

  “Or simply a repeat of Saturday night.” Again and again and again.

  “That’s always an option.” Breathe Kyle, breathe.

  “How’s Hollie?”

  “What?” It was Kyle’s turn for her mind to stop functioning.

  I’ve got her rattled again. “Hollie, you know. Little girl about a year old. Dark hair, dark eyes. Poopie diapers. Probably calls you Mama.” Lane was enjoying giving her a hard time.

  Kyle shook her head and snickered. “Oh yeah, poopie diapers, I remember now. She’s fine, thanks for asking.”

  Lane leaned over and removed the sunglasses that hid the eyes that could see into her soul. “Take these off. I want to see your eyes.”

  “Why?” Kyle’s voice cracked when Lane’s fingers lightly brushed her temples.

  “Because they’re your most revealing feature.”

  Kyle scowled, faking concern. “Hmm. That’s not good. To be effective I’m supposed to be unreadable.”

  Lane read something entirely else into her comment. She leaned in closer. “Well, Detective, let me assure you, you are very effective.” Kyle smiled shyly. “But I wouldn’t try interrogating someone you’re sleeping with. Your eyes definitely give you away.”

  “I’ll remember that. Now about my original question. When can I see you again?” All of you.

  There was no sense in beating around the bush. “Your schedule is a little more complicated than mine,” Lane said. “You tell me.”

  “How about dinner tonight? I have the duty for Travis. He’s got some school thing to go to, and his wife threatened to kill him if he missed it.”

  Lane recalled Kyle talking about her partner and how close they were on and off the job. She’d enjoyed her brief conversation with Travis many weeks ago and had a feeling she would like the man. “Dinner sounds great. Do you cook?”

  “Yes, but I think I’d be thoroughly intimidated to cook for you,” Kyle said. “You do own a restaurant and I’ve seen your kitchen, remember?”

  Lane did remember and suddenly wanted to share it with her. “I wasn’t suggesting that you cook, I was going to cook and wanted you to help.”

  “Thank goodness, ’cause I would really have had a bad case of performance anxiety.” Kyle stated in mock exaggeration.

  “Well, we can’t have that now can we? We might have to find something else to do if that happened.” Lane stood too quickly for Kyle to follow. She leaned down and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. “Don’t get up. Come by around six.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Lane bent low and whispered in her ear, “Keep the streets safe, Detective.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Lane practically jumped on her as soon as she stepped in the front door. Before she had a chance to react, she was locked in a passionate embrace that almost knocked her off her feet. Hands and lips were everywhere and clothes were being pushed aside.

  “Does this mean we’re not going to eat first?” Kyle asked.

  Lane took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. “Oh, we’re definitely not going to eat first.” She didn’t wait for their clothes to be removed before straddling Kyle on the bed. “I’ve thought of this all day, and if you don’t touch me right now, I’m going to go off without you.”

  The desire in her eyes told Kyle just how close she was. As Lane claimed her mouth in a hard kiss, Kyle managed to get her hand between their bodies and into the unbuttoned pants. Lane bit her tongue when her fingers unerringly found their mark. Her mind started to spin and her senses focused on the wonderful feeling coursing through her body. Lane wanted it now and she wanted it fast, and the words she whispered in Kyle’s ear became reality.

  Kyle held her tight as she struggled to catch her breath. She was still trembling when she lifted her head from where it had fallen on Kyle’s shoulder when her orgasm overtook her.

  Lane tenderly placed kisses on the lips she had ravaged moments earlier. “Sorry about that. I was okay until I saw you and then I had to have you right then.” She chuckled. “Technically, I guess I needed you to have me.”

  Kyle caressed the soft cheek above her. “I’m not really a stickler for technicalities. Besides, you did.”

  It took a moment for Kyle’s admission to work its way through Lane’s passion drugged brain. When it did she smiled teasingly. “Then I guess we can eat now.”

  Kyle surprised her when she hopped out of bed and headed toward the kitchen. “Great, I’m starved.”

  Lane lay where she was, astounded that Kyle had left her so fast. She pulled her clothes together and walked down the hall uncertain if she should be hurt by Kyle’s apparently cool treatment. Sure, she had surprised Kyle by jumping on her the minute she stepped inside and used her to assuage her own carnal need, but she didn’t expect this.

  Kyle was sitting on the couch when Lane entered the room. Her shoes were off and her feet were propped up on the coffee table in front of her next to her service weapon. She looked perfectly relaxed and unflustered by the past fifteen minutes. Lane frowned as she turned toward the kitchen.



  “Come here for a sec will you?”

  Lane didn’t know what to expect as she stood in front of her. She kept her eyes focused on the floor and shrieked when Kyle grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the couch and immediately rolled on top of her. She made short work of the clothes that were a barrier to what she sought. Her hands moved confidently over Lane’s flushed skin, and her mouth quickly followed, lingering on those areas that fueled Lane’s passion. Soon, they were both on the verge of orgasm again, and Kyle slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor. She pulled Lane to her and placed her legs over her shoulders. Staring at her glistening center in the bright light of day, she thought, Oh Christ, she’s beautiful.

  “Kyle, please.” Lane was terribly close and she wanted to feel Kyle’s tongue on her as she came.

  “Paybacks are hell,” Kyle said thickly.

  For a few aching seconds she withheld relief, but in the end she did not disappoint her. Lane came with an incredible force that almost knocked Kyle over. She screamed Kyle’s name and collapsed back on to the couch.

  Kyle licked every drop of Lane’s passion as she gently quieted her with her tongue. She lifted her gaze and met eyes that were bluer than any she’d ever seen. Lane was up on her elbows, watching her. Their eyes remained locked as Kyle started to move her tongue once again. She slowly licked and sucked and nibbled on the sensitive tissue, pausing only to demand, “Don’t close your eyes. Please, I want to watch your eyes when you come.”

  Lane had never been asked to do such a thing, and she was slightly embarrassed by the idea. Oh, for Christ’s sake. The woman has her mouth on you in the most intimate way. What’s to be embarrassed about? However, as she came closer and closer to the pinnacle moment, it was increasingly difficult
to keep her eyes open. She wanted to drift away in the sensations that this wonderful woman was giving her, and with her last bit of effort she focused and climaxed once again.

  Kyle was astounded as she watched Lane’s face go from pleasure to concentration and back to sheer pleasure again. As long as she lived, she knew she would never see anything more beautiful. She drew Lane into her arms.

  Lane snuggled close. “Well that answers that.”

  “What?” Kyle softly stroked her lover’s arms.

  “I thought I’d done something wrong earlier.”

  Kyle pulled back and looked directly into Lane’s eyes. “Whatever gave you that idea?” She searched her brain trying to figure out if she had missed a clue or something.

  “It’s silly, forget I mentioned it.” Lane started to get up.

  “No, you mentioned it so it must be something that bothered you. I want to know. I need to know.”

  The pleading in Kyle’s eyes gave Lane the courage she needed. “Before, in the bedroom. You just got up like you were more interested in eating than in being with me.”

  Kyle looked surprised.

  “Well, you did!”

  “I’m sorry.” Kyle laughed and drew Lane close, kissing the tip of her nose. That wasn’t my intention at all. I was teasing you. Well I was trying to tease you and I guess it backfired. The way you pounced on me, which by the way made me crazy, fogged my brain. I guess we’d better get to know each other a little bit better before I try that again.”

  “It made you crazy?” Lane’s pulse raced against her skin.

  “Oh, yes. It definitely made me crazy. Couldn’t you tell?”

  Lane blushed. “I was a little caught up in it all,” she said by way of apology.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. Now, as much as I’d like to ravish you again, I really am starving.”

  The smile Kyle gave her made Lane’s knees go weak again. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the warm embrace. Her naked body immediately missed the warmth of Kyle’s flesh. She couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Then I guess I’d better put some clothes on and feed you.”

  For the second time in a few short minutes Kyle straightened her clothes. Her panties were soaked from her excitement of being with Lane, and before she could decide whether or not to remove them or tough it out, Lane reappeared wearing thread bare sweat pants and a T-shirt cut just above her belly button. Kyle’s passion rose again, this time accompanied with a tenderness that she didn’t expect. Lane’s choice of clothes, though sexy and revealing, cast a sense of wholesome innocence that ignited in Kyle a fierce sense of wanting to protect her from the ugliness of the world. It was silly she knew. Lane had proven she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself but Kyle wanted to just the same.

  Lane couldn’t miss Kyle’s reaction. She hadn’t intended to elicit a rise in Kyle, she had simply grabbed the first thing she found in her dresser drawer. However, she did file it away for future reference.

  “Come on, hold that thought and come help me with dinner.”

  Somewhere between putting the third and fourth layer of pasta in the lasagna pan, Lane rubbed suggestively against Kyle and found herself pinned between the hard, hot body she longed for and the equally hard, but cool counter. She wrapped her arms around Kyle’s neck and held on for dear life. Kyle’s mouth and hands were everywhere at once, and she was hotter than the temperature of the oven.

  “If you want to do this properly, the lasagna takes an hour to cook,” Lane said. “We can finish up and move this to the bedroom.”

  “Are you telling me I’m not doing this properly?” Kyle slid her hand under the waistband of the sweatpants Lane had donned earlier. Her fingers found their mark and slipped easily inside before Lane had a chance to answer.

  When she did answer it was barely more than a gasp and a tightening of her arms around Kyle’s neck. “No, you’re doing it…ugh…perfectly.”

  Kyle slowly slid her fingers out and circled the tight ridge of flesh that made Lane shudder. “Do you want me to stop so you can finish making dinner?”

  She nibbled on Lane’s neck as she waited for her reply. Lane tensed and shuddered against her.

  “Yes, you can stop. I think you know I’m finished. At least for now.”

  Knowing how much Kyle desired her made her feel beautiful. The way Kyle touched her was different than the way she had ever been touched before. Yes, the mechanics were generally the same, but the emotions Kyle evoked were very different. The woman was definitely not what Lane had expected.

  Kyle reluctantly released her but still stayed close. “Next time I think I’d better eat before I come over for dinner. We’ll never get through this at the rate we’re going. And if you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to need all the strength I can get.” The craving they shared was typical of “new lust” as Kyle often referred to it, but her desire for the woman standing in front of her was very different and she still wasn’t sure exactly what it was.

  “I could say the same about you, Detective. We’d better be careful. I’d hate for someone to find us naked on the floor, dead from starvation. Why don’t you set the table and put some music on while I finish this. Maybe that will keep you out of trouble.”

  “Keep me out of trouble?” Kyle asked incredulously. “I seem to recall you were the one who jumped me the instant the door closed, and you were the one who rubbed up against me a few minutes ago. What’s a poor, defenseless girl to do?” Kyle strolled to the dining room table and held up a fork in each hand.

  Lane threw a pasta slice at her, hitting her right in the center of her chest. “You? Defenseless? Detective, you may have used that tactic on other women, but it doesn’t fly with this one.”

  “No? Somehow I really didn’t think it would.” Kyle plucked the pasta off her shirt determined to find out exactly what would convince Lane she was becoming completely defenseless when it came to her.


  “Homicide, Bain.” Kyle was distracted.

  “Detective Bain, you sound sexy when you answer the phone like that.” Lane had taken a chance that Kyle would be available to talk to her.

  Kyle smiled at the interruption and set her pencil down on the desk blotter. “No I don’t.”

  Lane laughed. “Oh, yes you do.”

  Kyle saw Travis looking at her with a knowing grin. “You must be thinking about someone else.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you, and what I’d like to do with you.”

  Lane’s voice was husky and Kyle felt her crotch instantly become damp. She turned her chair for some semblance of privacy. “Care to elaborate, Miss Connor?”

  She knew Travis was listening even though he pretended not to. But she didn’t care. He had already made his assumptions and she’d done nothing to dispel them.

  “I don’t think you really want me to do that, Detective. You might have difficulty finishing your shift, and I want to see you tonight.” Lane knew exactly what she wanted to do with Kyle that evening, and she was certain that she would get no resistance from the woman on the other end of the line.

  “Pretty sure of yourself aren’t you?”

  “Actually, yes I am, and I think you know it.” Lane was thoroughly enjoying this banter. It had been a long time since she’d had a lover, and she liked the playful moments she had with Kyle.

  “Okay, I give up. I take it from this call that we’re doing something this evening.” And if you don’t have something in mind, I certainly do.

  “Yes. I’d like you to take me to dinner. I’m in the mood for something spicy, like Thai food. Sound like something you might be interested in?”

  “Definitely. I’ll let Gretchen know. Seven o’clock?”

  “Make it six. I have plans for you after dinner.”

  Holy shit! “I’ll see you at five-thirty.”

  Kyle heard Lane’s quick intake of breath before she laughed. They said good-bye, and she tried to get back to work. Thankfully, T
ravis pulled her attention away from thoughts about Lane with a question.

  “Did you hear from the DA?”

  “No, he said he would call today with an update on Williams’ plea.” Karime Williams had confessed to the murder of his “bitch” Gloria Faulkner. She had been skimming money from him, and when he found out, he became enraged and killed her. He had absolutely no remorse about killing her other than as Gloria’s pimp, her death put a large dent in his incoming cash flow. Kyle prayed she would never become as immune to life as this man was. There was a moment during the interrogation when Kyle was tempted to smack his cavalier attitude right off his smug, pockmarked face. Williams had offered up information about a major supplier of cocaine into Los Angeles in return for a reduced sentence. Even with the deal, it was one more killer off the streets.

  “You and Lane seeing a lot of each other?”

  The change of topic caught Kyle off guard. “You know we are Travis.” Kyle looked at her partner knowing he was fishing for more specific information. She was in a good mood and decided to cut him some slack. “She’s quite a woman.”

  “I can tell. You’ve been walking around here like absolutely nothing in the world could rain on your day. I haven’t seen that look on your face in a long time.”

  “It has been a long time, hasn’t it?” Kyle admitted

  “Yes it has, and it looks good on you.” Travis replied sincerely.

  “Thanks. It feels kinda good too.” Kyle broke into a grin and threw a paperclip across the desks at her partner.

  “Amen to that sister.”


  Kyle checked her watch as she knocked on Lane’s door. She was fifteen minutes early. She was anxious and after four trips around the block she couldn’t wait any longer. She studied her reflection in the glass of the front door one more time. She’d thought of nothing but Lane for the past few days and couldn’t wait to see her again. She admitted to herself earlier that day that she couldn’t wait to get her hands on Lane again as well.


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