Spells & Magic

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Spells & Magic Page 3

by Rachel Medhurst

  “Do you know Brianna? She’s been kidnapped, can you help?”

  My words might have sounded desperate, but the blink of his eyes was slow, deliberate. He padded closer, his long narrow frame powerful as his mane brushed against my arm. If the human government found out that a shifter had changed in the middle of a London street, he would be executed immediately.

  “Please, you have to help us find her, she’s in danger.”

  A snort came from his wide nose as he went to Dave. Nudging my partner in the side, he pawed his leg.

  Dave’s eyes widened as the lion yawned, an obvious show of huge teeth to threaten my friend.

  “The phone,” Dave whispered as the lion nudged him with his head again.

  Keeping my mouth shut, I came closer to the shifter. He wasn’t getting the phone, not on my watch. Why would he need it anyway?

  My hand reached for his tail, grabbing hold of it before he had the chance to react. Pushing the magic from the ley line, into the lion, I cast a freezing spell.

  Turning his head, the lion froze just as he opened his mouth to snap at me. The bastard wasn’t getting away with trying to intimidate us... and breaking the law.

  “Good job, Gem,” Dave said, his legs peddling him backwards. “Make sure you-”

  His sentence cut off when the lion melted, changing into the man. He was naked, but a knife appeared in his hand. Thrusting it towards me, he just missed my wrist. Before I could react, he spun and ran down the street, his speed too fast for any of us to catch. Archie tried, but the shifter outran him.

  “What was that all about?” Dave asked as I grabbed his suit jacket and pulled him towards me.

  He stared at me wide eyed, his arms raised as I dug out Brianna’s phone. Ignoring him, I checked it. Very low battery. However, the last person who had called her before me was someone of great interest.

  “Any clues?”

  Looking over my shoulder, Dave gasped when he saw the name. It was no wonder the shifter wanted to get the phone.

  “I think we need to ask Helen Cambridge how she was able to call Brianna from inside prison.”

  “Yeah...” I sighed. “And, why she was contacting my best friend in the first place.”

  Chapter 3

  “Are you supposed to be here?” Helen asked as I shuffled into her cell.

  I had pulled a few strings with the on duty guard at Paranormal MI5’s holding cell. We were old buddies, both into classic 80s films. I may have brought him doughnuts and the DVD of Pretty in Pink. A romantic classic that he claimed he had never seen. That had to be rectified, of course.

  “Listen closely,” I said, lowering myself onto the stool next to the desk.

  The cell was padded, its walls reinforced with steel and vervain. Vampires couldn’t handle the plant that weakened them, so we had laced every wall with it. There was no way a powerful vampire would be able to escape, but Helen obviously had someone on the inside.

  She sat on her bed, the plush mattress a perk of being on death-row. The government wanted the paranormal creatures who were due to die to have a good memory of them, so they gave them somewhere soft to sleep and a desk where they could eat and write their goodbye letters.

  “Where’s your phone?”

  Without waiting for her to reply, I got up and started to search the cell. Her desk had a handful of stationary and a steel mug. Everything was unbreakable, most of it spelled to stay whole. No weapons, no escape.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” The vampire sneered, her canines showing.

  Even if she tried to bite me, the magic in the cell was too strong for her to fully release her vampire nature. Her teeth might hurt my skin, but they wouldn’t be sharp enough to drink my blood.

  “You called my friend Brianna two days ago. Why?”

  Showing her Brianna’s phone, I pointed out her name. I had charged it when I had returned to mine, searching for clues as to what my friend was up to. The call from Helen had lasted two minutes. Not long enough for a deep conversation but long enough to know that something had been said between them.

  Sighing, Helen fluffed her perfectly coiffed blonde hair before shaking her head. “I really don’t know what you mean.”

  “I hate to do this...” I muttered. “...No, I really do...” I added when she raised her eyebrows. “... but, please strip. I have to carry out a body search for the phone.”

  Her horrified gasp almost made me laugh. Biting my lip, I stopped myself from reacting, even though it would’ve been nice to laugh at the leader of the PFF. The bitch had killed a group of humans at a concert for no reason, she deserved to be humiliated.

  “You cannot do that! I’m not under any obligation to-”

  “Fine!” Clicking my finger, I cast a spell of disintegration.

  Helen’s squeak was accompanied by her shooting off the bed. Her prison shirt started to dissolve into ash, falling away from her. Grabbing at the fabric, she shouted at me to stop.

  Shrugging, I folded my arms across my chest. Maybe I was being a little cruel, but I didn’t have time to play. If Brianna was being held by Xvair Harvey, she was in danger. It had been two days since I had killed his son. If he was feeling particularly miffed, he might have killed her already.

  “Okay, okay!” Helen dug her hand into her bra and brought out a phone.

  Thrusting it at me, she rushed to her chair, where there was a spare shirt. Tugging it on, she wiped tears from the corner of her eyes as I flipped open the old style phone.

  “This is so humiliating! I’ll get you back!”

  Waving away her protests, I scrolled through her last calls. There were no names saved in the phone, which meant the numbers looked like gobbledygook to me. I would have to sneak the phone out of the building and get Dave to run the numbers to see who they were. Three calls had been made since Brianna’s. All the same number.

  “Where is Brianna?”

  Smoothing the white shirt over her stomach, Helen took a deep breath. “I’m not telling you anything. Unless...” The word hung in the air causing me to raise my eyebrows.


  The corner of her lip sunk into her cheek as she tried not to smile. I hadn’t spent much time with the vampire terrorist, but it looked like she was about to surprise me.

  “I’ll tell you about Xvair Harvey if you get me off death row.”

  Ah, the bargain that would be hard to refuse. And yet, I didn’t have the power to grant what she requested. Dave did however, so I would try and make her offer work for me.

  “If you give us information that leads us to Xvair, we can grant you clemency from death row.”

  Sitting on her bed, she leant back against the padded wall and crossed her legs. “I’m not sure that’s a fair deal. The man has managed to dodge you for quite some years, has he not?”

  Sucking in a breath, I sat back on the stool. If I wanted to win the game, I had to play well. The vampire wasn’t going to give over information that easily.

  “I’ll have to check with the high powers before I make anything official, but you’re right, because Xvair has managed to give us the slip, your information will come in very useful... if it is useful information, of course. You understand that I cannot just grant you your life. That’s not how this works.”

  Scratching the top of her head, she frowned at me. “Fine, I’ll tell you what I know, but I want decent recompense. You may want to reward me yourself considering I’ll be helping you personally.”

  “You will?”

  My nails dug into my palm as I prevented myself from going over to her and giving her a good shake. The woman was my enemy. Someone who wanted to disconnect me and my blood line from the ley line. That wasn’t what we were here for now, though. Although, I would sneak in a question or two about the equinox.

  “I made a deal with Xvair Harvey. I promised him that I would bring you to him. He’s ready for you. Now.”

  My feet were on the ground, my mind unable to stop their movement.
As my arms reached for Helen, she tried to scramble off the bed. My fingers wrapped around her throat before I was aware of what I was doing. Her squeak made me come to. Thrusting away from her, I left her a heap on the bed.

  “You tried to get Brianna to lead me to Lucien, didn’t you?”

  Her gaze snapped to mine as she heaved in a breath and rubbed her neck. The look was full of fury but something underneath it caught my attention. Shock.

  “Yes, yes,” she hurried out. “I did that. However, it didn’t work. My deal with Xvair still stands. He wants me to get you to him.”

  “He does?”

  Helen raked her gaze over me as I sat back on the stool. Her eyes narrowed on my face, squinting as she shook her head. “You’re supposed to be one of the most powerful agents of Paranormal MI5. However, you know nothing about your enemy. Did you not know that he has another son?”

  Rolling my eyes, I tried not to laugh at the predictability of my life. The unfolding was pretty much like the books I read. Kept in the dark until something shocked me into realising that my strength was inside me all along... Blah, blah, blah.

  “Let me guess,” I said, cracking my knuckles. “You agreed to lead me to Xvair so he can marry me off to his other son, who just so happens to come out of the woodwork as soon as Lucien dies.”

  Surging to her feet, Helen came for me. Her guttural cry echoed around the cell as she tackled me, sending me to the ground. The stool clattered loudly in my ears as I spun the vampire off me. Her long fingers wrapped around my ankle, her sharp nails digging into my skin.

  “Do you really want to do this?” I huffed as I gripped her hand, sending electric magic straight into her nerves.

  Gritting her teeth, she let me go and clasped her hand between her thighs where she laid on the floor.

  I got to my feet and looked down at her, surprised that the guard hadn’t come back to the room.

  “You’re so frustrating.” The spiteful words were followed by a smirk.

  “What do you have against the Essex witches? Why are you so determined to bring me down?”

  I had never personally known Helen Cambridge or her husband. Their vendetta against those who protected the ley lines was out of control. They were power hungry, seeking to use the magic of Mother Earth for themselves.

  “You know why. I don’t need to go into any more detail. You agents think that you’re amazing, above every creature from the underworld. You don’t see what it’s like for us out there. Reality is very different from your little cosy agency building. We’re determined to help those who cannot help themselves.”

  Slowly rising to her feet, Helen went to the bed and slumped on the edge. Her eyes were distant as she stared at the floor.

  “Do you know the whereabouts of my friend Brianna?”

  Shaking her head, Helen bit her lip as she looked at me. “No, but I do know that Xvair Harvey will do anything to get his hands on a baby conceived by you. I have no doubt that he has your friend.”

  Closing my eyes briefly, I felt into the ley line, almost jumping when the strong surge of heat tickled the soles of my feet. The bastard had a lot to answer for, and I would make him pay. I was sick of hearing his name.

  “So, you’re saying that you tried to persuade Brianna to lead me into a trap? That’s what was said on the phone call?”

  Tilting her head to the side, Helen studied me, her blonde hair bouncing slightly. “Yes, that’s exactly what happened.”

  “And the equinox. What the hell has the PFF got planned?”

  Placing my hands on my hips as I stood, I waited to hear what the vampire had to say. Fighting two enemies at the same time was not helping my cause. Especially now that I had less power. My sabbatical wasn’t hindering me as much as I had thought it would, but I still didn’t have enough access to my team.

  “Let’s just say,” Helen said quietly. “Xvair Harvey has promised us a way to untie you from the ley line. He might not be an official member of the PFF, but he certainly has the same interests as us.”

  It wasn’t a surprise to hear that the Essex witch who was determined to stay alive was making plans with a terrorist group who were determined to disconnect me from the ley line. My heart sank into my stomach as sweat lined my palms. In every book, there was a battle, a time to dig deep to find the courage to keep going.

  “You haven’t exactly given me much information,” I said, going towards the door. “I’m not sure I can grant your request.”

  The vampire was on her feet, hands clasped in front of her. “Wait please, I can help you.”

  Looking over my shoulder as I banged on the door, I raised my eyebrows. “Go on.”

  Helen’s chest moved as she inhaled, her eyes meeting mine with confidence. “Xvair Harvey will only live until midnight on the equinox if he doesn’t find a major source of magic. You, my dear, are a perfect link to what he needs to survive until your baby arrives.”

  Chapter 4

  The sound of the door opening sent a chill down my spine. Wiping my hands on my book T-shirt, I took the steps needed to meet my fate. Other people pushed and shoved, causing me to snarl in their direction.

  “I can’t believe they’re holding the first annual fantasy book convention in a church,” the girl next to me spoke excitedly to her friend.

  Forcing my way through the crowd, I slipped inside the tall shadowed building. The stained glass above the altar allowed sunlight to cast rainbows on the stone floor. The pews had been removed, making way for tables and chairs. It was quite ironic that a book festival focused on paranormal creatures was being held in an ancient church. It was no longer used for its first purpose, although most aspects still remained.

  “Tickets please,” a man asked as we filtered through security.

  Waving my hand over my dagger, I cast an invisibility spell. When they asked me to open my jacket, all they could see was the writing on my T-shirt.

  “Reading a book is the new meditation. When I read, I zen.” The guard chuckled as he waved me through. “Some of these people really make me laugh,” he told his friend.

  Had he just dissed my book world? Did he just laugh at my T-shirt? Waving my hand, I giggled to myself when the security guard’s hat flew off and landed with a thump behind him. It was an immature spell, not really making me feel any better. However, when the man looked up at me, he winked. Did he know that I was a witch?

  Leaving the entrance area, I approached the author that I was there to see. He had created a world far beyond reality. A world that would have been far better than our own. The series had got my blood pumping as I’d read it. If only I could write the tales that he did.

  “Excuse me?” A female voice got my attention.

  Glancing at the shorter woman, I licked my lips as I felt into her energy. She was an ancient witch, a seer who had given up her magic. I knew that instantly from the tattoos on her hands. A pentagram in red, crossed out with a black cross.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, digging my book out of my bag.

  Taking my free hand in hers, she closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. “I knew it! Essex...” She whispered.

  Snatching my hand away, I backtracked a step or two. Looking around, I checked that no one watched us. It was rude to approach other witches in broad daylight and make it obvious that something was different. Why did the ex-witch act so carelessly?

  “It’s okay,” she said, also checking around. “They tried to recruit me, but I wasn’t interested. I think you girls do a good job. Where would we be without you?”

  Chuckling nervously, I glanced down at my book, ready to leave the witch and get my book signed. Every one of my senses set off alarm bells in my gut. Something about the woman made me uncomfortable.

  “Thank you. We appreciate your loyalty. I must go now.”

  My awkward retreat was hindered by two human girls who glared at me when I bumped into them. The ex-witch came forward, her eyes widening when I went to turn away. “She’s trapped.”r />
  Her words made me freeze, my feet going still on the ground. More and more people were piling around us, their excitement buzzing throughout my aura. If I didn’t get away from them soon, my anxiety would start to build. The magic that poured through my veins wasn’t mine, but it was powerful enough to hurt others.

  Slowly turning, I watched the witch as she came closer, pulling something out of her pocket. Extending her hand to me, she nodded once and stuck the piece of paper into my palm. Before I could reply, she spun on her heel and hurried into the crowd.

  “I love that book,” a voice said beside me.

  He was a tall man, his bright blue eyes grazing over me as I tucked the note away. His magic pulsed from him, open and free for everyone to feel. Something about his energy made me shudder. As someone who kept my magic close, I didn’t understand when other witches or warlocks allowed themselves to be open to attack. Energy was a powerful thing, something that could easily be taken by others.

  “It is a good book.” Smiling up at him, I took a few steps towards the table where the author sat. “I’m just going to get it signed.”

  Nodding quickly, the man followed, showing me his own book. It was the exact same one. I hadn’t seen many males compared to females at book conventions, but for some reason, this certain one unnerved me.

  As we joined the queue, we looked at each other awkwardly. Why was the creepy creep being strange? He kept glancing at me, his eyes searching the room as we waited. Was he waiting for someone?

  “Your turn,” he muttered when I didn’t notice the author waving me forward.

  Fumbling with my bag and my book, I went to sit on the chair opposite the man who had written a wonderful story. He smiled at me, his bushy eyebrows pulled low over his handsome face.

  “Thank you for seeing me,” I stuttered, my hands shaking as I placed the book on the table.

  Smiling broadly, he took the book and nodded at me. “Thank you for coming to see me. I love meeting my readers and by the looks of your T-shirt, I can tell that you’re dedicated to the art of writing.”


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