FIGHT Part 1

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FIGHT Part 1 Page 3

by M Dauphin

  The fight ends on TV and I switch the channel to local news. I grab my phone to have three new messages from Jase.

  Jase: Hey, you up for hanging out after work?

  Jase: Hello?

  Jase: I’m coming over if you don’t respond to me Gwynn.

  Shit. I type out a fast response so he doesn’t have to travel all the way across town to check up on me, then make my rounds checking on what few customers are still here. It’s almost midnight and I’m ready to call it a night. Just two more hours, thank God. The kids outside have left and the lights out front are illuminating the sidewalk. It’s started raining, making the sidewalks gleam from the lights. As I’m staring out the window, daydreaming about my next fight, I see a figure run through the water, splashing as he runs. Wait, I know that figure, my mind has been replaying the last time I saw it all night. That’s him. The guy from the fight out front, the one who walked out of the bar just a few hours ago. What’s he doing back here?

  I see him stop and look in the window of the bar and our eyes connect. I raise my hand to wave as he does the same. I get a smirk out of him this time, then he tucks his head under and turns away. He doesn’t go far, though, as I watch him unlock the door for the upstairs apartment and head up. What the fuck? Why is he heading up to my apartment?

  Chapter 4


  My laptop just isn’t cutting it and the kid next to me, watching these dumb ass MMA matches on his tablet is really starting to piss me off. I need to get back to my apartment and try to get my main hubs up and running, but I don’t want to risk running into her again. How long has she worked there? I swear in the last few years I have lived here, I’ve never seen her face before. Maybe she’s new, maybe she won’t work there long. I’m not sure how much I’d be able to take if she were a full time employee at the bar right below me. Hell, my dick is already getting uncomfortable as I sit here and think of her. I don’t even want to think of how bad it would be if I knew she were underneath me all night. I chuckle at my thoughts, I wish she were going to be underneath me all night.

  Maybe that’s just what I need. I’ve been sitting in this library for hours now and have done everything I can. My mind keeps going back to her, though. Gwynn. Just her name is hot. I keep thinking about the look in her eyes as they connected with mine earlier. She felt it too, but damnit I didn’t want to. I can’t feel anything, I won’t let that happen. I have lived my whole life with no problem living by my self-imposed rules. I will not give myself the chance to turn into him. I will not get involved with this girl. A quick fuck would be fan-fucking-tastic, though. No one is ruling that out. I could just imagine how her tiny ass would fit perfectly in my hands, easy to lift and grind against me. Lord, I need to stop this.

  Adjusting my pants and looking around, the library has pretty much cleared out. It is almost midnight, after all. Shit, I can’t believe I have sat here all afternoon. Did I really get any work done, or have I just wasted an afternoon thinking about that tiny redheaded vixen? Damnit! This needs to stop. All I need to do is fuck her and get her out of my system. It’s either that or never see her again. I’d be okay with that one, too, I guess. Right?

  I load up my laptop and head outside. It’s raining pretty damn hard and my dumb ass doesn’t have an umbrella. Luckily the apartment is only about three blocks away, so I won’t get too soaked if I can stay under the building awnings.

  Texas was never on my radar when I was choosing a college. Going out to California was the best option for me, but since graduating and grabbing jobs with the Savage family, I have found myself rooted pretty firmly here in the middle of this giant ass state. I’m not a cowboy, far from it actually, but Texas fits me. Big, outspoken, hot. Pretty much me to a T. I keep to myself mostly. Tatum is really the only true friend I have, but I’m good with that. Sure, I have acquaintances, but I only trust what happened in my past with him and Molly. Part of me envies the fact that he found that perfect of a match for himself in her. I know I would never be able to risk having that, though. No need to invite trouble in through the front door.

  I’m finally on my block and the rain isn’t really subsiding. The bar is still open but it doesn’t look like it’s that busy. Good, maybe it’ll be a quiet night and I can hit the sack when I get in. Sleeping off this current red headed obsession sounds like the best option right now.

  What makes me turn my head as I pass the front window of the bar is beyond me. Standing there, behind the bar, staring out the window as if she were waiting for me to walk by was my Red. My Red? Before I could ridicule myself for that outrageous thought, those hazel eyes meet mine and her face lights up. She raises her hand to wave and before I know it, my arm was raised as well and my face was contorted into the goofiest smile. What the fuck? Who took over my body and where did he come from? Stick to the plan Ed. Inside, have a drink, sleep it off. Sounds PERFECT. Then she smiles at me.

  It’s amazing what a smile can do for someone. One smile can let a person into your soul, let them see who you really are. A true smile, one that isn’t held back for any reason, shows the truth every time. This smile is showing me a truth I don’t want to see. A truth I don’t want to believe.

  I want to see this smile directed at me every day, every moment, for the rest of my life.

  Fuck. Me.

  I have to get away. Don’t look at her anymore, Eddie. Don’t talk to her, don’t go in the bar. Nothing. Just go the fuck upstairs, lock yourself in, and don’t leave until you need to. There’s too much to risk. What the fuck?! The thoughts plague me my entire walk up to my apartment. Slamming up the steps, each step matching my heartbeat pounding in my chest, I frantically get the door unlocked before dropping my keys. I’m fucking shaking, this didn’t fucking happen to Eddie FUCKING Roe. Women throw themselves at me, I’m a fucking sight to be seen....I don’t SHAKE from NERVES! She’s a female, same as any of the others I’ve fucked.

  That’s a lie, Eddie. She’s so much better than all of them combined.

  Fucking stop! Slamming the door behind me, I lock it as fast as I can and head to the fridge. Beer. No, stronger.

  Breaking out the Whiskey, I grab a glass and put it back immediately. Fuck that, I’m doing it classy tonight. I take a huge swig from the bottle and let the burn flow down as the liquid starts calming me. Typically I don’t drink it straight, and not normally by myself, but tonight is different. Tonight I’m chasing demons. Tonight I need to clear my head of all thoughts of Red.

  Red. That’s what I’ll call her. Gwynn is pretty, but Red fits her. Spunky, tough...fuck there I go again! Why won’t my heart slow down? Why did she have to fucking walk into my life? Everything was wonderful until her sexy as hell tiny ass came into the picture.

  Attempting to erase all thoughts from my head, I take a few more swigs from the bottle and lay myself out on the couch. The bed is too far away, I won’t make it if I try at this point.

  Time to black out everything and forget about her.

  What have you done to me, Red?

  Chapter 5


  The night couldn’t end fast enough. One more hour until the bar closes, but I’m ready to kick out the remaining patrons now, just so I can find out why the hell he just went upstairs.

  I’ve lived upstairs for about a year. One whole year of living above my workplace. Needless to say I don’t get out much. When the place went up for rent I couldn’t pass it up. Cheap, close to work, and perfect size for me. It meant I could get rid of my car and have an easier time saving money to get a place of my own. One I can own outright. One I will live in for years to come.

  Ever since my dad died I’ve had a hard time finding peace with things. Jase thinks it’s because I was so close to him and I never got closure. I just feel like nothing’s really true, nothing’s mine, and I am trying my hardest to get that feeling of safety back. Owning my own home would help me out dearly.

  Jase has been texting all night, wanting to get together after I finish wit
h work, but I can’t stop wondering where that guy from earlier went. I never even got his name but I can’t stop thinking about him. Going through the closing motions, I lock the door and take the register drawer to the back to get everything counted and put away for the night. I’ve had to tell Jase no three times already, and I’m expecting a call from him any minute as a last minute attempt to talk me into going out.

  True to form, my phone rings about ten minutes after his last text.

  “Yes?” I answer.

  “Come on Gwynnie, it’s the least you could do,” he begged.

  “What are you talking about, Jase? And you know I hate that nickname.” He laughs at my attempt to be tough with him, but I really do hate it.

  “I could still be with her if you wouldn’t have started something. It’s the least you could do, to go out and have a drink with me, after making me be all alone tonight.”

  I sigh, trying to calm myself before I explode on him. It isn’t my damn fault for any of it! She was cheating on him!

  “Jase, you mean to tell me you would have stayed with her, even once you found out she was cheating on you?”

  “She wasn’t cheating, he was just a friend. Hell, he may be more, now,” he grumbles. Oh boy, how to talk him down?

  “I’m sorry, Jase. She was on a date with him, she admitted to cheating on you right before she attacked me. She’s nuts man, you are better without her.”

  “Still doesn’t make it hurt less...” He sighs. “Come on, just one drink?”

  “No Jase. I’ve had a long, crazy day. I just want to go to bed. Raincheck....please?” I beg.

  “Fine, but I’m holding you to it.” He clicks the phone off and I’m left to a quiet bar.

  Time to get this place closed up and head upstairs. I click off the ‘open’ sign on my way out and triple check the lock to make sure it’s all safe for the rest of the night. Randy will be in in the morning to get everything open and I have the entire day off. Finally I’ll be able to start looking for places to move. After a year of saving, I’m pretty sure I have a good enough down payment saved up.

  I didn’t think he would be waiting at the top of the stairs or anything, but I’m still a little let down that I don’t see him on my way to my apartment. Wherever this guy went, he definitely isn’t waiting on me.

  For the first time since I’ve lived here, though, I hear a noise next door. There are only two apartments up here. Both of them are decent sizes and mirror images of the other. When I first started working here I was told that the person that lived upstairs wouldn’t be a problem, but that was it. I’ve never saw whoever it was, and when I started renting the second apartment, they told me that he was pretty much a recluse. Didn’t ever make a fuss about anything. Come to think of it, I have never seen this person’s face. It’s kind of weird, not even knowing what your neighbor looks like.

  I can’t stop my mind from wandering back to the mystery man. He showed up randomly in the middle of the almost-fight the other night and with one look I was in too deep. One look told me way too much, and now I can’t stop thinking about him. Then he showed up in the bar today and when those same eyes locked on mine I swear they were feeling the same thing I was. It’s a little unnerving, to feel such a connection with someone before even knowing their name.

  I jam my key in the lock, but attempt number one to get into my apartment fails. The entire year I’ve been here the lock has been a mystery to me. Never have I been able to figure out how to get the door unlocked without three or four tries. Taking the key out of the lock, I push it in and twist again. One more twist, and I twist way too hard apparently. The key snaps in half, leaving half of it inside the lock. Fuck! It’s after midnight in the middle of the week. The landlord isn’t going to come out to fix this tonight, shit! I wiggle the handle some more, but it isn’t budging.

  I could call Jase, but then he would want me to go out for a drink with him and I really didn’t feel like that. After his ex’s revelation to me the other night, I also don’t feel like having a sleepover at his place, either. Jase isn’t that bad of a guy, but I’m not into him like that and I’d hate to give him the wrong impression.

  Sighing I walk across the hall and hold my arm up to knock. They have to have a key, our locks were Stone Age old, I’m sure the landlord just put the same ones in figuring it didn’t matter. I can see him doing that, cheap ass.

  I knock lightly at first, but there’s no answer and I really don’t want to have to resort to Jase tonight. I knock louder and louder, finally slamming against the door, praying that someone is inside to help me.

  “Come on come on...” I whine against the door and keep rapping on the old, cracked wood. I hear a loud crash, then a few choice curse words. I back away from the door as I hear the lock clicking open.

  “What the fuck do...” he stops mid-sentence when his eyes connect with mine.

  “SHIT, are you serious!?” I yell as I turn to stomp down the stairs, taking off to god-knows-where. Why does this have to be happening to me?! The recluse tenant in the apartment next to me is HIM!? I need to get away, he can’t be my neighbor. I had a hard time not thinking about him on a normal day, now knowing that he’s holed up in there, all alone, is going to drive me insane!

  I hit the pavement outside, rain still coming down, and realize that my purse is still up by my door, my key is still broken inside the door, and running away from him made me seem like a bat shit crazy loon. Great. What else can go wrong tonight? I take a deep breath and let the rain soak my face, cooling my burning hot cheeks and slowing my heart rate to a normal beat.

  “What are you doing Gwynn?!” I hear Jase yell from down the block. What the fuck?

  “I could be asking you the same thing. What are you doing here?” The places he wanted to go to were well across town. This isn’t his neck of the woods, and he has no other friends that live around here for all I know.

  “You sounded weird...I was coming to check up on you. You seem to have lost your mind, though, standing out here in the rain.”

  I sigh and tell him about my key, leaving out the incredibly hot next door neighbor that I just learned about. If what his ex said is true, Jase wouldn’t take well to me living next door to someone that’s an eleven on a scale of ten. Especially when I’d put Jase at an eight.

  “Just come home with me tonight. We can get this all fixed in the morning.” We. He always says ‘we’ when referring to something that I have to do. It irked me tonight, though. I don’t want to be around him, not until we’ve time to talk about what was said to me that night. I don’t want him to have feelings for me, he’s one of my only close friends that know what happened that night. I can’t lose him.

  “Nah, I have a neighbor with a key. Just had a shitty night at work, low tips, and then this. Just needed a breather, but I should get back in there so I can get my key out of my lock.”

  Lies. They were all lies. I just have a weird feeling around Jase tonight. There’s no reason that he should have been walking the streets of my neighborhood this late at night. Even if he were really coming to check on me, he would have drove right?

  A few more times he tried talking me into coming home with him, but I really needed to stay here. He finally gave in and left, only after making me promise that I would call if I needed him. Sure, sure I’ll call you Jase. Just go away now, please.

  After he left I was left standing in the rain, getting more and more soaked as time went on. I should probably go upstairs and face my demons, right?

  Here we go.

  Chapter 6


  What was that all about? I’m still a little drunk from that whiskey, but I’m pretty damn sure my dream girl just knocked on my door and ran away. Dream girl? I must be drunk still, I don’t let myself think like that. I can’t.

  I walk out into the hallway and look around, rubbing my face to try to wake myself up. Maybe this is all a dream, I was dreaming about her right before the banging on the door started. N
o, that was real. She was real.

  I look around, taking everything in. There’s a bag, phone, and keys lying next to the door across the hall. The only other apartment up here and I thought it was empty. Hell, someone lives there? Huh, that’s interesting. I guess when you spend as much time as I do in front of a computer screen you start to miss things. I wonder how long that’s been the case.

  More importantly, what the fuck was that all about? Did she just ding and ditch? I still can’t fucking think straight, but to me it seemed like she slammed on the door hard enough to wake me out of my alcohol induced sleep, just to slam those brilliant eyes at me and run.

  So god dammed confusing!

  Walking back into my apartment I leave the door open in case she comes back. I’m not sure why, but I really need to see her again. Something just doesn’t feel right about all of this, and I won’t be able to sleep until I know what that was all about.

  Grabbing a bottle of water I sit on the couch and wait. Unsure what I’m waiting for, I sit there and let my mind wander to places it shouldn’t be wandering. Red. Her eyes stuck in my mind, the glow on her skin when she looked at me in the bar, her voice that didn’t match her physical appearance. What’s her story? Everyone has one, whether they allude to it or not, but I feel the sudden urge to get to know her more and that scares the shit out of me.


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