The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4) Page 12

by J W Murison

  The whole assembly burst out laughing. ‘No Mr President, you are here because I devised this whole thing. It wasn’t the Albany Colonel who ordered the storming of the Sir William Wallace and the arrest of its Captain. It was me. You see, to become a full member of the federation, it isn’t just the men who serve under you who are tested, but also the people in command. I have to say you have passed the test with flying colours. A Human saying I believe.

  ‘The Albany Colonel in question did not lose his father in the war with your people. His grandfather came to my planet as a political refugee many years ago, and their family has served mine ever since. The Colonel is in fact a great personal friend of mine and I would appreciate his return intact. I ordered him to tell your people that to put them under pressure, to see how they would react to him. Your trial as a race has not only begun Mr President, it is well underway. So far, your people and yourself have exceeded expectations. Congratulations. I believe it is customary for Humans to clap hands in situations like this.’

  He began to clap and within a few seconds the whole assembly followed suit. The President felt a great relief wash over him. He looked over at the Modloch representative who was howling with laughter and clapping at the same time.

  Emperor Ne´ Langus lifted a hand and the assembly quietened. ‘Mr Montgomery, all amenities will be restored to the Sir William Wallace presently. Please convey that to your people as soon as possible. Withdraw your fleet with the Modloch fleet if you please. I am heading over there very soon and will apologise to Captain Wilson personally for the trial I put her through. You will receive the first evaluation report on your people in the next week or so. I know there has been some difficulties integrating your forces into ours, however these difficulties are being addressed. You and your people are doing well Mr Montgomery. I look forward to seeing what you and your people achieve with the Ortea.’

  He inclined his head and the whole assembly stood as he took his leave.

  Chapter 23

  It had been a hectic few weeks by the time they picked up Cookie, Mya and Charlie. They undocked from the Sir William Wallace and headed towards the Ortea home world. Steven interviewed Cookie and Mya first. They found the time they had spent there quite stressful. Mya blamed herself for getting the Modloch involved, but was furious when she discovered it was a test of Human resolve.

  When Charlie came in for his interview Steven asked him to sit.

  ‘When did you know Charlie?’

  ‘I found out about a second before I snapped the Albany’s neck.’

  Steven shook his head, ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

  ‘What good would it have done?’

  ‘A lot of good. I could have informed the President.’

  ‘What would you have told him Stevie? “Don’t worry about it, it’s just a game, one of my men can read minds”? You did your bit; the President did his bit. Everyone played their part and it turned out fine. Using my abilities in a life and death situation is one thing Stevie. Using them to get the better of a game aimed at people way above my station in life is another thing. This is one game you won’t win anything by cheating in.’

  Steven shook his head. ‘So how did things go with Captain Wilson?’

  ‘They didn’t. After the incident, she deemed it wise to stay as far apart as possible from each other. I was put in a room with Cookie. Mya was put up in the women’s block. I only saw her a couple of times after that. The crew blamed me for the whole damn thing, so I took great pleasure in beasting the shit out of them.’

  ‘You were put to training were you?’

  ‘Cookie and me both. She was as mad as hell when she found out it was a put-up job though.’

  ‘I bet she was. Anyway, I need you to get on the computer and try to find out as much as you can about these Ortea. We have a meeting a week from today and I want to know as much about them as possible.’

  Charlie stood, ‘I’ll get right on it.’

  Jeb was the only one in the office, as they had nicknamed it, when Charlie arrived.

  ‘Hey Jeb, how’s it hanging?’

  ‘Hey Charlie, glad to have you back. How did it go?’

  ‘It didn’t. Still, I got a few weeks busting the asses of green recruits.’

  Jeb yawned, ‘Hell, at least you had some fun.’

  ‘How are things between you and Lady Jane?’

  Jeb grinned, ‘She is still busting my balls because you invited me onto the team. We got a new member on the team though.’


  ‘Some Jap chick sent from Komoru. She knows something about algorithms. Does that mean anything to you?’

  ‘Not a thing.’

  Jeb shrugged, ‘Me neither.’

  They didn’t have long to wait until Lady Jane appeared with the new arrival. By then the two old soldiers were drinking coffee with their feet up on the nearest table.

  She saw them and sighed loudly. ‘Really gentlemen. That is very uncouth, as well as rude.’

  ‘What is?’ Jeb asked.

  ‘Tables are not for feet.’

  ‘Ain’t it just like a woman Charlie; can’t see a man get comfy at all. Always got some acid spit sitting on their tongue, ready to disrupt a man’s peace.’

  ‘Don’t know what she’s busting my chops for Jeb, it’s you two who are damn near a married couple.’

  They both shot Charlie a disapproving look. ‘Will you or will I, Sergeant?’ Lady Jane spat across the room.

  ‘Yeah, I got this one Lady. What the hell do you mean by that Charlie?’

  ‘Well she nags you like an old wife and you moan like an old husband. You think alike now. Look at the pair of you having a go at me, she even did the wifely thing and let you take the lead. It’s so cute, I just wish you pair would start bumping uglies to take the edge off a little.’

  Jeb’s jaw fell open. Lady Jane did finally find her voice. ‘Preposterous. It is so obvious you were raised through the ranks Captain Murison. Your behaviour, manner and speech is unbecoming.’

  ‘Oh do shut up Jane, and introduce our new member will you, before she faints from holding her breath.’

  There was a gasp of surprise from the young woman at her side.

  Jane turned to her companion, ‘I am so sorry Himari. I did warn you about their behaviour though. I just hope you can cope with it. I am not sure how I can at times.’

  ‘Oh forget it,’ Charlie interrupted. ‘I’m Charlie, this is Jeb. I am in command of this section. Now, who are you?’

  She bowed low, ‘I am Lieutenant Himari Watanabe of the Earth Defence Force Intelligence Services. I have a master’s degree in programing. My speciality is search algorithms and data mining.’

  Charlie felt his ire rise. ‘You’re a spook!’

  She looked shocked at the term, ‘You mean, am I a spy? No; merely a data analyst. I am a member of Komoru’s crew. If you are questioning my loyalties, they lie there. I am a second cousin of Komoru’s. She was like a big sister to me as we were growing up.’

  ‘When did your career with the intelligence services begin?’

  ‘At university, we were led into working for the government unwittingly. I did not like some of the things I was being asked to do. As soon as I graduated, I joined the Earth Defence Force. After my initial training I was sent to the intelligence wing against my wishes. I sent a desperate email to my cousin to help. She requested me, and I was sent out.’

  ‘Now you are going to be doing exactly the same thing again.’

  ‘No, I believe this is different.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘This unit has been devised to try and keep the Ambassadors alive. That is different to what I was being made to do. I want to do this.’

  ‘You are still a member of the intelligence corps though, aren’t you?’

  ‘Komoru is trying to make me a permanent member of her crew.’

  Charlie snorted, ‘You will be lucky, especially if you are any good. Once those bastards get their cla
ws into you they don’t let go very easily.’

  Himari gasped at his words, it was the first time she had heard someone swear since she had come on board.

  She bowed low. ‘Please accept me as a member of your team. I am very good at what I do. Some say I was the best. Komoru told me that you may have difficulty accepting me because of your history, but I really want to serve with you. Please, I have no loyalty to the intelligence service.’

  ‘I accept that you are being genuine Himari, what I find amusing is that you actually believe that you have a choice of loyalties. Have you been warned about my special abilities?’

  ‘Komoru has told me that you can read people like a book, that your body language reading capabilities are unrivalled. That I cannot lie to you.’

  Charlie seemed to be thinking things over. In fact, he was searching her thoughts.

  ‘Let me make something clear to you right now, Himari Watanabe. The intelligence services have tried to recruit me twice, and I had both of their operatives arrested. The moment they discover that you are working with me, they will try and recruit me through you. They will simply order you to do so. If you refuse, they will threaten or blackmail you into trying. On the day that happens, if you do not tell me immediately about it, I will kill you. Am I making myself understood?’

  She had paled a little, ‘Yes perfectly.’

  ‘Good god Charlie!’ Lady Jane spluttered.

  ‘Was that necessary Charlie?’ Jeb protested.

  ‘Oh look, the old married couple in perfect harmony.’

  They passed a shocked look. Himari stepped forward. ‘I understand where the Captain is coming from. I can live with that. Please!’

  ‘As far as I am concerned she already knows far too much about me. Were you asked to keep an eye out for me by any chance?’

  Himari hesitated, but only for a second. ‘One of the last instructions I was given was to look out for you and report back anything strange I heard.’

  ‘Have you done so?’


  ‘Have you prepared a report?’


  ‘You are lying.’

  Himari smiled, ‘I am sorry. I was just testing you. Yes, I have prepared a report, but found it unbelievable.’

  ‘Why haven’t you sent it?’

  ‘I simply didn’t want to.’

  ‘You will change that report and simply say that the officer in question is little more than a common soldier with no special abilities. The Modloch Emperor likes him because he can tell good stories and serves a nice cup of tea. Say you have researched the Captain’s knowledge and he likes to tell stories about his country, and the warrior race he believes he is descended from. However, his grasp of history is farcical at best, and has more to do with his imagination than actual history. He seems to be a figure of amusement in the royal palace according to some sources. He has taken an immediate dislike to you and shuns you at every opportunity. Recommend that you can see no value in trying to recruit this person, but let them know that you will, if requested, keep an eye on him. Make sure to say that the information he brings back from the palace is now treated with great scepticism by the Ambassadors.’

  Charlie stopped talking and watched the new girl keenly. ‘Understand?’

  She bowed again. ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Please, call me Charlie. Send it a week from now.’

  ‘I will,’ she hesitated a moment, ‘Charlie.’

  Charlie put his feet down and his empty cup onto the table. ‘It is about time we got started. Please sit down for a moment Himari, and explain what it is you are good at. What is a search algorithm?’

  You are joking, was the thought that went through Himari’s mind. A quick glance at their faces told them he wasn’t. They aren’t stupid, she told herself quietly as she sat down. Her eyes caught Charlie’s. This man isn’t stupid, far from it. Obviously, they have simply never delved into the world of computing. Where to start?

  She took a deep breath, ‘Have all of you used Google search?’ They all had. ‘An algorithm is what your question is put into. It is that algorithm that searches the web for anything connected to your search request.’

  ‘I suppose that is the simple answer for laymen?’ Charlie asked.

  She couldn’t help the smile that came across her face, ‘Yes it is.’

  ‘Good enough, but aren’t the algorithms we are using now more advanced than anything we have on Earth?’

  ‘I don’t think so. Those on board the ship are, but the databases we will be searching are not of builder design. There are regular search engines you can use, but there is also an option to build your own for data mining. Babes tells me that it is an art that has almost been lost now. The algorithms that the ambassadorial databases use are quite efficient, just like Google. She has been teaching me the language and I believe I can tailor our enquiries to make our searches more efficient.’

  ‘Okay great, enough tech stuff. We have a couple of Ambassadors to keep safe. Let’s get to work. We will team up. Himari and I will work together, Jeb and Jane work together.’

  ‘Why do I have to work with him?’ Lady Jane protested.

  ‘Because I want to see what Himari is bringing to the team. In the meantime, look for anything cultural you can find on the Ortea race. Himari, we are going to start by searching for every incident that involved a Goodwill Ambassador.’

  Chapter 24

  Charlie and the team sat with Steven and Komoru. Charlie began the briefing.

  ‘Okay, we have searched every archive that we could gain access to and have discovered virtually nothing that could be of any use to you at all. The Ortea, as you know, are a race that lives primarily underground. As you also already know, almost two thousand years ago a race that no longer exists, called the Dent, tried to colonise the planet. They gassed what they thought was a primitive civilisation and then began to terraform the planet. In the process they landed somewhere in the region of a thousand ships full of colonists, whole families. It wasn’t so automated back in the day.

  ‘They didn’t expect armies of Ortea to appear. The Ortea captured most of the colonists, simply because they were not armed. A few Dent ships, little more than a dozen, got away. The ships were owned by a large company, the biggest on their home world, and of course their economy collapsed. The Ortea were far more technically advanced than anyone realised. Among the ships captured were those that initially attacked the planet, and they still had some of the nerve agent on board. The Ortea quickly got the hang of the ships and dumped what chemicals were left on the Dent’s home world.

  ‘That killed millions, but was not responsible for wiping the Dent out. The Ortea also landed and captured thousands more. About two hundred years later the Dent were wiped out by another race. That race now controls the whole area, and their leader, their Emperor, is the guy who is in charge of the federation’s armed forces, and defences.’

  ‘Emperor Ne´ Langus,’ Steven supplied.

  ‘Correct. It may be prudent at this time to mention one more thing about the Dent. If there are any remaining, then they will be on the Ortea’s home world.’

  ‘That’s a good point Charlie. Why were they wiped out by Emperor Ne´ Langus’ people?’

  ‘Because they were weak, they had never recovered fully from the Ortea attack. Every time they attacked the Ortea, the Ortea reciprocated, they became pirates if you will. They raided the planet almost at will, but not only that planet. It wasn’t long before the Ortea discovered other races, and they took to the Ortea in the same way as the Dent did. A war broke out that was to last two thousand years. Those were the days before the great federation. What existed then was a loose alliance of planets that the Dent were a part of, however, it did not protect the Dent. You have to remember that these are not green activists Komoru. Just because they eat grass, does not make them pleasant or unwarlike. In fact, the more I learn, the more territorial they seem to become.’

  ‘That is something tha
t Steven and I have discussed at great length Charlie. You are correct, they are far more aggressive than one would have expected a race of herbivores to be. So, Emperor Ne´ Langus’ people simply wiped them out because they were weak.’

  ‘That may be exactly the reason, but there may also be more to it.’

  ‘I have heard about this before.’ Steven admitted. ‘I think it was your good friend the engineer who once told me that a race without a home planet doesn’t last very long, even within the federation. They are often hunted down to extinction levels.’

  ‘I don’t understand… why would they do that?’ Komoru admitted.

  ‘I’m at a loss there too.’ Confessed Steven.

  Charlie had a stab at it. ‘Look at the natural world on our own planet. When an alien species is introduced into an ecosystem it often takes over, killing whatever species was there first. Take the Dodo bird. Rats were introduced to the islands and the rats ate all of their eggs.’

  ‘Not quite the same Charlie.’ Steven pointed out.

  ‘Of course it is. Red squirrel versus grey squirrel. Every place the grey squirrel gained a foothold in red squirrel territory, it resulted in the extinction of the red squirrel in those places. Same thing as this. So they are aliens flying a spaceship? Whose to stop another race taking over the ship and killing the crew, simply because they have no one to turn to? I have researched this. It’s like the land grabs back in the day, or the empire building of European countries. How many tribes were wiped out by the white men in America? How many by the white men in Africa? If you are the weaker, eventually you will pay the ultimate price.’

  ‘It wasn’t just the white men you know,’ Lady Jane interjected. ‘Many of the black tribes did exactly the same thing before the white men arrived.’

  ‘You are absolutely right. The point I am trying to make is: it isn’t just Humanity that is guilty of this, it seems to be a natural phenomenon that crosses all races, and all boundaries. Why shouldn’t these people be just as guilty of it?’


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