Spells & Magic

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Spells & Magic Page 5

by Rachel Medhurst

  Going over, I watched as he pulled out a piece of paper that was tucked in my familiar’s collar. Unfolding it, he held it up for us both to read.

  No matter how hard you try to run, I will always find a way to get to you. You must repay your father's debt.

  Dropping the note, Dave clenched his hands and thrust away from the table, a snarl lifting his lips.

  My shoulders slumped as I stroked Smudge's tail. It was the only part of her that wasn't covered in blood. How could someone be so cruel?

  “I sure hope the ancestors help to reconnect you to their magic without Smudge. Your connection to your familiar helped you to control the power you had, using her as a conduit, but you must be able to do this...” Rubbing his hands over his face, Dave winced. “...You have to beat this bastard and come back to life. I can't... I can't be an agent without you. I can't be...” He paused as his gaze clashed with mine when I turned away from Smudge. “... without you.”

  Blinking as tears came to my eyes, I shook my head. “I... I've never allowed anyone to get close, but somehow, you... my bloody desk friend, you've...”

  I couldn't say anymore. My breath hitched in my throat, closing it as he took two steps towards me, clasped my face in his hands and bent to kiss me again. He walked me out of the kitchen as we kissed, his steps long as I trotted backwards, trying not to trip up. My arms were around him as he dragged me to the living room.

  Once inside, he closed the door without taking his mouth from mine. I giggled when his fingers stroked my bare stomach. I had completely forgotten that I was half naked.

  “Are you sure?” Dave whispered, pulling away long enough to look into my eyes.

  Taking hold of his jeans, I tugged him towards me, lowering onto the sofa. He bit his lip as I invited him to join me. Nodding, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off. His rock hard muscles were covered in soft skin as I traced my hand down his chest.

  “I never let anyone in,” I said quietly. “... but I trust you.”

  His hands were in my hair as he kissed my forehead, my cheek and the tip of my nose. “You can trust me, I... I've fallen in love with you, and I promise to take care of you. No matter what happens, I'll find a way to make your world safe so you can come back to life.”

  “Dave,” I whispered, my breath shaky. “I think I love you, too.”

  Chapter 6

  “Hello?” I barked into the phone as I marched down the busy street.

  London was bustling, the main road packed with tourists as I navigated the pavement.

  Dave had taken the note from the night before, determined to bribe our handwriting expert at Paranormal MI5. The man's skills at graphology would help us to confirm that Xvair had sent the note. It was obvious, considering he was the one who had made a bet with my father, but protocol meant that we... well, Dave and the team... had to run it as evidence.

  “Gemma, I've got some interesting information,” Archie Roberts replied.

  Determined to get to the Hunted Witch Agency's building before rush hour, I skipped through a group of people who were taking pictures of the Thames.

  My backpack was heavy, the weight of my familiar a stark reminder of the day before.

  Dave and I had agreed that we were officially dating, having spent the night together, but now I had to get back to business. My heart skipped in my chest as I remembered his lips on mine. My desk friend had turned into my lover and real life partner. It wasn't something I had ever imagined would happen.

  And yet, the grief at losing my familiar raged heavily within me, churning my stomach and turning my happiness into sorrow.

  “Hello?” Archie called down the phone.

  Emotions mixed within me, their power turning me into a confused witch. My strength had returned after a good sleep, my connection a lot stronger. The ancestors had probably realised what had happened and helped to give me back my magic.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I'm surrounded by people who don't know how to-”

  Someone bumped into me, apologising when I growled low in my throat. Didn't they know that introverted witches were not the tourist type?

  A library in any ancient city would be my idea of heaven, but the filled streets of London wasn't my idea of fun.

  “Brianna's ex, do you know him?”

  “The human?” I replied, ducking down a side street towards the water's edge.

  The stone walls of buildings rose up around me, some modern, some older. The quiet descended as I left behind the traffic and crowds. Turning onto the walkway, I inhaled a deep breath as a cool breeze moved my hair. The old stone brickwork of the Hunted Witch building came into view, calming my nerves.

  “Yes,” Archie went on. “When we left her house the other day, I checked the street for CCTV. There was one camera, two doors down, so I bribed them-”

  “Don't tell me, it's against the law,” I interrupted. “I don't want to have to arrest you.”

  Chuckling, Archie cleared his throat. “I hate to say it, bookworm, but you don't have that power anymore.”

  Ugh, the man was intolerable sometimes. It was ironic that we were very similar, and yet, there was no attraction there. Dave on the other hand, he was solid and simple, a man with integrity. Witch won over vampire, hands down.

  “Anyway...” Swinging my bag off my back, I banged the knocker on the Witch Agency door. “...hurry up, I've got something to do.”

  “I've got the tapes here. On the night before you defeated Lucien Harvey, Brianna's ex-boyfriend is seen dragging her along the road.”

  Pausing in my attempt at trying to see through the peephole of the thick wooden door, I clenched my phone in my hand. “Ah, now that's interesting to know. Maybe I need to pay him a little visit. I'd like to know how a human can control a vampire.”

  “I figured you could use your powers as an agent to find out where he works or lives. I’ve only met him once, so I don't even remember his name, just his face.”

  Smiling when Devon's eye appeared in the hole, I hurried my reply. “I'll do my thing and keep you updated!”

  My phone was back in my pocket by the time Devon answered the door. Pulling me inside, she gave me an awkward hug, her hand patting my back. I had called to ask if they would carry out tests on Smudge to see who had killed her. I had no doubt that Xvair had planned the killing, but he was a fragile old man, he wouldn't have acted alone.

  “How are you?”

  My usually snarky cousin gripped my hand in hers, her eyes full of sadness. Most witches had a familiar so they would know how traumatic Smudge’s loss was for me. A pang clenched my chest as I shook my head and handed the backpack to Devon. I didn’t need to explain what it was, she knew.

  “I don't know what I would do if I lost Kingsley. That rat is my life... he even comes before this job and Gerard. No partner would ever come between my rat and me.”

  Gesturing for me to follow, Devon started towards the lab. I could see the others through the window in the door, going about their daily routine of trying to find rogue witches. The Hunted Witch Agency had gone from strength to strength recently. Maybe I could apply for a job if I never went back to Paranormal MI5. Not that I would leave the MI5, my job as ley line protector was too important for me to have that amount of freedom. My mother would never allow it.

  “I-I...” Stuttering, I licked my lips when Devon paused in the hallway. “Can I leave you to do it? I've got a lead to follow.”

  “I thought you were on sabbatical?”

  Smiling briefly, I shrugged. “Would you take a rest if someone was out to get you impregnated by a stranger?”

  Her eyes widened as she cradled the bag gently to her chest. “I'll take good care of her.”

  Nodding, I turned and left before I was tempted to snatch Smudge back. It was the last time I would see her before she was cremated. Devon would return her ashes to me, but the thought of not having my furry friend as a constant companion made tears fall from my cheeks as I closed the agency door behin
d me and moved to sit on a bench beside the river.

  My phone was clamped in my hand as I searched for the most recent picture I'd taken of Smudge. She looked bored, her eyes staring straight ahead as I tried to get her to pose with me. She wasn't one for photos, much like her witch. We had been very similar, and yet, I hadn't noticed it before.

  Dialling Dave, I waited for him to pick up. He had left for the office this morning, a grin emerging as he waved goodbye and got in his car.

  My heart beat faster as his voice greeted me down the phone. Would he treat me differently? Would he regret spending the night?

  “Hello, gorgeous, how are you feeling?”

  Clearing my throat as my gaze traced the lapping water against the stone wall of the Thames, I tried not to smile too broadly. “Confused.”

  “Confused?” His voice grew concerned.

  “Trying to grieve for Smudge at the same time as falling in love with my desk friend isn't that easy. Am I supposed to be sad or happy?”

  “Where are you? I need to see you. These arms need filling so you have the space to be both.”

  Taking a deep breath, I tried not to preen. All my book boyfriends were as handsome as Dave. They were strong kind men who wanted to take care of their women and save the world in one go.

  Sitting back, I closed my eyes and felt the sun stroke my face. “I'm outside the Hunted Witch building. I need you to do me a sneaky favour.”

  “What's that?” he replied with no hesitation.

  Telling him about Brianna's ex-boyfriend, I explained that I needed his details. I remembered that his name was Finlay Harrington. That was all I knew.

  Dave could conjure up information on basically no information. He was a genius with technology, which was why MI5 wanted him stuck behind a desk. His mad search skills were detrimental to our team.

  “How's the others?” I asked him as he did his search from the office.

  I missed the office a lot less than I had imagined I would. It had only been a mere few days, but I was so used to being in the MI5 building, it was strange to not constantly worry about rushing back to write up the case files. It was a nice feeling to have a small load off my shoulders.

  “Jake is currently shifting through CCTV of your house to see who attacked Smudge.”

  Frowning, I glanced around me when a bird cawed loudly. “I have CCTV?”

  “No,” Dave said quietly. “I do. My place is opposite yours and when Lucien broke in, I decided it was best to add it. Your barrier spells are strong, yes, but I figured that CCTV would help put my mind at ease.”

  “Don't tell me you’ve watched my house night and day, you weird stalker.”

  His small chuckle ran into my ear, the deep tone almost making me shiver. I pictured him sitting at his desk, his back straight, and his fingers typing on the keyboard, too quick for me to see what he was writing.

  “I'm hoping we'll have a hit on it soon,” Dave said, ignoring my remark about stalking. “Bingo. I've got a match for Finlay Harrington. Sending you the details now. He works at London Dungeons.”

  My phone beeped in my ear as I thanked him. I'd been forced to leave my tablet at work. Being allowed access to the database while on sabbatical hadn't been part of my mother's plan, which was a little frustrating.

  “How bloody ironic considering he dated a vampire,” I said, ready to sign off. “I'm going to head over there now. I need to have a little chat with our friend.”

  “Not on your own, you're not.” Dave's tone was stern. “We'll meet you there.”

  “You will?”

  That wasn't possible. My mother would kick the whole lot of them out of MI5. They couldn't risk their jobs for me, that was crazy. Although, all three of them were a little mad. They worked for me, after all.

  “Jake's just shown me a picture of the guy who butchered Smudge,” Dave said through gritted teeth. “It's the same man.”

  My hand started to shake as I got to my feet.

  A man and woman who had been walking down the sidewalk spotted me, their eyes widening when they studied my face. They were witches, I could smell their magic. It wasn't as pure as it should be, but there was nothing untoward about them. Why were they staring at me?

  “That's her!” the woman said, shoving the man towards me.

  Oh yeah, the PFF had put a bounty on my head, bastards. I had been so wrapped up in losing Smudge, I had completely forgotten about the fight in the bathroom at the book convention.

  My whole body went cold as I stared at the witches now in front of me. How dare they threaten an agent from Paranormal MI5?

  “I've got to go,” I muttered to Dave as the pair approached. “Meet me there as soon as you can.”

  Linking into the ley line, I pulled magic into me, the tingling sending a shiver through me. I hated to run from a fight, but I had business to attend to.

  “You do know that I'm an Essex witch?” I called when the man broke into a run towards me.

  Ignoring me, he stretched his arms out, about to conjure a spell.

  Closing my eyes, I let my head drop back and imagined myself outside London Dungeons. Wind rushed around me, the cool breeze brushing against my bare arms. I hadn't worn a book T-shirt today, instead going for a plain one. Dave has asked if I was unwell when I told him that I wanted to strip myself back for a few days.

  “Woah, where did you come from?” a human exclaimed.

  Opening my eyes, I smiled as I waved my hand in front of his face. “Magic,” I whispered, slipping into the crowd of people who made their way across the road.

  “You weren't about to go in without us, were you?” Jake's throaty voice said in my ear.

  Jolting, I almost gripped his arm and threw him to the ground. As it was, my hand was on my dagger handle under my shirt. The shifter should have known that I was on edge.

  “It's me!” Holding up his hands when I scowled at him, he trotted alongside me.

  The others joined us, their expressions ready for action. I had to smile to myself when Dave nodded in my direction. We had promised to keep our romance from the others until we had got rid of Xvair Harvey. Dave was already a target for the witch, but if anyone found out that I had a boyfriend - Woah, that sounded strange, even in my head - they would use that as leverage against me.

  “Gemma?” Kate took my arm, guiding me to the edge of the pavement. “We’ve missed you!”

  Throwing her arms around me, she squeezed tightly. I hugged her back, accepting the seer’s comfort.

  Gasping suddenly, she pulled out of my embrace, her eyes wide. Oh boy, had she just seen what had happened between Dave and I?

  “I've just seen Smudge... the poor thing. I'm so sorry!”

  Tears laced her eyes, the liquid making her big brown irises swim. Her dark skin was tinged with red, but I had no way of telling what she had seen. Hopefully, I hadn't been too open with my thoughts or history. I always forgot to stay on guard around my friend. She was a powerful seer who had the power to solve cases on her own.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, gesturing to the entrance of the dungeons. “We must get on. Finlay Harrington needs castrating.”

  Brushing his fingers along my arm, Dave stood beside me. “I think it might be worth it if-”

  “No, I'll do the talking,” I interrupted him, knowing full well why he wouldn't want me to talk to the human.

  I couldn't say that I wouldn't hurt him. Why should I pretend that I didn't want to rip the man's head off? He had taken my best friend somewhere before killing my familiar. He had to pay.

  Glancing at Dave, I gave him the chance to agree or disagree. He nodded, gesturing for me to go ahead of them.

  “I've told the others about the bounty, they're going to look out for witches who want to harm you.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled at him in thanks. Having my team behind me made me feel better. It had been strange without them, even though it had only been a few days.

  Every one of our missions had been danger
ous but with such a personal threat, I could understand why my mother didn't want me to be part of the team. It seemed that Xvair Harvey would do anything to get to me and so would the PFF. The equinox was only a few days away. If they needed me for some ritual, I would make sure they were taken down by then.

  “Four tickets please,” I asked the attendant, who handed them over without lifting his eyes from the kiosk computer.

  Paying, I quickly thrust my way through the crowd who gathered to see the first spectacle. Another attendant waited by some gruesome display, her hands fidgeting with her phone under her jacket.

  “Excuse me,” I asked, startling her.

  When she glanced up, she eyed all four of us, her young face pulling into a frown. “How can I help?”

  Not bothering to release the phone in her pocket, she watched me, a fake smile plastered on her face.

  She was a human girl, young and innocent, and yet, I couldn't help but feel into her aura. There was a slight energy of murkiness but nothing unusual for teen angst.

  “Please could you tell me where Finlay Harrington is working today?”

  Forehead creasing, the girl looked towards the entrance. Her cheek moved as she chewed on the inside of it, her gaze avoiding mine.

  “He's an axe murderer on the other side of the boat ride, you'll find him about to have his head chopped off.” Finally tucking her phone away, she moved past us. “I'm sorry, I can't give you any more than that.”

  As she scuttled off, we descended into the building, the darkness almost overwhelming us.

  Tourists chattered among themselves as they prepared to be scared. My mother had taken me to the dungeons when I was a child. It was an attempt to hone my senses and desensitize me to death and fear. It had worked quite well.

  “This is creepy,” Kate whispered as we went into the medieval lift.

  I focused on the bars in front of my face as we were lowered further into the building. This wasn't the easiest place to escape if there was any trouble. Dave had obviously used stolen magic to flash them all to the dungeons, so hopefully we could just disappear if we encountered any trouble.


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